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Patient perceptions of FMT acceptibility
Supplementary: Research Instrument
If you are at least 18 years old and have a working
knowledge of English, please consider filling out this
Patient perceptions of FMT acceptibility
Thank you for participating in our study.
This is a research project designed to study the attitudes
of patients to a certain medical therapy offered by
The survey is completely optional, and is anonymous.
Choosing to participate in the survey in no way affects
your relationship with your doctor, the medical center, or
any care you will receive.
Feel free to leave any questions blank that may cause
you anxiety or stress.
If you have any questions feel free to ask the staff.
Patient perceptions of FMT acceptibility
1. What is your age? ____
2. What is your primary language?
Chinese or Chinese dialects 
Haitian Creole 
If other, please specify __________________
3. Gender: Male 
Female 
4. What is your current marital status?
5. Do you have any children?
Yes 
No 
6. What is your racial background?
Black or African American
If mixed/other, please specify_______________
7. Are you Hispanic or Latino (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican,
South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race)?
Yes, Hispanic or Latino
No, not Hispanic or Latino
8. Please select highest level of school completed:
Less than high school
High school graduate
Vocational school
Graduate School
Patient perceptions of FMT acceptibility
9. Have you ever worked as a (check all that apply):
Other licensed healthcare professional (nurse, dentist, etc.)
Non-licensed allied health assistant (home health aide, etc.)
Scientist or researcher
None of the above
10. What is your employment status (check all that apply)?
Unable to work/disabled
11. What is your total household income?
Less than $25,000
$25,000 to $49,999
$50,000 to $74,999
$75,000 to $99,999
$100,000 or more
12. What is your current living situation?
Living independently or with spouse/partner
Living at home with assistance (professional or family)
Skilled nursing facility (i.e. nursing home) or assisted living 
13. Do you take or have you taken any herbal medications (For example:. St. John’s
Wort, Ginkgo biloba, Chinese herbals, Echinacea, Valerian, Saw Palmetto, etc.)?
Yes 
No 
14. Have you ever tried any of the following alternative therapies (Select all
Ayurvedic medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine 
None of the above
If other, please list______________
Patient perceptions of FMT acceptibility
15. How many bowel movements do you typically have in a day?
16. Have you ever or are you currently taking a product labeled as a probiotic?
Yes 
No 
If yes, please answer the following questions. Otherwise skip to question 16:
a. When did you take the probiotics (check all that apply)?
Within the past 6 months
2-5 years ago
6 months to 1-year ago
6-10 years ago
1-2 years ago
10+ years ago
b. Why did you take the probiotics? (check all that apply)
To treat diarrhea
To treat abdominal discomfort
To treat constipation
To promote overall health
If other, please specify____________
c. What formulation of probiotics have you used (check all that apply)?
Yogurt (i.e Activia, Danactive)
If other, please specify____________
17. Have you ever been treated for chronic diarrhea (Episode of loose stools lasting four
weeks or longer)?
Yes 
No 
If yes, then please answer the following questions. Otherwise, skip to question 17:
a. How long did the episode of diarrhea last?
b. During the chronic diarrhea, would you ever have to wake up in the middle of the
night because of diarrhea?
Yes 
No 
c. During the chronic diarrhea, did you ever have any episodes of fecal incontinence?
Yes 
No 
d. During the chronic diarrhea, how many times would you have a bowel movement a
Patient perceptions of FMT acceptibility
e. How were you treated (Check all that apply)?
If other, please describe_______________
f. Were you cured?
Yes 
No 
18. Have you heard of Clostridium difficile (C. diff) colitis?
Yes 
No 
19. Have you ever been treated for Clostridium difficile (C. diff) colitis?
Yes 
No 
If yes, then please answer the following questions:
a. When were you treated?
Less than 6 months ago 
2-5 years ago
6 months to 2 years ago 
6-10 years ago 
b. Did you take any of the following antibiotics?
Vancomycin (Vancocin)
Metronidazole (Flagyl)
Fidaxomicin (Dificid) 
None of the above
c. Was your diarrhea cured permanently?
Yes 
No 
d. Did you ever have Clostridium difficile again?
Yes 
No 
20. Do you have a friend or relative who has been treated for Clostridium difficile (C. diff)
Yes 
No 
If yes, were they cured permanently?
Yes 
No 
Patient perceptions of FMT acceptibility
21. Have you ever been diagnosed by a physician with any of the following (Please select all
that apply)?
Gastrointestinal reflux disease
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Ulcerative Colitis
Crohn’s Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS/spastic colon)
Microscopic Colitis
Pancreatic Insufficiency
Colon Cancer
22. Please list any other medical problems:
23. Have you had any prior surgeries?
Yes 
No 
24. Have you had an intestinal surgery?
Yes 
No 
25. Have you ever had an ostomy (a surgically created connection between the intestines
and the skin, where stool is collected in a bag attached to the skin)?
Yes 
No 
26. Please list any surgeries you had and the reason for the surgery:
Please continue the survey, thank you for your
Patient perceptions of FMT acceptibility
The following are descriptions of common medical procedures performed and sometimes
recommended by gastroenterologists:
During a colonoscopy, a long, flexible tube is inserted into the rectum and a tiny camera at the
tip allows the doctor to view the inside of the colon. To prepare for the procedure, a patient
may be asked to take a strong laxative to empty the bowels. Most patients are given a sedative
or anesthesia to help them relax or sleep during the colonoscopy. The risks of the procedure
include the risks of allergy or altered vital signs with the anesthesia. There is a small (1 in
10,000) risk of bleeding, infection, or perforation (an accidental tear in the intestines) from the
Nasogastric Tube
A narrow plastic tube is passed through the nose, down the food pipe, and into the stomach.
No anesthesia is given for this procedure. There is typically some discomfort or gagging and a
small risk of pneumonia with this procedure.
Liquids are introduced into the rectum and colon through the anus. The patient must try to hold
in the liquids and not pass any stool for a few hours in order to help the therapy work. No
anesthesia is given for this procedure. There is a risk of discomfort from the procedure and a
very small risk of perforation (less than 1 in 1000).
1. Prior to this survey, have you ever had any of the following procedures? (check all that
Nasogastric tube
Clostridium difficile are bacteria that can infect the colon. This infection can cause severe
abdominal pain, diarrhea, and very rarely organ failure and death. This infection is typically
treated with two weeks of antibiotics taken by mouth. Sometimes the antibiotics will not work
at all, or will work but the infection comes back. A new therapy called stool transplant is now
available that works in a different way. It involves taking the stool of a healthy person, mixing it
with water, and placing a small amount of the mixture into the colon of a sick person. Instead
of killing the “bad” Clostridium difficile bacteria with antibiotics, a stool transplant instead is
performed to give a sick person “good” bacteria to rid them of Clostridium difficile. Donor
stools are screening to make sure there are no known infectious agents. Stool transplants are
safe and effective, although the long-term effects are still not known.
1. Prior to this survey, had you ever heard of a stool transplant?
Yes 
No 
2. If you had an infection in your colon that was causing diarrhea, would you take
Patient perceptions of FMT acceptibility
Yes 
No 
3. If you were told that your risk of dying from an infection was low (1-5%), would you
consider a stool transplant for a cure?
Yes 
No 
4. If you were told that your risk of dying from an infection was moderate (50%), would
you consider a stool transplant for a cure?
Yes 
No 
5. If you were told that your risk of dying from an infection was high (greater than 90%),
would you consider a stool transplant for a cure?
Yes 
No 
6. If your doctor recommended a stool transplant as treatment for your infection, would
you agree to one?
Yes 
No 
7. What about a stool transplant would make you not want the procedure (check all that
Transmission of disease
Do not want invasive procedure
Afraid of procedure
Do not think it would be successful 
Believe procedure is unsafe 
If other, please describe: __________________
8. If you are willing to undergo a stool transplant, please rank your preference for the
method of delivery. (1 = most preferred, 3 = least preferred)
Colonoscopy (1-2 treatments)
Enema (5-6 treatments)
Nasogastric tube (1-2 treatments)
I would not accept a stool transplant by any delivery method
Thank you for taking time to complete our survey.