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Central Georgia Technical College
Clinical Laboratory Technology Program
Clinical Practicum Worksheet #1
CLBT 2100 - Immunohematology
Student _______________________________
Clinical Affiliate _______________
Department ____________________________
Dates of rotation _______________
(Used additional sheets as necessary)
1. Which chromosome location (# 1, 2, 3, etc..) are the ABO genes located?
2. Which chromosome location are the Rh genes located?
3. Define the following terms:
Allele Amorph
Codominant Genotype
Phenotype Heterozygous
Homozygous Recessive
Cis position Trans position
4. What is the terminal sugar for type A?
5. What is the terminal sugar for type B?
6. List the ABO types in order of H substance from greatest to least.
7. Why is Dolichos biflorus significant in Blood Bank?
8. Why is Bandieraea simplicifolia significant in Blood Bank?
9. Describe the Bombay phenotype.
10. List the ABO types and give the first, second, and third ABO donor blood choices.
11. List four causes of false-positive reactions in ABO forward and reverse typing.
12. If results for ABO reverse typing are unexpectedly negative, what is the next step?
13. What can cause mixed field reactions during forward ABO grouping tests?
14. According to AABB, when should a Du test be performed?
15. According to AABB, donor units that are positive for the weak D antigen should be
labeled Rh positive or Rh negative?
16. Discuss weak D testing on a DAT positive patient.
17. List the forward and reverse reactions on a patient that is type A2 positive with antiAl. What test would you perform to confirm this?
18. List the antibodies that typically react at the IS phase.
19. List the antibodies that typically react at the 37 phase.
20. List the most common antibodies that typically react at the AHG phase.
21. Distinguish between polyspecific and monospecific coombs.
22. Define dosage.
23. When is cold autoabsorption necessary?
24. When is warm autoabsorption necessary?
25. What risks are involved in performing warm autoabsorptions on recently transfused
26. List the general requirements of a blood donor?
27. Define directed donation, autologous donation, and therapeutic phlebotomy.
28. List the insignificant blood group systems.
29. What is the autoantibody found in patients with PCH (paroxysmal cold
30. Which blood system is resistant to malaria?
31. Which antibody is commonly associated with delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions
32. Which antibodies are routinely destroyed by enzymes?
33. List potentiators that may be used during the incubation phase of the antibody screen.
34. What is the DAT and when should it be performed?
35. What is an acid elution and when should it be performed?
36. What is a freeze-thaw elution arid when should it be performed?
37. Describe solid phase technology.
38. Describe gel technology.
39. What is HDN?
40, When should Rhig be given?
41. List the storage requirements and expiration dates for the following:
Frozen RBCs
Irradiated RBCs
Random Platelets
Pooled Platelets
Platelet Pheresis
Pooled Cryoprecipitate
Fresh Frozen Plasma
42. What coagulation factors are contained in cryoprecipitate?
43. Define HLA and HTLA.
44. Use the following gene frequencies in determining the probability of finding
compatible donor units for crossmatch with a patient that has anti-c and anti-K.
c negative 20%
K negative 91%
45. According to AABB, what is the protocol for the reissue of blood?