Download SYLLABUS Math 212 - Calculus II Dr. James Okon - JBH 323

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Math 212 - Calculus II
Dr. James Okon - JBH 323 - (909)537-5373
Text: Larson, Edwards, Calculus of a single variable, 10th Edition, 2010.
The course will cover chapters 4, 5 and 8 as time permits.
Homework: Homework will be due when indicated on a day to day
schedule handed out in class. Homework will generally be assigned
each day. Assignments should be clearly labeled. Some problems
from each assignment will be selected and graded. The three lowest
scores will be dropped. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you can't get to class, drop o the assignment early or
send it with a friend. The homework counts as 10% of your course
grade, but if you complete fewer than 50% of the assignments you
will receive no credit for any homework assignments. Take the homework seriously as it is your opportunity to get a working knowledge
of the concepts presented in the class. You are encouraged to work
together on homework (this does not mean copy anothers work).
However, if you nd you are unable to work any problems without
assistance you should see me right away. There will also be in class
group projects. In class projects and homework will be counted toward midterm exams. Cell phones, laptops, iPods/mp3 players, and
other devices capable of electronic communication must be turned
o and not visible during lectures and exams (no texting please). No
calculators (or any other electronic devices) are permitted on exams.
Attendance: You are expected to attend all classes. If you miss a
class contact me or a classmate for any changes in assignments, test
dates, etc.
Final Exam date: The Final Exam will be 3/27 at 12:00.
Drop date: The last day to drop a class without record may be
found in the CSUSB Bulletin.
Services to students with disabilities: If you are in need of an
accommodation for a disability in order to participate in this class,
please let me know and/or contact SSD 537-5238 or visit UH 183.
Please see "General Regulations and Procedures" in the CSUSB
Bulletin of Courses for the universities policies on course withdrawal,
cheating and plagiarism.
Student Learning Outcomes:
The CSUSB Mathematics Department is committed to developing and measuring the outcomes of our teaching e orts.
Please see the following website for a list of these outcomes:
The student learning outcomes for this course include Outcomes
1.1, and 3.1:
Outcome 1.1: Students will demonstrate an understanding and
fundamental concepts, operations, and relations.
Outcome 3.1: Students will choose and use appropriate tools and
strategies to gain insight into and present solutions to
mathematical problems
Assessment: There will be three one hour exams and a nal exam.
The one hour exams will each count 20% of your course grade.
One hour Exams: 60%
Homework 10%
Final Exam 30%
Grades will be assigned as follows (+ or - will be amended to
scores in the upper or lower end of each range):
90-100% A
75-89% B
60-74% C
50-59% D
less than 50% F