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Department for rehabilitation of patients
after injuries, with peripheral nervous system
impairments and rheumatologic diseases
The highest levels of
comprehensive rehabilitation,
research and professional education
in the heart of Europe
Ljubljana - Slovenia
Welcome to URI Soča
Care and quality
Rehabilitation programs
A reliable team of experts
Learn about your rehabilitation process
How to get admitted
Welcome to URI Soča
Welcome and thank you for considering the University
Rehabilitation Institute, Republic of Slovenia – Soča as the
institution for your rehabilitation. Our institute, named URI
– Soča for short, was named after the emerald river Soča
flowing out of the heart of the Alps. Just as the river Soča
runs over different obstacles on its way, our experts with their
knowledge, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment search for
the best path to an independent and wholesome life for our
The current results of URI – Soča in physical and rehabilitation
medicine are based on our continuous development since
1954. Our commitment to the improvement of rehabilitation
programs has become stronger during those years. The
success of our rehabilitation programs is based on teamwork
and contemporary diagnostic and therapeutic equipment
including robotics and telerehabilitation. The research
department at URI – Soča is constantly developing new
technological solutions for therapy and evaluation. These are
then included in the clinical practice in cooperation with our
medical team.
We recognize medical technical aids as an important part of
rehabilitation that assists patients in their everyday activities.
Our experts in the field of medical devices cooperate with
the patient and the medical team to find the most suitable
devices adapted to each individual patient. The patients
can reside for a few days in our Dom IRIS smart home
equipped with state-of-the-art medical devices that enable
independent living at home. There, they can select the most
suitable devices out of the many possibilities offered.
Care and quality
URI – Soča specializes in the comprehensive multiprofessional rehabilitation of patients with various
disabilities. Our medical team ensures the selection
and performance of suitable therapies that facilitate
the rehabilitation process. Our entire staff ensures
a high level of professional care, comfort and
satisfaction. With the words of one of our patients:
“All the staff try to bring back a smile on the faces of
the patients.”
We treat over 15,000 out-patients and 1,800 inpatients yearly. We are proud to care for the most
demanding patients from all over the world. Each
year we treat patients from Germany, Kuwait,
Russia, Bosnia, Croatia, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Egypt,
Libya and many other countries.
Our continuous improvement of the quality
of the rehabilitation programs has been the
basis for receiving the ISO 9001:2008 and DNV
accreditation certificate for hospitals. URI – Soča is
also an accredited teaching centre for physical and
rehabilitation medicine. Several employees
are recognised researchers. All this has placed
URI – Soča among the best rehabilitation centres
in Europe.
Rehabilitation programs
Comprehensive rehabilitation programs are
performed at the department for rehabilitation
of patients after injuries, with peripheral nervous
system impairments and rheumatologic diseases.
The department admits patients after intensive and
acute treatment of their primary disease or injury:
Patients after injuries:
• Younger patients after multiple trauma and
without traumatic brain injury or spinal cord
• Elderly patients after fresh fractures of
individual major bones and with chronic
neurological impairment or severe internal
Patients with acute peripheral nervous
system impairment resulting due to diseases or
injury (Guillain-Barre syndrome, critical illness
polyneuropathy and myopathy, cauda equina
Patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases
and consequent impairments of movementrelated functions
The admission criteria include stable general
(internal) health state, satisfactory cognitive
functioning, adequate motivation and the ability to
participate actively in rehabilitation programs.
Patients after injuries, especially young patients after
polytrauma and elderly patients with fractures of
major bones, are trained in independent gait and
performance of activities of daily living, usually with
the assistance of medical technical devices.
The goal of rehabilitation in patients with peripheral
nervous system impairments is to decrease the
impairments of body functions and to improve
muscular strength. We aim at improving activities
of daily living and independent mobility, with the
assistance of medical technical devices.
In persons with rheumatic diseases and
consequential severe impairments of movementrelated functions and comorbid pain we aim to
improve this functions and the performance of the
activities of daily living, as well as decrease pain.
A reliable team
of experts
Our patients play the central role in the team of
healthcare professionals and our rehabilitation
programs are individually adjusted to each patient.
The rehabilitation program is conducted by a team
of experts including:
A medical doctor – specialist in physical
medicine and rehabilitation - plans and
manages the process of rehabilitation, directs
and coordinates team activities, is in charge of
medicamental therapy and solves any health
Healthcare staff (certified medical nurses and
healthcare technicians) are in charge of
rehabilitation care, assistance, nutrition,
wound and skin care, respiratory system care
(inhalation, aspiration), care of urinary system
and regular defecation and instructing the
patient on the use of devices for self-care and
daily activities.
A physical therapist follows an individually
prescribed therapy for all the impairments of
the patient's motor system and uses physical
therapy interventions to treat various pain
A respiratory physical therapist teaches
the patient adequate breathing and coughing
maneuvers and performs therapeutic exercises
to improve lung functioning.
An occupational therapist performs therapy
to improve upper limb function, increase
independence in daily activities as well as
advises and handles fitting with medical devices
for easier performance of everyday activities.
A psychologist evaluates the patient’s
psychological functioning and offers
psychological treatment and support.
Certified prosthetist and orthotist advises the
patient and manufactures individually-adjusted
orthoses for upper and lower limbs and the
A social worker.
When necessary, the team includes an internal
medicine specialist, a neurologist, a
traumatologist, an orthopedic surgeon, a
rheumatologist, a plastic surgeon and a
psychiatrist. A clinical pharmacologist can be
included to advise on the daily combination and
administration of medications.
Learn about your
rehabilitation process
The rehabilitation program starts daily with morning
care when the patient learns morning daily activities
with the assistance of medical nurses. The patient is
educated on dressing, personal hygiene, transfer to
wheelchair and eating.
After the morning care, the patient attends the
prescribed programs of therapy, where he or she
receives individual treatment performed by therapists
and experts with contemporary methods and
techniques. The methods and techniques include
exercises for muscular strength and endurance,
improved balance and motor coordination, fine motor
functions and hand motor skills, gait training and
training of daily activities. When indicated, the patient
is referred to the program of pain therapy, where
physical therapists apply the prescribed treatment
on contemporary and new devices. If necessary, the
patient attends hydrotherapy in a therapeutic pool or
therapeutic (Hubbard) bathtub.
When necessary, regular measurements of blood
pressure, glucose and INR levels are performed at the
department. Every day, basic laboratory testing of
blood samples is also possible.
When necessary, additional diagnostic procedures
can be performed at the University Rehabilitation
Institute (bioimpedance analysis for estimating body
composition and nutrition advice, ultrasound of the
musculoskeletal system, EMG, MEP, SEP, urodynamic
testing, in-shoe pressure measurement, spine mobility
measurements and body posture assessment,
isokinetic dynamometry, clinical gait analysis in the
kinesiology laboratory) or at the University Medical
Center Ljubljana (RTG, CT, MRI). In-between therapy
sessions, the patient can rest in the hospital room or
socialize with other patients and staff in the day room.
Therapy programs are performed from Monday
to Friday between 8.00AM and 3.30PM while basic
healthcare and nursing procedures are performed
all day 7 days per week. All patients are guaranteed
24-hour medical assistance by a medical doctor and a
certified nurse.
How to get admitted?
To ensure the highest level of services and to meet
your expectations, we pay special attention to
the patient's suitability for rehabilitation at our
institution. Therefore, our medical team first studies
a patient's medical documentation and evaluates
his or her suitability for admission and the expected
rehabilitation results. Before admission, our medical
team needs:
Medical records of previous treatments,
Medical opinion: a description of the current
general health state and functional state as well
as any data on colonization with multi-resistant
Expectation of the patient and relatives in
regard to rehabilitation goals.
The documentation can be sent to the marketing
department at [email protected] or
faxed to +386 1 4758 599.
Within one week of receiving your documentation,
the marketing department will contact you in regard
to your admission, suggested length of rehabilitation
and its costs.
Should you decide on rehabilitation at our institute,
you will receive the phone number of one of our
staff who will be your contact person regarding your
arrival and other logistic issues. The contact person
will also be your host and will be available to answer
questions during the rehabilitation. Your host will
make sure you feel welcome. He or she can organize
transportation from the airport to the clinic, find a
hotel or organize excursions. Beside the beautiful
sights of Slovenia such as the charming Lake Bled
and the mysterious Postojna caves, you can visit
Vienna, Venice, Salzburg and other European sights.
We are available for any questions and information.
We can be contacted at:
Marketing department
Phone: +386 1 4758 200 | Fax: +386 1 4758 599
E-mail: [email protected]
University Rehabilitation Institute, Republic of Slovenia−Soča
Linhartova 51 ▪ Ljubljana ▪ Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 4758 200
Fax: +386 1 4758 599
E-mail: [email protected]