* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
COURSE PLAN for CHEM3040LB ADVANCED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY Fall 2012 Class Specs: Instructor: 1 s.h. Class hours: Monday 2:00-4:50 PM; Classroom: 36-310 Dr. Jian Zhang: Office, 37-340: Phone, x7372: E-mail, [email protected] Office Hours: MW 10:00 am -12:00 pm, R 9:00 am -11:00 am or by appointment. Course Description: A selection of experiments featuring the applications of the principles of physical chemistry in spectroscopy and other areas. Experiments include the use of physical chemistry techniques to examine the properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Prerequisites: CHEM3210/3210LB: Prerequisites or co-requisites: CHEM3040. Course Materials: “Experiments in Physical Chemistry,” 8th ed. 2009, D.P.Shoemaker, C.W. Gaeland, and J.W. Nibler, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. “A laboratory Manual for Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory,” 7th Ed. 2012, Jian Zhang, Xavier University of Louisiana. A standard laboratory notebook Safety glasses and lab coat. Course Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course the students should be able to determine atomic and molecular properties using spectroscopy and other methods. perform accurate measurements and access the reliability of the collected data. perform data analysis and error analysis to obtain useful physical properties of molecules. write the formal scientific reports. . Course Requirements: Attendance and participation in the laboratory is required. Any missed lab due to excused absence must be made up and arranged in advance. Students are responsible for keeping a detailed and complete laboratory notebook of the work done in lab. A carbon copy must be attached at the end of the lab report when the report is turned in. A pre-lab exercise assignment will be given or posted on the Blackboard one week prior to a scheduled experiment. It must be turned in before the experiment starts. A written report must be submitted for each experiment. The report is due two week after the completion of the scheduled experiment. The late reports are penalized at 2 points per weekday for up to 3 weeks. The report will receive a grade of zero after it has passed due date three weeks. The early reports are credited at 2 points per weekday for up to one week. Please follow all safety procedures in the laboratory. Failure to follow safety regulations may lower your grades. An independent project may be carried out. A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the semester. Course Evaluation: The final grade consists of notebooks, (5@10pts), lab reports (5@60pts), independent project (50pts) and final exam (50pts). The letter grade will be assigned on the following: A (86-100%), B (7685%), C (66-75%), D (56-65%), F (<55%). Academic Misconduct Cheating, as defined by University policy, will result in an automatic grade of F and possible disciplinary action by the University for all parties involved. The full text of academic integrity and academic misconduct policy can be found at Duplication of any part of a report from partner or any other sources is considered cheating. Writing a lab report must be an individual effort, not a collaborative work. Closely working on the same report with the partner, which will result in the highly similar reports, will significantly reduce the grades of both reports. Evacuation Policy In the event that classes are cancelled due to hurricane evacuation, assignments and other course materials will be posted on the blackboard and e-mailed to all students. Schedule: Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3-4 Week 5-6 Week 7-8 Week 9-10 Week 11-12 Week 13-14 Week 15 Lectures and Experiments Hurricane Labor Day Introduction: Advance Physical Chemistry Lab Lecture: Atomic structure and atomic spectrum Experiment 1: Atomic spectra of hydrogen and deuterium atoms Lecture: Model for translational motion of electron: “Particle in a box” Experiment 2: Absorption spectra of conjugated dyes Lecture: Electronic spectra of molecules Experiment 3: Absorption spectrum and dissociation energy of iodine or bromine Lecture: Magnetism and electronic structures of transition metal ions Experiment 4: Magnetic moments of paramagnetic salts Lecture: Vibration-rational spectra of a diatomic molecule Experiment 5: Vibration-rational spectra of HCl and DCl Independent project: Synthesis and UV spectra of gold nanoparticle Final exam