Download SALT BATH WITH PINK LIVING QUARTZ • The temperature in the

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The temperature in the bath is about 45ºC, and the relative humidity is nearly 100%.
The cabin has pressure and a microclimate, just like the sea
The salt bath is sprayed periodically with sea salt
The effect of cleaning and taking care of the entire respiratory tract is created by
adding eucalyptus and essential oils of mint
• It aids in the regeneration of the whole breathing system. A relaxing playing of water
and the regenerating power of quartz further improves the bath
before entering the salt bath one should use the shower
bench should be rinsed with cold water
10-20 minutes should be taken for a salt bath in the sauna
next, cool the body - bathing in cold water after a stay in the bath stimulates blood
to maintain an adequate amount of fluids in the body, it is important to constantly
replenish fluids, e.g. by drinking mineral water or tea
afterwards, you should relax and calm down
the process may be repeated, depending on your needs and condition
the bench can be disinfected by pressing a button
only those clients who have completed 18 years of age, or youths who are at least 15
years of age, in the care of adults, may use the saunas.
before entering the sauna, remove all metal objects; it is forbidden to bring sharp
objects, your own equipment, alcohol, or food into the sauna
while in the sauna, customers are responsible for behaving in an appropriate,
civilized manner.
CONTRAINDICATIONS (It is inadvisable to use the saunas with these conditions)
• high blood pressure
• malignant tumors
• diseases of the skin in the process of festering
• epilepsy
• a state of fever
• a tendency to bleed
• pregnancy and menstruation
• acute or chronic infectious diseases
• chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, kidney or liver diseases, or anemia
World of spices and herbs
• in the herbal bath, herbs are suitably formulated in combination with a temperature of
55 - 65 ° C and humidity of about 60%, and sprayed water envelopes you with a
fantastic aroma
• Herbs work by soothing and relaxing
• Chamomile calms and relaxes; sage works as an antiseptic; lavender - strengthens and
• The Herbal bath has a positive impact on the respiratory system, nourishes the skin,
calms and relaxes the body, soul and mind
• before entering the herbal bath one should use the shower
• 20 - 30 minutes should be taken for a herbal bath
• next, cool the body - bathing in cold water after a stay in the bath stimulates blood
• to maintain an adequate amount of fluids in the body, it is important to constantly
replenish fluids, e.g. by drinking mineral water or tea
• afterwards, you should relax and calm down
• the process may be repeated, depending on ones needs and condition
• only those clients who have completed 18 years of age, or youths who are at least 15
years of age, in the care of adults, may use the saunas.
• before entering the sauna, remove all metal objects; it is forbidden to bring sharp
objects, your own equipment, alcohol, or food into the sauna
• while in the sauna, customers are responsible for behaving in an appropriate,
civilized manner.
CONTRAINDICATIONS (It is inadvisable to use the saunas with these conditions)
• high blood pressure
• malignant tumors
• diseases of the skin in the process of festering
• epilepsy
• a state of fever
• a tendency to bleed
• pregnancy and menstruation
• acute or chronic infectious diseases
• chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, kidney or liver diseases, or anemia
World of precious stones
• Steam bath - thermal radiation combined with the aroma of essential oils
• With a temperature around 45 ° C, extracts of flowers are introduced and a delicate
inhalational mist is formed
• Since the days of ancient Rome, radiant heat, which is a basis of health and wellbeing, has created additional pleasure for guests during a perfect and healthy bath
• Visual effects, pleasant sounds and floral aromas will envelope you during your stay
in the steam bath
• before entering the steam bath one should use the shower
• bench should be rinsed with cold water
• 20 - 30 minutes should be taken for a herbal bath
• next, cool the body - bathing in cold water after a stay in the bath stimulates blood
• to maintain an adequate amount of fluids in the body, it is important to constantly
replenish fluids, e.g. by drinking mineral water or tea
• afterwards, you should relax and calm down
• the process may be repeated, depending on your needs and condition
• only those clients who have completed 18 years of age, or youths who are at least 15
years of age, in the care of adults, may use the saunas.
• before entering the sauna, remove all metal objects; it is forbidden to bring sharp
objects, your own equipment, alcohol, or food into the sauna
• while in the sauna, customers are responsible for behaving in an appropriate,
civilized manner.
CONTRAINDICATIONS (It is inadvisable to use the saunas with these conditions)
• high blood pressure
• malignant tumors
• diseases of the skin in the process of festering
• epilepsy
• a state of fever
• a tendency to bleed
• pregnancy and menstruation
• acute or chronic infectious diseases
• chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, kidney or liver diseases, or anemia
World of fire and ice
• Finnish sauna with the temperature from 80 ° C to 100 ° C has a sensational impact
on health
• A cold shower after it not only supports blood circulation, but also strengthens the
immune system
• Increased blood flow improves the condition of the skin and stimulates the
• It has a very positive influence on all kinds of muscle tension, and helps to loosen
• before entering the Finnish sauna one should use the shower
• 10 - 20 minutes should be taken for a herbal bath
• next, cool the body - bathing in cold water after a stay in the bath stimulates blood
• to maintain an adequate amount of fluids in the body, it is important to constantly
replenish fluids, e.g. by drinking mineral water or tea
• afterwards, you should relax and calm down
• the process may be repeated, depending on your needs and condition
• only those clients who have completed 18 years of age, or youths who are at least 15
years of age, in the care of adults, may use the saunas.
• before entering the sauna, remove all metal objects; it is forbidden to bring sharp
objects, your own equipment, alcohol, or food into the sauna
• while in the sauna, customers are responsible for behaving in an appropriate,
civilized manner.
CONTRAINDICATIONS (It is inadvisable to use the saunas with these conditions)
• high blood pressure
• malignant tumors
• diseases of the skin in the process of festering
• epilepsy
• a state of fever
• a tendency to bleed
• pregnancy and menstruation
• acute or chronic infectious diseases
• chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, kidney or liver diseases, or anemia
Ice Pool
The Ice Pool is formed from snowflakes
After the sauna the body is rubbed with ice
blood circulation is stimulated and the immune system strengthened
The skin becomes taut, smooth, firmed
• rubbing the ice acts on the skin like peeling
• to the extreme pleasure of sauna small amounts of ice can be used
• a built-in sensor ensures that the proper amount of ice is always available
• ice-cooling may be repeated frequently
• only those clients who have completed 18 years of age, or youths who are at least 15
years of age, in the care of adults, may use the ice pool.
• before entering the thermal area, remove all metal objects; it is forbidden to bring
sharp objects, your own equipment, alcohol, or food into the sauna
• while in the ice pool, customers are responsible for behaving in an appropriate,
civilized manner.
CONTRAINDICATIONS (It is inadvisable to use the saunas with these conditions)
• high blood pressure
• malignant tumors
• diseases of the skin in the process of festering
• epilepsy
• a state of fever
• a tendency to bleed
• pregnancy and menstruation
• acute or chronic infectious diseases
• chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, kidney or liver diseases, or anemia