Download CCC applications to Diocesan Physical Education Curriculum

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CCC applications to Diocesan Physical Education Curriculum
CCC 364
The human body shares in the dignity of the image of God. The whole human person is intended to
become, in the body of Christ, a temple of the Spirit.
CCC 1004
The believers’ body and soul already participate in the dignity of belonging to Christ. This dignity entails
the demand that he should treat with respect his own body, but also the body of every other person,
especially the suffering.
CCC 1197
Christians also become temples of the Holy Spirit, living stones out of which the Church is built.
CCC 2280
We are responsible for life before God and to accept our life gratefully as stewards of the life God has
entrusted to us.
CCC 2288
Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us by God. We must take reasonable care of our
life and body.
Morality requires respect for the life of the body.
CCC 2291
The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. They encourage people to
practices gravely contrary to the moral law.
CCC 2393
By creating the human being man and woman, God gives personal dignity equally to the one and the
other. Each of them, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity.
CCC 2394
Christ is the model of chastity. Every baptized person is called to lead a chaste and moral life.
CCC 2523
Modesty inspires a way of life which makes it possible to resist the allurements of fashion and pressures
of society. Modesty is awakening a respect for the human person.
CCC 872
There exists among all Christians faithful and true equality with regard to dignity… whereby all Christians
cooperate in the building up of the Body of Christ.
CCC 1789
“The Golden Rule” Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them.
Respect for the person in the name of the common good, bound to respect the rights of the human
CCC 1913
Participation is the voluntary and generous engagement of a person in social interchange. It is necessary
that all participate each according to his position and role in promoting the common good.
CCC 1914
Participation is achieved first of all by taking charge of the areas one assumes is his personal
CCC 1932
As you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me.
CCC 1924
The common good thus allows people, either as groups or individual to reach their fulfillment more fully
and more easily.
CCC 1926
The dignity of the human person requires the pursuit of the common good.
CCC 1931
Everyone should look upon his neighbor as another self.