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本篇內容由本會 許常務理事庭禎蒐集提供
Cargill announces GRAS status for non-animal glucosamine
–美國公司由菌體中研發出非動物性且可水溶的維骨力。 Minneapolis-based Cargill has
announced that its Regenasure ingredient, the only non-animal glucosamine available on the market, has
been determined generally recognized as safe (GRAS).
Isoflavones Decrease Prostate Cancer Risk 大豆異黃酮可降低罹患攝護腺
癌的機率 03/07/2007 TOKYO—High isoflavone intake is associated with a decreased risk of localized
prostate cancer, according to a population-based prospective study conducted at National Cancer
Garlic plus vitamin C may reduce blood pressure
– 大蒜加維他
命 E 有助於血壓降低。A combination of garlic supplements and vitamin C reduced blood pressure back
to normal levels in people with mildly elevated levels, says a pilot study.
UK blocks breast-similar claims on infant formulas
– 英國禁
止嬰兒奶粉以等同母乳作為訴求。A crackdown by the Food Standards Agency will bar infant formula
makers from making claims on products sold in the UK that draw on their similarity to breast milk, to
avoid misleading mothers.
Red wine compound may combat obesity, extend life, says mice
study 11/2/2006 – 小鼠實驗紅酒含有(Resveratrol)成分能抗肥胖及延長生命。Resveratrol, a
polyphenol found in red wine, extended survival rates of mice and prevented weight-gain from
high-calorie diets, says a new study published in Nature.
Omega fatty acids to stop mental decline, says study
– 老人
飲食實驗顯示不飽和脂肪酸能延緩神經功能的退化,維持議事功能 A new placebo-controlled trial
has reported that daily supplements of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids could slow mental decline in
elderly people, adding to a growing body of evidence linking the fatty acid to better cognitive function.
DHA, from Mother to Fetus
根據德國研究,DHA 不飽和脂肪酸能大量
的由母體轉移到胎兒體內 MUNICH, Germany — Supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
in pregnancy results in greater amounts transferred to the child in utero, according to a study in the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (84,
4:853-61, 2006).
Curry spice extract may have anti-arthritis potential
– 美國
的動物實驗顯示,咖哩能減輕關節炎造成的關節退化。Extracts from turmeric, the yellow spice used
extensively in curries, reduced the destruction of joints associated with arthritis to similar levels to
pharmaceuticals, says a new animal study from the US.
Milk thistle extract could help diabetes control
顯示奶薊草能降低飢餓時的血糖值達 15%。A daily supplement of extracts from Milk Thistle
significantly lowered fasting glucose levels by 15 per cent, says a randomized clinical trial from Iran
published in an international, peer-reviewed journal.
KFC cuts trans fats as heart health battle wages on
– 美國肯
塔基公司將炸油改成非反式脂肪酸油 A nationwide campaign to remove artery-clogging trans fatty
acids from the US food chain received another significant boost today, after popular fast food franchise
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) announced it is to switch to non-trans cooking oil.
Fruit and veg juice may reduce Alzheimer's risk
– 美國研究顯
示一天三杯蔬果汁能降低得老人痴呆症的機率達 75%。Drinking three glasses of fruit or vegetable
juice a week could cut the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by a whopping 75 per cent, according to a
population based study from the US.
Brown seaweed extract could fight obesity
– 日本大鼠實驗發現
褐藻萃取物能有助減重 Supplementing the diet of obese rodents with a compound found in brown
seaweed reduced weight by 10 per cent, and could be developed as a natural extract to help fight the
growing human obesity epidemic, Japanese researchers told attendees at the 232nd national meeting of
the American Chemical Society in San Francisco.
Tomatoes better than pure lycopene for health, says review
– 番茄加工品的保健功效高於茄紅素(Lycopene)。The science supporting the health
benefits of tomatoes, particularly processed tomato products and extracts, is much stronger than that
behind pure lycopene, says a new review.
Curcumin linked to better performance for elderly brains
咖哩中的薑黃色素能減緩佬人的神經退化症狀達 49%。Curcumin, the natural pigment that gives the
spice turmeric its yellow colour, could slow mental decline in elderly people by 49 per cent, suggests a
study of non-demented Asian people.
Grape seed extracts could improve skin from within
– 德國
研究顯示葡萄子抽出物(花青素)能改善皮膚質地。A dietary supplement of oligomeric
proanthocyanidins (OPC) could reduce reddening of the skin by 13 per cent, scientists from
Hamburg-based Bioskin GmbH have reported, research sure to be welcomed by Europe’s burgeoning
oral beauty products sector.
Safety review of noni fruit juice October 25, 2006 – 諾麗汁實驗顯示其安全性,無明顯
的副作用。Several preclinical safety tests and a human clinical safety study have revealed no adverse
health effects with Morinda citrifolia L. (noni) fruit, even at high doses. The available data substantiate
its continued use as a safe food.
Studies uphold health benefits of alcohol
– 美國研究報告是量喝
酒能有益建康。Drinking moderately may improve your health according to recent studies, but the key is
moderation and a healthy lifestyle.
FDA opens dialogue over functional foods regulations
– 美
國 FDA 考慮舉行健康食品法規的公聽會。The FDA has signalled that it could adapt existing
regulation to take account of the growing number of conventional foods marketed as 'functional foods
category', starting with a public meeting in December.
UK food sector examines impact of REACH
- 英國品及飲料業在
10/26/2006 集會討論 REACH 計劃對業界的衝擊。The UK's food and drink sector is gathering on 26
October to discuss the impact that the EU's proposed chemicals regulation will have on the industry.
Bread consumption linked to cancer, study
– 科學報告顯示麵包
的食用愈腎臟癌的關聯性。Bread has become the latest food group hit by a health scare following the
publication of a scientific study linking the consumption of bread to kidney cancer.
Almonds could suppress appetite, tackle obesity
– 杏仁豆含黃
酮素,維生素 E 及鎂離子能增加飽足感,有助於減重控制。A handful of almonds, a rich source of
flavonoid antioxidants, vitamin E and magnesium, may enhance the feeling of fullness in people and aid
weight management, suggests a new study.
Vitamin E-rich vegetables could slow cognitive decline
– 含
豐富維生素 E 的蔬菜能減緩神經性功能退化。Eating about three portions of green leafy, yellow and
cruciferous vegetables every day could slow loss of mental function as we age by 40 per cent, suggests
a new study.
Consumer groups attack move to milk cloned cows
– 美國消
費團體抗議政府開放基因改造牛的牛奶及肉品進入市場。Consumer groups in the US have united
against government plans to allow milk and meat from cloned animals into the food chain, highlighting a
potential dilemma for dairy firms interested in the technology.
Resveratrol in red wine could cut colorectal cancer risk 23/10/2006 - 紅
酒中的(Resveratrol)成分有助於降低直腸結腸癌的危險。Drinking more than three glasses of red
wine a week could cut the risk of colorectal cancer by almost 70 per cent, researchers told the 71st
Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology in Las Vegas.
Oligofructose cuts infections and sickness in kids, says study
20/10/2006 –
兒童每日服用寡果糖能改善小腸健康降低細菌感染的可能性。A daily supplement of
the prebiotic oligofructose significantly improved the intestinal health of young children in day care, and
cut the number of bacterial infections and illness episodes, says new research from France.
Low-dose folic acid could reduce homocysteine levels
研究顯示低劑量的葉酸能降低高半胱氨酸的濃度,進而降低冠狀動脈的疾病。 A low-dose daily
supplement of folic acid improved levels homocysteine in people with high levels of the amino acid and
could reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, suggests a small study from Taiwan.
Transgenic tomatoes could cut allergic reactions
– 德國研究
顯示基因改造番茄能減少過敏反應。Tomatoes, genetically modified to produce 90 per cent less of the
allergen, profilin, represents "a future trend in allergen avoidance," said the German researchers behind
a new study.
Grape seed extract may stop colorectal cancer spread
– 美
國國家癌症中心研究顯示葡萄子抽出物能阻止直腸結腸癌細胞的擴散。Extracts from grape seeds,
a rich source of proanthocyanidins, stopped the spread of colorectal cancer cells in lab mice, suggests
new research funded by the US National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Cinnamon extract could ease metabolic syndrome 10/18/2006 – 肉桂抽出
物能刺激抗氧化力舒緩代謝的症狀。A daily supplement of cinnamon extract may boost antioxidant
defences and reduce the oxidative stress linked to the metabolic syndrome, suggest results from a small
placebo-controlled, double-blind study from the US.
Vitamin D levels linked to breast cancer progression
– 英國
研究顯示維生素 D 降低乳癌的惡化。Increasing vitamin D levels may help curb the development and
progression of breast cancer, suggests a small study from Imperial College London.
Health, safety and consumer tastes top agenda
– 食品業年會
決定建康,安全與口味是消費者的首選要件。Health, food safety and changing consumer demands
are at the top of the agenda at the food industry's annual meeting in Brussels this month.
More support for grape seed extract's heart benefits
- 葡萄
子抽出物能降低脂肪氧化及自由機造成的血管細胞損傷。Masquelier’s grape seed extract could
reduce lipid oxidation and free radical damage of blood vessel cells by about 75 per cent, says new
research to be presented this week.
Too much fish linked to higher risk of premature birth
– 美
國報告顯示食用過量的魚可能導致胎兒早產。Eating too much fish during pregnancy is linked to
high mercury levels in mothers and could put women at a higher risk of giving birth prematurely, report
US scientists.
ALA-rich walnuts could protect arteries after high-fat meal
11/10/2006 –
心血管健康,在地中海飲食中,他的重要性超過橄欖油。Walnuts, a rich source of omega-3
alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), could improve artery function and heart health and may be more important in
a Mediterranean-type diet than olive oil, suggests a small study from Spain.
Canola oil gets FDA heart health claim 10/10/2006 – 美國 FDA 通過芥花油對心
血管健康的訴求。Canola oil is gaining credence as an ingredient for food products aimed at supporting
heart health, as the FDA has approved a qualified health claim on its potential to reduce the risk of
coronary heart disease, owing to its unsaturated fat content.