Download Dr. Yong-Bin YAN, Associate Professor of biophysics

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Dr. Yong-Bin YAN, Associate Professor of biophysics
Address: School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University
Beijing 100084, P. R. China
Email: [email protected]
Publications: -4282-2008
Research Interest:
Keywords: Protein stability; protein folding, misfolding and aggregation ; Conforma- tional disease;
lens proteins; ribonucleases; mRNA decay regulation; protein assembly
On-going projects: 1) folding mechanisms of inherited and aged cataract; 2) structure and
function of deadenylases (PARN, CCR4-Not complex)
1997.9-2001.7: Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
Tsinghua University (MS and Ph.D., 2001)
1992.9-1997.8: Department of Precision Instrument and Mechanics
Tsinghua University (Bachelor of Engineering, 1997, with honor)
Professional Appointments:
2004.12-present: Associate Professor of Biophysics and Structural Biology ,
Tsinghua University (PhD student supervisor since 2008) 2001.8 -2004.12: Lecturer,
Tsinghua University
Honors and Awards:
2008: Academic New Star Award for Young Professors, by Tsinghua University
2007: New Century Excellent Talents in University, by the Ministry of Education of China
2006: Science and Technology Prize from the Ministry of Education of China , First class award of
Natural Science, Scecond author
2006: Award of Young Teachers in University, by Fok Ying Tong Education Foundation
2001: Academic New Star Award for Graduate Students, by Tsinghua University
Member and Secretary, Graduate Student Committee, Department of Biological Sciences and
Biotechnology, Tsinghua University (2008.8 -)
Selected publications in recent 3 years:
1. Pang M, Su JT, Feng S, Tang ZW, Gu F, Zhang M, Ma X, Yan YB. (2010) Effects of congenital
cataract mutation R116H on ɑ A-crystallin structure, function and stability. Biochim. Biophys.
Acta - Proteins and Proteomics 1804(4): 948-956.
2. He GJ, Zhang A, Liu WF, Cheng Y, Yan YB. (2009) Conformational stability and multistate
unfolding of poly(A)-specific ribonuclease. FEBS J. 276(10): 2849-2860.
3. Liu WF, Zhang A, Cheng Y, Zhou HM, Yan YB. (2009) Allosteric regulation of human poly(A) specific ribonuclease by cap and potassium ions. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 379(2): 341 345.
4. Liu YM, Feng S, Zhao TJ, Ding XL, Yan Y B. (2008) The conserved Cys254 plays a crucial role in
creatine kinase refolding under non -reduced conditions but not in its activity or stability.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Proteins and Proteomics 1784(12):2071-2078.
5. Feng S, Xu Z, Yan YB. (2008) Blocking creatine kinase refolding by trace amounts of copper
ions. J. Inorg. Biochem. 102(4): 928-935.
6. Feng S, Yan YB. (2008) Effects of glycerol on the compaction and stability of the wild type and
mutated rabbit muscle creatine kinase . Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 71(2):
7. He HW, Feng S, Pang M, Zhou HM, Yan YB. (2007) Role of the linker between the N - and Cterminal domains in the stability and folding of rabbit muscle creatine kinase. Int. J. Biochem.
Cell Biol. 39(10): 1816-1827.
8. Liu WF, Zhang A, He GJ, Yan YB. (2007) The R3 H domain stabilizes poly(A)- specific
ribonuclease by stabilizing the RRM domain. Biochem. Biophys . Res. Commun. 360(4): 846 -851.
9. Zhang A, Liu WF, Yan YB. (2007) Role of the RRM domain in the ac tivity, structure and stability
of poly(A)-specific ribonuclease. Arch. Biohem. Biophys. 461(2): 255 -262.
10. Liu WF, Zhang A, Cheng Y, Zhou HM, Yan YB. (2007) Effect of magnesium ions on the thermal
stability of human poly(A)-specific ribonuclease. FEBS Lett. 581(5): 1047-1052.
11. Su JT, Kim SH, Yan YB. (2007) Dissecting the pretransitional conformational changes in
aminoacylase I thermal denaturation. Biophys. J. 92(2): 578 -587.
12. Feng S, Zhao TJ, Zhou HM, Yan YB. (2007) Effects of the single point genetic mutation D54G
on muscle creatine kinase activity, structure and stability. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 39(2): 392 401.
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