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Module Title: The Context of Emergencies
Program Level: BSc Degree
Name: The Context of Emergencies
Course Level: Introductory
Compiled: November 2014
Authors: Addisalem Mesfin, Makokha Anselimo and Peter Kinyanjui
Credit Points: 3
This module will address the different facets of emergency, the guiding principles in
humanitarian assistance and the type and responsibilities of different actors involved in
humanitarian activities.
At the end of this module students will be able to:
Define nutrition emergency
Recall the importance of nutrition in emergencies
Discuss the social, health, economic and political situation of nutrition emergency
Recall the Humanitarian principles
Identify the different actors involved in humanitarian response
Discuss the responsibilities of the actors involved in humanitarian response
Identify the tools, processes and mechanisms followed in coordinating
humanitarian response
Course Outline
Topic1: Introduction to Nutrition in Emergency
1.1 Definition of emergency and nutrition emergency
1.2 Types of emergencies
1.3 Importance of nutrition in emergency
1.4 Vulnerability to nutrition emergency
1.5 Triggers for nutrition emergency
1.6 Consequences of nutrition emergency
Topic2: The humanitarian system
2.1. Humanitarian principles
2.2. The importance of Coordination and Collaboration
2.3. he tools used in Coordination and Collaboration
2.4. The processes used in Coordination and Collaboration
2.5. The mechanisms used in Coordination and Collaboration
Topic 3: Actors in emergency response
2.1. Types of actors involved in Humanitarian response
2.2. Responsibilities of actors involved in Humanitarian response
2.3. Principles of partnership in Humanitarian response
2.4. Funding mechanisms for Humanitarian response
2.5. Spheres standards
Modes of Instruction/delivery: Interactive lecture, Reflection, Brainstorming Group
Discussions and Case Studies
Mode of Assessment
Mode of Assessment
Mark (%)
Reading assignment
Mid-semester test
Final Examinations
Reading materials
1. Paris Declaration, 2005
2. The-Sphere-Project-Handbook-2011
3. Accra Agenda for Action, 2008
Course Outline
Topic1: Introduction
Operational definitions in nutrition
Overview of global nutritional situation
Nutrition and Health
Common Nutritional problems
Food choices and their related factors
Functions of food
Topic2: Dietary guidelines
Food composition table
Food groups/food pyramid
Food exchange lists
Dietary diversity
Topic 3: Carbohydrates
Sources and functions
Types and Structure
Digestion, absorption and metabolism
Dietary requirements
Nutritional related disorders
Topic 4: Dietary fiber
Sources and Functions
Health effects
Topic 5: Lipids/Fats
Chemical composition
Sources and functions
Types and Structure
Digestion, absorption and metabolism
Dietary requirements
Nutritional related disorders
Topic 6: Lipids/Fats
Chemical composition
Sources and functions
Types and Structure
Digestion, absorption and metabolism
Dietary requirements
Nutritional related disorders
Topic 7: Proteins
Sources and Functions
Types and Structure
Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism
Dietary requirements
Nutritional related disorders
Modes of Instruction/delivery: Lectures; Group Discussions; Power point, Case
Studies and Team Work
Mode of Assessment
Mode of Assessment
Mark (%)
Mid-semester test
Final Examinations
Reading materials
4. Gibney J., Lanham Susan A., Cassidy A., & Vorster H., 2009. Introduction to
Human Nutrition. John Wiley & Sons Co.
5. Gibney J., & Kritchevsk D.,1983. Animal and Vegetable Proteins in Lipid
metabolism and Antheroslerosis
6. Garrow J. S., James W., P., T., Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 10th Ed. Churchill