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3 Transport in cells
Homework task
Diffusion in the lungs
This diagram shows the following:
the position of the lungs in the body
alveoli (single: alveolus) in the lungs
how carbon dioxide and oxygen diffuse across
the alveolus wall and the blood capillary wall.
1 Describe what happens to the air in the lungs
when we breathe. What happens to the concentration
of carbon dioxide and to the concentration of oxygen?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 When is the concentration of oxygen in the alveoli the greatest: when you have breathed in fully
or when you have breathed out fully?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Which way does oxygen diffuse when the concentration of oxygen in the alveolus is higher than
in the blood capillary?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 What happens when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood of the capillary is higher
than in the air in the alveolus?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Apart from gas concentration, what other factors are likely to affect diffusion of gases into and
out of the alveoli?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Someone with cystic fibrosis produces a lot of mucus that builds up in the lungs. Why would this
affect oxygen intake into the blood?
© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2016
3 Transport in cells
Homework task
7 Draw diagrams of an alveolus and a blood capillary to show how oxygen and carbon dioxide
diffuse. Use symbols to represent oxygen molecules and carbon dioxide molecules.
© Hodder & Stoughton Limited 2016