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Becca Postoll
Rome was established April 21, 753 BC
The first known gladiatorial combat took place at a
funeral of Junius Brutus
Gladiatorial Combat was taken from the Etruscans
At first, these fights were a sacrifice for the great
leader who had died
These ceremonies got more and more extravagant
Slave Fighters- Bustiarii- funeral men
The fights grew from ceremonies to popularity
Gladiators- swordsmen
They were powerful political enhancers
Caesar made the Gladiatorial events even better
than ever
Who were Gladiators?
Mostly POW’s, criminals, or slaves
POW’s were brought into Rome and sold into
slavery. Only the biggest and strongest were
bought into a gladiator school
Criminals convicted of murder, robbery, arson, or
sacrilege were damnati ad gladium - death by the
sword, or thrown to the beasts - damnati ad bestius.
Who were Gladiators?
As the popularity grew, more and more criminals were
sentenced to train in gladiator schools, damnati in ludum.
Regular slaves were another source of Gladiators.
Owners could dispose of their slaves and send them off
to gladiator school (especially if they tried to run away,
stole something or seriously displeased their master.)
They could either fight well enough to earn a rudius that
may lead to a better life or unfortunately, they could
The Gladiators
Those gladiators who received the rudius could come
back to the games any time they wanted. Some
emperors even added a prize for those who came
Occasionally noblemen stepped into the arena, but
mainly the gladiators were made of plebeians, Slaves,
POW’s and Criminals.
Even EMPERORS were seen in the arena at times.
Women were also Gladiators known as Amazons.
However, they were banned shortly afterwards from the
arena for offending the sensibility of the Romans where
man has not.
The Schools
There were many schools to train these men to
become great gladiators.
There were 4 large schools that were in close
vicinity to the Coliseum
The Great School- Ludus Magnus
The Gallic School- Ludus Gallicus
The Dacian School- Ludus Dacius
The animal fighter School- Ludus Matutinus
The Schools
They were both prison camps and training centers
The Gladiators were brainwashed into thinking that
they were apart of a special elite group
Novices or tiros began their training with straw men
and wooden swords.
Instructors were retired Gladiators
Primus Palus- Gladiators with lots of combat
Animals in the Arena
Venationes- animal shows
Started as religious ceremonies
The order of the ludi(games): Venationes in the
morning, and munera (gladiator fights) in the
All across the Roman Empire animals were captured
to provide for the need of these hunts
Bestiarii- animal fighters
Animals in the Arena
Venabulum- single long-bladed spear
Sagittarii- bow and arrows
These fighters took pride in their scars
First form of matadors, like the traditional bull fighting
in Spain
Can you explain the story of Androcles and the Lion?
The Amphitheater
First Gladiator events were fought in the Circus
Maximus (the chariot racing arena)
The Circus Maximus was oval in shape with a spina
(spine or divider), so very few people got a good
view of the fight
Amphitheater- theater with seats on all sides
Arena- sand
The sand easily soaked up the blood spilt, allowing
for easy clean up.
The Amphitheater
Amphitheatrum Flavium- The Colosseum was the
most magnificent amphitheater of all times
Constructed in 74 AD by Vespasianus aka
Once open 100 consecutive days of animal hunts
and gladiator shows were conducted
The first level sat the emperor, senators, priests and
priestesses, foreign kings and ambassadors
The Amphitheater
Podium- the patricians(noblemen) sat
Above the patricians and the higher tiers were for
the lower class of ordinary people and slaves
Velarium- a vast canvas awning handled by sailors
Underneath the arena were chambers and tunnels
to add special effects
Animals and props could be lifted and appear
magically from underneath the arena
Sea Battles
Naumachia- sea fight
The first sea battle recorded was by Julius Ceasar
Augustus also had a sea battle, but had to outdo
Biremes- galleys with two banks of oars
Triremes- galleys with three banks of oars
Sometimes the Colosseum was even flooded and
there were sharks and dangerous fish waiting for
them when they fell.
Gladiators in Society
Lowest class in Roman society
Only meant to provide entertainment
Forbidden to be buried in Roman cemeteries
Invisible until they did something spectacular
A really popular gladiator was like a modern day
rock star or sport hero.
Gladiators satisfied a need of the Roman society
and a vicious cycle ensued to continue to fulfill their
A Day at the Games
Merchants surrounded the Amphitheater and set up
Food and wine, programs and bets were also
The day began with Parades
This parade included the Fasces- an axe surrounded
by a bundle of rods
The royal family would also enter through the tunnel
through the private entrance from the emperor
A Day at the Games
The first part of the day were animal fights
At noon- “Half-time show” Prisoners, Christians, and
others who were killed
Paegniarii- Preliminary bouts, mock fights with
wooden swords, could also be whips and clubs
Munera – the noon (or afternoon) fighters
Mitte- let him go
Iugula- Kill him
Pollice verso- with the thumb having been turned
Urbico vs. Rapido (Urbico won)
 Urbico-
Secutor, 13 victories, 22 years old
 Rapido- Retarius, lightening fast reflexes
Felix vs. Aptus (Aptus won)
 Aptus-
nasty reputation, 37 vicotories, Thracian
 Felix- Mirimillo, 45 years old, veteran
Generoso vs. Flamma (Generoso won and was
offered the rudius)
 Flamma-
21 victories, rudius 4 times, secutor
 Generoso- Retarius, handsome, 27 victories