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Health Promotion with
Functional Detoxification
21-Days to Wellness
Health Promotion with Functional Detoxification
21-Days to Wellness
Congratulations! You are about to embark on the next stage on your road to wellness.
The three-week Detoxification Program is a vital part of this journey. By eliminating
toxins that interfere with healthy function you can begin to remove many of the
obstacles that your body faces as it is trying to heal itself.
The main purpose of Functional Detoxification is to enhance waste elimination by
inducing the release of accumulated toxins from the tissues and to facilitate their
subsequent removal from the body. Toxins build up when elimination cannot keep up
with the production of cellular wastes or the absorption of toxins from the intestines.
Since this toxic burden leads to all manner of diseases, it is important to not only
remove these toxins with the special help of Functional Detoxification, but to incorporate
the Detox skills and resources into a health promoting lifestyle.
Our overall health is a reflection of the health of our cells and their ability to work
together in harmony to maintain balance. Our cells constantly take in nutrients and
oxygen from the blood, do work (grow or create products), and then give off wastes. In
addition to the wastes normal function produces we are further burdened by toxins
absorbed from the intestinal tract. Maldigestion, poor food choices and dysbiosis
(parasitic, bacterial, and fungal infections) can make a mess out of the intestine.
Together these absorbed toxins and the wastes produced by cells are discharged from
the blood stream into the surrounding tissues, "the cellular garbage dump", where the
"sit" until they are transported to the organs of elimination for final disposal.
When the organs of elimination, the liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs and skin are
burdened with excessive toxins they will show signs of distress. The following are some
of the signs and symptoms that show that it is time to enhance waste elimination:
1. Rashes, pimples, or offensive body odor indicate the skin is stressed.
2. Frequent, painful or urgent urination or dark or offensive smelling urine, indicates
the kidneys are stressed.
3. Gas, diarrhea and constipation are the first signs of intestinal stress. Green,
mucous in the stools, itchy skin or right sided chest and back pain indicates the
liver is stressed.
4. Congestion, coughs or wheezing indicates the lungs are stressed.
From headaches to hypertension, each of us will show signs of stress differently,
depending upon our weaknesses and the nature of the toxins we are burdened with.
Ignoring these signs will cause stressed organs to become diseased, resulting in a
dramatic reduction in health and longevity.
One of the best ways to enhance waste elimination is with Functional Detoxification, a
comprehensive health recovery program that boosts the eliminative capacity of the liver,
intestines, kidneys, lungs and skin with a specialized diet and supportive nutritional
therapies. Circulation is enhanced with techniques like exercise and water therapy that
increase the movement of wastes out of the cells and tissues and into the blood for
transport to the organs of elimination. But to get the most out of Functional
Detoxification, one must have a healthful attitude, and move forward assertively with a
positive outlook on the process. Together this comprehensive approach prevents the
unwanted side effects common to other "fasting" or detoxing protocols and instead
creates a powerful health recovery event… one that you will be inspired to repeat again
and again on your own in many small ways as a valuable health promotion, health
maintenance tool.
Your introduction to Functional Detoxification will be a 21-day diet and lifestyle program
designed to create a personalized rejuvenation experience. You will receive instruction
and support to meet your specific needs. As your body cleanses you will experience
the benefits of improved function and undesirable symptoms will begin to resolve. You
will then find yourself thinking that you haven't felt this good in a long, long time.
Week one:
The focus of the first week is on detoxing - supporting all the organs of elimination,
especially the liver, with nutritional therapies, and creating a very powerful rest and
recovery event.
Weeks two and three:
The second and third week is an opportunity to build a health promoting diet - one that
more accurately reflects your individual needs.
As a result of Functional Detoxification, participants experience a significant reduction in
unwanted symptoms and are moved to integrate this technology into their lives. Followup support of these health-promoting habits insures that every one who completes the
three-week Functional Detoxification Program will have lasting results.
The following pages are a more comprehensive breakdown of the 21-day detoxification
Week One Diet and Treatment Plan
You will receive recommendations for special nutrients that nourish, protect and
stimulate the organs of detoxification and elimination. These will be individualized to
your specific needs and will not only enhance the detoxification but also support other
vital systems of your body. The aim of this program is to cleanse and make your body
stronger and more vital
The Functional Detoxification program includes replacing processed foods with “superfoods”, like the Detox Shake, that can provide essential nutrients, as well as, enhance
the elimination of stressful toxins that would otherwise interfere with healthy function.
Simply by replacing the usual and sometimes “toxic” foods we eat with a nutritious and
tasty Detox Shake you will support your body’s detoxification & elimination systems.
The Detox Shake is a solid foundation that when combined with fresh fruits and
vegetables provide your essential nutritional needs as well as extra support to enhance
your liver and intestinal detoxification function.
Ingredients to Make One Serving (1-2 pints):
1 – 2 scoops
1 scoop
1 ½ - 2 cups
1 – 2 Tbsp.
½ – 1 cup
1 – 3 tsp.
1 – 2 tsp.
¼ tsp.
Optional Ingredients:
 ½ – 1 tsp.
1 scoop
½ tsp.
1 – 2 tbsp.
Powdered Detoxification Formula
Whey Protein
Water, rice milk, nut milk
Ground Flax seeds
Organic fruit - fresh or frozen (examples: berries, peaches,
plums, pears)
Liquid Essential Fatty Acids
Liquid Lecithin (or 2 Tbsp. granular)
Powdered Probiotics
Raw honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, or organic
unsulfured black strap molasses
Powdered greens
Toasted wheat germ and/or Oat bran
1. Blend all ingredients together.
2. Let sit for a few minutes and then blend again, adding more of the liquid to achieve
desired consistency.
3. Make minor changes in the above recipe as desired to create a meal that you will
Blend a full day’s supply. Keep refrigerated and mix your shake prior to pouring.
Servings Of Detox Shake For Week One:
Days 1, 2, and 3:
 5 shake servings per day; plus fruits (not canned) and veggies (steamed,
sautéed or raw) as desired.
 Drink 1 cup of water per hour.
 O Blood Type persons must, instead of a Detox Shake, have a meat (stock
only) and veggie soup for dinner (no starch).
Days 4, 5, 6 and 7:
 3 (or more) servings per day, with 4th meal of vegetables (may use any fruit or
veggie listed below - cooked or raw).
 Again, O Blood Types (only) have meat stock or veggie soup for dinner.
1. The diet plan of the Functional Detoxification program is designed to eliminate
most of the toxins commonly found in food.
2. The foods that are acceptable during week one of the detoxification plan
generally have a low digestive energy quotient i.e. they do not need as much
digestion as other foods and are more gentle on your digestive system.
Fruits and Vegetables to Enhance Detoxification:
In addition to the Detox support shake noted above, eat large servings of fresh fruit &
veggies, separately or together as your digestion allows. Eat fruits and vegetables that
are organic, in season, locally grown, ripe, and fresh.
If gassy or bloated, separate fruits, veggies, and shakes.
Eat between meals especially - fresh and frozen fruit (locally grown best). If you are
able to purchase organic, do so. Examples: Apples, grapes, pears, peaches,
nectarines, plums, grapes, berries, melons, pineapple, mango, banana, fresh figs, etc.
Juiced or raw/grated beets, carrots, Jerusalem artichokes, turnips, parsnips and
rutabagas mixed with parsley or other greens. Also, sprouts, cabbage, peppers,
tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, celery, kohlrabi, string beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and
especially lots of assorted greens. Raw, whole or juiced is best. Steamed tender crisp
is good. Baked or sautéed using extra virgin olive oil or raw sesame oil is OK. Avoid
cooked root veggies (i.e. potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes).
Basil, tarragon, fennel, parsley, dill, garlic, ginger, etc.
Juice any raw vegetables 1 or more times/day, 1-cup servings drink slowly. Sip and
swirl this nutritional bonanza in your mouth to aid in digestion. (Resource book:
Complete Book of Juicing by Michael Murray).
a. All dairy
b. All meat
c. Eggs
d. All seafood
e. Grains (especially corn and wheat),
f. Beans, nuts, and seeds
g. Processed, fried and refined foods
h. Salt, sweets, and spices (i.e. pepper)
i. Coffee, tea & alcohol.
1. Irritability and fatigue are indications that detoxification is bogging down.
2. Remedy this by increasing water, fruits and vegetables, as well as exercise and rest.
3. Although it is very unlikely with this gentle, conservative approach, nausea or flu-like
symptoms may result from heavy liver or gall bladder toxin clearing, which is very
productive but uncomfortable.
4. Resolve with a heaping teaspoon of toxin-absorbing ground flax seeds or ¼ tsp of
pure pectin, mixed with 1-2 cups of water on an hourly basis.
5. Call your doctor if symptoms are severe or persistent.
Warnings: Please report adverse symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea,
abdominal cramping, fever, rashes, headaches, depression, fatigue, cold/flu or
any infections to our office immediately. Uncomfortable symptoms are often
relieved by increasing water, fiber, or by having a shake. Also, give yourself a
home spa treatment, you will be glad you did!
Be mindful of your “rest and recovery” process. How you think and feel will profoundly
affect your experience and outcome. Take care of yourself. Be gentle and nurturing.
Consider some of the following to help you through the first week:
1. Exercise:
a. walking – 15-20 minutes/3 times per day. Move to music. Be gentle rather
than aggressive. Focus on your breathing and practice full and even
inspirations. Exhalations are detoxifying. Share your experience with your
walking partner. “Get it off your chest”.
b. Dumb-bell or free weight exercise- follow the directions for a light workout
using free weights
2. Water: drink 1 -2 cups per hour to help your kidneys flush out the toxins.
3. Home spa treatment: hot shower for 5 to 10 minutes, followed by a cold rinse - 5 to
30 seconds (but not on the head). Repeat this cycle two times for the best results.
Immediately following, lay down, bundle-up and rest for 30 to 60 minutes. A very
important daily treatment. Repeat again that day as needed to help stay feeling
4. Consider Constitutional hydrotherapy or a wet sheet wrap (see attached pages)
5. Consider a castor oil pack treatment (see attached page)
6. Massage therapy: to move toxins out of your muscles and tissues. (See attached
7. The Enema: cleanses the colon, the main source of toxins. (See attached page)
8. Consider breathing exercises 2 – 3 times/day (see attached page)
Week Two and Three Diet and Treatment Plan
The heavy detox effort of week 1 has rewarded you with an improved sense of
wellbeing and relief from some nagging symptoms. The object of Weeks 2 and 3 is to
figure out how to keep this good thing going. As the result of detoxing you are “running
cleaner” and may be sensitive to certain foods that you re-introduce into your diet. It is
time to focus your awareness on the reintroduction of foods so you can distinguish
whether or not there are any old familiar foods that are stressing you. If they do, it is
time to let them go. And you will do so at your own pace…healing is a process.
Continue the Week 1 plan
Continue with the detox shake but reduce your serving size.
Servings of Detox Shake for Weeks 2 and 3:
 1-3 servings of the Detox Shake as meals each day
 1 cup water per hour
 Fruits and veggies as desired, with 1-2 meals of vegetables.
 Consider the fruits and veggies listed below - cooked or raw, as well as these
blood type diet instructions:
o O Blood Type individuals are asked to include a small serving (4 oz.) of
fish (esp.) or poultry with dinner and have their soup at lunchtime
beginning with week 2.
o A, B and AB types are asked to introduce animal products during week
3, or late in week 2 after nourishing vegetarian meals have been
1. During weeks 2 and 3 you will begin to re-introduce foods that you have not
eaten for the last week. The foods that are acceptable during weeks two and
three of the detoxification plan generally have a higher digestive energy quotient
than the foods in week one. You have given your digestive system a good rest
and can now add in foods that require more digestion.
2. This is an opportunity to monitor your reaction to any particular food and to keep
a record.
3. You may be wondering what foods to re-introduce first. Go with your intuition and
see where it leads you. Add back first the foods that you desire the most, as
long as they are on the list below. You may add other items not on this list
following week 3.
Some recommendations:
a. Remember to keep your critical awareness intact. Check to see how you feel
physically as well as mentally & emotionally before and after eating , including
how you sleep and how you feel when you wake up the next day.
b. Keep a written record (journal) and be objective. The information you gather will
guide us in helping you to create a “diet for health” – a personalized plan that
combines the body of knowledge that science and experience brings to bear with
the knowledge of the body that this process reveals about you.
Fruit and Vegetables to Enhance Detoxification:
Continue to eat fresh fruit & veggies, separately or together as your digestion allows.
Eat fruits and vegetables that are organic, in season, locally grown, ripe, and fresh.
If gassy or bloated, separate fruits, veggies, and shakes.
Use the same list of fruits as week 1.
You can add heavier, starchier foods in weeks 2 & 3, add cooked root vegetables:
potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, beets, carrots, Jerusalem artichokes, turnips, parsnips
and rutabagas. But continue the raw (in salads) steamed, or stir-fried veggies from
week 1 like sprouts, peas, avocado, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts,
celery, kohlrabi, string beans, broccoli, cauliflower & assorted greens.
Grains: Rice, wild rice, millet, quinoa and amarinth.
Nuts/Seeds (raw): Almonds, walnuts, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, pecans, filberts.
Beans and Legumes:
Red, white, and black beans. Soy products (Tofu, Tempeh, and Miso).
Herbs: Same as Week 1; explore more.
Continue to juice any raw veggie 1 or more times/day, 1 cup servings; mix veggies as
a. Gradually increase your activity level (i.e. intensity and duration) throughout
Weeks 2 and 3.
b. Continue the Home SPA treatment daily (reduce the rest period to 10 minutes if
time is an issue).
c. Use the other home health care treatments as needed to support your body.
The Functional Detoxification
Home Spa Techniques
Breathing Exercises
As you start to learn these exercises, practice them lying down. As you begin to
incorporate them into your daily life, they can be done standing, sitting or walking. They
should be done in a place where there is an abundant supply of clean fresh air,
preferably outside.
Place one hand on your diaphragm and the other on your lower abdomen. As you
breathe in, force your lower abdomen to swell like a balloon. As you breathe out, slowly
drop your jaw and shoulders. Imagine the oxygen passing through every part of your
body as you think, “I am relaxing my jaw, shoulders, arms, chest, hips, legs, feet, etc.”
Let each part go limp as you think of it.
8 TO 1 COUNT BREATHING (to increase lung capacity)
Inhale totally, filling your lungs by the count of four; hold to the count of four; exhale,
emptying your lungs by the count of four. Repeat several times. Increase the count,
gradually moving up to a count of six, then eight, etc. Do not increase to the point of
Interlock your fingers and press them against your chest as you breathe out, emptying
your lungs. Retain the pressure so that on the next breath your lungs must work harder.
Press against your chest as you breath out. Relax and allow a full breath, then repeat.
To relax, try to do 5 repeats of the relaxation breathing exercise, at least every hour.
The Castor Oil Pack
The castor oil pack has many applications, and is being used as part of your
detoxification program to facilitate deep cleaning and to assist the detoxification of your
body. Other conditions that respond well include: headaches, liver disorders,
constipation, intestinal disorders, gallbladder inflammation or stones and conditions with
poor elimination. It is specific in cases of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts that are nonmalignant.
The following supplies are needed for preparing a castor oil pack:
 Castor oil
 Bath towel
 Flannel cloth (white cotton or wool; 20 Hot water bottle or heating pad
40 inches by 24-48 inches)
 Two safety pins
 Plastic wrap (Clear kitchen wrap or
 Heating pad or hot water bottle,
plastic bag without ink)
 Towel/old sheet
 Glass dish (Square 9 x 9 inch Pyrex or
similar container)
1. Warm the castor oil in a double boiler or microwave and soak the flannel so that it is
saturated in the castor oil. It should not be dripping with oil, but nicely soaked. You
may want to strip off the excess oil.
2. Once the pack is made, it can be stored in a container and used for a couple of
months before needing to be replaced.
3. The pack is now ready for use.
1. Fold the flannel or wool cloth into 2-4 thickness, and a suitable size to cover the right
side of your abdomen.
2. Lay an old sheet down on the surface you will be lying on. This will prevent any oil
getting onto your bed or furniture.
3. Lie on your back placing flannel over abdomen,
4. Place plastic wrap that is 1-2 inches larger than the flannel on all sides to prevent
staining of clothes or bedding.
5. Wrap the towel around body over the flannel and plastic and pin in place.
6. At this time place the hot water bottle or heating pad over the treatment area. Rest.
7. Please take this opportunity to do some breathing exercises recommended in the in
the Home Care treatments. It is also a good opportunity to do some relaxation
techniques and/or healing visualizations. You may sleep.
8. Leave the pack on for 45 minutes to one hour.
9. After finishing, if the oil bothers you, wash with a solution of 3 tablespoons of baking
soda to 1-quart water.
10. Store the pack in a large zip-lock bag or a glass container. It is possible to reuse the
oil and pack many times. Add more heated oil as needed.
11. Discard and replace the pack after it begins to change color.
12. The treatment should ideally be done every day. Patients who use the pack daily will
receive the most beneficial effects.
Constitutional Hydrotherapy
A Hot & Cold Towel Treatment
PURPOSE: To enhance circ0075lation, detoxification, and immune function with a
simple, safe, and powerful 30-minute technique. Use as a tonic when you are well, or
as a treatment to enhance the resolution of an acute or chronic illness.
 Towels: one large (4 layered) & one small (2 layered), that are sized so that they
cover the chest from collarbone to belt line, and from side to side without draping
over the “patients” sides. (Cut old towels to suit.)
 Hot and cold water. Please use caution to avoid scalding. Remember that
children have a lower tolerance than adults for extremes of temperature. (Before
applying hot towel, press them to your face to determine if the temperature is OK.)
 Blankets (wool)
A. Hot towel on chest. (5 min)
1. Ask the “patient” to lay down face up (no shirt) and cover with sheet (closest
to the body) and blankets.
2. Wring out the big towel with hot water (the hotter the better).
3. Expose the “patient’s” chest and apply the hot towel (shake the towel a bit if
necessary to cool to avoid scalding).
4. Cover the “patient” well and set timer for 4 minutes. Be sure to tuck in feet
and shoulders.
B. Cold towel on chest. (10 min)
1. When timer rings, wring out the small cold towel.
2. Place the cold towel (the colder the better) on top of the hot towel and flip
together so that the cold towel is against the chest.
3. Peel off the top hot towel and leave the cold one on.
4. Wrap up patient again and set timer for 9 minutes.
5. When timer rings, check to make sure the cold towel is now warm from body
heat - if not, then patient is not responding well. Fix this by warming patient
with more blankets and a hot pad/bottle to the feet. When, and only when,
the “patient” has warmed the “cold towel” do you remove the towel and turn
the “patient” over onto their chest and cover them with the blankets. Note: If
the patient is slow to warm the cold towel, wring out the next cold towel
C. Hot towel on back. (5 min)
1. Repeat Procedure A for the back.
D. Cold towel on back. (10 min)
1. Repeat Procedure B for the back.
1. Always follow hot with cold, and leave the cold towel on until warmed.
2. The cold towel can stay on for the whole night and be OK.
3. The cold towel must be only 2 layers and not covering a larger area than the
hot towel.
4. To help children with this treatment hold and rock them following the cold
application…read a book…sing songs.
Free-weight/Dumbbell workout
Press — Lie flat on your back. With weights in both hands bring elbows back next to
ears and press up, bringing hands back together. This resembles upside down push up.
Flies — Begin with arms above chest (dumbbells in each arm), similar to press, form a
bow like you are hugging a tree, then release arms straight out to each side — full
stretch then return to “hug” position.
Press — Begin with sitting or standing position. Press the weights directly above your
head, then bend elbows and bring weights in front of nose and repeat.
Side Raise — Standing position, weights at side, life them out to side, forming a cross
then return.
Front Raise — Standing position, weights are raised from beginning position of resting
on thighs, then raised to a position resembling sleepwalking.
Extensions — Lying position, weights are in beginning position behind head/ears, with
elbows pointed toward ceiling, extend weights towards the sky, then return.
Kick backs — Bent over position, elbows at side, then extend out and behind.
Broom twists — With broomstick above resting on shoulders, twist from the waist.
1 Arm Rows — Bent over rowing position, begin with one arm, switch to other.
Curls — Standing curls, alternating hammer position and wrist rotation.
Squats — Standard squats
Lunges — Standard and reverse
Standard crunches — Legs bent or elevated. Do 25-50 reps in 1-3 sets.
Obliques — Lay on side and contract side abdominal muscles, hands behind head or
along side leg, bringing elbows or fingers down towards feet. Repeat on each side.
Do 10-20 repetitions of each exercise in 2-4 sets of each.
The Enema
PURPOSE: To support detoxification by cleansing the colon & stimulating the liver to
dump bile, its main avenue of waste elimination. This simple water therapy is safe &
effective at reducing the common side effects of Functional Detoxification: headaches,
fatigue and irritability.
1. Enema bucket
2. Lubricant (KY Jelly, olive oil or butter work great)
1. 1 ½ quarts pure water (boiled or distilled) that is nice & warm to the touch
2. 6 capsules of detoxifying chlorphyll
3. 1 tsp. powdered probiotic (to replace the health promoting bacteria)
4. 1 Tbsp. liquid bentonite (toxin absorbing clay)
OPTIONAL LIVER CLEANSING INGREDIENT: 1 cup regularly brewed coffee
DIRECTIONS: Mix the above ingredients together, re-check the temperature of the
solution, and instill the solution into the rectum once a day in the evening.
1. Place solution in your enema bucket (valve closed).
2. Open valve to fill tube and remove any air bubbles in the tube, close valve and
lubricate the tip of the tube as well as the opening to your rectum.
3. Place the enema bucket on the bathroom counter. On several bath towels, lay
down on your left side in the knee-chest position. Gently and steadily insert the
enema tube into the rectum approximately 6 to 12 inches for adults and 3 to 4
inches for children, with the tip pointing towards your navel. Warning: Do not force
the tip. If you experience resistance, change the angle and try again.
4. Open the valve and let the solution flow into your rectum as much as tolerated. It
helps to massage the abdomen to relax the colon and allow filling, especially if it
becomes uncomfortable. A small amount of liquid may remain in the bucket. It is
not necessary to completely empty the contents of the bucket. Close the valve and
remove the tube when you are done.
5. Rest on your left side or on your back with knees bent for 1 to 5 minutes and gently
massage your abdomen before getting up to evacuate on the toilet.
6. Wash the enema bucket and the tube with soap and hot water following each use.
Lymphatic Cleansing Exercises
The following exercises are designed to increase the circulation of lymph fluid through
the lymph nodes. Lymph fluid moves towards the heart and is facilitated by muscular
contraction from vigorous, aerobic physical activity, which pushes the fluid through the
lymphatic system. The exercise below will achieve similar results.
1. Rebounding
Jumping on a mini-trampoline for 5-15 minutes daily or jumping with a skipping rope are
excellent activities for increasing lymphatic circulation.
2. Dry skin brushing
Dry skin brushing is a simple exercise to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation.
Stimulating the skin improves circulation, removes dead skin, keeps the skin soft, helps
control cellulite and rids the body of toxins.
1. Brush the whole body once per day with a dry natural sea sponge or a natural
dry skin brush, both of which are available at the health food store.
2. It is best to do this treatment after a hot shower and your body is dry.
3. Start with the arms front and back and use short, brisk strokes, working your
way up from the fingertips to the armpit, always moving towards the heart.
4. Then do each leg working up through the pelvis, the buttocks, abdomen, and
lower back.
5. Then do the chest and upper back, always brushing towards the heart.
6. Finally, brush the face and neck, using downward strokes towards the heart.
Some suggestions:
1. Use your own skin brush and do not share.
2. Always keep the brush dry. It will not work if it is wet.
3. If the skin brushing is painful, start lightly and persevere, the discomfort will
3. Inversion therapy
Inverting the body can assist with lymphatic drainage. The body can be therapeutically
inverted using gravity boards or inversion tables. You can also achieve the same effect
by doing certain types of inverted yoga poses included in advanced yoga training.
Another method is to simply sit with your legs higher than pelvis. This encourages
drainage from the legs through the lymph nodes in the groin. Stretching the arms over
the head will help move lymph through the nodes in the armpit.
Massage and Detoxification
Massage therapy facilitates tissue cleansing and is a valuable support to
Functional Detoxification. This vigorous work induces the release of toxins from the
tissues and their subsequent elimination from the body. Toxins accumulate both in the
cells and in the fluid surrounding cells (the “extra cellular matrix”), when the body
systems of elimination cannot keep up with toxin production or absorption, mainly by an
intestine compromised by maldigestion.
Our body cells take in nutrients and oxygen from the blood, do work, (grow or
create products), and then give off wastes. These wastes are discharged from the cells
into the extra-cellular matrix where they undergo an exchange with the blood stream for
the nutrients coming in. The blood transports these wastes to the liver to be detoxified
and then to the organs of elimination, the intestine, the kidneys, the lungs and the skin,
for final disposal.
When these organs are burdened with excessive wastes, they show signs of
their stress. Rashes, pimples, or offensive body odor indicate the skin is stressed.
Frequent, painful, or urgent urination or dark or offensive smelling urine indicates the
kidneys are stressed. Gas, diarrhea and constipation or green, mucous stools, or right
sided chest pain indicates the liver is stressed. Congestion, coughs or wheezing
indicates the lungs are stressed. Each of us will show signs of stress differently
depending on our inherent weaknesses and the nature of the noxious waste materials.
These signs of stress mean it is time to “detox” – to enhance the elimination of
wastes. To accomplish this, it is important to boost the eliminative capacity of the liver,
kidneys, lungs and skin with Functional Detoxification techniques. As well, it is also
important to increase the movement of wastes out of the cells and tissues where they
are most concentrated and into the blood for transport to these organs of elimination.
This is accomplished with hydrotherapy, exercise and massage therapy.
Massage therapy can turn the jelly-like extra-cellular matrix “cellular garbage
dump”, into a more liquid state allowing the trapped “garbage” to be free to move along
with the tissue “water” into the blood stream. This natural loss of water and garbage
from around cells not only allows the cells to “clean house” more effectively, but brings
them closer together and nearer to their blood supply of nutrients and hormonal control,
in other words, a loss of water retention and bloating. The result: your cells work more
harmoniously and more productively… and you look and feel great!
Remember to drink extra amounts of pure water before and after a massage to
further enhance your elimination and to replenish your body’s supply of water with the
best source.
Wet Sheet Pack
A Vigorous Detoxifying Treatment
DESCRIPTION: This is a full-body wrap with a cold, wet sheet wrapped directly around
the patient with several layers of dry blankets on the outside. The dry blankets are
placed on top of the patient to help regulate the temperature of the treatment and the
amount of evaporation required.
PURPOSE: Used to increase metabolism and circulation and to encourage
hyperthermia and sweating. The cold application to the skin stimulates a heating
response (which continues as the water evaporates). The greater the area of skin
stimulated by cold, the greater the heating reaction. As the patient responds to the
treatment, varied reactions occur including: stimulation, sedation, hyperthermia, and
lastly diaphoresis.
1 sheet; 2 wool blankets; hot packs; cold compress; towels; pillow
Soak sheet in cold water and wring out. Wrap the patient in the sheet and let them lay
down on their back, head resting on a pillow. Wrap the dry wool blanket on top of the
wet sheet and tuck in around patient, use additional blanket as needed. Apply hot
packs to the feet to be sure that the patient stays warm. Apply a cold compress to the
head as necessary and offer water to drink. When the treatment is complete, unwrap
the patient and apply cold mitten friction. Allow the patient to rest in dry bedding for 30
minutes. The duration of treatment may vary from 30 minutes to eight hours depending
on the desired response.
1st stage: fever; weakness, anemia, general debilitated states.
2nd stage: depression, mania, insomnia, nervousness, indigestion.
3rd stage: constipation, nephritis, liver congestion, irritable bowel, ulcerative colitis,
Crohn's disease, malabsorption; and pneumonia.
4th stage: cold, flu, bronchitis, addictions, liver disease, measles, and as a preventative
Diabetes, very severe colds or flu; skin conditions made worse by moisture; acute
asthma; claustrophobia, cardiovascular disease, extreme weakness, chilled patient,
*Use caution with very young or old patients.
Functional Detoxification
Breakfast Options
Nut Milk
Scrambled tofu or eggs and
Alkaline Broth
Bieler Broth
Sauces and Dips
Almond Avocado Dip
Almond Butter and Herb Sauce
Almond Butter Sauce
Carrot Almond Pate
Spicy Dressing
Sweet, light and minty dressing
Flaxseed Oil and Lemon dressing
Herbal Lemon-Tahini Sauce
No-fat herbal dressing
Parsley and Cilantro dressing Mint
Pesto with Almonds or Peanuts
Main Dishes
Stir-fry Salmon with vegetables
Salmon Steaks
Baked Basil and Tarragon Halibut
Chicken and Rice Soup
Easy millet
Easy Basmati Rice
Colorful quinoa
Vegetable Dishes
Easy Kale
Swiss Chard and Beet Tops
Arame and Zucchini Stir-fry
Nut or Seed “Milk”
½ cup almonds, hazelnuts or sunflower seeds (all raw, unsalted and preferably
enough filtered water to cover and soak nuts or seeds overnight
3 additional cups filtered (pure) water
Optional: 1 tsp. Brown Rice Syrup or stevia to taste
1. Soak the nuts and seeds overnight (note: you can try this with sesame seeds as
well, but omit the overnight soak and skip to step 3).
2. Strain and discard the water used for soaking. The skins of the nuts should peel off
easily at this point. (If they do not, then place in small saucepan on the stovetop,
add water to cover and simmer for about 5 minutes. This will release the skins for
3. Place the nuts or seeds along with the water and optional sweetener in a blender
and blend well.
4. You may drink the nut milk as is, or strain it through a fine strainer or cheesecloth. If
you prefer the unstrained version, be sure to “chew” the ground mixture for optimal
1/3 cup cooked brown Basmati rice
10-15 almonds
8 ounces pure water
2 tbl. Brown rice syrup
Place all ingredients in a VitaMix or blender and blend well to make a creamy
**Can substitute almond milk (unfiltered) for the almonds and water in this recipe.
Scrambled tofu or eggs and vegetables
3 eggs or 1 cup of firm tofu
1 ml. Olive oil or Ghee
1 tsp. Fresh basil
¼ cup chopped onion or leek
¼ tsp. Spike or Nori Flakes
Quick squirt of Bragg’s liquid aminos (if using tofu)
¼ cup broccoli florets
1 cup chopped spinach
Sauté onions and oil until aromatic. Add tofu, herbs and vegetables (wait a few minutes
if adding eggs). Sauté until tofu starts to brown about 5 minutes. Add eggs if using
them. Careful not to overcook the eggs. Keep griddle at moderate temperature.
¼ cup millet flour
¼ cup brown rice flour
1 tsp. Baking powder (non-aluminum)
1 Tbl. Ground flax seeds
1/3 cup protein powder
1 egg (can substitute 2 egg whites or egg replacer)
1 cup milk (rice, or soy)
Mix dry ingredients and liquid ingredients separately. Add liquid mixture to dry mixture
and beat or mix well. You may have to add additional liquid depending on desired
thickness of pancake. Ladle on to hot griddle (375 degrees). Serve with ghee, almond
butter, applesauce or Brown rice syrup
Alkaline Broth
3 stalks celery or bok choy
3 carrots
1 large onion or 2 cloves garlic
1 cup spinach leaves
6 organic unpeeled potatoes
Cover with water in a non-aluminum soup pot. Let cook until broth has a rich flavor.
Strain and drink hot or cold.
Bieler Broth
Bieler broth is a wonderful, nurturing and calming food that has been used by
naturopaths and holistic doctor’s for years during fasting. It helps to nourish and deacidify the system. Enjoy in limitless amounts.
Choose a combination of equal amounts from the following vegetables:
celery, green beans, zucchini, spinach, parsley
Place your vegetables in a steaming basket and cover the bottom of the pot with
enough water so that it does not boil dry but not enough to cover any of your
vegetables. Check them with a fork periodically to make sure that they are still
“crunchy”. This will usually take only a few minutes.
Place your vegetables and the steaming water in your blender and puree. Add any of
your favorite fresh or dry herbs to enhance the flavor of the broth.
If your system is sensitive:
Place the above vegetables in a soup pot with a significant amount of water.
Add any of your favorite fresh or dried herbs to enhance the flavor of your soup.
Bring this to a boil, then let it simmer for 45-60 minutes. Drain and keep the broth.
Throw away the vegetables because the nutrients will be leached out of them.
Almond Avocado Dip
2 Scallions, finely chopped
1 - 2 cloves Garlic (optional)
1/4 tsp. cayenne
1 med. Avocado
1 med. Tomato
2 tsp. Basil (1/4 bunch)
1 tsp. Tarragon
1/3 cup Almonds (soaked and blanched)
¼ cup Lemon juice
Soak the almonds for 12-24 hours, discard the water. Boil 1 cup of pure water
and pour over the almonds. Wait for 30 seconds, discard the water again and slip
the skin off the almond by using your thumb and index finger (you now have
blanched almonds). Put the blanched almonds in the food processor and blend
until creamy. Chop the basil and tarragon in the processor until finely chopped,
(always chop herbs first before your blender gets moist) or chop manually with a
sharp knife. Add tomato, avocado, herbs, and lemon juice.
You may serve this dip with your favorite raw veggies or green salad or use as a
spread on crackers. This dip is very much appreciated by those individuals with
candida, who are restricted from eating a variety of other foods.
**Recipe adapted from The Quintessential Recipes for Vibrant Health by Farideh
Almond Butter and Herb Sauce
3 Tbsp. Almond butter
3 oz. Lemon juice
1/2 tbls. Brown rice syrup
2 oz. Water
2 cloves Garlic, chopped
1 tsp. Ginger, chopped fine
3 - 4 Tbsp. Tarragon and basil
1 Tbsp. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
Process garlic, ginger, and herbs first. Then add the liquids. Process until a
creamy consistency. This sauce can be used as a dip in a thicker consistency.
To serve as salad dressing, add 2 ounces of water and 2 ounces, of lemon juice
to create a thinner consistency.
Almond Butter Sauce
½ med. Onion
2 - 3 cloves Garlic
3 oz. Lemon juice
2 tbls brown rice syrup
4 oz. Water
4 Tbsp. Almond Butter
4 sprigs each mint and basil, finely chopped
1 oz. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
Chop garlic and ginger and herbs finely, add liquids and almond butter and process
in blender until smooth.
**Recipe adapted from The Quintessential Recipes for Vibrant Health by Farideh
Carrot Almond Pate
24 almonds (soaked 12-24 hours ahead)
2 to 3 oz. Carrot juice
1 Avocado
4 Tbl. Cilantro (finely chopped)
1 Carrot (chopped in processor)
1 tsp. Miso
1 Celery stalk
2 Beets (steamed)
Sprout almonds as instructed. Blend the above ingredients (except beets), adding
chopped cilantro last. Mold into a shape and serve on a bed of red leaf lettuce with
sliced beets on the side and garden green salad.
**Recipe adapted from The Quintessential Recipes for Vibrant Health by Farideh
Spicy Dressing
1 Tbsp. Ginger, about 1 inch around
1 Tbsp. Garlic (about 3 lrg. cloves)
¾ cup lemon juice
¼ cup water
¼ tsp. Capsicum, optional
Process ginger and garlic, then add liquids and mix well in the processor. This dressing
is high in enzyme action. Best used for improving digestive, circulatory, and respiratory
systems. Try it in vegetable soups when you have a cold and your sinuses will open up
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
Sweet, light and minty dressing
1 Tsp.. Ginger. minced
2 Tbl. Brown rice syrup
¾ cup lemon juice
¼ cup water
3 Tbsp. Mint
Put all of the above ingredients in the food processor. Makes about 10 ounces This is a
light herbal dressing that can be mixed with organic olive oil and flaxseed oil.
Flaxseed Oil and Lemon Dressing
2 cloves Garlic, finely chopped
¼ cup Lemon juice
1/4 cup Flaxseed oil
1/4 cup Olive oil
I squirt Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
1/3 bunch Basil (2 heaping Tsp..)
2 Brown rice syrup
¼ cup Water
Wash basil and garlic cloves and dry and chop. Put in the blender and add the liquids
and blend to a liquid creamy consistency. You may add 1-2 tablespoons of this to a
helping of steamed rice or vegetable of your choice as a sauce.
Note: You may choose to omit Bragg’s Liquid Aminos.
Herbal Lemon-Tahini Sauce
¼ cup Brown Rice syrup
¼ medium onion, optional
2 tsp. Garlic (2-3 cloves)
1-2 tsp. ginger
3 Tsp.. Basil, tarragon, or mint (fresh) or 1 Tsp.. (dried)
4 oz. Tahini (l/4of a 16 oz. jar)
3-4 oz. Pure water (start with less water at first)
Chop onion, garlic, and ginger in the processor. Remove and set aside. Next, process
the herbs, by first cutting up the sprigs into smaller sizes, and removing any hardened
stems. Now add the onion, garlic, ginger, herbs, lemon, maple syrup, water, and tahini
together in the processor and process briefly until everything mixes well. Experiment
with taste and consistency. If! plan to use this recipe as a dip, I use less liquid. But, it
you want to use this as a dressing on salads or steamed vegetables, dilute with more
water and adjust the flavor by adding more lemon, etc.
**Recipe adapted from The Quintessential Recipes for Vibrant Health by Farideh
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
No-Fat Herbal Dressing
4 oz. Lemon juice
4 oz. Water
2 oz. Brown rice syrup
2 Tsp. Mixed herbs - (approx. 3 sprigs of each)
1 Tbsp. Ginger
1 Tbsp. Garlic
Proceed by finely processing the herbs. Next add the garlic and ginger. Later add the
liquids. Makes about 1 pint of excellent dressing, ready to add to soups, salads, baked
potatoes, etc.
**Recipe adapted from The Quintessential Recipes for Vibrant Health by Farideh
Parsley and Cilantro Dressing
Juice of I lemon
3 cloves garlic
About 3 inches of ginger
4-5 Tsp. Cilantro (- 1/2 bunch)
4-5 Tsp .Parsley (- 1/2 bunch)
3/4 cup Water
1/4 cup Brown rice syrup
1 oz. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos,
Wash all herbs and spices. In a dry blender, finely chop garlic, ginger, and herbs, add
liquids, blend (pulsing) enough to chop finely and not mash up the herbs. Makes about
1 pint. Makes excellent addition to vegetable soup. Or if you use a Vita Mix, add 1 to 2
tablespoons of this mix to any vegetable puree or pate that you make.
Mint Pesto with Almonds or Peanuts
4-5 oz. Lemon juice
4 oz. Olive oil
4 tsp. Mint
4 tsp. Parsley
6-8 cloves Garlic
1/3 cup Almonds or peanuts
Blend the ingredients together in a food processor. Adjust the amount of nuts or liquids
to achieve desired consistency. Add rice or soy milk to thin. Serve atop grains, veggies,
fish or poultry.
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
Stir-fry Salmon with Vegetables
1 ½ pounds salmon fillets skins removed
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 medium carrots
leeks (about 1/2 cut chopped)
1 medium size zucchini
1/2 cup water
1 medium size yellow squash
1 cup chopped broccoli (florets and stalk)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt, herbal seasoning (See Options)
Cut leek in half lengthwise and rinse well. Chop well, up to and including part of the
green (pieces should be approximately ¼ inch thick). Cut other veggies into
approximately 1 inch pieces. Wash and pat salmon dry. Cut salmon into 1 inch slices,
sauté in the lemon juice and set aside.
In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons oil. Add leeks, stir until they are coated with oil.
Cover and cook for a few minutes until aromatic. Add the carrots and broccoli, and
continue to sauté an additional 3 minutes. Add pure water if sticking occurs. Add the
zucchini, squash and salmon and cook covered a few minutes more. Add any additional
flavoring at this time.
Options: 1 ml. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, -or 1 tsp. Dill, -or- 1 tsp. Cumin - or- 1 tsp. Fresh
basil or cilantro, additional lemon juice.
Do not overcook. Dish is done when salmon is just barely cooked through.
Salmon Steaks
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
4-6 thick salmon steaks
Juice of 2 lemons or limes
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons ground pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts or oat flour
2 teaspoons dried dill
Spike or sea salt
Dash of paprika
Place fish in casserole dish and season with herbs and lemon. Bake covered for
approximately 15 minutes. Uncover and bake another 5- 10 minutes. Check
doneness by using a fork, fish should flake easily, do not overcook.
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
Baked Basil and Tarragon Halibut
(If preferred, you can prepare this same recipe on the grill)
2 pounds halibut steaks or fillets
Juice from 2 lemons
1/4 cup water
2 tbl. Brown rice syrup
2 cloves garlic (minced or crushed)
1 Tbl. Ginger (minced)
2 Tsp.. Chopped Basil
2 Tsp.. Chopped Tarragon
Blend together liquid ingredients and herbs. Place fish in shallow baking dish. Pour
liquid over fish and let sit for 20 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. until fish
flakes easily. Check for doneness in 25 minutes, being careful not to overcook.
This recipe works well with other white fish as well.
Easy Millet
1 cup organic millet
2 cups pure water
1 Tbl ghee (optional)
Measure 1 cup of millet and put in strainer to rinse. Rinse well until water runs clear. Put
millet in pot with 1 ¼ cups cold water. Bring to a boil uncovered, then reduce heat to low
and simmer (covered) for another 20-30 minutes. Add water as necessary. When water
is close to being absorbed, stir in 1 Tbl. ghee — this makes a great flavor. Season with
Spike or Bragg’s Liquid Aminos. Or serve for breakfast with ground nuts, seeds, flax
seed oil, rice or almond milk, Brown rice syrup or stevia.
** Follow these same directions for quinoa. Quinoa usually cooks up a bit quicker than
millet, so keep your eye on the stove.
Easy Basmati Rice
1 cup brown or white Basmati rice or long-grain rice
1 ¾ cups water or veggie stock
Give rice a quick rinsing. Then combine all ingredients in a stovetop pot, stir and turn on
heat to high. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer, covered, until almost all of the
liquid has been absorbed, about 20 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand, covered,
another 5 minutes.
Colorful Quinoa
4 cups quinoa (cooked, warm)
¼ cup grated raw beets
¼ cup grated raw carrots
¼ cup tightly packed, minced fresh parsley or cilantro
1/3 cup finely chopped scallion greens
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
2-3 tbl. Olive oil
¼ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
Sea salt, Spike or Bragg’s Liquid Amino’s to taste.
Combine all ingredients in large bowl. Serve warm or refrigerated
Easy Kale
½ bunch Parsley (finely chopped)
2 bunches Kale (can substitute any green in this recipe)
1 lrg. Onion (chopped) or 1 leek chopped
3 cloves Garlic (chopped)
1-2 Tsp.. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
¼ cup lemon juice
Cut up the greens into ½ inch pieces. Chop the washed parsley in a food processor;
add the lemon juice and process. Set aside. In a pot, place the leaves and layer with
chopped onion, and garlic. Place on the stove over medium to high heat for 5 minutes.
Turn it down to low and cook another 5 minutes. I prefer to have the leaves just slightly
warmed so they look nice and green (not overcooked). Turn the heat off, pour the
lemon juice and parsley puree on the chard. Mix and transfer to a plate.
Swiss Chard and Beet Tops
4 med. Onions, thinly cut in rings
3 cloves Garlic, finely chopped
2 oz. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
¼- 1 tsp. Curry powder
¼- 1 tsp. Cumin
¼ - 1 tsp. Coriander
2 bunches Chard
1 bunch Beetroot tops
4 oz. Water to lightly steam the green leaves
4 Tsp.. Combination flaxseed oil and olive oil
In skillet, place the onions and garlic with 1-2 ounces of water. Lightly sauté for 2-3
minutes. Add the spices. Mix well and set aside. Wash the green leaves well. Cut up
the stems in 1-2 inch lengths. Fill pan with 4 ounces of water and add the stems. Cut up
the leaves in I inch lengths. (Bunch the leaves up and then cut.) Add the leaves to the
pot. Place the lid on and steam on medium-high heat for 5 minutes. Remove from the
heat. Stir in the spiced onion and the liquid aminos. If you wish to cook the greens
further, cook for an additional 1-2 minutes. Otherwise, serve on platter.
Serves 4-6 persons.
Curry Mustard Greens
1 tbl. Olive oil
2 tsp. Whole cumin seeds
2 tsp. Mustard seeds
1 large onion or 2 leeks, chopped
1 ¼ tsp. curry powder or paste
Pinch of cayenne
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
1 large bunch mustard greens washed well, stems removed and
leaves finely shredded or chopped.
Spike or Bragg’s Liquid Aminos to taste
In large skillet or wok, heat the oil. Sizzle the cumin and mustard seeds for 5 seconds,
then add the onion and sauté, stirring frequently, until onions begin to brown — about 5
minutes. Stir in the curry powder and cayenne. Add greens and cover. Cook covered
over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, and adding a few tablespoons of water if
the mixture seems dry. Serve warm over grains or with your favorite protein.
** Recipe adapted from An Ecological Kitchen by Lorna Sass.
Arame-Zucchini Stir Fry
1 cup loosely packed arame, rinsed vigorously in cold water and
1 cup boiling water
1 tbl. Olive oil
2 large cloves garlic
1 pound zucchini, cut in ‘As inch slices (about 6 cups)
¼ cup tightly packed minced fresh basil and/or parsley
Optional: 1 pound firm tofu, or salmon. 2-3 tbl. Wheat-free tamari
If using protein, chop or cube into bite size pieces, marinate in wheat-free tamari sauce
and set aside.
While this marinates, place arame in bowl and pour over the boiling water. Let sit for 15
minutes pressing the arame down into the water from time to time. Drain the arame
through a sieve.
In a wok or skillet, heat the oil. Sauté the garlic for 10 seconds, stirring constantly. Add
the protein at this stage and any extra tamari and the soaked arame and stir fry for 1
Stir in the zucchini and 2 tbl. of water. Cover and cook about 3 minutes (zucchini should
be tender-crisp). Stir in the basil and/or parsley. Serve hot or at room temperature.
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
Daily Detox Plan
The Daily detox plan is designed to bring the incredible benefits of detoxification into
your life on a daily basis. In a given 24-hour period our bodies will cycle through a
phase of activity and a phase of rest and recovery. The following plan is designed to
enhance both of these phases, so you can get a maximum amount of energy out of
your day.
Active and Rest and Recovery Phases:
In the active phase our activity we use up our body strength and resources to
accomplish our daily work. The vigorous physical and mental activities of the daytime
are driven by our primitive hormone patterns whose rhythm is primarily set by the sun.
The foods and nutritional supplements of your individualized supplement plan
complement this active phase of our daily cycle.
During the night we are at rest. The body is restoring its resources and recovering
strength so that we may be prepared for tomorrow. The restful physical and mental
state of the nighttime phase is enhanced by the Functional Detoxification therapies.
The following "Daily Detox" concepts are designed for you to get more rest and
recovery out of your nighttime. You will detoxify and eliminate more effectively and
better prepare your mind and body for the challenges of a new day.
 Eat heavy foods (dinner) early, i.e., prior to 7:30 - 8:00 p.m. and retire between
10:00 and 11:00 p.m. You have a series of hormones that peak between 9 p.m.
and 4 a.m to help with rest and recovery. Don't miss out on the benefits by
staying up too late. Sleeping in does not make it up very well.
 Eat high fiber fruits as evening snacks. Take a seed fiber (i.e. psyllium) with a
tall glass of water and some beneficial intestinal flora and some chlorophyll prior
to bed and upon rising to detox the intestinal tract.
 Nutritional Therapy to enhance detoxing: may be taken both prior to bed and
upon rising to support the work of the liver.
 Wake up early enough to exercise (i.e. walking, stretching) for 5 to 30 minutes.
 A hot shower and cold rinse (5 to 60 seconds, although not on your head; a
vigorous rubdown, and a towel scrub dry; finished by a thin application of
coconut oil to protect and soothe the skin. This circulation stimulator will do
wonders to wake you up in the morning or to prepare you for a restful night's
sleep. Do it daily.
Consider using the detox shake you used during the 21-day Functional Detoxification
as a replacement for breakfast. It will provide you with long-lasting energy, provide your
body with all the key nutrients to start your day and will help you continue the cleansing
process on a daily basis.
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
Using the Detox Shake on a Daily Basis
Functional Detoxification is the art and science of reducing stressful toxins by avoiding
exposure and enhancing elimination - internal housekeeping. No health strengthening
plan (“in with the good”) is complete without detoxification (“out with the bad”). The
Detox Shake is a simple way to get started.
Functional Detoxification includes replacing processed foods with “super-foods”, like the
Detox Shake, that can provide essential nutrients, as well as, enhance the elimination
of stressful toxins that would otherwise interfere with healthy function. Simply by
replacing the usual and sometimes “toxic” breakfast with a nutritious and tasty Detox
Shake you will support your body’s detoxification & elimination systems. This limited
version of the Functional Detoxification Program is a great way to start each day, or to
take once a week on your “detox day”. Substitute the versatile Detox Shake for any
meal when you are on the run or to make a healthy diet change easily.
Ingredients To Make One Serving of a Detox Meal Replacement Shake:
1 – 2 scoops
1 scoop
1 ½ - 2 cups
1 – 2 Tbsp.
½ – 1 cup
1 – 3 tsp.
1 – 2 tsp.
¼ tsp.
Optional Ingredients:
 ½ – 1 tsp.
1 scoop
½ tsp.
1 – 2 tbsp.
Powdered Detoxification Formula
Whey Protein
Water, rice milk, nut milk
Ground Flax seeds
Organic fruit - fresh or frozen (examples: berries, peaches,
plums, pears)
Liquid Essential Fatty Acids
Liquid Lecithin (or 2 Tbsp. granular)
Powdered Probiotics
Raw honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, or organic
unsulfured black strap molasses
Powdered greens
Toasted wheat germ and/or Oat bran
1. Blend all ingredients together.
2. Let sit for a few minutes and then blend again, adding more of the liquid to achieve
desired consistency.
3. If you are saving it for later, keep it refrigerated and mix your shake prior to pouring.
4. Make minor changes in the above recipe as desired to create a meal that you will
1. Begin with 1 serving per day as a breakfast meal replacement shake.
2. After two weeks you may add another serving as a lunch meal replacement shake.
3. It is also important to have multiple servings of raw and cooked non-starchy
vegetables, like salads and stir fry or steamed veggies on a daily basis.
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
4. Consider having 3 to 5 servings of the Detox Shake on a one day per week basis.
Call it your “Detox Day” and take time out to rest and relax.
6. Irritability and fatigue are indications that detoxification is bogging down.
7. Remedy this by increasing water, fruits and vegetables, as well as exercise and rest.
8. Although it is very unlikely with this gentle, conservative approach, nausea or flu-like
symptoms may result from heavy liver or gall bladder toxin clearing, which is very
productive but uncomfortable.
9. Resolve with a heaping teaspoon of toxin-absorbing ground flax seeds or ¼ tsp of
pure pectin, mixed with 1-2 cups of water on an hourly basis.
10. Call your doctor if symptoms are severe or persistent.
The Powdered Detoxification Formula is a hypoallergenic rice based clearing formula
that protects and enhances the detox functions of the liver. This formula provides daily
nutrient needs and makes detoxification more productive and less stressful than
traditional fasting techniques.
Whey Protein balances the immune system, increases glutathione levels (a nutrient
essential for optimal detoxification), and has excellent amino acid profile.
Ground flax seeds absorb toxins and provide “bulk” improving elimination and reducing
liver/immune burden.
Essential Fatty Acids to boost cellular recovery.
Lecithin emulsifies oils, enhancing their digestion and improving the texture of the
Powdered Probiotics provide the friendly bacteria necessary to out-compete unhealthy
intestinal bugs.
Monthly Detox Plan
Our body’s display a monthly cycle, which is often more apparent in females than in
males. We will tend to cycle from energetic highs to lows over the course of a month's
time. We have periods of activity, characterized by outwardly directed energy and
periods of restfulness, characterized by an inward turning of our energies. For some the
periods of restfulness are more marked by periods of fatigue. It is on these days when
we feel particularly fatigued that we are detoxifying more heavily.
The following are some of the signs of this detoxifying process:
a. Headaches
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
Irritability/mood swings
Sleep disturbances
Appetite changes
The tongue becomes coated
Digestion and elimination is altered.
It is important to recognize that your body is giving you the information that it is time to
do a few days of Rest & Recovery – the Monthly Detox.
Respect your body by complementing this awareness with action. Pull out your
Functional Detoxification Plan and initiate an abbreviated version of this valuable
program. You will be rewarded by an efficient and productive Rest & Recovery event
that will move your health to new levels, or at the very least will quickly make up for the
stresses of the past few weeks.
 Do three days of Functional Detoxification (i.e. 3 days of the week 1 plan). This is
best done on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so you can rest at the same time.
 Finish the 3 day cleanse by easing yourself into back into your regular grind, being
aware of any reactions that may signal the body's recognition of a food that it can no
longer benefit from (and you should avoid).
 Increase your "detoxification supplements" to the levels recommended during the
Week 1 Functional Detoxification Program.
 Remember to drink a lot of water (8 - 10 glasses per day) to flush out the toxins.
 Include the exercise/hot shower/soap rub down/cold rinse and towel scrub dry
routine, but keep the exercise gentle.
 In general, rest and recuperate!
Functional Detoxification – 21 Days to Wellness
Recommended Reading
Dr. Abravanel’s Body Type Diet and Lifetime Nutrition Plan
by Elliott D. Abravanel, M.D. and Elizabeth A. King
The Complete Book of Juicing
by Michael T. Murray, N.D.
7-Day Detox Miracle
by Peter Bennett, N.D. and Stephen Barrie, N.D. with Sara Faye
Eat Right for Your Type
by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo with Catherine Whitney
The Whole Way to Natural Detoxification
By Jacqueline Krohn, M.D.
by Linda Page N.D., PhD.
Healthy Healing Publications, P.O. Box 436, Carmel Valley, CA 93924
(pgs 247-253 for “American Detox Centers & Spas” information.
Detoxification & Healing: The Key to Optimal Health
by Sidney MacDonald Baker, M.D.
Keats Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 876, New Canaan, CT 06840-0876
The 20-Day Rejuvenation Diet Program
by Jeffery Bland, Ph.D. with Sara Benum, M.A.
Keats Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 876, New Canaan, CT 06840-0876
Lectures in Naturopathic Hydrotherapy
by Wade Boyle, N.D. and Andre Saine, N.D.
Buckeye Naturopathic Press, 623 Naely Manor Blvd., East Palestine, OH
Applied Clinical Detoxification
Produced by HealthComm, Inc.,
800 Soundview Drive, Gig Harbor, WA 98335