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2016 년 한국임상수의학회 춘계학술대회
구두 및 포스터 연제발표 초록제출방법 공지
1. 초록작성 및 제출과정의 기본사항
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7) 포스터는 일반적인 규격 가로 90cm x 세로 110cm 로 출력하여 주시기 바랍니다.
2. 초록작성 방법 예제
제목: Sedative and Analgesic Effects of Intravenous Xylazine-Tramadol in Horses
저자: Jongpil Seo, Wongyun Son, Sujin Gang, and Inhyung Lee*
또는 Jong-Pil Seo, Wong-Yun Son, Sujin Gang, and Inhyung Lee*
(발표자는 밑줄로 표시합니다)
소속: Department of Veterinary Surgery/Anesthesiology, College of Veterinary
Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
내용: 300 단어 이내
1) Original article 인 경우
Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions 순으로 작성합니다.
2) Case report 인 경우
Signalment, Results, Clinical relevance 순으로 작성합니다.
키워드: 5 단어 이내
교신저자: 저자 중 교신저자인 경우 이름 뒤에 글 어깨번호(*)를 표식하고 하단에
Corresponding author:
[email protected] 형태로 미주를 입력합니다.
3. 제출기한 및 제출방법
1) 제출기한: 홈페이지 참조
2) 제출방법: 교신저자가 한국임상수의학회 홈페이지(에서 로그인 후
학술대회  초록제출(입력사항 입력) 화일첨부 완료
3) 문의사항은 이메일을 이용하시기 바랍니다.
(학술간사 강원대학교 강병재 교수 [email protected] )
5. 기타 참고사항
1) 제출규정을 준수하지 않은 초록은 반려됩니다.
2) 교신저자는 제출하시는 초록의 규정준수여부를 확인하시고 제출하시기 바랍니다.
3) 저자는 10 명 이내로 기술하시기 바랍니다.
Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging of Necrotizing Encephalitis in Two Dogs
Kidong Eom, Chaeyoung Lim, Suhyun Gu, Byeongteck Kang and Heemyung Park*
Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk
University, Seoul, Korea
Signalment: A Yorkshire terrier (5-year-old, intact female) and a Chihuahua (7-year-old, neutered
female) were referred for acute onset, generalized tonic-clonic seizures and were suspected to have
necrotizing encephalitis based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings.
Results: Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) was performed
on both animals prior to euthanasia per the owner’s request. Both dogs were diagnosed with
necrotizing meningoencephalitis based on pathological findings. In the Yorkshire terrier, there were
lesions involving the meninges, cortical gray matter, and subcortical white matter of the left and right
parietal lobes. The lesions appeared hyperintense on T2-weighted imaging and hypointense on T1weighted imaging.
Clinical relevance: Our FDG-PET results provided evidence of glucose hypometabolism in areas of
necrosis and cavitation associated with the necrotizing meningoencephalitis. FDG-PET was a valuable
imaging modality and has the potential in the future to provide valuable diagnostic information in dogs
with suspected necrotizing encephalitis.
Key words: MRI, FDG-PET, necrotizing meningoencephalitis, dog
This was supported by Konkuk university 2006.
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
Canalographic Evaluation of the External Ear Canal in Dogs.
Kidong Eom1*, Heechun Lee2 and Junghee Yoon3
Department of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University,
Seoul, Korea.
Department of Veterinary Radiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University,
Seoul, Korea.
Department of Veterinary Radiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul,
Purpose: Canalography was performed to measure the diameter of the horizontal ear canal and to
assess the clinical relevance of the measurements in identifying abnormalities of the ear canal.
Materials and Methods: After contrast media is infused into the ear canal, radiographs were obtained
by ventrodorsal projection of the head.
Results: The diameter of the proximal and distal end of the annular cartilage in the horizontal ear canal
was measured using canalography in 222 ears. The tympanic membrane could not be visualized with
otoscopic examination in 70 ears even after ear cleansing. Hyperplasia of the epidermal layer was
found in 56 stenotic canals. Stenosis of the canal due to otitis externa was found in the other 14 canals.
Three canals with severe otitis externa were also diagnosed with canalography as having a ruptured
tympanic membrane.
Conclusion: The results suggest that canalography can be used to measure the diameter of the
horizontal ear canal and to assess whether or not the tympanic membrane is ruptured prior to
conservative or surgical therapy.
Key words: canlaography, iohexol, tympanic rupture, stenotic ear canal, dog
This was supported by Konkuk University 2006.
*Corresponding author: [email protected]