Download 1.When a line-to-ground fault occurs, the current in a faulted phase

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1.When a line-to-ground fault occurs, the current in a faulted phase is 100A. The current in other two
phases will be
2.In which fault zero sequence network is not connected
line to ground
line to line
ground to neutral
double line to ground
3.Symmetrical Fault analysis includes
three Phase Fault
L-G fault
4.Operator ‘a’ gives
Phase difference 120º
Phase difference 240º
Phase difference 360º
5.Zero Sequence Impedance for transmission line is __________ than positive and Negative sequence
6.UnSymmetrical Fault analysis not includes
three Phase Fault
L-G fault
7.For a large power system network short circuit study involves
Z bus
Y bus
8.Positive sequence component has
equal magnitude
opposite magnitude
opposite phase sequence
9.Which sequence contains active sources
zero and positive
10.The zero sequence reactance of lines is about
5 times
2 to 3 times
>5 times
1 to 2 times
::The voltage source is un available in
~positive sequence
=negative sequence
~zero &positive
~Reactance diagram
::Digital fault studies are carried out using
~reactance bus
~all of thes
::The number of elements added at one time in formulating Zbus is
::Which sequence contains active sources
::Major Cause of symmetrical fault includes
~Wind and ice loading on the lines
=Insulation failure of the system
~Overloading of underground cables
~all of these
::The main assumption to be considered for Short circuit analysis
~post fault current is zero
=pre fault current is zero
~pre fault current is high
~post fault current is high
::Determination of SCC involves
=Thevenins impedance
~Nortons impedance
~series impedance
~parallel impedance
::Transient reactance involves
~the reactance value before fault
=the reactance value during fault
~the reactance value after clearing fault
~none of these
::steady state reactance involves
~the reactance value before fault
~the reactance value during fault
=the reactance value after clearing fault
~none of these
::Sub Transient reactance involves
~the reactance value before fault
=the reactance value immediately after the occurence of fault
~the reactance value after clearing fault
~none of these
::For a large system Computation of short circuuit studies is done using
~reactance bus
~all of these
::Unsymmetrical fault analysis can be made possible by
~positve sequence
~Negative sequence
~zero sequence
=symmetrical component transformation
::Positive sequence component involves________________compared to original phasor
~equal magnitude and opposite phase sequence
=equal magnitude and equal phase sequence
~equal magnitude and no phase sequence
~zero magnitude and no phase sequence
::Negative sequence component involves________________compared to original phasor
=equal magnitude and opposite phase sequence
~equal magnitude and equal phase sequence
~equal magnitude and no phase sequence
~zero magnitude and no phase sequence
::Zero sequence component involves________________compared to original phasor
~equal magnitude and opposite phase sequence
~equal magnitude and equal phase sequence
=equal magnitude and no phase sequence
~zero magnitude and no phase sequence
::An'a'operator has
=magnitude 1 and angle 120
~magnitude 1 and angle 240
~magnitude 1 and angle 360
~magnitude 0 and angle 120
::'a2' has
~magnitude 1 and angle 120
=magnitude 1 and angle 240
~magnitude 1 and angle 360
~magnitude 0 and angle 120
::'a3' has magnitude
~ 1 and angle 120
~magnitude 1 and angle 240
~magnitude 0 and angle 120
:: The property with 'a' operator is
::The phase sequence voltage is given by sum of
~ + and _ ve sequence voltage
~ zero and _ ve sequence voltage
= +, zero and _ ve sequence voltage
~ + and zero sequence voltage
::Relation between phase sequence and sequence component voltages is
~ V012=A Vabc
=V012=Inverse A * Vabc
~Vabc=Inverse A * V012
~none of these
::Complex power interms of symmetricalcomponents
~sum of powers of phasesequence
~sum of powers of symmetrical component refers to single phase
=3*sum of powers of symmetrical component refers to single phase
~3*sum of powers of phasesequence
::Positive Seqence Network of transformer depends on
~the Connection on primary and secondary
~the source voltage and reactance
=recatance alone
~none of these
::Negative Seqence Network of transformer depends on
~the Connection on primary and secondary
~the source voltage and reactance
=recatance alone
~none of these
::zero Seqence Network of transformer depends on
=the Connection on primary and secondary
~the source voltage and reactance
~recatance alone
~none of these
::Positive Seqence Network of synchronous machine depends on
~the Connection on primary and secondary
=the source voltage and reactance
~recatance alone
~none of these
::Negative Seqence Network of synchronous machine depends on
~the Connection on primary and secondary
~the source voltage and reactance
=recatance alone
~none of these
::zero Seqence Network of synchronous machine depends on
~the Connection on primary and secondary
~the source voltage and reactance
=recatance alone
~none of these
::Sequence network for LG fault is given by
~parallel connection of +, zero and _ ve sequence network
=series connection of +, zero and _ ve sequence network
~parallel connection of + and _ ve sequence network
~none of these
::Sequence network for LLG fault is given by
=parallel connection of +, zero and _ ve sequence network
~series connection of +, zero and _ ve sequence network
~parallel connection of + and _ ve sequence network
~none of these