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European Renaissance Notes!
Name: _______________________________________________ Period: ______
Section One: The Italian Renaissance
1. An explorer and trader from Europe who opened trade up between Europe and Asia was called
______________ ______________.
2. The three big Italian trading cities were _____________________, ____________________ and
3. The most powerful family and the bankers in Florence, Italy were known as the
_________________ family. They ran economic and cultural affairs there.
4. The head of that family was a man named ____________________ ____
______________________. He hired artists and architects to come in and redesign Florence to
make it the most beautiful city!
5. The time period of “Rebirth” in Europe, where Greek and Roman ideas came back and people
were interested in the arts and being individuals was called the
6. A way of thinking that developed was ________________________, or a way of thinking and
learning that stresses the importance of human abilities and actions. This brought an
interest in ______________________________ ideas, or ideas that came from Greece
and Rome!
7. One famous Italian writer was named ____________ ____________________. He was
the first to write a book in his native language of Italian instead of Latin. He wrote the
book “Inferno.”
8. Another Italian writer, who wrote a book called “The Prince,” which told about how a
person should rule, was named __________________ _________________________.
9. Italian artists used a new technique to show distance in their paintings called
10. One famous master Italian artist who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome was
named __________________________________. His paintings resembled ancient Roman and
Greek statues!
11. The “ultimate” genius of the Renaissance, an inventor, sculptor and painter named
______________________ ____ ________________, did hundreds of amazing sketches,
inventing machines and creating paintings like the ____________ _____________, which shows
the emotion of a woman smiling!
Section Two: Renaissance Beyond Italy
1. One of the biggest advances in the European Renaissance was in ______________________.
Modern symbols such as the square root and positive and negative were invented.
2. Also, people studied astronomy, or the study of stars and planets. One famous astronomer, who
was harassed by the church for his ideas, was ___________________ ___________________.
He invented the telescope!\
3. Things such as poetry, writing, painting and sculpting are part of studies called
4. A German named ______________________ _______________________ invented the world’s
first _________________ ____________. This meant that books could now be printed quickly
and in large numbers! It used __________________ ______________, which meant that you
could set up words and print them over and over.
5. Some people in Northern Europe mixed religion with humanism. This is called
___________________ _____________________. One man who believed in this was
__________________ ____________________.
6. One of the most famous artists of Northern Europe was _____________________
___________________. He studied human bodies so that his paintings would be realistic.
7. A Spanish writer named ____________________ ______________________ wrote a story
poking fun at medieval romance, called _________ ___________________.
8. The most famous playwright from this time was an Englishman called _____________________
_________________________. His comedies and tragedies, such as ________________ and
__________________ are still read and performed today!
9. The theater where he performed was called the _______________ Theater.
Section 3: Reformation of Christianity
1. Changes made within the Catholic church are known as the ________________________.
2. Paying money to the pope to have your sins forgiven was known as
3. The man who split from the church by nailing 96 demands to a church door in Germany was
named ____________________ _______________________. His version of Christianity would
be known as __________________________. Anyone who “protested” the Catholic Church was
known as a _____________________________.
4. John Calvin believed in the idea of ____________________________, which meant that God
knew who was being saved before you were even born. You had no way to change it!
5. King Henry VIII of England broke away from the Catholic Church and formed the
______________________ Church, where he was the head of it! All over a divorce….
6. The Catholics decided that maybe they’d need to make changes to win people back. The
changes are known as the_______________________ _______________________.
7. One order, run by ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, was the _______________________, who acted to
bring people back to the Catholic church.
8. The __________________ ____ ________________ was a huge meeting where the Catholic
church made these changes.
9. What big change did they make?
10. Fighting went on between Catholics and Protestants went on and on. Finally, the
_________________ ___ _________________ was made . This said that leaders could choose
what version of Christianity they wanted in their country.
11. The sharing of power between powerful central governments and small local governments is
called _____________________________. We have this in the US today!