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A To Z Project
By: Chelsea Hoyle
A- Algebra Tiles
• Algebra tiles are used to model and
simplify algebraic expressions.
• They are good for sorting an
expressions and making zero pairs.
• Big squares represent x2
• Rectangles represent x
• Small squares represent 1
• Colored tiles are positive and
uncolored tiles are negitave
• Before this year I had never heard of
algebra tiles but now I know how to
model and simplify equations using
B- Binomial
• A binomial is an algebraic
equation with 2 different terms
in it.
• I remember how many terms it
is because bi means 2 so that
means there are 2 terms.
• Before the polynomials unit I
had heard the word binomial
but I didn’t know what it meant.
• I now know what a binomial is
and also how to solve them.
• To solve binomials you group
the terms that are the same
together then you simplify it.
C- Coefficient
• The coefficient in an algebraic
equation is the number beside
the variable.
• It is the number you use to
multiply variables by.
• I learned that the coefficients
can be positive, negative or 0
• I also learned that when you
add of subtract polynomials you
add or subtract coefficients with
like terms.
• In this example the 2 beside
the x2 is the coefficient.
D- Division Law Of Exponents
• The division law of
exponents is that when
you have the same base
and are told to divide, you
actually subtract the
• I learned that this rule
existed, if I had seen an
equation with exponents
and it told you to divide I
would just assume that
you just would divide it.
E- Equivalent Fraction
• Equivalent fractions are
fractions that mean the same
thing but have different
denominator and numerator.
• I already knew about
equivalent fractions but I
learned that you can use
equivalent fractions to get a
fraction into its simplest form
at the end of an equation.
• Another thing I learned is that
equivalent fractions are made
when you multiply or divide
both the top and bottom of the
F- Fraction
• Before this year I
already knew about all
the different fractions,
there are mixed
numbers, proper
fractions and improper
• The new thing that I
learned about fractions
is that any number can
be written as a fraction
G- Graphing Equalities
• Graphing equalities is
when you have an
equality for example
5x+2=y you would write
that out in a t chart then
you would plot those
points on a graph
• Before this year I knew
how to plot things on
graphs but I had no idea
that you could relate
graphing to algebra.
H- Hypotenuse
• The hypotenuse of a circle
is the side of a right triangle
that is opposite from the
right angle
• I already knew what a
hypotenuse was before
this year
• The thing I learned about
the hypotenuse is that you
can determine weather a
triangle is a right triangle
given the lengths of the
sides and the hypotenuse
I- Improper Fraction
• An improper fraction is a
fraction that has a bigger
number on the top then
on the bottom
• The thing I learned about
improper fractions is that
any number that is
bigger then 1 can be
written as an improper
J- Just do it
• Just do it is the method
you use to multiply
• It means that when you
are multiplying fractions
you just multiply strait
• Before this year I had
never heard of just do it
but now that I know it
multiplying fractions has
become way easier
K- Kilometer
• A kilometer is a unit of
measure that is quite often
used to measure large
• There is 100 000
centimetres in 1 kilometer
• Before this year I knew
what a kilometer was but
this year I learned how to
convert them
• I also learned that it is
important to make sure all
sides are measured in the
same unit of measure
L- Legs Of Right Triangle
• The legs are the 2 shorter
sides of a right triangle
• The legs are used in the
Pythagorean theorem to
find the length of the
• Before this year I knew
what the legs of the triangle
were and I knew the
Pythagoreans theorem
• This year I learned that
those 2 things connect
M- Multiplication law of exponents
• The multiplication law of
exponents is that if 2
numbers base and they
have exponents you
add the exponents and
keep the base the same
• Before this year I never
knew about this rule and
would have just
assumed that you
multiply both the base
and the exponents
N- Numerical Coefficient
• The numerical coefficient
is the number the
exponent in an algebraic
• For example in 11x the
11 is the numerical
• Before this year I knew
what a coefficient was
but I did not know the
term numerical
coefficient or what it
• An opposite in math is
when you have 2
numbers that when
added together you get 0
• Every number has an
• Before this year I knew
what an opposite was
• This year I learned that
every number has an
opposite even fractions
P- Perfect Square
• A perfect square is any
number that is square to a
rational number
• Any number that you can
multiply by its self to get
what is called a perfect
• Before this year I had never
heard of a perfect square
• Now I know not only what it
is but also how to find its
square root, how to find a
perfect square and how to
know if a number is a perfect
Q- Quotient
• A quotient is the answer
to a division equation
• I already knew what a
quotient was before thi
• The thing I learned about
quotients is that they can
be a fraction
• I also learned how to find
the quotient of an
algebraic equation and of
an equation with fractions
R- Reciprocal
• A reciprocal is when you
have an equation with
fractions and you need to
divide them, you flip the
second set of fractions then
multiply and his is called a
• Before this year I did not
know what a reciprocal was
and I didn’t know how to
divide 2 fractions
• I now know what a reciprocal
is and how to use it to find he
quotient of an equation with
S- Surface Area
• The surface area is the
amount of space that is
showing on the outside of an
• Before this year I just
assumed that te surface area
and the area ofan object were
the same thing
• I learned that the surface area
and the area are different and
what the difference is
• I also learned how to find the
surface area of an object
T- Trinomial
• A trinomial is a polynomial
with 3 different terms in it
• It is called a trinomial
because tri means 3 and
there are 3 different terms in
a trinomial
• Before this year I had never
heard of a trinomial before
• I now know how to solve and
simplify algebraic equations
that are trinomials
• I also know the meaning of a
trinomial now
U- Unlike Terms
• Unlike terms are when you
have different exponents
and variables in an equation
• Unlike terms are opposite of
like terms
• Before this year I had not
heard of and would not
know exactly what like terms
• I now know how to tell if an
equation has like or unlike
• I also know that you can not
simplify an equation with all
unlike terms only
V- Variable
• A variable is in an algebraic
• It is the letter part of an
algebraic expression and is
most commonly an x
• Before this year I knew what
a variable was but I did not
know how to simplify
equations with variables in
• I now know how to simplify
equations with variables and
how to solve for x if given
the right info
W- Whole Number
• Whole numbers that are
full fractions
• For example 5/5 is a
whole number because
it is equal to 1
• Before this year I knew
what whole numbers
• This year I learned that
even whole numbers
can be written as a
fraction by putting them
over 1
X- X Axis
• The x- axis is the horizontal axis
of a grid or on a graph
• When you read coordinates to
plot on a graph the x- axis
always comes first because x is
first in the alphabet
• Before this year I knew which
axis was the x- axis
• What I learned this year is how
to read coordinates properly to
plot them
• I also learned how to relate it
and use it with plotting algebraic
Y- Y Axis
• The y- axis is the vertical
axis of a graph or grid
• When you read coordinates
to lot on a graph the y- axis
will be second because it
comes after x
• Before this year I already
knew what the y- Axis was
• What I learned this year is
how to read coordinates
properly to plot them
• I also learned how to relate
it and use it with plotting
algebraic equations
Z- Zero Pairs
• Zero pairs are when you
cancel out a number by
matching it with its opposite
to make 0
• Before this year I knew what
zero pairs were
• I only knew how to use them
in normal math equations to
• I now know how to simplify
algebraic equations by
making zero pairs
• I als0 know how to use zero
pairs to isolate x