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Nutrition and Recovery
Summer 2011
Nutrition and Recovery Strategies
“Loss of fluid and reduction in the body’s carbohydrate
stores are the two major causes of fatigue in
prolonged exercise”
The more you understand about the body’s
responses to exercise the more you can do
something about it!
1g of carbohydrate provides 4kcal of energy.
1g of fat provides 9kcal of energy.
Energy from fat and protein is utilized at a much slower
rate than carbohydrate.
In soccer the intensity is high and therefore the rate we
utilize energy is high. Therefore, the preferred energy
source is carbohydrate.
Sports participants need between 3000kcal and 5500kcal
a day.
Carbohydrate needs to be 70% of your daily intake of
Food Intake Tips
Try to eat a carbohydrate rich meal (bowl of pasta, 2
sandwiches and a banana) 3-4 hours before exercise.
Drink a carbohydrate-containing sports drink before, during
and after (more on this later!)
Try to eat a carbohydrate and protein rich meal in the first two
hours after exercise. You should try to eat something as soon
as you finished as the body can replace glycogen most
effectively at this time. Protein bars are a good example, along
with a carbohydrate drink (Powerade, Gatorade).
Your body needs to regulate its temperature (37-38
degrees). The main mechanism for achieving this regulation
is through sweat, especially in exercise.
Sweat is not just water, it also contain salts. These salts are
known as electrolytes, like potassium and sodium.
Combining fluid and salt loss through sweating can increase
you heart rate and decrease energy production capability.
This will no doubt hinder performance.
You can lose up to 4% of your body weight during 90
minutes of soccer.
Thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration. At this point you
are already dehydrated and your performance will be
Use this chart to ensure you are not dehydrated: