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A-vitamin (retinol)
Functions: vision, gene transcription, immune function, embryonic
development and reproduction, bone metabolism, haematopoiesis,
skin health, antioxidant activity
Sources: liver, carrot, broccoli leaf, sweet potato, butter, kale, spinach,
pumpkin, collard greens, Cheddar cheese, egg, milk
B1-vitamin (thiamine)
Functions: carbohydrate metabolism: the nervous system and the
heart are particularly sensitive to thiamine deficiency, because of
their high oxidative metabolism. Deficiency: Beriberi,
Polioencephalomalacia in ruminants and paralytic disease in birds
Sources: yeast, pork oatmeal, flax, sunflower seeds, brown rice,
whole grain rye, asparagus, kale, cauliflower, potatoes, oranges,
liver (beef, pork and chicken), milk and eggs
B2-vitamin (riboflavin)
Functions: hystorespiration: FMN and FAD function as coenzymes for a
wide variety of oxidative enzymes and remain bound to the enzymes
during the oxidation-reduction reactions. Deficiency: cracked and red
lips, inflammation of the lining of mouth and tongue
Sources: asparagus, bananas, persimmons, okra, chard, cottage cheese,
milk, yogurt, meat, eggs, fish, and green beans
and sources