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THIRD EXAM STUDY GUIDE (Carroll portion)
Genetics 466
Fall 2008
54 points on the Evolution of genes and genomes
20 points short answer, true/false, and fill in the blank questions about the three chapters
we read in Into The Jungle
6 points Genomics strategy
7 points Toolkit genes and ancestors
7 points Evolution of body plans
7 points Genetics of the evolution of body color patterns
7 points True / false questions about genes and evolution
What were the significant findings and ideas of each of the main explorers / naturalists /
scientists we read about ?
What strategies are used to obtain increasingly more complete genome sequences?
What categories of genes control animal development?
What kinds of proteins do these genes typically encode?
Where are such proteins expressed?
How can we know what genes existed in animal ancestors?
What do shared genes indicate? What do shared traits indicate?
What is “Urbilateria”? How do we infer what such ancestors might have looked like?
How do we test such inferences?
What is a Hox gene? What features do some Hox genes control ?
What do we know about the evolution of Hox gene number and regulation in animal
How many cis-regulatory elements do individual toolkit genes have?
Genetics 466
Fall 2008
Why does evolution occur through changes in the coding regions of some genes but
through the non-coding regions of other genes ?
How do we test the function of regulatory proteins and regulatory elements?
Review the questions on the problem sets, the end of chapter questions in Into The Jungle,
and the assigned problems from the main text book.
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