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Call line: HEALTH-2007-2.4.1-10: Role of inflammation in tumour initiation and progression.
The programme will aim at translating knowledge on the molecular machinery underpinning
inflammatory processes driving tumour initiation and progression in various cancers, into functional,
validated therapeutic anti-cancer approaches. Funding scheme:
Collaborative project (Large-scale integrating project).
Deadline : 19/09/07
Lab : Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy INSERM, CNRS, Université de la Méditerranée
Web site of the CIML:
Web site of the involved team :
Team :
P Naquet, Professor (Team leader), [email protected]
F Galland, Professor
V Millet, Technician
C Roisin-Bouffay, postdoc
A Clément, PhD student
L Hubert, master student
- CIML : [email protected]
- Université de la Méditerranée : [email protected]
Proposed expertise :
We have identified the Vnn gene family. Vnn1 is a novel epithelial regulator of intestinal inflammation.
Using engineered mouse mutant models, we demonstrated that the absence of this molecule controls
the development of colitis, regulates intestinal homeostasis and prevents the development of colon
cancer on an inflammatory ground.
We are currently following two axis of research: i) cellular and molecular analysis of the
protection; ii) exploration of Vnn expression and function in human tumors.
Inflammation, immunity, colorectal cancer, epithelium, tumor microenvironment
Specific Equipment:
Our team belongs to a large research institute with all the facilities for fundamental research in
immunology including work on mouse models, cytometry, microscopy, proteomics
Selected publications on this subject:
- Aurrand-Lions, M., Galland, F., Bazin, H., Zakharyev, V., Imhof, B. A., and Naquet, P. (1996). Vanin1, a novel GPI-linked perivascular molecule involved in thymus homing. Immunity 5, 391-405.
- Galland, F., Malergue, F., Bazin, H., Mattei, M. G., Aurrand-Lions, M., Theillet, C., and Naquet, P.
(1998). Two human genes related to murine vanin-1 are located on the long arm of human
chromosome 6. Genomics 53, 203-13
- Pitari, G. , Malergue, F. , Martin, F., Philippe, J.M., Massucci, M.T., Chabret, C., Maras, B., Duprè,
S., Naquet, P. and Galland, F. (2000). Pantetheinase activity of membrane-bound Vanin-1 and
secreted Vanin-3: lack of free cysteamine in tissues of Vanin-1 deficient mice. FEBS Letters 483, 149154
- Martin F, Penet MF , Malergue F, Galland F, , Dessein A, de Reggi M, Naquet P*, Gharib B*. (2004)
Vanin-1-/- mice show decreased NSAID- and Schistosoma-induced intestinal inflammation associated
with higher glutathione stores. J Clin Invest., 113: 591-597. (* co-senior authors)
- Berruyer C, Pouyet L, Millet V, Martin FM, Legoffic A, Canonici A, Garcia S, Bagnis C, Naquet P*,
Galland F*. Vanin-1 licenses inflammatory mediator production by gut epithelial cells and controls
colitis by antagonizing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor{gamma} activity. J Exp Med. 2006
Dec 25;203(13):2817-27. 2006 Dec 4. (* co-senior authors)
Université de la Méditerranée - Jardin du Pharo - 58, Bd Charles Livon - 13007 Marseille France
Service de la Recherche / Cellule Europe
Tel : +33 (0)4 91 89 10 – e-mail : [email protected]