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Ernst Haeckel’s law of recapitulation
(ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny) as a case study.
February 7th, 2006
Benoît Dayrat
School of Natural Sciences
University of California, at Merced
Selected readings (and references therein)
on the history of ideas in evo-devo.
Amundson R (2005), The changing role of the embryo in evolutionary thought: roots of Evo-Devo,
Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology, Cambridge Univ. Press.
Burian RM (2004), The epistemology of development, evolution, and genetics, Cambridge Studies in
Philosophy and Biology, Cambridge Univ. Press.
de Beer GR (1930), Embryology and Evolution, Oxford, Clarendon Press [after 1 st edition, the title was
changed to Embryos and Ancestors]
Robert JS (2004), Embryology, epigenesis, and evolution: taking development seriously, Cambridge
Studies in Philosophy and Biology, Cambridge Univ. Press.
Schmitt S. (2004), Histoire d’une question anatomique: la repetition des parties [History of an anatomical
question: the repetition of parts], Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris.
Benson KR (1994), Germ layers, Gastraea-theorie, and cell lineage: the emergence of invertebrate
embryology and invertebrate zoology from nineteenth century morphology. In Reproduction and
Development of Marine Invertebrates, pp. 3-14, Ed. WH Wilson Jr, SA Stricker & GL Shinn, John
Hopkins Univ. Press.
Brauckmann S & Gilbert SF (2004), Sucking in the gut: a brief history of early studies on gastrulation. In
Gastrulation, from cells to embryo, pp. 1-20, Ed. C. D. Stern, Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press.
Dayrat B (2003), The roots of phylogeny: how did Haeckel really build his trees? Syst. Biol., 52: 515-527.
Guralnick R (2002), A recapitulation of the rise and fall of the cell lineage research program. J. Hist. Biol.,
35: 537-567.
Hoβfeld U & L Olsson (2003), The road from Haeckel: The Jena tradition in evolutionary morphology and
the origins of evo-devo, Biol. Phil., 18: 285-307.
Leys SP & D Eerkes-Medrano (2005), Gastrulation in Calcareous sponges: in search of Haeckel’s
Gastraea, Integr. Comp. Biol., 45: 342-351.
Love A. (2003), Evolutionary morphology, innovation, and the synthesis of evolutionary and
developmental biology, Biol. Phil., 18: 309-345.
Love A & R Raff (2003), Knowing your ancestors: themes in the history of evo-devo, Evol. & Dev., 5(4):
Panchen A (1999), Homology – History of a concept. In Homology (Novartis Foundation Symposium 222),
pp. 5-18, Ed. BK Hall, Wiley.
Robert JS (2002), How developmental is evolutionary developmental biology? Biol. Phil., 17: 591-611.
Sander K (2002), Ernst Haeckel’s ontogenetic recapitulation: irritation and incentive from 1866 to our time.
Ann. Anat., 184: 523-533.