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1. Under what conditions is the use of the mean preferred?
a) for ordinal or numerical data if the distribution is skewed
b) for numerical data if the distribution is symmetric
c) for numerical data if the distribution is symmetric or skewed
d) for bimodal distribution
e) for nominal data
--------------------------------------------------------------------2. Sources of Health Data are the following:
a) Routine or regular systems
b) Ad hoc systems
c) Standardized system
d) Complex system
e) Local system
--------------------------------------------------------------------3. What does it mean "Median" ?
a) Value that divides a distribution into two equal halves
b) Value that divides a distribution into three equal halves
c) Value that divides a distribution into four equal halves
d) Value that divides a distribution into five equal halves
e) Value that divides a distribution into six equal halves
--------------------------------------------------------------------4. The measurements of central tendency are:
a) Mean
b) Variance
c) Mode
d) Standard deviation
e) Median
--------------------------------------------------------------------5. What does it mean "Mode"?
a) This is the observation in an array with the lowest frequency of occurrence
b) This is the observation in an array with the middle frequency of occurrence
c) This is the observation in an array with the highest frequency of occurrence
d) This is the observation in an array without frequency of occurrence
e) Value that divides a distribution into two equal halves
--------------------------------------------------------------------6. Acceptable range for normality is kurtosis lying between:
a) -2 to +2
b) -1 to +1
c) - 3 to +3
d) 1 to 10
e) 1 to 3
--------------------------------------------------------------------7. The observation in an array with the highest frequency of occurrence is:
a) Mode
b) Median
c) Mean
d) Standard deviation
e) Coefficient of variation
--------------------------------------------------------------------8. Name the value which divides a distribution into two equal halves:
a) Median
b) Mode
c) Mean
d) Standard deviation
e) Coefficient of variation
--------------------------------------------------------------------9. The "Mode" is the measurement of:
a) The Central Tendency
b) The concentration
c) The Difficulty
d) The variation
e) The comparison
--------------------------------------------------------------------10. The "Mean" is the measurement of:
a) The Central Tendency
b) The concentration
c) The Difficulty
d) The variation
e) The comparison
--------------------------------------------------------------------11. The "Median" is the measurement of:
a) The Central Tendency
b) The concentration
c) The Difficulty
d) The variation
e) The comparison
--------------------------------------------------------------------12. The definition of the weighted mean is:
(X i
n 1
n 1
--------------------------------------------------------------------13. Under what conditions is the use of the median preferred?
a) for ordinal or numerical data if the distribution is skewed
b) for numerical data if the distribution is symmetric
c) for numerical data if the distribution is symmetric or skewed
d) for bimodal distribution
e) for nominal data
--------------------------------------------------------------------14. Under what conditions is the use of the mode preferred?
a) for ordinal or numerical data if the distribution is skewed
b) for numerical data if the distribution is symmetric
c) for numerical data if the distribution is symmetric or skewed
d) for bimodal distribution
e) for nominal data
--------------------------------------------------------------------15. Which of the following are important for the correct practical application of central tendency
a) The scale of measurements
b) the sample size
c) the sampling method
d) the shape of the data distribution
e) adjusted rate calculation
--------------------------------------------------------------------16. The relationship of central tendency measurements in the case of skewed to the left distribution
a) Mean > Median>Mode
b) Mean < Median>Mode
c) Mean < Median<Mode
d) Mean = Median=Mode
e) Mean > Median=Mode
--------------------------------------------------------------------17. The relationship of central tendency measurements in the case of skewed to the right
distribution is:
a) Mean > Median>Mode
b) Mean < Median>Mode
c) Mean < Median<Mode
d) Mean = Median=Mode
e) Mean > Median=Mode
--------------------------------------------------------------------18. The relationship of central tendency measurements in the case of symmetric distribution is:
a) Mean > Median>Mode
b) Mean < Median>Mode
c) Mean < Median<Mode
d) Mean = Median=Mode
e) Mean > Median=Mode
--------------------------------------------------------------------19. Acceptable range for normality is skewness lying between:
a) -2 to +2
b) -1 to +1
c) - 3 to +3
d) 1 to 10
e) 1 to 3
--------------------------------------------------------------------20. The definition of simple mean is:
n 1
--------------------------------------------------------------------21. State the appropriate definition for descriptive statistics:
a) it organizes a large set of data
b) it summarizes a large set of data
c) it analyses a large set of data
d) it finds the relationships
e) it tests hypothesis
--------------------------------------------------------------------22. State the appropriate graph to display the following data of the distribution of major causes of
death: Cardiovascular Diseases - 31%, Communicable, maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions
- 27%, Injuries - 9%, other diseases - 33%.
a) Pie chart
b) Bar chart
c) Histogram
d) Geographical map
e) Frequency Polygon
--------------------------------------------------------------------23. The table with outcome of treatment by sex and age groups is the:
a) Simple frequency distribution
b) Grouping frequency distribution
c) Complex frequency distribution
d) Four-dimension table
e) Six dimension table
--------------------------------------------------------------------24. The table with outcome of treatment by age groups is the:
a) Simple frequency distribution Table
b) Grouping frequency distribution Table
c) Complex frequency distribution Table
d) Variance frequency distribution Table
e) Pared frequency distribution Table
--------------------------------------------------------------------25. Line graph is used for presentation of:
a) Rate
b) Proportion
c) Ratio
d) Summary of the data
e) Trends over the time
--------------------------------------------------------------------26. Bar chart is used for presentation of:
a) rate
b) proportion
c) ratio
d) frequency distribution
e) trends over the time
--------------------------------------------------------------------27. Pie chart is used for presentation of:
a) rate
b) proportion
c) ratio
d) frequency distribution
e) chronological series
--------------------------------------------------------------------28. Frequency polygon is used for a graph presentation of:
a) rate
b) summary distribution
c) ratio
d) frequency distribution
e) chronological series
--------------------------------------------------------------------29. Histogram is used for a graph presentation of:
a) rate
b) proportion
c) ratio
d) frequency distribution
e) chronological series
--------------------------------------------------------------------30. The graph presentation of rate are:
a) Pie chart
b) Bar chart
c) Histogram
d) Frequency polygon
e) Line graph
--------------------------------------------------------------------31. The graph presentation of ratio are:
a) Pie chart
b) Bar chart
c) Histogram
d) Frequency polygon
e) Line graph
--------------------------------------------------------------------32. The graph presentation of proportion is:
a) Pie chart
b) Bar chart
c) Histogram
d) Frequency polygon
e) Line graph
--------------------------------------------------------------------33. The graph presentation of a frequency distribution are:
a) Pie chart
b) Bar chart
c) Histogram
d) Frequency polygon
e) Column chart
--------------------------------------------------------------------34. Box plot is used for a graph presentation of:
a) Rate
b) Summary distribution
c) Ratio
d) Frequency distribution
e) Relationship between two different continuous measurements
--------------------------------------------------------------------35. Scatter plot is used for a graph presentation of:
a) rate
b) summary distribution
c) ratio
d) frequency distribution
e) relationship between two different continuous measurements
--------------------------------------------------------------------36. The graph presentation of the relationship between two different continuous variables is:
a) Box plot
b) Scatter plot
c) Error bar plot
d) Frequency polygon
e) Line graph
--------------------------------------------------------------------37. The same position in the strictly symmetrical series is characteristic of:
a) Mean and Mode
b) Median, Mean and Mode
c) Mean and Median
d) Mode and Median
e) Median and one of the variant
--------------------------------------------------------------------38. The definition of standard deviation (sample) is:
(X i
n 1
(X i
(X i
x )2
n 1
(X i
n 1
(X i
x 1
--------------------------------------------------------------------39. The definition of Coefficient of Variation is:
a) CV =
σ . 100
b) CV =
M . 100
d) CV =
--------------------------------------------------------------------40. The measurement of variation is:
a) The arithmetic mean
b) Standard error
c) The weighted mean
d) Standard deviation
e) Median
--------------------------------------------------------------------41. What does it mean "Coefficient of variation"?
a) Standard deviation expressed as a percentage of the mean
b) Standard deviation expressed as an integer of the mean
c) Standard deviation expressed as a sum of square of the Mean
d) Standard deviation expressed as the mean divided by the number of observations
e) Standard deviation expressed as the number of observations divided by the mean
--------------------------------------------------------------------42. What does it mean "Range"?
a) The difference between two values in a series of observations
b) The difference between largest and smallest values in a series of observations
c) The sum of the largest and smallest value in a series of observations
d) The product of the largest and smallest value in a series of observations
e) Value that divides a distribution into three equal parts
--------------------------------------------------------------------43. The "Range" is the measurement of:
a) Central Tendency
b) Concentration
c) Difficulty
d) Variation
e) Comparison
--------------------------------------------------------------------44. The normal distribution mean ± SD (standard deviation) covers:
a) 68% of all observations
b) 90% of all observations
c) 95% of all observations
d) 99% of all observations
e) 100% of all observations
45. The normal distribution mean ± 2SD (standard deviation) covers:
a) 68% of all observations
b) 90% of all observations
c) 95% of all observations
d) 99% of all observations
e) 100% of all observations
--------------------------------------------------------------------46. The normal distribution mean ± 3SD (standard deviation) covers:
a) 68% of all observations
b) 90% of all observations
c) 95% of all observations
d) 99% of all observations
e) 100% of all observations
--------------------------------------------------------------------47. Select the definition of "Range":
a) The difference between the largest and smallest values in the data set
b) It is a measure of how a distribution is spread out.
c) It is the square root of the variance
d) Relative variation rather than absolute variation
e) It shows the frequency of phenomena of a specified place and time
--------------------------------------------------------------------48. Select the definition of variance:
a) the difference between the largest and smallest values in the data set
b) is a measure of how spread out a distribution is
c) is the square root of the variance
d) relative variation rather than absolute variation
e) shows the frequency of phenomena of a specified place and time
--------------------------------------------------------------------49. Select the definition of Standard Deviation:
a) the difference between the largest and smallest values in the data set
b) it is a measure of how a distribution is spread out.
c) it is the square root of the variance
d) relative variation rather than absolute variation
e) it shows the frequency of phenomena of a specified place and time
--------------------------------------------------------------------50. Select the definition of Coefficient of Variation:
a) the difference between the largest and smallest values in the data set
b) it is a measure of how a distribution is spread out.
c) it is the square root of the variance
d) relative variation rather than absolute variation
e) it shows the frequency of phenomena of a specified place and time
--------------------------------------------------------------------51. Select the dispersion interpretation for CV<10%:
a) low
b) medium
c) indifferent
d) high
e) no dispersion
52. Select the dispersion interpretation for CV>35%:
a) low
b) medium
c) indifferent
d) high
e) no dispersion
--------------------------------------------------------------------53. Select the dispersion interpretation for 10%<CV<35%:
a) low
b) medium
c) indifferent
d) high
e) no dispersion
--------------------------------------------------------------------54. Standard deviation expressed as a percentage of the mean is:
a) Mode
b) Median
c) Coefficient of variation
d) Variance
e) Standard error
--------------------------------------------------------------------55. The Difference between the largest and the smallest value in a series of observations is:
a) Mode
b) Median
c) Range
d) Standard deviation
e) Coefficient of variation
--------------------------------------------------------------------56. The "Standard deviation" is the measurement of:
a) Central Tendency
b) Concentration
c) Difficulty
d) Variation
e) Comparison
--------------------------------------------------------------------57. The square root of the variance is:
a) Mean
b) Coefficient of variation
c) Standard deviation
d) Mode
e) Range
--------------------------------------------------------------------58. Select all cases considered low dispersion according to the scale:
a) CV<10%
b) CV>10%
c) CV >35%
d) 15% < CV <25%
e) CV<5%
59. Select al cases considered medium dispersion according to the scale:
a) 5%<CV<10%
b) 10%<CV<25%
c) 15%<CV<35%
d) 10%<CV<35%
e) 35%<CV<45%
--------------------------------------------------------------------60. Select all cases considered high dispersion according to the scale:
a) 35%>CV>10%
b) CV<25%
c) 25%>CV>15%
d) CV>35%
e) CV>45%
--------------------------------------------------------------------61. Under what conditions is the use of the interquartile range preferred?
a) When the median is used
b) When the mode is used
c) When the mean is used but the target is to compare individual observations with a set of norms
d) To describe the central 50% of the distribution, regardless of its shape
e) To describe the central 75% of the distribution, regardless of its shape
--------------------------------------------------------------------62. The formula to compute Q1 quartiles ranked values is:
a) 2(n+1)/4
b) (n+1)/4
c) 3(n+1)/4
d) (n+1)/3
e) (n+1)/2
--------------------------------------------------------------------63. The formula to compute Q2 quartiles ranked values is:
a) 2(n+1)/4
b) (n+1)/4
c) 3(n+1)/4
d) (n+1)/3
e) (n+1)/2
--------------------------------------------------------------------64. The formula to compute Q3 quartiles ranked values is:
a) 2(n+1)/4
b) (n+1)/4
c) 3(n+1)/4
d) (n+1)/3
e) (n+1)/2
--------------------------------------------------------------------65. The sample is:
a) a group of persons
b) the whole population
c) a segment of the population selected to represent the population
d) a large segment of the population
e) population
66. The sample should be:
a) expressive
b) representative
c) large
d) small
e) no requirements
--------------------------------------------------------------------67. Designing the sample calls for:
a) to determine study units
b) to determine number of researchers
c) to determine sample size
d) sampling type
e) financial expenses
--------------------------------------------------------------------68. The characteristics of probability sample are:
a) Sample members may be chosen at random from the entire population
b) Each individual entered into the study has the same chance of receiving each of the possible
c) Ensures that known and unknown confounding factors are equal in both groups
d) The researcher might select people who are easier to obtain information
e) Sample members may be chosen without any rules from the entire population
--------------------------------------------------------------------69. Select the characteristics of nonprobability sample
a) Sample members may be chosen at random from the entire population
b) Each individual entered into the study has the same chance of receiving each of the possible
c) Ensures that known and unknown confounding factors are equal in both groups
d) Probability a unit selection is unknown
e) Sample members may be chosen with special rules from the entire population
--------------------------------------------------------------------70. List the type of probability sampling:
a) simple random sampling
b) convenience sampling
c) stratified sampling
d) cluster sampling
e) judgment sampling
--------------------------------------------------------------------71. List the type of nonprobability sampling:
a) simple random sampling
b) convenience sampling
c) stratified sampling
d) cluster sampling
e) quota sampling
--------------------------------------------------------------------72. What is common for simple random sampling?
a) Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
b) Population is divided into mutually exclusive groups such as age groups and random samples
are drawn from each group.
c) The population is divided into mutually exclusive groups such as blocks, and the researcher
draws a sample of the group to interview.
d) The researcher selects the easiest population members to obtain information.
e) The researcher uses his/her opinion to select population members who are good prospects
for accurate information.
--------------------------------------------------------------------73. What is common for stratified random sampling?
a) Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
b) Population is divided into mutually exclusive groups such as age groups and random samples
are drawn from each group.
c) The population is divided into mutually exclusive groups such as blocks, and the researcher
draws a sample of the group to interview.
d) The researcher selects the easiest population members to obtain information.
e) The researcher uses his/her opinion to select population members who are good prospects
for accurate information.
--------------------------------------------------------------------74. What is common for cluster sampling?
a) Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
b) Population is divided into mutually exclusive groups such as age groups and random samples
are drawn from each group.
c) The population is divided into mutually exclusive groups such as blocks, and the researcher
draws a sample of the group to interview.
d) The researcher selects the easiest population members to obtain information.
e) The researcher uses his/her opinion to select population members who are good prospects
for accurate information.
--------------------------------------------------------------------75. What is common for convenience sampling:
a) Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
b) Population is divided into mutually exclusive groups such as age groups and random samples
are drawn from each group.
c) The population is divided into mutually exclusive groups such as blocks, and the researcher
draws a sample of the group to interview.
d) The researcher selects the easiest population members to obtain information.
e) The researcher uses his/her opinion to select population members who are good prospects
for accurate information.
--------------------------------------------------------------------76. What is common for quota sample?
a) Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
b) Population is divided into mutually exclusive groups such as age groups and random samples
are drawn from each group.
c) A researcher finds and interviews a prescribed number of people in each of several categories
d) A researcher selects the easiest population members to obtain information.
e) A researcher uses his/her opinion to select population members who are good prospects for
accurate information.
--------------------------------------------------------------------77. Primary data mean:
a) collected for the first time
b) those which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else
c) not collected
d) presented for the first time
e) do not exist
--------------------------------------------------------------------78. Secondary data mean:
a) data collected by the team of researchers
b) those which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else
c) data presented in the writing way
d) presented for the first time
e) data presented in the oral way
--------------------------------------------------------------------79. Case-series study design is classified as:
a) observational
b) experimental
c) descriptive
d) analytic
e) social
--------------------------------------------------------------------80. Cross Sectional study design is classified as:
a) observational
b) experimental
c) survey study
d) transversal
e) clinical
--------------------------------------------------------------------81. Case Control study design is classified as:
a) observational
b) experimental
c) descriptive
d) analytic
e) social
--------------------------------------------------------------------82. Cohort study design is classified as:
a) observational
b) experimental
c) descriptive
d) analytic
e) social
--------------------------------------------------------------------83. Clinical Trial study design is classified as:
a) observational
b) experimental
c) descriptive
d) analytic
e) social
--------------------------------------------------------------------84. List the types of the observational study designs:
a) Case-series
b) Cohort
c) Cross Sectional
d) Case Control
e) Clinical Trial
--------------------------------------------------------------------85. Name the type of the experimental study design:
a) Case-series
b) Cohort
c) Cross Sectional
d) Case Control
e) Clinical Trial
--------------------------------------------------------------------86. List the types of the descriptive study design:
a) Case-series
b) Cohort
c) b, and d
d) Case Control
e) Clinical Trial
--------------------------------------------------------------------87. List the types of the analytic study design:
a) Case-series
b) Cohort
c) Social
d) Case Control
e) Clinical Trial
--------------------------------------------------------------------88. Which type of study design is the best for a therapy question?
a) Case series
b) Cross-sectional
c) Controlled Clinical Trial
d) Cohort
e) Case-control
--------------------------------------------------------------------89. Which type of study design is the best for a diagnosis/screening question?
a) Case series
b) Cross-sectional
c) Controlled Clinical Trial
d) Cohort
e) Case-control
--------------------------------------------------------------------90. Which type of study design is the best for a prognosis question?
a) Case series
b) Cross-sectional
c) Controlled Clinical Trial
d) Cohort
e) Case-control
--------------------------------------------------------------------91. Which type of study design is the best for a occurrence question?
a) Case series
b) Cross-sectional
c) Controlled Clinical Trial
d) Cohort
e) Case-control
--------------------------------------------------------------------92. Which type of study design is the best for a causation question?
a) Case series
b) Cross-sectional
c) Controlled Clinical Trial
d) Cohort
e) Case-control
--------------------------------------------------------------------93. Which type of research question is solved using Clinical Trial study design:
a) Therapy
b) Diagnosis/screening
c) Prognosis
d) Occurrence
e) Causation
--------------------------------------------------------------------94. Which type of research question is solved using Cross-Sectional study design?
a) Therapy
b) Diagnosis/screening
c) Prognosis
d) Occurrence
e) Causation
--------------------------------------------------------------------95. Which type of research question is solved using Cohort study design?
a) Therapy
b) Diagnosis/screening
c) Prognosis
d) Occurrence
e) Causation
--------------------------------------------------------------------96. Which type of research question is solved using Case-control study design?
a) Therapy
b) Diagnosis/screening
c) Prognosis
d) Occurrence
e) Causation
--------------------------------------------------------------------97. What does it mean "Incidence"?
a) Occurrence of all cases of a specified disease
b) Occurrence of new cases of a specified disease
c) Occurrence of new and old cases of a specified disease
d) Occurrence of registered cases
e) All mentioned
--------------------------------------------------------------------98. What does it mean "Prevalence"?
a) A measure of the part of cases
b) A measure of total number of existing cases
c) A measure of number of last cases
d) A measure of number of future cases
e) All mentioned
--------------------------------------------------------------------99. State which observational study design is the best (that is the most efficient and logical) in the
following scenario: Identifying the causes of a rare disease.
a) Case-control
b) Cohort
c) Clinical Trial
d) Cross-Sectional
e) Case series
--------------------------------------------------------------------100. State which observational study design is the best (that is the most efficient and logical) in of
the following scenario: Identifying the long term effects of a rare exposure.
a) Case-control
b) Cohort
c) Clinical Trial
d) Cross-Sectional
e) Case series
--------------------------------------------------------------------101. State which observational study design is the best (that is the most efficient and logical) in of
the following scenarios: Studying the health effects of an exposure for which information is difficult
and expensive to obtain.
a) Case-control
b) Cohort
c) Clinical Trial
d) Cross-Sectional
e) Case series
--------------------------------------------------------------------102. State which observational study design is the best (that is the most efficient and logical) in of
the following scenarios: Identifying the causes of new little known diseases
a) Case-control
b) Cohort
c) Clinical Trial
d) Cross-Sectional
e) Case series
--------------------------------------------------------------------103. State which observational study design is the best (that is the most efficient and logical) in of
the following scenarios: Identifying the short -term health effects of a new little known exposure
a) Case-control
b) Cohort
c) Clinical Trial
d) Cross-Sectional
e) Case series
--------------------------------------------------------------------104. State which observational study design is the best (that is the most efficient and logical) in of
the following scenarios: Identifying the causes of a disease with a long latent period.
a) Case-control
b) Cohort
c) Clinical Trial
d) Cross-Sectional
e) Case series
--------------------------------------------------------------------105. Which type of study is described in the following scenarios? - A study that compares the
prevalence of back pain among current members of the plumbers and pipe fitters union with that of
current members of the bakers and confectionary union.
a) Case-control
b) Cohort
c) Clinical Trial
d) Cross-Sectional
e) Case series
--------------------------------------------------------------------106. Which type of study is described in the following scenarios? - A study that evaluates two
methods of treatments of breast cancer. Women with stage 1 breast cancer are randomized to
undergo either lumpectomy alone or lumpectomy with breast radiation. Women are followed up for
5 years to determine if there are any differences in breast cancer recurrence and survival.
a) Case-control
b) Cohort
c) Clinical Trial
d) Cross-Sectional
e) Case series
--------------------------------------------------------------------107. Choose the experimental study characteristics:
a) It studies prevention and treatments of diseases; an investigator manipulates actively which
groups receive the agent under study.
b) It studies causes, prevention, and treatments of diseases. An investigator observes passively as
nature takes its course.
c) It examines multiple health effects of an exposure; subjects are defined according to their
exposure levels and followed for disease occurrence.
d) It examines multiple exposures in relation to a disease; subjects are defined as cases and controls,
and exposure histories are compared.
e) It examines relationship between exposure and disease prevalence in a defined population at a
single point in time.
--------------------------------------------------------------------108. Choose the observational study characteristics:
a) It studies prevention and treatments of diseases; an investigator manipulates actively which
groups receive the agent under study.
b) It studies causes, prevention, and treatments of diseases. An investigator observes passively as
nature takes its course.
c) It examines multiple health effects of an exposure; subjects are defined according to their
exposure levels and followed for disease occurrence.
d) It examines multiple exposures in relation to a disease; subjects are defined as cases and controls,
and exposure histories are compared.
e) It examines relationship between exposure and disease prevalence in a defined population at a
single point in time.
109. Choose the cohort study characteristics:
a) It studies prevention and treatments of diseases; an investigator manipulates actively which
groups receive the agent under study.
b) It studies causes, prevention, and treatments of diseases. An investigator observes passively as
nature takes its course.
c) It examines multiple health effects of an exposure; subjects are defined according to their
exposure levels and followed for disease occurrence.
d) It examines multiple exposures in relation to a disease; subjects are defined as cases and controls,
and exposure histories are compared.
e) It examines relationship between exposure and disease prevalence in a defined population at a
single point in time.
--------------------------------------------------------------------110. Choose the case-control study characteristics:
a) It studies prevention and treatments of diseases; an investigator manipulates actively which
groups receive the agent under study.
b) It studies causes, prevention, and treatments of diseases. An investigator observes passively as
nature takes its course.
c) It examines multiple health effects of an exposure; subjects are defined according to their
exposure levels and followed for disease occurrence.
d) It examines multiple exposures in relation to a disease; subjects are defined as two matched
groups, and exposure histories are compared.
e) It examines relationship between exposure and disease prevalence in a defined population at a
single point in time.
--------------------------------------------------------------------111. Choose the cross-sectional study characteristics:
a) It studies preventions and treatments of diseases; an investigator manipulates actively which
groups receive the agent under study.
b) It studies causes, prevention, and treatments of diseases. An investigator observes passively as
nature takes its course.
c) It examines multiple health effects of an exposure; subjects are defined according to their
exposure levels and followed for disease occurrence.
d) It examines multiple exposures in relation to a disease; subjects are defined as cases and controls,
and exposure histories are compared.
e) It examines relationship between exposure and disease prevalence in a defined population at a
single point in time.
--------------------------------------------------------------------112. List the descriptive study design characteristics:
a) to describe natural history
b) to determine allocation of resources
c) to suggest hypotheses
d) to test hypotheses
e) assess causations
113. List the analytic study design characteristics:
a) to describe natural history
b) to determine allocation of resources
c) to suggest hypotheses
d) to test hypotheses
e) to assess causations
--------------------------------------------------------------------114. Name the cross-sectional study advantages:
a) useful to find out prevalence rate
b) cheap and fast
c) it can study long term effects of an exposure in a short period of time
d) useful to find out incidence rate and risk
e) it gives a strong evidence of causality
--------------------------------------------------------------------115. Name the case-control study advantages:
a) useful to find out prevalence rate
b) cheap and fast
c) it can study long-term effects of an exposure in a short period of time
d) useful to find out incidence rate and risk
e) allows examination of several risk factors
--------------------------------------------------------------------116. Name the cohort study advantages:
a) useful to find out prevalence rate
b) cheap and fast
c) it can study long-term effects of an exposure in a short period of time
d) useful to find out incidence rate and risk
e) it gives evidence of causality
--------------------------------------------------------------------117. Name the Clinical Trial study advantages:
a) useful to find out prevalence rate
b) there is less bias
c) it can study long-term effects of an exposure in a short period of time
d) useful to find out incidence rate and risk
e) it gives a strong evidence of causality
--------------------------------------------------------------------118. Name the most common Clinical Trial study disadvantages:
a) ethical issues
b) ineffective for rare diseases
c) losses in follow-up
d) they depend on the quality of registries.
e) expensive
--------------------------------------------------------------------119. Name the most common Cohort study disadvantages:
a) ethical issues
b) ineffective for rare diseases
c) a lot of bias
d) they depend more than other studies on the quality of registries
e) it is not useful to search causes of the outcome
120. Name the most common Case-control study disadvantages:
a) it cannot tell about the incidence
b) ineffective for rare diseases
c) long time to complete
d) they depend more than other studies on the quality of registries
e) it is not useful to search causes of the outcome
--------------------------------------------------------------------121. Name the most common Cross-sectional study disadvantages:
a) ethical issues
b) it does not provide any data on the flow of events
c) long time to complete
d) they depend more than other study on the quality of registries
e) it is not useful to search causes of the outcome
--------------------------------------------------------------------122. Experimental study is:
a) Cohort
b) Controlled Trial
c) Cross-sectional
d) Case control
e) Case series
--------------------------------------------------------------------123. Observational study is:
a) Cohort
b) Controlled Trial
c) Cross-sectional
d) Case control
e) Case series
--------------------------------------------------------------------124. Name the appropriate synonyms for cross-sectional study:
a) prospective study
b) transversal study
c) prevalence study
d) incidence study
e) survey
--------------------------------------------------------------------125. Name the appropriate synonyms for case-control study:
a) prospective study
b) retrospective
c) prevalence study
d) b, and c
e) survey
--------------------------------------------------------------------126. Name the appropriate synonyms for cohort study:
a) prospective study
b) retrospective
c) prevalence study
d) incidence study
e) survey
127. Methods of data collection based on available medical records are more appropriate for the
following study designs:
a) Cohort
b) Case-control
c) Cross-sectional
d) Clinical trial
e) none
--------------------------------------------------------------------128. Name the appropriate association measures of cohort study:
a) Odds Ratio
b) Number Needed to Treat
c) Relative Risk
d) Relative Risk Reduction
e) Attributable Risk
--------------------------------------------------------------------129. Name the appropriate association measures of case-control study:
a) Odds Ratio
b) Number Needed to Treat
c) Relative Risk
d) Relative Risk Reduction
e) Attributable Risk
--------------------------------------------------------------------130. Name the appropriate association measures of case series study:
a) Odds Ratio
b) c, and d
c) Relative Risk
d) Attributable Risk
e) none
--------------------------------------------------------------------131. State the advantages of cohort study:
a) allows examination of several risk factors
b) relatively quick and relatively less expensive
c) can study multiple diseases outcomes
d) good when exposure is rare
e) suitable for rare diseases
--------------------------------------------------------------------132. State the advantages of case-control study:
a) it allows examination of several risk factors
b) it is relatively quick and relatively less expensive
c) it can study multiple diseases outcomes
d) it is good when exposure is rare
e) it is suitable for rare diseases
--------------------------------------------------------------------133. State the advantages of cross-sectional study:
a) it allows examination of several risk factors
b) prevalence rate can be obtained
c) it can study multiple diseases outcomes
d) it is good when exposure is rare
e) it is cheap and fast
--------------------------------------------------------------------134. State the disadvantages of cohort study:
a) it does not provide any information on incidence or prevalence
b) it does not provide any information on the flow of events
c) it is expensive
d) it is inefficient for studying rare outcomes
e) it is a greater chance of recall bias
--------------------------------------------------------------------135. State the disadvantages of case-control study:
a) it does not provide any information on incidence or prevalence
b) it does not provide any information on the flow of events
c) it is expensive
d) it is inefficient for studying rare outcomes
e) it is a greater chance of recall bias
--------------------------------------------------------------------136. State the disadvantages of cross-sectional study:
a) it does not provide any information on incidence
b) it does not provide any information on the flow of events
c) it is expensive
d) it is inefficient for studying causes of the outcome
e) it is a greater chance of recall bias
--------------------------------------------------------------------137. Which of the following is an advantage of Case Control Studies?
a) They can simultaneously look at multiple risk factors
b) They are useful to initially establish an association between a risk factor and a disease or outcome
c) They take less time to complete because the condition or disease has already occurred
d) b and c only
e) a, b, and c
--------------------------------------------------------------------138. Cohort Studies generally look at which of the following?
a) Determining the specificity and sensitivity of diagnostic methods
b) Identifying patient characteristics or risk factors associated with a disease or outcome
c) Variations among the clinical manifestations of patients with a disease
d) The impact of blinding or masking a study population
e) a and c only
--------------------------------------------------------------------139. State the weakest study design according the evidence strength:
a) Cross-sectional
b) Case -control
c) Case-report
d) Clinical-trial
e) Cohort
--------------------------------------------------------------------140. State the strongest study design according the evidence strength:
a) Cross-sectional
b) Case -control
c) Case-report
d) Clinical-trial
e) Cohort
--------------------------------------------------------------------141. Sources of Health Data are the following:
a) Routine or regular systems
b) Ad hoc systems
c) Standardized system
d) Complex system
e) Local system
--------------------------------------------------------------------142. Regular or routine data collection systems include:
a) The national system of registration of vital statistics (births, deaths, marriages and divorces).
b) The disease notification system to collect information on cholera, plague and yellow fever under
International Health Regulation.
c) A survey to estimate the proportion of children with malnutrition in a defined population.
d) The reporting system for cancer cases (cancer registry).
e) An investigation of breast-feeding practices among women who registered a birth in the previous
--------------------------------------------------------------------143. Ad hoc data collection systems include:
a) A national health manpower survey
b) The national system of registration of vital statistics (births, deaths, marriages and divorces)
c) A survey to estimate the proportion of children with malnutrition in a defined population
d) The reporting system for cancer cases (cancer registry)
e) An investigation of breast-feeding practices among women who registered a birth in the previous
--------------------------------------------------------------------144. Select the statements appropriate to the definition of "research":
a) a structured activity
b) an activity that utilizes scientific methodology
c) an activity to find out about problems
d) an activity to create new knowledge
e) every writing activity
--------------------------------------------------------------------145. Characteristics of Research are:
a) to be pure
b) repeatability
c) relevance
d) to be applied
e) systematic
--------------------------------------------------------------------146. There are the following categories of Research from the point of view of application:
a) historical
b) quantitative
c) pure
d) descriptive
e) a, and c
147. There are the following categories of Research from the point of view of objectives in
a) applied
b) descriptive
c) exploratory
d) quantitative
e) correlational
--------------------------------------------------------------------148. Research can be classified from the perspectives of:
a) satisfaction
b) application
c) objectives in undertaking
d) understanding
e) inquiry mode employed
--------------------------------------------------------------------149. There are the following categories of Research from the point of view of inquiry mode
a) applied
b) qualitative
c) exploratory
d) quantitative
e) correlational
--------------------------------------------------------------------150. A Descriptive Research attempts to:
a) discover the existence of a relationship
b) report systematically on the state of a problem
c) come to conclusions concerning trends, causes or effects of past occurrences
d) determine the current practices
e) test the reliability and predictive validity
--------------------------------------------------------------------151. A Historical Research attempts to:
a) discover the existence of a relationship
b) report systematically on the state of a problem
c) come to conclusions concerning trends, causes or effects of past occurrences
d) determine the current practices
e) test the reliability and predictive validity
--------------------------------------------------------------------152. A Correlational Research attempts to:
a) discover the existence of a relationship
b) report systematically on the state of a problem
c) come to conclusions concerning trends, causes or effects of past occurrences
d) determine the current practices
e) test the reliability and predictive validity
--------------------------------------------------------------------153. Name the first step in the Research process:
a) Extensive literature review
b) Development of objectives
c) Formulation of research problem
d) Preparation of the research design
e) Analysis of data
--------------------------------------------------------------------154. Name the first step in the formulation of a research problem:
a) To dissect a broad area into subareas
b) To Raise research questions
c) To identify a broad field of interest to you
d) To establish of the hypotheses
e) To double check
--------------------------------------------------------------------155. Name the second step in the formulation of a research problem:
a) To dissect the broad area into subareas
b) To raise research questions
c) To identify a broad field of interest to you
d) To put forward a hypothesis
e) To double check
--------------------------------------------------------------------156. Procedure for reviewing literature are:
a) To search for existing literature in your area of the study
b) To find clarity
c) To develop a theoretical framework
d) To give accuracy
e) To bring reality
--------------------------------------------------------------------157. The functions of reviewing literature are:
a) To improve study methodology
b) To broaden investigator's knowledge
c) To bring results
d) To contextualize investigator's findings
e) To contribute to the first operational step
--------------------------------------------------------------------158. The main important systems to make a list of bibliography are:
a) Boston
b) Harvard
c) Cambridge
d) Vancouver
e) Oxford
--------------------------------------------------------------------159. State the classification of research types by application:
a) pure
b) qualitative
c) applied
d) historical
e) descriptive
--------------------------------------------------------------------160. State the classification of research types by inquiry mode employed:
a) pure
b) qualitative
c) applied
d) quantitative
e) descriptive
--------------------------------------------------------------------161. State the classification of research types by objectives:
a) pure
b) historical
c) correlational
d) quantitative
e) descriptive
--------------------------------------------------------------------162. Select the steps of formulation of a research problem:
a) Select what subareas is most interest
b) Literature review
c) Raise research question
d) Determine a sampling type
e) Collecting the data
--------------------------------------------------------------------163. The types of relative values are:
a) rate
b) ratio
c) coefficient of variation
d) proportion
e) standard deviation
--------------------------------------------------------------------164. The Rate permits:
a) To determine the part of phenomena
b) To detect static changes
c) To determine the frequency of a phenomenon
d) Comparison of different totality by their frequency level of a homogenous phenomenon
e) To determine the rapport of different phenomena
--------------------------------------------------------------------165. Select specific rate:
a) Birth Rate
b) Mortality Rate
c) Cardiovascular Diseases Morbidity Rate
d) Infant mortality rate
e) Cancer prevalence rate
--------------------------------------------------------------------166. It is not a specific rate:
a) Infant Mortality Rate
b) Birth Rate
c) Birth Rate by the area
d) Mortality Rate by age groups
e) Mortality Rate
--------------------------------------------------------------------167. Select the characteristics of Extensive Indicator:
a) It determines the rapport between a part of the phenomenon and the whole phenomenon
b) It makes the relationship between the environment and phenomenon
c) it is shown only in promile, prodecimile
d) it never permits the evaluation of dynamic changes
e) it determines only a statics balance at a specified moment
--------------------------------------------------------------------168. Rate shows:
a) The structure of a phenomenon
b) The frequency of a phenomenon
c) The limit of a phenomenon
d) The central tendency of a phenomenon
e) The level of a phenomenon
--------------------------------------------------------------------169. Statistical indicator of proportion characterizes:
a) The structure of phenomena
b) The frequency of phenomena
c) The part of phenomena from whole
d) The central tendency of phenomena
e) The level of phenomena
--------------------------------------------------------------------170. Select the ratio statistical indicator:
a) Incidence of pulmonary chronic diseases
b) Medical supply
c) a, and d
d) Cardiovascular diseases prevalence
e) The structure of doctor visits
--------------------------------------------------------------------171. The rate is used to:
a) determine the variability of phenomena
b) determine the structure of phenomena
c) determine the level of phenomena
d) determine the frequency of phenomena
e) determine the limit of phenomena
--------------------------------------------------------------------172. Intensive statistical indicator characterizes:
a) The structure of phenomena
b) The frequency of phenomena
c) The limit of phenomena
d) The central tendency
e) The level of phenomena
--------------------------------------------------------------------173. Ratio:
a) associates a phenomenon and medium
b) determines the level of phenomenon in the medium which produced it
c) expresses a part from the whole phenomenon
d) Represents the relation between independent totality
e) a, and b
--------------------------------------------------------------------174. Choose the main measures of morbidity:
a) prevalence
b) ratio
c) coefficient of variation
d) incidence
e) standard deviation
--------------------------------------------------------------------175. Rate indicates:
a) the intensity of phenomena
b) the variability of phenomena
c) the level of phenomena
d) the limits of phenomena
e) the homogeneity of phenomena
--------------------------------------------------------------------176. Rate:
a) expresses the rapport between independent totality
b) compares different mediums by the level of phenomenon
c) expresses a part from the whole phenomenon
d) expresses the dynamics of phenomenon
e) expresses the statics of phenomenon
--------------------------------------------------------------------177. Rate can be:
a) specific
b) adjusted
c) simple
d) crude
e) ponderate
--------------------------------------------------------------------178. Adjusted rate:
a) is a conventional value
b) is a veridical value
c) is used to make a comparison only
d) is used to express the difference
e) is used to make comparisons between two different populations only if they are homogenous
--------------------------------------------------------------------179. Intensive indicator:
a) makes an association between a medium and a phenomenon
b) is a statics indicator
c) expresses the structure of phenomena
d) expresses the dynamics of phenomena
e) expresses a part from the whole phenomenon
--------------------------------------------------------------------180. Extensive indicator:
a) is a dynamic indicator
b) doesn't make an association between a medium and a phenomenon
c) expresses a part from the whole phenomenon
d) is used only to make a comparison
e) characterizes statics phenomena
--------------------------------------------------------------------181. Ratio:
a) Is mostly used to provide population medical supply level
b) shows the rapport between 2 independent totalities
c) shows the structure of phenomena
d) shows the rapport between 2 dependent totalities
e) is the similar to the rate
--------------------------------------------------------------------182. List the type of values used in scientific research:
a) Discrete
b) Absolute
c) Relative
d) Approximation
e) Central
--------------------------------------------------------------------183. List the type of relative values:
a) Rate
b) Chronological
c) Ratio
d) Proportion
e) Variation
--------------------------------------------------------------------184. Choose the statistic indicator of proportion:
a) Prevalence level of ischemic heart diseases
b) Level of population supply with hospital beds
c) The structure of patient's visits
d) Annual dynamics of incidence
e) Mortality level
--------------------------------------------------------------------185. Select the characteristics of Intensive Indicator:
a) It determines the rapport between the part of phenomenon and the whole phenomenon
b) It makes the relationship between the environment and phenomenon
c) It determines the rapport between two independent phenomena
d) It permits the evaluation of dynamic changes
e) It determines only a statics balance at a specified moment
--------------------------------------------------------------------186. Choose the statistic indicator of frequency:
a) Birth Rate
b) Level of medical supply of the population
c) The structure of patient's visits
d) Annual dynamics of morbidity
e) Mortality rate
--------------------------------------------------------------------187. Choose the statistic indicator of rapport:
a) Prevalence Rate
b) Population's medical supply
c) The structure of patient's visits
d) Annual dynamics of Incidence
e) Mortality rate
--------------------------------------------------------------------188. Select the crude rate:
a) Infant mortality
b) Birth Rate
c) Birth Rate by the area
d) Mortality Rate by age groups
e) Mortality Rate
--------------------------------------------------------------------189. Select vital statistics indicators:
a) Mortality
b) Proportion
c) Prevalence
d) Morbidity
e) Ratio
--------------------------------------------------------------------190. Select the appropriate statements for prevalence:
a) It is the main measure of mortality
b) It is the main measure of morbidity
c) It is used to evaluate health status of population
d) It is defined as the number of new cases that have occurred during the specified time period
divided by the number of people who were at risk in the same period of time.
e) It is defined as the number of persons with the given disease at the moment divided by the
number of people at risk for that disease at that time.
--------------------------------------------------------------------191. Select the appropriate statements for incidence:
a) It is the main measure of mortality
b) It is the main measure of morbidity
c) It is used to evaluate health status of population
d) It is defined as the number of new cases that have occurred during the specified time period
divided by the number of people who were at risk in the same period of time.
e) It is defined as the number of persons with the given disease at the moment divided by the
number of people at risk for that disease at that time.
--------------------------------------------------------------------192. State the appropriate measurement scale for the set of data "Blood type":
a) nominal
b) ordinal
c) interval
d) ratio
e) rate scale
--------------------------------------------------------------------193. State the appropriate measurement scale for the set of data "The level of education: high
school - 1 point; college - 2 points; postgraduate education - 3 points":
a) nominal
b) ordinal
c) interval
d) ratio
e) rate
--------------------------------------------------------------------194. State the appropriate measurement scale for the set of data "The temperature":
a) nominal
b) ordinal
c) interval
d) ratio
e) rate
195. State the appropriate measurement scale for the set of data "Number of physicians per 10 000
of population":
a) nominal
b) ordinal
c) interval
d) ratio
e) rate
--------------------------------------------------------------------196. Name the types of variables:
a) of distribution
b) of frequency
c) qualitative
d) representative
e) quantitative
--------------------------------------------------------------------197. Choose the type of variable's measurement scales:
a) Interval
b) range
c) rate
d) ratio
e) nominal
--------------------------------------------------------------------198. What is common for nominal variable's measurement scale?
a) there is no relationship among subgroups
b) it ranks the subgroups in a certain order
c) it uses a unit of measurement with an arbitrary starting and terminating points
d) it has a fixed starting point
e) it has only categorical nature only
--------------------------------------------------------------------199. What is common for ordinal variable's measurement scale?
a) it enables the classification of individuals based on a common/shared property or characteristic
b) it ranks the subgroups in a certain order
c) it uses a unit of measurement with an arbitrary starting and terminating points
d) it has a fixed starting point
e) the interval between 2 points of measurements in sequence is not the same
--------------------------------------------------------------------200. What is common for interval variable's measurement scale?
a) the interval between 2 points of measurements in sequence is not the same
b) it ranks the subgroups in a certain order
c) the interval between 2 points of measurements in sequence is always the same
d) it has a fixed starting point
e) it has no absolute zero
--------------------------------------------------------------------201. What is common for ratio variable's measurement scale?
a) it enables the classification of individuals based on a common/shared property or characteristic
b) it ranks the subgroups in a certain order
c) it uses a unit of measurement with an arbitrary starting and terminating points
d) it has a fixed starting point
e) it has absolute zero
--------------------------------------------------------------------202. State the appropriate variable type for the set of data "Number of physicians per 10 000 of
a) Quantitative
b) Qualitative
c) Discrete
d) Continuous
e) Alternative
--------------------------------------------------------------------203. State the appropriate variable type for the set of data "Patient's age":
a) Quantitative
b) Qualitative
c) Discrete
d) Continuous
e) Alternative
--------------------------------------------------------------------204. State the appropriate variable type for the set of data "Anemia’s type":
a) Quantitative
b) Qualitative
c) non-alternative
d) Continuous
e) Alternative
--------------------------------------------------------------------205. Select the appropriate variables for the discrete data type:
a) Severity disease level
b) Age
c) Number of patients
d) Birth data
e) Gender
--------------------------------------------------------------------206. Select the appropriate variables for the continuous data type:
a) Body temperature
b) Age
c) Number of patients
d) Procedures number
e) Gender
--------------------------------------------------------------------207. Select the appropriate variables for the dichotomous data type:
a) Body temperature
b) Age
c) Number of patients
d) Procedures number
e) Gender
--------------------------------------------------------------------208. Select the appropriate variables for the non-alternative data type:
a) Blood types
b) Age
c) Presence of diarrhea in the group of infants
d) Discharged patient outcome
e) Gender
--------------------------------------------------------------------209. Name the appropriate graph data presentation for a nominal variable:
a) Box plot
b) Pie chart
c) Bar Chart
d) Histogram
e) Frequency polygon
--------------------------------------------------------------------210. Name the appropriate graph data presentation for an ordinal variable:
a) Box plot
b) Column chart
c) Bar Chart
d) Histogram
e) Scatter plot
--------------------------------------------------------------------211. Name the appropriate graph data presentation for a numerical variable:
a) Box plot
b) Pie chart
c) Bar Chart
d) Histogram
e) Frequency polygon
--------------------------------------------------------------------212. State the data of nominal measurement scale:
a) Serum cholesterol level of healthy individuals
b) Gender of patients
c) Apgar scores
d) Viral Hepatitis types
e) Number of births in a given year
--------------------------------------------------------------------213. State the data of ordinal measurement scale:
a) Serum cholesterol of healthy individuals
b) Gender of patients
c) Apgar scores
d) Severity disease level
e) Number of births in a given year
--------------------------------------------------------------------214. State the data of ratio measurement scale:
a) Serum cholesterol
b) Gender of patients
c) Temperature
d) Severity disease level
e) Body weight
--------------------------------------------------------------------215. State the data of interval measurement scale:
a) Serum cholesterol level of healthy individuals
b) Gender of patients
c) Temperature
d) Severity disease level
e) Number of births in a given year
--------------------------------------------------------------------216. Under what conditions is the use of Pearson's Correlation Coefficient preferred?
a) to measure the relationship between two ordinal data
b) to measure the relationship between two numerical data
c) When the distribution of numerical data is symmetric
d) When the distribution of numerical data is asymmetric
e) When the distribution of ordinal data is symmetric
--------------------------------------------------------------------217. Under what conditions is the use of Spearman's Correlation Coefficient preferred?
a) to measure the relationship between two ordinal data
b) to measure the relationship between two numerical data
c) When the distribution of numerical data is symmetric
d) When the distribution of numerical data is asymmetric
e) When the distribution of ordinal data is symmetric
--------------------------------------------------------------------218. State the characteristics of correlation:
a) it is related to the relationship among many characteristics
b) it is related to the relationship between two characteristics
c) it is a measure of straight-line relationship
d) it is a measure of causation
e) it is a dimensionless value
--------------------------------------------------------------------219. Select research design steps:
a) Developing the aim and objectives
b) Determining a sample design
c) To adopt a study design
d) To elaborate tools for data collection
e) Collecting data
--------------------------------------------------------------------220. Under what conditions is the use of open questions preferred?
a) Respondents are able to provide answers
b) Choices can be anticipated
c) Respondents wish to answer only if it is easy and quick
d) Reporting results are statistical data
e) Reporting results are individual or grouped responses
--------------------------------------------------------------------221. Under what conditions is the use of closed questions preferred?
a) Respondents are able to provide answers
b) Choices can be anticipated
c) Reporting results are individual or grouped responses
d) Reporting results are statistical data
e) Respondents wish to answer only if it is easy and quick
--------------------------------------------------------------------222. Odds ratio is used to analyze:
a) Case series study
b) Cohort study
c) Cross-Sectional study
d) Clinical Trial study
e) Case-Control study
--------------------------------------------------------------------223. Relative Risk ratio is used to analyze:
a) Case series study
b) Cohort study
c) Cross-Sectional study
d) Clinical Trial study
e) Case-Control study
--------------------------------------------------------------------224. Select the interpretation for RR=1:
a) indifferent
b) hazardous exposure
c) beneficial exposure
d) multiple exposures
e) a, and c
--------------------------------------------------------------------225. Select the interpretation for RR>1:
a) indifferent
b) hazardous exposure
c) beneficial exposure
d) multiple exposures
e) b, and d
--------------------------------------------------------------------226. Select the interpretation for RR<1:
a) indifferent
b) hazardous exposure
c) beneficial exposure
d) multiple exposures
e) c, and d
--------------------------------------------------------------------227. Which of the following interpretation of RR= 4 .2 would you prefer?
a) Those with the disease are 4.2 times as likely do not have had the exposure compared to those
without the disease
b) Those with the exposure are 4.2 times as likely do not develop the disease compared to those
without the exposure
c) 4.2 % of the people with outcome among exposed are attributed to their exposure.
d) Those with the exposure are 4.2 times as likely develop the disease compared to those without the
e) Those with the disease are 4.2 times as likely to have had the exposure compared to those without
the disease
--------------------------------------------------------------------228. Which of the following interpretation of OR= 4 .2 would you prefer?
a) Those with the disease are 4.2 times as likely to have had the exposure compared to those without
the disease
b) Those with the exposure are 4.2 times as likely do not develop the disease compared to those
without the exposure
c) 4.2 % of the people with outcome among exposed are attributed to their exposure
d) Those with the exposure are 4.2 times as likely develop the disease compared to those without the
e) Those with the disease are 4.2 times as likely do not have had the exposure compared to those
without the disease
--------------------------------------------------------------------229. Which of the following interpretation of AR= 80 % would you prefer?
a) Those with the disease are 80 % as likely to have had the exposure compared to those without the
b) 80 % of the people with outcome among exposed are attributed to their exposure
c) Those with the disease are 80% as likely do not have had the exposure compared to those without
the disease
d) Those with the exposure are 80% as likely do not develop the disease compared to those without
the exposure
e) a and b
--------------------------------------------------------------------230. Which of the following measures of association is related to the interpretation "Those with the
brutal sun radiation are 4.2 times as likely develop the skin cancer compared to those without the
brutal sun radiation":
a) Relative Risk
b) Attributable Risk
c) Odds Ratio
d) Relative Risk Reduction
e) Absolute Risk Reduction
--------------------------------------------------------------------231. Which of the following measures of association is related to the interpretation "Those with the
skin cancer are 4.2 times as likely to have had the brutal sun radiation compared to those without the
skin cancer":
a) Relative Risk
b) Attributable Risk
c) Odds Ratio
d) Relative Risk Reduction
e) Absolute Risk Reduction
--------------------------------------------------------------------232. Which of the following measures of association is related to the interpretation "Those with the
diabetes are 4.2 times as likely develop the myocardial infarction compared to those without the
a) Relative Risk
b) Attributable Risk
c) Odds Ratio
d) Relative Risk Reduction
e) Absolute Risk Reduction
--------------------------------------------------------------------233. Which of the following measures of association is related to the interpretation "Those with the
myocardial infarction are 4.2 times as likely to have had the diabetes compared to those without the
myocardial infarction":
a) Relative Risk
b) Attributable Risk
c) Odds Ratio
d) Relative Risk Reduction
e) Absolute Risk Reduction
234. State hypotheses types:
a) Directional
b) Null
c) Ordinal
d) Alternative
e) Nominal
--------------------------------------------------------------------235. Which of the following is the definition of Directional Hypotheses?
a) It states that relation or difference between variables exists
b) It states the expected direction of the relation or difference
c) It states that there is no significance relation or difference between variables
d) It is a second statement that contradicts the null hypotheses
e) a and c only
--------------------------------------------------------------------236. Which of the following is the definition of Null Hypotheses?
a) It states that relation or difference between variables exists
b) It states the expected direction of the relation or difference
c) It states that there is no significance relation or difference between variables
d) It is a second statement that contradicts the null hypotheses
e) a and c only
--------------------------------------------------------------------237. Which of the following is the definition of Alternative Hypotheses?
a) It states that relation or difference between variables exists
b) It states the expected direction of the relation or difference
c) It states that there is no significance relation or difference between variables
d) It is a second statement that contradicts the null hypotheses
e) a and c only
--------------------------------------------------------------------238. Select the steps of hypotheses testing:
a) Formulation of hypotheses
b) Decide about the appropriate statistics test
c) Select the level of confidence
d) Select the level of significance
e) Calculate standard deviation
--------------------------------------------------------------------239. Type I Error generally looks at which of the following?
a) Do not rejecting the Null hypothesis when it is false
b) The ability of a study doesn't detect a false difference
c) Rejecting the Null hypothesis when it is really true
d) The ability of a study to detect a true difference
e) a and c
--------------------------------------------------------------------240. Type II Error generally looks at which of the following?
a) Do not rejecting the Null hypothesis when it is false
b) The ability of a study doesn't detect a false difference
c) Rejecting the Null hypothesis when it is really true
d) The ability of a study to detect a true difference
e) a and d
241. Power of the study generally looks at which of the following?
a) Do not rejecting the Null hypothesis when it is false
b) The ability of a study doesn't detect a false difference
c) Rejecting the Null hypothesis when it is really true
d) The ability of a study to detect a true difference
e) a and b
--------------------------------------------------------------------242. Confidence Level generally looks at which of the following?
a) Do not rejecting the Null hypothesis when it is false
b) The ability of a study doesn't detect a false difference
c) Rejecting the Null hypothesis when it is really true
d) The ability of a study to detect a true difference
e) b and c
--------------------------------------------------------------------243. Which of the following is related to Significance Level?
a) There is the probability that the statistic test will reject the Null hypothesis when it is really true
b) There is the probability of obtaining the results that the Null hypotheses is true
c) In order do not reject by mistake Null hypotheses significance level should be enough small
d) There is the probability to occur results by chance
e) Statistical significance doesn't imply clinical or scientific significance
--------------------------------------------------------------------244. Which of the following is related to P-value?
a) There is the probability that the statistic test will reject the Null hypothesis when it is really true
b) There is the probability of obtaining the results that the Null hypotheses is true
c) In order do not reject by mistake Null hypotheses significance level should be enough small
d) There is the probability to occur results by chance
e) If the probability to occur results by chance is enough small then the Null hypotheses is not
--------------------------------------------------------------------245. Confidence Level is defined as:
a) 1- α
b) 1-β
c) α-1
d) 1+β
e) β-1
--------------------------------------------------------------------246. Power of the study is defined as:
a) 1- α
b) 1-β
c) α-1
d) 1+β
e) β-1
--------------------------------------------------------------------247. Probability to accept the Null hypotheses when it is really true is related to:
a) Significance level
b) Confidence level
c) P-Value
d) Power of the study
e) Confidence interval
--------------------------------------------------------------------248. Probability to conclude there is a difference when there is not is related to:
a) Significance level
b) Confidence level
c) P-Value
d) Power of the study
e) Confidence interval
--------------------------------------------------------------------249. Probability to obtain the results that a Null hypothesis is true is related to:
a) Significance level
b) Confidence level
c) P-Value
d) Power of the study
e) Confidence interval
--------------------------------------------------------------------250. Probability of rejecting the Null hypotheses when it is really false is related to:
a) Significance level
b) Confidence level
c) P-Value
d) Power of the study
e) Confidence interval