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Julkaisujen ilmoittaja
(KYSin ervan sairaanhoitopiiri
/ organisaatio)
Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiiri
Päivämäärä: 13.2.2017
(mm. lisätietopyyntöjä varten)
Sini Alusniemi, tutkimuskoordinaattori
050 301 9587,
014 269 3536
Sähköposti: [email protected]
Julkaisun tekijät (KYS erva-alueen organisaation
affiliaatiotieto tulee olla näkyvissä julkaisussa)
Julkaisun nimi ja tiedot (lehden nimi, vuosi, volyymi, numero,
Abe S, Narra N, Nikander R, Hyttinen J, Kouhia R,
Sievänen H.
Ala-Kokko T, Karlsson S, Kuitunen A, Uusaro A, Bendel S,
Parviainen I, Soininen L, Varpula T, Pettilä V, Valtonen M,
Loisa P, Saarinen K, Kiviniemi O, Sjövall S, Reinikainen M,
Laru-Sompa R, Hovilehto S.
Alakuijala A, Sarkanen T, Partinen M.
Exercise loading history and femoral neck strength in a sideways
fall: A three-dimensional finite element modeling study. Bone
Tehohoito tarvitsee laajan päivystyksen sairaalan palvelut. PPPP
Assmuth T, Simola A, Pitkänen T, Lyytimäki J, Huttula T.
Integrated frameworks for assessing and managing health risks in
the context of managed aquifer recharge with river water. PPPP
Bergroth E, Aakula M, Korppi M, Remes S, Kivistö JE,
Piedra PA, Camargo CA, Jartti T.
Post-bronchiolitis Use of Asthma Medication: A Prospective
1-year Follow-up Study. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2016:35(4):363-8.
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Hypocretin-1 Levels Associate with Fragmented Sleep in Patients
with Narcolepsy Type 1. Sleep 2016:39(5):1047-50.
kukaan ei
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2 (15)
Dong X, He M, Fang C, Karjalainen T, Sebastin SJ.
Direct Radiological Visualization of Loading on Four Flexor
Tendon Repair Suture Configurations. J Hand Surg Am
Eklund D, Häkkinen A, Laukkanen JA, Balandzic M,
Nyman K, Häkkinen K.
Fitness, body composition and blood lipids following 3 concurrent
strength and endurance training modes. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab
Fan Q, Guo X, Tideman JW, ..., Pärssinen O, ...,
Guggenheim JA.
Childhood gene-environment interactions and age-dependent
effects of genetic variants associated with refractive error and
myopia: The CREAM Consortium. Sci Rep 2016:6:25853.
Fan Q, Verhoeven VJ, Wojciechowski R, ..., Pärssinen O,
..., Mäkelä KM.
Meta-analysis of gene-environment-wide association scans
accounting for education level identifies additional loci for
refractive error. Nat Commun 2016:7:11008.
Granér M, Harjola V, Selander T, Laiho MK, Piilonen A,
Raade M, Mustonen P.
N-terminal Pro-brain Natriuretic Peptide, High-sensitivity Troponin
and Pulmonary Artery Clot Score as Predictors of Right
Ventricular Dysfunction in Echocardiography. Heart Lung Circ
Gurvits N, Repo H, Löyttyniemi E, Nykänen M, Anttinen J,
Kuopio T, Talvinen K, Kronqvist P.
Prognostic implications of securin expression and sub-cellular
localization in human breast cancer. Cell Oncol (Dordrecht)
Haapala EA, Viitasalo A, Venäläinen T, Eloranta A, Ågren J,
Lindi V, Lakka TA.
Plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids are directly associated with
cognition in overweight children but not in normal weight
children. PPPP 2016:105(12):1502-1507.
Haataja P, Korhonen P, Ojala R, Hirvonen M, Paassilta M,
Gissler M, Luukkaala T, Tammela O.
Asthma and atopic dermatitis in children born moderately and late
preterm. Eur J Pediatr 2016:175(6):799-808.
Hollestelle A, van der Baan FH, Berchuck A, ..., Hartikainen
JM, ..., Kataja V, ..., Kosma VM, ..., Mannermaa A, ...,
Goode EL.
Jarvis D, Mitchell JS, Law PJ, ..., Böhm J, Mecklin J-P, ...,
Houlston RS.
No clinical utility of KRAS variant rs61764370 for ovarian or breast
cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2016:141( 2): 386-401.
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Mendelian randomisation analysis strongly implicates adiposity
with risk of developing colorectal cancer. Br J Cancer
KYS erva-tutkimustoimikunta
3 (15)
Kaartinen N, Kananen K, Huhtala H, Keränen S, Tinkanen
The freezing method of cleavage stage embryos has no impact on
the weight of the newborns. J Assist Reprod Genet
Reference values of spirometry for Finnish adults. Clin Physiol
Funct Imag 2016:36(5):346-58.
Kainu A, Timonen KL, Toikka J, Qaiser B, Pitkäniemi J,
Kotaniemi JT, Lindqvist A, Vanninen E, Länsimies E,
Sovijärvi AR, Timonen KL.
Kane D, Koski J.
Kanerva A, Lammintakanen J, Kivinen T.
Nursing Staff's Perceptions of Patient Safety in Psychiatric
Inpatient Care. Perspect Psychiatr Care 2016:52(1):25-31.
Kivinen N, Felszeghy S, Kinnunen AI, Setälä N, Aikio M,
Kinnunen K, Sironen R, Pihlajaniemi T, Kauppinen A,
Kaarniranta K.
Absence of collagen XVIII in mice causes age-related insufficiency
in retinal pigment epithelium proteostasis. Biogerontology
Kunutsor SK, Khan H, Laukkanen JA.
Serum magnesium and risk of new onset heart failure in men: the
Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Study. Eur J Epidemiol
Kunutsor SK, Khan H, Nyyssönen K, Laukkanen JA.
Lipoprotein(a) and risk of sudden cardiac death in middle-aged
Finnish men: A new prospective cohort study. Int J Cardiol
Kurl S, Laaksonen DE, Jae SY, Mäkikallio TH, Zaccardi F,
Kauhanen J, Ronkainen K, Laukkanen JA.
Metabolic syndrome and the risk of sudden cardiac death in
middle-aged men. Int J Cardiol 2016:203:792-7.
Kurl S, Mäkikallio T, Jae SY, Ronkainen K, Laukkanen JA.
Exercise cardiac power and the risk of coronary heart disease and
cardiovascular mortality in men. Ann Med 2016:48(8):625-630.
Kärkkäinen JM, Nuutinen H, Riekkinen T, Sihvo E,
Turtiainen J, Saari P, Mäkinen K, Manninen H.
Pharmacomechanical Thrombectomy in Paget-Schroetter
Syndrome. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2016:39(9):1272-9.
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Musculoskeletal interventional procedures: With or without
imaging guidance? Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol
Tekijöistä ei
KYS erva-tutkimustoimikunta
4 (15)
Küüsmaa M, Schumann M, Sedliak M, Kraemer WJ,
Newton RU, Malinen JP, Nyman K, Häkkinen A, Häkkinen
Effects of morning versus evening combined strength and
endurance training on physical performance, muscle hypertrophy,
and serum hormone concentrations. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab
Laukkanen JA, Zaccardi F, Khan H, Kurl S, Jae SY,
Rauramaa R.
Long-term Change in Cardiorespiratory Fitness and All-Cause
Mortality: A Population-Based Follow-up Study. Mayo Clin Proc
Lehto J, Kiviniemi TO, Gunn J, Mustonen P, Airaksinen J,
Biancari F, Rautava P, Sipilä J, Kytö V.
Occurrence of postpericardiotomy syndrome admissions: A
population-based registry study. Ann Med 2016:48(1):28-33.
Lei J, Rudolph A, Moysich KB, ..., Mannermaa A,
Hartikainen JM, ..., Winqvist R, Swerdlow A, Jones M,
Chang-Claude J, Mannermaa A, Hartikainen JM.
Genetic variation in the immunosuppression pathway genes and
breast cancer susceptibility: a pooled analysis of 42,510 cases
and 40,577 controls from the Breast Cancer Association
Consortium. Hum Genet 2016:135(1):137-54.
Leppänen V, Hakko H, Sintonen H, Lindeman S.
Leppänen V, Hakko H, Sintonen H, Lindeman S. Comparing
Effectiveness of Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder in
Communal Mental Health Care: The Oulu BPD Study. Community
Ment Health J 2016:52(2):216-27.
Leppänen V, Vuorenmaa E, Lindeman S, Tuulari J, Hakko
Association of parasuicidal behaviour to early maladaptive
schemas and schema modes in patients with BPD: The Oulu BPD
study. Personal Ment Health 2016:10(1):58-71.
Lietzén E, Mällinen J, Grönroos JM, Rautio T, Paajanen H,
Nordström P, Aarnio M, Rantanen T, Sand J, Mecklin JP,
Jartti A, Virtanen J, Ohtonen P, Salminen P.
Is preoperative distinction between complicated and
uncomplicated acute appendicitis feasible without imaging?
Surgery 2016:160(3):789-95.
Lindström R, Lepistö-Paisley T, Vanhala R, Alén R, Kujala
Impaired neural discrimination of emotional speech prosody in
children with autism spectrum disorder and language impairment.
Neurosci Lett 2016:628:47-51.
Linnanmäki L, Göransson H, Havulinna J, Sippola P,
Karjalainen T, Leppänen OV.
Validity of parameters in static linear testing of flexor tendon
repair. J Biomech 2016:49(13):2785-2790.
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KYS erva-tutkimustoimikunta
5 (15)
Luokkala T, Ryhänen J, Näpänkangas J, Karjalainen TV.
Distal Inside-Out Epineural Sliding Technique to Repair
Segmental Nerve Defects. Hand ( N Y) 2016:11(3):322-329.
Mattila A, Mrena J, Kautiainen H, Nevantaus J,
Kellokumpu I.
Mattila VM, Sihvonen R, Paloneva J, Felländer-Tsai L.
Munukka M, Waller B, Rantalainen T, Häkkinen A, Nieminen
MT, Lammentausta E, Kujala UM, Paloneva J, Sipilä S,
Peuna A, Kautiainen H, Selänne H, Kiviranta I, Heinonen A.
Muranen TA, Blomqvist C, Dörk T, Jakubowska A, Heikkilä
P, Fagerholm R, Greco D, Aittomäki K, Bojesen SE, Shah
M, Dunning AM, Rhenius V, ...,Mannermaa, Kataja V, ...,
Mustalampi S, Ylinen J, Korniloff K, Weir A, Häkkinen A.
Day-care laparoscopic cholecystectomy with diathermy hook
versus fundus-first ultrasonic dissection: a randomized study. Surg
Endosc 2016:30(9):3867-72.
Changes in rates of arthroscopy due to degenerative knee disease
and traumatic meniscal tears in Finland and Sweden. Acta Orthop
Efficacy of progressive aquatic resistance training for tibiofemoral
cartilage in postmenopausal women with mild knee osteoarthritis:
a randomised controlled trial. Osteoarthritis Cartilage
Patient survival and tumor characteristics associated with
CHEK2:p.I157T - findings from the Breast
Cancer Association Consortium. PPPP 2016:18(1):98.
Mäkikallio TH, Junttila J, Kiviniemi A, Kurl S, Ylitalo K,
Magga J, Jokinen V, Piira OP, Kervinen K, Niemelä M,
Laukkanen JA.
Nikiphorou E, Sjöwall C, Hannonen P, Rannio T, Sokka
Orlando G, Law PJ, Palin K, ..., Böhm J, Mecklin JP, ...,
Houlston RS.
Palomäki A, Kiviniemi T, Hartikainen JE, Mustonen P,
Ylitalo A, Nuotio I, Hartikainen P, Jaakkola J, Luite R,
Airaksinen KE.
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Reduced Neck Muscle Strength and Altered Muscle Mechanical
Properties in Cervical Dystonia Following Botulinum Neurotoxin
Injections: A Prospective Study. J Mov Disord 2016:9(1):44-9.
Long-term survival among patients with coronary angioplasty with
drug eluting stent for the treatment of unprotected left main
stenosis compared to coronary artery bypass grafting. Editorial. Int
J Cardiol 2016:225:47-49.
Long-term outcomes of destructive seronegative (rheumatoid)
arthritis - description of four clinical cases. BMC Musculoskelet Dis
Variation at 2q35 (PNKD and TMBIM1) influences colorectal
cancer risk and identifies a pleiotropic effect with inflammatory
bowel disease. Hum Mol Genet 2016:25(11):2349-2359.
Postoperative Strokes and Intracranial Bleeds in Patients With
Atrial Fibrillation: The FibStroke Study. Clin Cardiol
KYS erva-tutkimustoimikunta
Palomäki A, Mustonen P, Hartikainen JE, Nuotio I,
Kiviniemi T, Yliltalo A, Hartikainen P, Lehtola H, Luite R,
Airaksinen KE.
Palomäki A, Mustonen P, Hartikanen JE, Nuotio I, Kiviniemi
T, Ylitalo A, Hartikainen P, Airaksinen KE.
Pellinen T, Villberg J, Raappana M, Leino-Kilpi H,
Kettunen T.
Pihlainen V, Kivinen T, Lammintakanen J.
Pärssinen O, Kauppinen M.
Pärssinen O, Kauppinen M.
Pärssinen O, Kauppinen M, Kaprio J, Rantanen T.
Pöyhönen A, Auvinen A, Häkkinen JT, Koskimäki J,
Tammela TL.
Rannio T, Asikainen J, Kokko A, Hannonen P, Sokka T.
Rinne M, Garam S, Häkkinen A, Ylinen J, KukkonenHarjula K, Nikander R.
Räsänen K, Lehtinen E, Nokelainen K, Kuopio T, Hautala
L, Itkonen O, Stenman U, Koistinen H.
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6 (15)
Strokes after cardioversion of atrial fibrillation - The FibStroke
study. Int J Cardiol 2016:203:269-273.
Underuse of anticoagulation in stroke
patients with atrial fibrillation the Fibstroke Study. Eur J Neurol
Knowledge expectations of recently diagnosed patients with knee
osteoarthritis. J Adv Nurs 2016:72(11):2857-2868.
Management and leadership competence in hospitals: a
systematic literature review. Leadersh Health Serv (Bradf Engl)
What is the influence of parents' myopia on their children's myopic
progression? A 22-year follow-up study. Acta Ophthalmol
Associations of reading posture, gaze angle and reading distance
with myopia and myopic progression. Acta Ophthalmol
Anisometropia of ocular refractive and biometric measures among
66- to 79-year-old female twins. Acta Ophthalmol 2016:94(8):768774.
Population-level and Individual-level Bother of Lower Urinary Tract
Symptoms Among 30- to 80-year-old Men. Urology 2016:95:16470.
Early Remission Is a Realistic Target in a Majority of Patients with
DMARD-naive Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Rheumatol 2016:43(4):699706.
Therapeutic Exercise Training to Reduce Chronic Headache in
Working Women: Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Phys
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Interleukin-6 increases expression of serine protease inhibitor
Kazal type 1 through STAT3 in colorectal adenocarcinoma. Mol
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KYS erva-tutkimustoimikunta
Salminen P, Paajanen H, Rautio T, Nordström P, Aarnio M,
Rantanen T, Mecklin JP, Sand J, Tuominen R, Hurme S,
Virtanen J, Jartti A, Rinta-Kiikka I, Grönroos J.
Salpakoski A, Kallinen M, Kiviranta I, Alen M, Portegijs E,
Jämsen E, Ylinen J, Rantanen T, Sipilä S.
Sarkanen T, Alakuijala A, Partinen M.
Sarkanen T, Alén R, Partinen M.
Silvennoinen R, Anttila P, Säily M, Lundan T, Heiskanen J,
Siitonen TM, Kakko S, Putkonen M, Ollikainen H, Terävä V,
Kutila A, Launonen K, Räsänen A, Sikiö A, Suominen M,
Bazia P, Kananen K, Selander T, Kuittinen T, Remes K,
Jantunen E.
Sipilä S, Salpakoski A, Edgren J, Sihvonen SE, Turunen K,
Pesola M, Arkela M, Kallinen M, Rantanen T, Törmäkangas
Smolen JS, Collaud Basset S, Boers M, Breedveld F,
Edwards CJ, Kvien TK, Miossec P, Sokka-Isler T, van
Vollenhoven RF, Abadie EC, Bruyère O, Cooper C, Mäkinen
H, Thomas T, Tugwell P, Reginster JY.
Somersalo A, Paloneva J, Kautiainen H, Lönnroos E,
Heinänen M, Kiviranta I.
Sorimachi Y, Neva MH, Vihtonen K, Kyrölä K, Iizuka H,
Takagishi K, Häkkinen A.
Southey MC, Goldgar DE, Winqvist R,…Kataja V.
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7 (15)
Akuutin umpilisäketulehduksen diagnostiikka ja hoitokäytäntö
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Type of surgery is associated with pain and walking difficulties
among older people with previous hip fracture. Geriatr Gerontol Int
Clinical course of H1N1-vaccine-related narcolepsy. Sleep Med
Transient Impact of Rituximab in H1N1 Vaccination-associated
Narcolepsy With Severe Psychiatric Symptoms. Neurologist
A randomized phase II study of stem cell mobilization with
cyclophosphamide+G-CSF or G-CSF alone after lenalidomidebased induction in multiple myeloma. Bone Marrow Transplant
Recovery of Lower Extremity Performance After Hip Fracture
Depends on Prefracture and Postdischarge Mobility: A Subgroup
Analysis of a Randomized Rehabilitation Trial. J Am
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Clinical trials of new drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis:
focus on early disease. Ann Rheum Dis 2016:75(7):1268-1271.
Increased mortality after lower extremity fractures in patients <65
years of age. Acta Orthop 2016:87(6):622-625.
Effect of Obesity and Being Overweight on Disability and Pain
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PALB2, CHEK2 and ATM rare variants and cancer risk: data from
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KYS erva-tutkimustoimikunta
8 (15)
Staff S, Aaltonen M, Huhtala H, Pylvänäinen K, Mecklin
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Endometrial cancer risk factors among Lynch syndrome women: a
retrospective cohort study. Br J Cancer 2016:115(3):375-81.
Sung H, Garcia-Closas M, Chang-Claude J, ..., Mannermaa
A, Kosma V, Kataja V, Sironen R, ..., Sherman ME, Yang
Taipale M, Jakkula E, Kämäräinen OP, Gao P, Skarp S,
Barral S, Kiviranta I, Kröger H, Ott J, Wei GH, Ala-Kokko L,
Männikkö M.
Tikkanen E, Pirinen M, Sarin AP, Havulinna AS, Männistö S,
Saltevo J, Lokki ML, Sinisalo J, Lundqvist A, Jula A,
Salomaa V, Ripatti S.
Tuohinen S, Skyttä T, Virtanen V, Virtanen M, Luukkaala T,
Kellokumpu-Lehtinen PL, Raatikainen P.
Heterogeneity of luminal breast cancer characterised by
immunohistochemical expression of basal markers. Br J Cancer
Targeted re-sequencing of linkage region on 2q21 identifies a
novel functional variant for hip and knee osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2016:24(4):655-663.
Genetic support for the causal role of insulin in coronary heart
disease. Diabetologia 2016:59(11):2369-77.
Uutela T, Kautiainen H, Järvenpää S, Hakala M, Häkkinen
Valtola J, Varmavuo V, Ropponen A, Selander T, Kuittinen
O, Kuitunen H, Keskinen L, Vasala K, Nousiainen T,
Mäntymaa P, Pelkonen J, Jantunen E.
Venäläinen TM, Viitasalo AM, Schwab US, Eloranta A,
Haapala EA, Jalkanen HP, de Mello VDf, Laaksonen DE,
Lindi VI, Ågren JJ, Lakka TA.
Waris E, Mattila S, Sillat T, Karjalainen T.
Abdel-Rahman WM, Lotsari-Salomaa JE, Kaur S,
Niskakoski A, Knuutila S, Järvinen H, Mecklin JP,
Peltomäki P.
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Detection of radiotherapy-induced myocardial changes by
ultrasound tissue characterisation in patients with breast cancer.
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2016:32(5):767-76.
Self-rated health in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is associated
with health-related quality of life but not with clinical variables.
Scand J Rheumatol 2016:45(4):288-93.
Early immune recovery after autologous transplantation in nonHodgkin lymphoma patients: predictive factors and clinical
significance. Leuk Lymphoma 2016:57(9):2025-32.
Effect of a 2-y dietary and physical activity intervention on plasma
fatty acid composition and estimated desaturase and elongase
activities in children: the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children
Study. PPPP 2016:104(4):964-972.
Extension Block Pinning for Unstable Proximal Interphalangeal
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The Role of Chromosomal Instability and Epigenetics in Colorectal
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KYS erva-tutkimustoimikunta
Ahtiainen JP, Hulmi JJ, Lehti M, Kraemer WJ, Nyman K,
Selänne H, Alen M, Komulainen J, Kovanen V, Mero AA,
Philippou A, Laakkonen EK, Häkkinen K.
Antinaho T, Kivinen T, Turunen H, Partanen P
Asikainen J, Nikiphorou E, Kaarela K, Lindqvist E,
Häkkinen A, Kautiainen H, Hannonen P, Rannio T, Sokka
Bergroth E, Roponen M, Karvonen AM, Keski-Nisula L,
Remes S, Riedler J, Roduit C, Dalphin JC, Kaulek V, Loss
GJ, Lauener R, Hirvonen MR, Genuneit J, SchmaußerHechfellner E, Renz H, Pfefferle PI, Krauss-Etschmann S,
Schaub B, von Mutius E, Pekkanen J; PASTURE Study
de Rooij M, van der Leeden M, Cheung J, van der Esch M,
Häkkinen A, Haverkamp D, Roorda LD, Twisk J, Vollebregt
J, Lems WF, Dekker J.
de Rooij M, van der Leeden M, Heymans MW, Holla JF,
Häkkinen A, Lems WF, Roorda LD, Veenhof C, SanchezRamirez DC, de Vet HC, Dekker J.
Ehrlich A, Kairaluoma M, Böhm J, Vasala K, Kautiainen
H, Kellokumpu I.
Hagnäs MJ, Lakka TA, Kurl S, Rauramaa R, Mäkikallio TH,
Savonen K, Laukkanen JA.
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9 (15)
Effects of resistance training on expression of IGF-I splice variants
in younger and older men.
Eur J Sport Sci. 2016 Nov;16(8):1055-63. doi:
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Improving the quality of Registered Nurses (RNs’) working time
use data, Journal of Clinical Nursing, accepted manuscript online:
2016. 16 November 2016, DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13650.
Is long-term radiographic joint damage different between men and
women? Prospective longitudinal data analysis of four early RA
cohorts with greater than 15 years follow-up. Clin Exp Rheumatol.
2016 Jul-Aug;34(4):641-5. Epub 2016 Apr 28.
Enhanced T helper 1 and 2 cytokine responses at birth associate
with lower risk of middle ear infections in infancy. Pediatr Allergy
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2016 Oct 24.
Efficacy of tailored exercise therapy on physical functioning in
patients with knee osteoarthritis and comorbidity: A randomized
controlled trial. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2016 Aug 26. doi:
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Prognosis of Pain and Physical Functioning in Patients With Knee
Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Arthritis
Care Res (Hoboken). 2016 Apr;68(4):481-92. doi:
Laparoscopic Wide Mesocolic Excision and Central Vascular
Ligation for Carcinoma of the Colon. Scand J Surg. 2016 Mar 8.
pii: 1457496915613646. [Epub ahead of print].
Cardiorespiratory fitness and exercise-induced ST segment
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10 (15)
Hamdi Y, Soucy P, Adoue V, Michailidou K, Canisius S,
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