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Group R14300 (Microfluidics) Background and Problem Statement
Digital microfluidic devices (DMF) are devices that manipulate pico to nano liter sized volumes
of fluid. They have been used in biomedical testing applications for the purpose of finding
biomarkers. Biological protocols such as ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) are
used to find these biomarkers. Microfluidic devices can enable more effective and faster medical
diagnostics where access to normally large testing machines is limited or nonexistent, such
doctor’s offices, battlefields and third world countries. We expect this project to contribute to the
portability and speed of medical diagnostic devices while reducing the costs associated with
production and testing.
Droplet manipulation can be achieved by thermal, acoustic, chemical, and electrical means. Due
to constraints imposed by some of these methods, Dr. Schertzer’s digital microfluidic device
manipulates droplets using electro-wetting. Currently, the system uses cleanroom fabricated
devices controlled by a National Instruments control system. Objectives for this project include:
making a small, application specific control system with feedback, reducing fabrication costs,
and having the system be in a user-friendly, portable package.
Proteins that are prevalent in specific diseases
Biological Protocols Specific tests and procedures to find
Benchmark testing to quantify pathological antigens
By changing the voltages between neighbouring electrodes, droplets can
be generated,transported,split,merged and processed. These unit
operations are freely programmable for each individual droplet by the enduser enabling online control of an assay.
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