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Black Beans
General Information:
Black beans are a member of the
Black beans have a rich, smoky
The darker the
legume family.
flavor similar to mushrooms. They
color of a bean, the
Black beans, kidney beans, pinto
have a velvety texture and hold
beans, and kidney beans are all from the
more antioxidants it has.
their shape well during cooking.
same family of bean which originated in
Black beans are small (about
Therefore, the black bean
the size of a pea), oval and jet
has the most antioxidants
Black beans are an important staple
black. They have black colored
in the cuisines of Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, Guaflesh, a mild, sweet, earthy taste, and
temala, and the Dominican Republic.
a soft texture.
Black beans are also referred to as
There is little nutritional
French beans, black kidney beans, black Mexican beans, and
difference between canned black beans and those
turtle beans.
you cook yourself.
Black beans grow best in warm climates.
Black beans will keep for up to 12 months if
Black beans require 120 days to reach maturity after
stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry and
they are planted.
dark place.
Cooked black beans will hold for roughly 3
days if kept refrigerated in a covered container.
Beans will double in size when cooked!
Black beans first originated in Mexico and Central America over 7000 years ago.
Beans were introduced into Europe in the 15th century
by Spanish explorers. They then spread to Africa and Asia via
Black beans are rich in dietary fiber.
Spanish and Portuguese traders.
Black beans are rich in antioxidants.
According to archaeologists, beans were one of the first
Good source of protein, especially in vegetarian
foods gathered, and black beans in particular were the first
beans to be domesticated!
Black beans
can help you maintain/
stabilize your blood sugar,
so they are a good food for
diabetics and those who
are hypoglycemic.
Poster created by: Syracuse University Food Services
black beans.indd 1
11/29/2010 11:38:26 AM