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PUBLIKATIONSFÖRTECKNING 1. HellströmPM,BränströmR,Al‐SaffarA.Computerprogram”MMC”tosummerize characteristics of activity fronts of migrating myoelectric complex in rat small intestine.SurResComm14:51‐63,1993. 2. Brundin T, Bränström R, Wahren J. Effects of intravenous versus oral glucose administered on oxygen consumption and blood flow in splanchnic and extra‐ splanchnictissues.AmJPhysiol34:E496‐E504,1996. 3. Bränström R, Hellström PM. Characteristics and fed myoelectric activity in rat small intestine: evaluation by computer analysis. Acta Physiol Scand 158:53‐62, 1996. 4. LarssonO,DenneyJT,BränströmR,BerggrenP‐O,CorkeyBE.ActivationoftheATP sensitiveK+‐channelbylongchainacyl‐CoA:Aroleinmodulationofpancreaticβ‐ cell.JBiolChem271:10623‐10626,1996. 5. Larsson O, Kindmark H, Bränström R, Fredholm B, Berggren P‐O. Oscillations in KATPchannelactivitypromotesoscillationsincytoplasmicfreeCa2+concentration inthepancreaticβ‐cell.ProcNatlAcadSciUSA93:5161‐5165,1996. 6. SelldenE,BränströmR,BrundinT.Preoperativeinfusionofaminoacidsprevents postopertivehypothermia.BrJAnaesthesia76:227‐234,1996. 7. Sellden E, Bränström R, Brundin T. Augumented thermic effects of amino acids under general anaesthesia occurs predominantly in extra‐splanchnic tissues. Clin Science91:431‐439,1996. 8. BränströmR,CorkeyBE,BerggrenP‐O,LarssonO.Evidenceforauniquelongchain acyl‐CoA ester binding site on the ATP‐regulated potassium channel in mouse pancreaticbetacells.JBiolChem272:17390‐17394,1997. 9. BränströmR,HöögA,WahlM,BerggrenP‐O,LarssonO.RIN14B–Apancreaticδ‐ celllinemaintaningATPdependentK+channelsbutdedifferentiatedwithregardto somatostatinsecretion.FEBSLetters411:301‐307,1997. 10. SelldenE,BrundinT,BränströmR,WahrenJ.Effectsofaminoacidinfusiononbody temperatureduringanaesthesia.BrJAnaesthesia78:339,1997. 1 11. BrownH,LarssonO,BränströmR,YangSN,LeibigerB,LeibigerI,FriedG,MoedeT, Deeney JT, Brown GR, Jacobsson G, Rhodes CJ, Braun JE, Scheller RH, Corkey BE, Berggren PO, Meister B. Cysteine string protein (CSP) is an insulin secretory granuleassociatedproteinregulatingβ‐cellexocytosis.EMBOJ17:5048‐5058,1998. 12. BränströmR,EfendicS,BerggrenPO,LarssonO.Directinhibitionofthepancreatic β‐ cell ATP‐regulated potassium by α‐ketoisocaproate. J Biol Chem 273:14113‐ 14118,1998. 13. Bränström R, Leibiger IB, Leibiger B, Corkey BE, Berggren PO, Larsson O. Long chain coenzyme A esters activate the pore‐forming subunit (Kir6.2) of the ATP‐ regulatedpotassiumchannel.JBiolChem273:31395‐313400,1998. 14. Lördal M, Bränström R, Hellström PM. Mediation of irregular spiking activity by multiple neurokinin‐receptors in the small intestine of the rat. Br J Pharmacol 123:63‐70,1998. 15. YangSN,LarssonO,BränströmR,BertorelloAM,LeibigerB,LeibigerIB,MoedeT, Köhler M, Meister B, Berggren PO. Syntaxin 1 interacts with the L(D) subtype of voltage‐gated Ca(2+) channels in pancreatic beta cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96:10164‐10169,1999. 16. EfanovAM,HoyM,BränströmR,ZaitsevSV,MagnusonMA,EfendicS,GromadaJ, BerggrenPO.TheimidazolineRX871024stimulatesinsulinsecretioninpancreatic beta‐cellsfrommicedeficientinK(ATP)channelfunction.BBRC284:918‐922,2001. 17. Kindmark H, Köhler M, Brown G, Bränström R, Larsson O, Berggren PO. Glucose inducedoscillationsincytoplasmicfreeCa2+‐concentrationinthepancreaticβ‐cell are not preceded by oscillations in mitochondrial membrane potential. JBiolChem 276:34530‐34536,2001. 18. Kindmark, H, Köhler M, Brown G, Bränström R, Larsson O, Berggen PO. Glucose inducedoscillationsincytoplasmicfreeCa2+concentrationprecedeoscillationsin mitochondrial membrane potential in the pancreatic beta‐cell. J Biol Chem 276:44356‐44356,2001. 19. Efanov AM, Appelskog IB, Abdel‐Halim SM, Khan A, Bränström R, Larsson O, ÖstensonCG,MestHJ,BerggrenPO,EfendicS,ZaitsevSV.Insulinotropicactivityof theimidazolinederivativeRX871024inthediabeticGKrat.Am.JPhysiol282:E117‐ E124,2002. 2 20. Välimäki S, Höög A, Larsson C, Farnebo LO, BränströmR. High extracellular Ca2+ hyperpolarizeshumanparathyroidcellsviaCa2+‐activatedK+channels.JBiolChem 278:49685‐49690,2003. 21. Bränström R, Aspinwall CA, Välimäki S, Östensson C‐G, Tibell A, Eckhard M, BrandhorstH,CorkeyBE,BerggrenP‐O,LarssonO.Effectsoflong‐chainCoAesters on KATP channel activity in human pancreatic beta‐cell: Potential role in type 2 diabetes.Diabetologia47:277‐283,2004. 22. Bäck M, Bu D‐X, Bränström R, Sheikine Y, Yan Z‐Q, Hansson GK. Leukotriene B4 signaling through NF‐κB‐dependent BLT1 receptors on vascular smooth muscle cellsinatherosclerosisandintimalhyperplasia.Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA29:17501‐ 17506,2005. 23. BränströmR,LeibigerIB,LeibigerB,KlementG,NilssonJ,ÅrhemP,AspinwallCA, Corkey BE, Larsson O, Berggren PO. Single residue (K332A) substitution in Kir6.2 abolishesthestimulatoryeffectoflong‐chainacyl‐CoAesters:indicationsforalong chainacyl‐CoAesterbindingmotif.Diabetologia50:1670‐1677,2007. 24. Juhlin CC, Villablanca A, Sandelin K, Haglund F, Nordenström J, Forsberg L, Bränström R, Guiters G, Obara T, Arnolds A, Larsson C, Höög A. Parafibromin immunoreactivity ‐ its use as an additional diagnostic marker for parathyroid tumourclassification.EndocRelCan14:501‐512,2007. 25. Deeney J, Bränström R, Corkey BE, Larsson O, Berggren PO. 3H‐Serotonin as a Marker of Oscillatory Insulin Secretion in Clonal ß‐Cells (INS‐1). FEBS Letters 581:4080‐4084,2007. 26. Lu M, Forsberg L, Höög A, Juhlin CC, Larsson C, Conigrave AD, Delbrigde L, Gill A, Bark C, Farnebo LO, Bränström R. Heterogeneous expression of SNARE proteins SNAP‐23, SNAP‐25, Syntaxin1 and VAMP in human parathyroid tissue. Mol Cell Endoc287:72‐80,2008. 27. ZhangF,DeyD,BränströmR,ForsbergL,LuM,ZhangQ,SjöholmÅ.BLX‐1002,a novel thiazolidinedione with no PPAR affinity, stimulates AMP‐activated protein kinase activity, raises cytosolic Ca2+, and enhances glucose stimulated insulin secretioninaPI3K‐dependentmanner.AmJPhysiology296:C346‐C354,2009. 3 28. JuhlinCC,HaglundF,VillablancaA,ForsbergL,SandelinK,BränströmR,LarssonC, Höög A. Loss of expression for the Wnt pathway components adenomatous polyposiscoliandglycogensynthasekinase3‐betainparathyroidcarcinomas.IntJ Oncol34:481‐492,2009. 29. LuM,BränströmR,BerglundE,HöögA,BjörklundP,WestinG,LarssonC,Farnebo LO,ForsbergL.ExpressionandassociationofTRPCsubtypeswithOrai1andSTIM1 inhumanparathyroid.J.Mol.Endo.44:285‐294,2010. 30. BränströmR,BerglundE,CurmanP,ForsbergL,HöögA,GrimeliusL,BerggrenPO, Mattson P, Hellman P, Juntti‐Berggren L. Electrical short‐circuit in ‐cells from a patient with non‐insulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemic syndrome (NIPHS): a casereport.JMedCaseRep4:315,2010. 31. Lu M, Berglund E, Larsson C, Höög A, Farnebo LO, Bränström R. Calmodulin and calmodulin‐dependent protein kinas II (CaMKII) inhibit hormone secretion in humanparathyroidadenoma.JEndoc.208:31‐39,2011. 32. MaZ,LavebrattC,AlmgrenM,PortwoodN,ForsbergLE,BränströmR,BerglundE, FalkmerS,SundlerF,WierupN,BjörklundA.Evidenceforpresenceandfunctional effects of Kv1.1 channels in beta‐cells: General survey and results from mceph/mcephmice.PLoSOne6:e18213,2011 33. Haglund F, Lu M, Vukojevic V, Nilsson IL, Andreasson A, Dzabic M, Bränström R, HöögA,JuhlinCC,LarssonC.ProlactinReceptorinPrimaryHyperparathyroidism– Expression,FunctionalityandClinicalCorrelations.PLoSOne7:36448,2012. 34. Åhlen J, Westerdahl J, Zedenius J, BränströmR, Larsson C, Nilsson IL. Side‐effects from imatinib treatment of advanced GIST–associated with a better outcome. JournalofCancerTherapeutics&Research1,2012. 35. Berglund E, Berglund D, Akcakayam P, Ghaderi M, Dare E, Berggren PO, Aspinwall CA, Lui WO, Zedenius J, Larsson C, Bränström R. Evidence for Calcium-Regulated ATP Release in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors. Experimental Cell Research 319(8):1229-1238, 2013. 36. Lu M, Farnebo LO, Bränström R, Larsson C. Regulation of Parathyroid Hormone Secretion by Caffeine in Human parathyroid cell. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and metabolism 98(8):1345-1351, 2013. 4 37. Berglund E, Ubhavasekera K, Karlsson F, Akcakaya P, Aluthgedara W, Åhlen J, Fröbom R, Nilsson IL, Lui WO, Larsson C, Zedenius J, Bergkvist J, Bränström R. Intracellular concentration of the tyrosine kinas inhibitor Imatinib in gastrointestinal stromal tumor cells. Anticancer Drugs 25(4):415-422, 2014. 38. Berglund E, Akcakaya P, Berglund D, Karlsson F, Vukojević V, Lee L, Bogdanović D, Lui WO, Larsson C, Zedenius J, Fröbom R, Bränström R. Function role of the Ca2+activated Cl- channel DOG1/TMEM16A in gastrointestinal stromal tumor cells. Experimental Cell Research 2014, In press. 39. FlamB,BrooméM,FrenckerB,BränströmR,BellM.Pheochromocytoma‐Induced Inverted Takotsubo‐Like Cardiomyopathy Leading to Cardiogenic Shock SuccessfullyTreatedwithExtracorporealMembraneOxygenation.AcceptedJournal ofIntensiveCareMedicine2014. 5