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Instructional Resources:
Database Management and
General Information
Because of the growth of databases in healthcare environment, HIT professions need to be familiar with the
basics of database management and design. The following activities, assessments and resources are appropriate
for technical students.
Course Materials
The instructional materials in this document are listed by appropriate learning objectives under Activities,
Discussions, or Assessments. Additional resource materials are included in the section marked Articles, Videos,
Etc. Many of the course materials were developed for online use but are equally applicable for in-class sessions.
Each resource includes a course reference. The indicated course is one example of where the item was used.
NOTE: An assessment question may apply to more than one learning objective; if so, it is listed under each
learning objective to which it applies.
The course materials were developed and piloted by Health eWorkforce Consortium members: Bellevue College,
Bellingham Technical College, Clark College, Clover Park Technical College, Northern Virginia Community College,
Pierce College, Renton Technical College, Spokane Community College, and Whatcom Community College.
Stanford University OLI Instructional Resources
For additional superb online resources, see the (free) Stanford University Open Learning Initiative Health
Information Technology Foundations course. For content and activities relevant to database management and
design, see Unit 3: Technology Environment, Module 11: Systems Architecture and Components. Access at
Learning Objective:
Explain the roles, responsibilities and tools of a business analyst
Activity: Business Analyst as a Profession
Do an internet occupation search on “business analyst” and/or “systems analyst”. What do they “do”?
What are salary ranges, skills needed, certifications and training needed, job outlook for your area?
What fields use Business Analysts? How do the job descriptions compare across the different fields
(example: healthcare business analyst versus IT business analyst). Are they different or similar?
Write a one-page occupation summary and outlook. All sources should be cited.
Website Examples:
Occupational Outlook Handbook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2014) U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved from:
Business Analysis. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from:
"Business Analyst.(n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from:
"WOIS/The Career Information System." WOIS/The Career Information System. Retrieved from: (or your own state occupation information system)
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis, class
Activity: Know Yourself - You as the Business Analyst
Instructions: Students will add the following tools and techniques in their Business Analysis Tools/Techniques
portfolio. The table of contents and bibliography will be updated as necessary. In addition to the tool/technique
requirements, a summary page will be created for each tool/technique with key points from each listed
article/video (be sure to cite) along with a summary paragraph explaining the tool/technique and why/when to
use it.
Students will complete required readings and exercises for BA Tools & Techniques -32 SWOT Analysis located
in the Appendix to this document.
Find examples of current BA jobs through,, etc. Using your learnings from this
research and from your SWOT, create and submit a version of your personal resume customized for a
BA position emphasizing the applicable job skills you currently possess. Be sure to keep it up-to-date
as you build skills through your courses and through your internship.
Research BA certifications. Many types of certifications require tracking your hours to meet
certification testing or recertification minimum hour requirements. Create a BA tracking log for
documenting your progress required for the CCBA® certification. What are the requirements? How
should your charts be created (a spreadsheet is a good tool to use) to be able to summarize all
needed information by required categories?
Page 2
Confirm your charts work by using your class contact time as professional development.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objective:
Utilize Business Analysis best practices, tools, techniques and methodologies for planning
processes and activities to meet stakeholder needs.
Activity: Planning for Processes and Stakeholders Involvement
Instructions: Students will add the following tools and techniques in their Business Analysis Tools/Techniques
portfolio. The table of contents and bibliography will be updated as necessary. In addition to the tool/technique
requirements, a summary page will be created for each tool/technique with key points from each listed
article/video (be sure to reference) along with a summary paragraph explaining the tool/technique and
why/when to use it.
Students will complete required readings and exercises for the following BA Tools & Techniques located in the
Appendix to this document:
35 RACI Matrix & 38 Requirements Signoff
15 Lessons Learned
20 Problem Tracking
8 Decision Analysis
24 Risk Analysis
12 Functional Decomposition
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objective:
Apply methods and tools for process and workflow analysis.
Activity: Activities in Clinical Process and Workflow Analysis
Instructions: Students will create a process map for the patient visit in the online article,
Best Practice Workflow: Routine Patient Visit. Retrieved from
This is a homework assignment with in class peer review. [This ties to BABOK 21 Process Modeling.]
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objective:
Use appropriate business analysis techniques to elicit stakeholder requirements. Use appropriate
business analysis techniques to identify and justify appropriate solutions to meet stakeholder
Activity: Needs versus Wishes – Solve the Right Problem
Page 3
Students will add the following tools and techniques in their Business Analysis Tools/Techniques portfolio. The
table of contents and bibliography will be updated as necessary. In addition to the tool/technique requirements,
a summary page will be created for each tool/technique with key points from each listed article/video (be sure to
reference) along with a summary paragraph explaining the tool/technique and why/when to use it.
Students will complete required readings and exercises for the following BA Tools & Techniques located in the
Appendix to this document. (NOTE to Instructor: some of these activities are combined, and others could be
combined to fit course time constraints):
31 Survey/Questionnaire
5 Data Dictionary and Glossary
4 Business Rules Analysis & 9 Document Analysis & 10 Estimation
39 Coverage Matrix
30 Structured Walkthrough
Activity: Scope and Scope Creep
Instructions: Students will add the following tools and techniques in their Business Analysis Tools/Techniques
portfolio. The table of contents and bibliography will be updated as necessary. In addition to the tool/technique
requirements, a summary page will be created for each tool/technique with key points from each listed
article/video (be sure to reference) along with a summary paragraph explaining the tool/technique and
why/when to use it.
Students will complete required readings and exercises for the following BA Tools & Techniques located in the
Appendix to this document:
25 Root Cause Analysis
23 Requirements Workshops & 16 Metrics and Key Performance Indicators & 37 Variance & 38 Baselining
2 Benchmarking & Feasibility
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss how business analysis best practices, tools, techniques and methodologies are used to
ensure solutions meet stakeholder needs.
2. Identify gaps between proposed, and deployed, solutions versus the original usability needs
and determine necessary changes to meet the required deliverables and stakeholder
3. Develop feasibility studies for development versus acquisition decisions.
Activity: Requirements Analysis and Modeling
Instructions: Students will add the following tools and techniques in their Business Analysis Tools/Techniques
portfolio. The table of contents and bibliography will be updated as necessary. In addition to the tool/technique
requirements, a summary page will be created for each tool/technique with key points from each listed
Page 4
article/video (be sure to reference) along with a summary paragraph explaining the tool/technique and
why/when to use it.
Students will complete required readings and exercises for the following BA Tools & Techniques located in the
Appendix to this document:
26 Scenarios and Use Cases & 33 User Stories & 17 Non-functional Requirements Analysis
22 Prototyping
40 Unified Modeling Language
Activity: User Training
Instructions: Students will complete required readings for User Training before attempting this activity.
The Most Effective Training Techniques. (2015) Retrieved from:
Peterson, Deb. 5 Principles for the Teacher of Adults. In Retrieved from:
Students will then divide into teams of four (4) to research topics and then train the other team members. In
each team, each student will select one of the following BA Tools & Techniques (no duplication) to research:
6 Data Flow Diagram
13 Interface Analysis
34 Vendor Assessment
1 Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Definition
The student(s) will then create a training module to teach their teammates.
The following rubric will be used for team members to assess the “trainer” and the “training”. Zero points will be
given if the skill was not addressed. The “trainer” will evaluate his/her own performance before hearing the
feedback from the other team members in order to check own perception against team members’ perceptions.
Rubric used to train team members
5 pts
3 pts
1 pts
Trainer defined scope of work to meet customers’ learning
Trainer acquired and synthesized information; created
detailed supporting documents
Trainer presented complex ideas/ information; analyzed
group responses; posed critical questions
Trainer clarified verbal and non-verbal communication
Trainer coached others to apply related concepts;
facilitated the learning process
Trainer respected diversity of learning styles.
Page 5
5 pts
3 pts
1 pts
Trainer evaluated effectiveness of training
Team member can interpret and apply the new tool
Have students revisit “Lessons Learned” module. What did they learn about training from this exercise?
Individually? As a team? What would they do differently the next time they needed to train? Have students
complete a “Lessons Learned” summary on the bottom or back of the rubric before submitting to the instructor
for a grade.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objective:
Identify the logical phases of the SDLC.
Activity: Identify and Diagram SLDC Using Logical Phases.
As a class, students identify an everyday activity such as planning and throwing a party. What steps
needs to be in the feasibility phase? What steps need to be in the analysis phase, etcetera? What would
be the follow up after the party? This can be an individual homework activity discussed in class, or it
could be a small group
Instructor will look to make sure the steps fall into the right phases, and that phases correctly diagramed.
In terms of assessing for logical phases, instructor will need to consider the individual scenario that the
students have identified, as each scenario may have different phases.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify and describe alternatives to the traditional “waterfall” SDLC.
Activity: Compare and contrast the traditional waterfall method of system development to alternatives like
prototyping and incremental development.
Either in small groups or individually, create a short informational PowerPoint presentation contrasting
two different development strategies and determining which might be best applied to the Sound Health
LLC scenario. For this activity, students will need to research and choose two different methodologies,
such as waterfall, agile, and scrum.
Students will present the PowerPoint to their classmates, seeking input and feedback from their peers.
Instructor will assess the work by ensuring that the presentation is well-researched, that they compare
the similarities and differences, and that it includes examples for teach methodology, applied to the
Sound Health, LLC scenario.
Resources needed: Computer with MS PowerPoint, projector
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Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify and describe 2 methodologies for modeling systems.
Activity: Model the Sound Health, LLC, scenario using Data Flow Diagrams or E-R Diagrams.
Instructions: In small groups, collaborate to create the DFD using an appropriate diagram. Use modeling software
to create a professional looking model that is correctly labeled. Groups report out to the rest of the class, explain
how they modeled what they interpreted from the scenario. Making sure all components of the scenario are
correctly modelled. Using an appropriate model for the Sound Health, LLC, and scenario.
Resources needed: computer with MS PowerPoint and/or MS Visio, projector.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify and describe the uses for the 3 methods of defining process specifications.
Activity: Create process specifications for internal processes identified in the model of Sound Health, LLC. Use
Structured English, Decision Tables and/or Decision Trees appropriately for the processes.
Instructions: In small groups, create draft process specifications. Students will present their process specifications
to the class, and will seek informal feedback from peers and instructor.
The instructor will consider the following components when reviewing the groups’ process specifications:
Are all of the applicable constraints included in the decision table?
Are all extraneous information filtered out?
Are the chosen constraints converted into a decision tree?
Does the decision tree offer with reasonable decisions and solutions for the given scenario?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify and discuss potential user interfaces
Activity: User Interfaces
Instructions: Create input and output screens for the processes developed in previous process specifications.
In small groups, create input and output screens that would provide the user interface for the processes.
NOTE: From the instructors’ perspective, each decision will create more questions. Therefore this is an iterative
process and the instructor will need to iterate as much as time permits for this given activity.
Resources needed: computer with MS Office and/or MS Visio and/or Visual Studio, projector
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Page 7
Learning Objective:
Describe the elements that should be included in systems proposals.
Activity: Identify and describe components of system implementation
Instructions: The Sunny Happy Care Clinic is considering keeping their old practice management system (PMS)
since they are already familiar with it and hope to save some money. They currently use Vitera (formerly Sage)
Intergy 5.5 as their PMS software. Use online research to answer the following discussion questions:
Is the practice’s PMS software HIPAA and CCHIT compliant?
Can you identify any EHR systems from other vendors to which it would be able to interface directly?
If the clinic selected an EHR to which the PMS could not be interfaced directly, what would need to be
developed to ensure compatibility, and why?
Instructor Guidelines: This application encourages students to factor in compliance and compatibility – with preexisting applications as well as new and future applications – in the process of selecting and installing new EHR
Expected Outcomes: Responses should include the source of compliance verification and interoperability with the
given system, usually provided by the vendor.
For reference, as of Jan. 29, 2012, the Vitera PMS product page is Vitera reports their
EHR product is CCHIT-certified (
and that their products “help our customers meet their [HIPAA] obligations”
(; there is no
formal HIPAA certification for software products per se, however (, so the
obligation of compliance falls primarily on the healthcare provider.
Vitera advertises that their PMS integrates fully with their own EHR product
( but, not
surprisingly, does not make it easy to tell what EHRs from other vendors (if any) could do the same. Students may
find some references to successful integrations via search engines, but this is not mandatory since it leads them
to address Question 3.
The student should note that an interface engine would need to be purchased or developed to facilitate
communication between the current PMS and new EHR. The alternative is a human interface between the two
systems, switching manually between them, in which case the cost of additional training and the risk of human
error in moving data should be considered carefully.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Associate analysis and design activities to resources and time
Activity: Project management fundamentals
Instructions: Individually (or in small groups) create a listing of possible tasks that might need to be accomplished
in order to the system development for a patient scheduling and billing system to support Sound Health, LLC.
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This activity is a brainstorming session to prepare students for the next activity. It may be completed as a small
group activity reported out to the class, or as a small homework assignment, in which individual students create a
list of possible tasks that might need to be accomplished, and then compare their lists with other students.
Resources Needed: computer with Microsoft Office and Microsoft Project
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Use Microsoft Project to create a phased system development project including Gantt charts and
project budget reports
Activity: Create a project management file using Microsoft Project and list all the potential tasks, group them
appropriately into phases, assign estimated durations, create a resource sheet, assign resources to tasks and set
project baseline.
Instructions: Students will individually (or in small groups) create a Microsoft Project file using the tasks from the
Project management fundamentals activity. Students will research similar software solutions to estimate
durations and costs, create a resource sheet with appropriate analysts, managers, engineers, etc., assign
resources to the tasks. Students will submit this project as a Microsoft Project file.
Instructors should look for students’ ability to find and research and find workable solutions that meet all of the
tasks assigned, which were listed in the Project management fundamentals activity. Time and cost are not a
major factor for the Sound Health, LLC example. However, students should estimate the costs, and provide
Resources Needed: computer with Microsoft Office and Microsoft Project
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Explain Gantt charts and PERT diagrams and their relationship to critical path.
Activity: Generate project budget reports based on the tasks and resources. Change some task durations and
note the effect on the project duration using the Tracking Gantt feature and note the effect on project budget
Instructions: Use the materials prepared in the previous two activities. After the resources as assigned to tasks
and the project baseline set, generate project budget reports. Make changes to durations of tasks, noting the
effect on the project completion date and the effect on the project budget reports.
Students submit a second copy where there is a time constraint on this budget (for example 70% of original
projected time), noting how this constraint impacts resource needs and costs. This shows students iterations
based on changes to time, resources, and/or budget constraints.
Resources Needed: computer with Microsoft Office and Microsoft Project
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Page 9
Learning Objective:
Differentiate the 5 general management functional areas
Activity: General management functional areas and skills.
Instructions: Initially in small groups, brainstorm the desirable qualities of managers and/or leaders and how they
are relevant to the general functional areas of management.
Case Study: Sound Health, LLC wants to hire a general project manager for developing the new integrated
healthcare system for their office. In small groups, students will write and submit a job description for a project
manager using Sound Health, LLC as an example
Resources Needed: PC with MS Office, access to the Internet, whiteboard.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify critical knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) in the areas of databases and programming
needed for effective management. Identify critical soft skills needed for effective
Activity: Technical knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by IT managers.
Instructions: Individually, or in small groups, identify specific skills sets, experiences, and/or certifications you
think IT managers of different types of IT organizations need to possess in order to be effective.
Case Study: Sound Health wants to hire an IT manager for developing the new integrated healthcare system for
their office. In small groups, students will write and submit a job description for an IT manager, using Sound
Health, LLC as an example. How does this position differ from the general project manager in activity 1?
Resources Needed: PC with MS Office, access to the Internet, whiteboard.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Activity: Common core industry standards for IT Management
Instructions: Individually, or in small groups, research and current positions for healthcare IT managers and
identify common industry requirements and qualifications for applicants. Use the findings to modify the IT
manager position for Sound Health, LLC, so that this position reflects current industry standards and certifications
(as an example, HIMSS CPHIMS certification).
Resources Needed: PC with access to the internet.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Discuss database management systems and database administration
Activity: Identify Databases with Personal Information
Page 10
Instructions: Have student list all the databases that might contain information about him/her. Discuss with other
students to generate a “more comprehensive” list. (Example: IRS, school, library, doctor’s office, hospital,
Telephone Company, banks, credit card companies, email companies, cable company, utilities, police, FBI,
magazine company, etc.). Have student groups report out.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Analyze, design, and create relational databases to meet industry and customer needs using
current relational database management system software.
Activity: Data Governance, Policy and Procedures Manuals
Instructions: Have student do an internet search for business examples of Data Governance, Policy and
Procedures Manuals. Many colleges, public institutions and government agencies have theirs online. Students
create their own blank templates based on ideas from these online manuals and from ideas generated from
activity 1 to use later in this course and other courses.
Suggested responses: Good online examples to share with students of policy versus procedure manuals:
Cal Poly. San Louis Obispo. (2013) Policy vs. Procedure: A Guideline. Retrieved from:
Another example showing a SQL Server Policy and Procedure:
Robidoux, Greg. (2007) Defining and Establishing SQL Server Policies and Procedures. Edgewood Solutions, LLC,
Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Career and Certification Research
Instructions: Time permitting – Small group work otherwise as homework and discuss next class: Students do an
internet occupation search on “database administrator”, “data analyst”, and “database developer”. In their
research, students should address the following questions: What do they “do”? What are current salary ranges,
skills needed, certifications and training needed, job outlook for your area? Discuss this database degree and
certification training/preparation embedded throughout – CAHIMS, Microsoft MOS - ACCESS, Microsoft MTA –
Database, and Microsoft SQL Server MSCA
Website Examples:
“Occupational Outlook Handbook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics, n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Database administration and automation." Wikipedia. 22 Apr. 2013. Wikimedia Foundation. 26 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
Page 11
"Database administrator." In Wikipedia. (2013) Wikimedia Foundation. Retrieved from:
"WOIS/The Career Information System." WOIS/The Career Information System. Retrieved from: (or your own state occupation information system)
Learning Objectives:
1. Validate, import, convert, and export data from one application to another.
2. Discuss database management systems and database administration.
Activity: Data Capture, Validation, and Maintenance
Instructions: Students read and discuss:
AHIMA. "HIM Functions in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety. Appendix C: HIM’s Role in Data Capture,
Validation, and Maintenance." Journal of AHIMA 82, no.8 (Aug 2011): expanded online version.
Discussion Questions: IT and the business owners both have important roles in capturing, validating, and
maintaining the organization’s data. What are the responsibilities of the IT department? What are the
responsibilities of the data owner, in this case, HIM professionals?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Data Validation
Instructions: Instructor brings in copies of forms and reports students would have familiarity – credit card
applications, college registration form, college application, patient intake form from a doctor’s office, example of
an electric bill or telephone bill, etc. Distribute two examples to small teams (2-3 students). Students identify the
data elements from the form and the report, and discuss the types of validation they believe is needed (or would
have been needed to feed data to a report). Students create examples of constraints and error messages needed.
Discuss team result variations as a class. [To Instructor: help students understand that analyzing current forms
and reports assists with new development.]
Potential Homework: Give the class another form so students can analyze and document individually and create
examples of constraints and error messages needed. Students will compare their examples with those of their
Activity: Data Governance White Papers
Instructions: Students divide into small teams, read, discuss, and then report out key facts to the class. Have
teams peer review the templates they created in the data validation activity.
Page 12
Discussion Questions: What was missing based on these white papers? What might be confusing or unclear to
the peer reviewers if they were to use the other team members’ templates instead of their own? Using the team
feedback, students update their own templates.
Two articles from IBM on data governance.
"Six easy steps for smart governance", IBM Software, IBM Corporation, June 2010, Web, 19 Mar. 2013
IBM Corporation. (2007) The IBM Data Governance Council Maturity Model: Building a roadmap for effective data
governance. Retrieved from:
An article on the importance of data governance from a healthcare enterprise records manager.
Nunn, Sandra. (2009) Driving Compliance through Data Governance. Journal of AHIMA 80, no.3 (March): 50-51.
Retrieved from:
Six free, downloadable whitepapers from Microsoft on Data Governance.
"A Guide to Data Governance for Privacy, Confidentiality, and Compliance." Microsoft Download Center.
Microsoft Corporation, 29 Sept. 2010. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
The Data Governance Framework articles:
Thomas, Gwen. "The DGI Data Governance Framework." Whitepapers and Downloads from The Data Governance
Institute, n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Varieties of data governance:
Thomas, Gwen. "’Flavors’ of Data Governance." Whitepapers and Downloads from The Data Governance
Institute. n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Discussion Questions: Which “flavors” would healthcare need? How? Why? [Students should be able to give
examples to justify all of the flavors when thinking about the whole healthcare industry.]
Remind students that learning how to build and maintain databases is only part of the database administrator’s
job. Without good data, a working database has no value.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Data Dictionary Template
Instructions: Students read:
AHIMA. "Managing a Data Dictionary." Journal of AHIMA 83, no.1 (January 2012): 48-52. Retrieved from:
Page 13
“This practice brief describes common data inconsistencies found within healthcare organizations' systems,
defines the data dictionary and its associated data management challenges, and outlines the HIM role in
maintaining data integrity.”
Students do online research for example data dictionaries and/or data dictionary templates. Discuss the types of
information included in their findings. Create a template based on learnings from the article and from their
online research. This template will be used later in this course and in subsequent courses. Not all content would
be needed in each IT project, but this template will evolve to be their own career resource.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Identify the business rules and customer requirements to be included in the data model
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database - Gather Requirements [Business, Functional, & Technical
Instructions: Students read the following online articles before attempting the O.U.R Hospital scenario listed
Pedersen, Martin G. "Top 10 Writing Good Requirements Tips." Top 10 Writing Good Requirements Tips.
RequirementOne Inc. (15 Jan 2012). Web. 18 Mar 2013. Retrieved from:
Stroud, J. DeLayne. "Business Requirements Document: A High-level Review." ISixSigma. (26 Feb 2010). Web. 25
Mar. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Requirements Document." New Mexico Human Services Department. (4 Nov 2010). Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services. 26 Apr 2013. Retrieved from:
O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database Scenario:
“You’ve been tasked to create an Access database to be used for scheduling and tracking training courses for your
hospital’s employees.
Along with HIPAA training for new employees, and CPR/1st Aid certification and re-certification courses for all
employees, you also need to schedule training on the new Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system that is being
implemented. While all employees will be trained, they don’t all take the same EMR training modules.”
Whole class or small team discussion; students will individually add results to their O.U.R Hospital Training
Requirements Document.docx. Instructor may grade as individual or small team assignments.
[Note to instructor: the analysis and design for this project is oversimplified as this is the first course in the
certificate sequence. Discuss with students and track ideas on the board, but for more complex ideas, let the
students know that they will learn more skills in the next courses .This is an iterative process as we will find in the
next course – Business Analysis. ALSO, let them know as they work through the O.U.R Hospital Employee Training
Database scenario, that they will repeat the steps again independently in another scenario at the end of the
Page 14
After completing the reading, respond to the following questions:
Based on the scenario, what are we being tasked to create? Break it into specific bullets.
Who are the stakeholders? How might the project seem to change as you talk to the various stakeholders? Take
each stakeholder identified and see how they might want something different or more/less complex. (Examples:
training manager wants a master report showing all courses for the month and enrollments; floor supervisors,
want a report showing who and when just their staff will be in training and unavailable; individual employees
want their course title, day, time, and place.)
As you drill down into details, more questions are raised and you must go back to the stakeholders to refine.
Note to instructor: Be sure the following answers are solicited from the students. We will use the following
“answers” as we develop this case:
Problem Statement and Deliverables
Create an Access database for the training department to use for scheduling and tracking training courses
for the hospital’s employees.
Schedule courses & instructors & locations
Identify who needs training
Schedule attendees
Track delivery of training courses (change from scheduled to completed)
Track who attended
Update completed training by attendee
Create weekly schedule reports for Training management, class list for instructor, course date/location for
employee, list of employees still needing training for this year and type of training
Training management
Hospital Administration
Ask students to divide into teams representing the different stakeholder groups. Students discuss and identify
their needs related to the employee training, then report to the group. (As example, the Hospital Administration
group said they would like to know which courses were offered quarterly and how many students were served.
They would also like to know how many employees still need training, by course. They are looking at it from a
compliance perspective.) Use this information to students build a simple Requirements Document to accompany
the scenario. The example template, O.U.R Hospital Training Requirements Document.docx, is included with the
Instructor Notes.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database - Governance, Policies & Procedures
Instructions: Students will add results to their OUR Hospital Training Requirements Document.docx
Page 15
What would be the Governance requirement(s) that would prompt the need for the database, and therefore,
provide management and funding support for its development? Remember “governance” asks “why we must do
this”. How would those Governance statements be brought down to policy level and procedure level
(Have the students help create governance, policy, and procedure statements around HIPAA, CPR/1st Aid training
for all employees and EMR training and include these in the Requirements Document as Background
Governance: O.U.R. Hospital and its employees will comply with all federal HIPAA requirements.
Policy: All O.U.R. Hospital Employees will attend HIPAA training within one week of employment.
Procedure: HR will notify Training of all new hires prior to their start date so that they can be scheduled for HIPAA
training during their first week of employment. )
Discussion: how does the Governance, Policies, and Procedures shape the database Business Requirements? Do
we need to add/subtract anything from our Requirements Document? (Example – business requirement “HIPAA
training within one week of hire”.)
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database - Data Dictionary
Instructions: It is important to start building/utilizing a data dictionary from the start of the project. It helps to
minimize conflicting meanings of terms with all the stakeholders, to minimize different data types being used for
the same information in parallel IT projects, and becomes a common, shared location to document constraints as
they are discovered. For this course, the Data Dictionary is included in the Requirements Document.
Based on the O.U.R. Hospital Training Database scenario, what data will we need to collect in our database? Using
the Data Dictionary template students build in Module 3 activity: 4:
List each data element that is known at this time
Define each data element
Determine the data type
Determine the field constraints and messages
Determine the data validation requirements
Learning Objective:
Differentiate and create conceptual data models, logical data models and physical data models.
Use database design patterns in data modeling. Use modeling/diagramming software to model
data. Normalize relationships in tables.
Activity: Data Modeling and ER Diagrams.
Instructions: What kinds of models do they use or have they seen? Why develop or use models instead of the real
object? (Developing right in the database?)
Page 16
Students look around the room and name all the nouns/entities that could be collected in a database. Good time
to start them thinking about the difference between a “chair” as data versus a Chair as an entity. And will Chair as
an entity restrict the business growth? What if they want to add production of ottomans? Does the database
need to be redesigned then? Would Furniture be better? Discuss options.
Activity: Internet search for E-R diagram images. Let students take turns practicing “reading” them aloud to
another student. Some are too “advanced” for the students at this point; might be best to hand select a few.
Microsoft and Oracle Examples (complex, but GREAT for show and tell!!):
AdventureWorks 2008 OLTP Schema. (2008). Diagram. Web. 30 May 2013. Retrieved from:
Microsoft Northwind Schema. (2008). Diagram. Web. 30 May 2013. Retrieved from:
Oracle. Oracle Retail Data Model Reference. 10g Release 2 (10.2). Redwood City, CA: Oracle USA, 2009. Web. 30
May 2013. Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Unique Identifiers (UIDs)
Discuss the following online article about 20 million Americans sharing the same Social Security Numbers and the
impact of that on database UIDs.
"20 Million Americans Have Multiple Social Security Numbers Associated With Their Name." ID Analytics-20
Million Americans Have Multiple Social Security Numbers Associated With Their Name. ID Analytics, Inc., 11 Aug.
2010. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database - Database Naming Conventions
Instructions: There are a variety of naming conventions and even variations between businesses with arguments
on all sides. The first thing you should do as a new database employee is find out the naming conventions used
by your company. The most important thing is to label so that your informed Stakeholders could understand the
diagrams (at least at the conceptual level), and to not use something that may cause problems over time such as
special characters or spaces.
Here are some links to explore the variety:
"Database Design and Naming Conventions." CodeProject. 26 Apr 2013. Retrieved from:
"Database Naming Rules." Databases. 26 Apr 2013. Retrieved from:
Page 17
"What naming convention should I use in my database?" ASPFAQ. 26 Apr 2013. Retrieved
"Enforce SQL Server Database Naming Conventions Using Policy Based Management." MSSQLtips. 26 Apr. 2013
Individual work; students will add results to their OUR Hospital Training Requirements Document.docx
Have each student decide on the Access database naming conventions he/she will use for the O.U.R Hospital
scenario, then document it as part of the Procedures manual attached to their Requirements document.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Microsoft VISIO
Instructions: Demo “Get to know VISIO”, and “Create a Database Model”.
"Get to Know Visio." Practice. Microsoft Corporation, 2013. Web. 19 Apr. 2013.
"Create a Database Model (also Known as Entity Relationship Diagram)." - Visio. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.).
Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Use these other VISIO links as class or homework depending on available time.
"Download Office 2010 Training." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Make the Switch to Visio 2013." - Support. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Visio 2007 Training Courses." - Visio. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Create a model
Instructions: Students recreate a small database model (can find samples using Google Images or from so they can practice adding entities, attributes, PK, FK, cardinality, optionality and
relationships. Be sure to point out “Database, Display Options” in the menu for setting display options such as
relationships and crow’s feet.
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database - Conceptual Model
Individual work; students will add results to their O.U.R Hospital Training Requirements Document.docx
Based on the O.U.R. Hospital Training Database scenario, use Microsoft VISIO to:
1. Diagram the tables
Page 18
2. Add fields to the tables and data types
3. Add primary keys
Note to instructor: Be sure to check the database options settings in VISIO before beginning to diagram (crow’s
foot, relationship lines, and optionality)
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Normalization
Instructions: Bring student applications and/or registration forms from your college; in small teams (2-3 students),
students diagram and normalize. Since they registered for your class, they will usually comprehend this example
as a starting point in developing their modeling skills.
Follow up this college forms example by asking students to relate this to the patient intake forms at a clinic or an
Urgent Care facility. Bring in examples (some can be found online through various medical clinics) and students
diagram and normalize. Emphasize that one form does not represent all the data in a database and this activity is
only for modeling skill building.
More complex Healthcare normalized examples for discussion can be seen at
Homework: (This is listed as an Access 2003 online training module, but contains modeling and normalization. It
also includes hands on practice and self-tests for review of these concepts.)
"Table that data." Office Support - Access. 26 Apr 2013. Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database - ER Diagram
Instructions: Individual work; students will add results to their O.U.R Hospital Training Requirements
Based on the O.U.R. Hospital Training Database scenario, expand the Microsoft VISIO diagram to:
Add relationships between tables and label with relationship verbs.
Normalize to 3NF
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Other Modeling Concepts
Instructions: The IT field changes faster than books can keep up. IT professionals therefore learn from each other
through blogs, webinars, conferences, and following leaders specializing in the different topic areas. Use the
following two blogs as examples of online research of database practitioner’s learnings and best practices.
Kramek, Andy. "Modeling Lookup Tables." FoxiteCOM Community Weblog Andy Kramek. N.p., 10 May 2009.
Web. 16 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Page 19
"Why use an int as a lookup table's primary key?" Stack Exchange - Database Administrators. 26 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
Students pick a topic covered on database modeling that is unclear for them and do an internet search for a
clearer explanation or a best practice of that topic. Discuss how they found the information (key words used),
how they screened through the various findings, how reliable they feel the information is that they found. This
can be a written homework assignment.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Data Patterns
Instructions: Discuss different templates/patterns in everyday life – what is a template/pattern? Give examples?
Why use templates/patterns? How helpful? How can they constrain?
(Examples: Word or Excel templates, painting/stenciling templates; clothing patterns, cookie cutters, etc)
Data patterns exist for database models. Discuss, show examples, how would they be helpful, how would they
constrain? At the simplest level, Microsoft templates provide the same benefits/limitations – this might be an
example the students can relate. Now imagine a “template” for a hospital? Or a retail company? This is the idea
behind data patterns. [Note to instructor: This idea will be revisited later when Microsoft Access templates are
Hospital data models can be found in:
Silverston, Len. The Data Model Resource Book: A Library of Universal Data Models by Industry Types, Revised
Edition, Volume 2. John Wiley & Sons. 2001.
“Universal Data Models with Len Silverston.” Dir. EmbarcaderoTechNet. Perf. Len Silverston.YouTube. 24 Mar.
2010. 26 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database - Physical Diagram
Instructions: Individual work; students will add results to their O.U.R Hospital Training Requirements
What database design patterns would be helpful?
Based on the O.U.R. Hospital Training Database scenario, expand the Microsoft VISIO diagram to:
Resolve many-to-many relationships
Add Cardinality
Add Optionality
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Page 20
Learning Objectives:
1. Analyze, design, and create relational databases to meet industry and customer needs using
current relational database management system software.
2. Validate, import, convert, and export data from one application to another.
3. Create data queries that sort, filter, manipulate and calculate data.
4. Develop effective queries, forms, reports and custom user interfaces for databases.
Activity: Microsoft Access: Introduction/Review Materials
[An introduction to Microsoft Office Professional is a requisite to our program. This would be a review for our
students if it has been a while since they took the course.]
Instructions: Students review, or read and work through the following Microsoft training materials, as needed:
"Database Basics." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Database Design Basics." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Create an Access Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from: [Note to
instructor: “Create an Access database” includes building from a template. May wish to save this for the section
on templates depending on your course sequencing. Just concentrate on new development from data models.]
"Guide to the Access 2010 User Interface." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Microsoft Access: Create Tables
Instructions: In class activity or homework. Students work through the following videos, articles, and online
training and then apply the concepts to the O.U.R Hospital scenario in activity 5.
"Introduction to Tables." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Create Tables for a New Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from: [Note to
instructor: this feeds to “Design the tables for a new database” online training series below. The web link is on
the right side of the web page once “Create Tables for a New Database” is completed.]
[Online training series of 9 videos with practices, quizzes, and Quick Reference Cards. They will be identified in
the modules that follow.]
Page 21
"Design the Tables for a New Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
"Introduction to Data Types and Field Properties." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Microsoft Access – Working with Relationships
Instructions: In class activity or homework. Students work through the following videos, articles, and online
training and then apply the concepts to the O.U.R Hospital scenario activity 5.
"Create Relationships for a New Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
"Guide to Table Relationships." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Microsoft Access: Working with Data
In class activity or homework. Students work through the following videos, articles, and online training and then
apply the concepts to the O.U.R Hospital scenario activity 5.
"Restrict Data Input by Using a Validation Rule." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Add a Calculated Field to a Table." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Introduction to Importing and Exporting Data." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Video: Import Data to an Access Database." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database – Build Database
Using the Physical Model diagram and the Data Dictionary from previous O.U.R Hospital activities, build the
Microsoft Access tables for the training database.
Page 22
Include data validation
Include user validation messages
Create a minimum of 10 records per table
For the employees table, create an Excel spreadsheet with the Employee data first. Pretend that it is an
export file from the HR database. Now import it into the Access database. Include the spreadsheet
printout as part of your documentation.
Build the table relationships
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database – Build Queries
[Microsoft Access: Create Queries]
Instructions: In class activity or homework. Students work through the following videos, articles, and online
training and then apply the concepts to the O.U.R Hospital scenario.
"Introduction to Queries." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Create Queries for a New Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Video: Calculate Values in a Query." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
"Video: Create an Expression." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Create an Expression." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Use the Expression Builder." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database Scenario:
Individual work; students will create Access database to accompany this project
Now that the tables are built, the IT development team is ready to build the queries that will feed the forms and
Build queries to answer the following questions:
Which courses are offered this week, sorted by weekday?
Who is enrolled in today’s classes?
Who still needs HIPAA training?
Who is ready for CPR/First Aid recertification?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Page 23
Activity: Microsoft Access: Create Pivot Tables & Charts
Instructions: In class activity or homework. Students work through the following videos, articles, and online
training and then apply the concepts to the O.U.R Hospital scenario.
“Video: Pivot Your Data in Access." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
"Create PivotTable or PivotChart Views in a Desktop Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22
Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Access Database – Build Pivot Tables & Charts
Individual work; students will create Access database to accompany this project
Training Management would like a Pivot Chart to see enrollments in courses for the current week.
Create a query to see number of employees enrolled per course for current day plus 7
Create a pivot chart to display the results of the new query.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database - Build Forms [Microsoft Access: Create Forms]
Instructions: In class activity or homework. Students work through the following videos, articles, and online
training and then apply the concepts to the O.U.R Hospital scenario.
"Introduction to Forms." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Create a Form by Using the Form Tool." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
"Create a Form by Using the Form Wizard." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
"Create Forms for a New Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Video: Set the Record Source for a Form or Report." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr.
2013. Retrieved from:
"Create a Tabbed Form." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Page 24
"Video: Highlight Data on Forms by Using Conditional Formatting." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.).
Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Video: Improve the Appearance of Your Access Forms and Reports with Office Themes." - Microsoft
Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database Scenario:
Individual work; students will create Access database to accompany this project
Training administrative assistants need forms for enrolling the employees, or to look up information when an
employee calls with questions.
The instructors are responsible for scheduling the training courses depending on their availability (not during
department meetings or their vacations) and with some time between sections to allow them to reset the
classroom. They need a form for scheduling.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Access Database – Build Reports
(Microsoft Access)
Instructions: In class activity or homework. Students work through the following videos, articles, and online
training and then apply the concepts to the O.U.R Hospital scenario.
"Introduction to Reports." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Create a Simple Report." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Create a Grouped or Summary Report." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
"Video: Set the Record Source for a Form or Report." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr.
2013. Retrieved from:
"Create Reports for a New Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Video: Use Conditional Formatting on Reports." - Microsoft Corporation, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Display Comparative Data Visually with Data Bars." - Access. Microsoft Corporation, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
Page 25
"Video: Improve the Appearance of Your Access Forms and Reports with Office Themes." - Microsoft
Corporation, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from: [Note
to instructor: this is video is also listed with Forms]
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Access Database Scenario
Instructions: Individual work; students will create Access database to accompany this project
Students build design and build reports to meet the following end user needs:
Training Management Staff:
o Training Management Staff need to report to upper management the training progress. They
need to see numbers of courses and sections offered and number of students served by month
along with the number of students still needing that training.
Training Instructors:
o Training Instructors need to see their weekly training schedule at a glance with course names,
dates/times and room locations. They would like this grouped by work day, then by course
name and section.
o Training Instructors need their class rosters for the day they teach sorted by employee last
name, then first name along with the employee’s department (to customize examples when
possible). They would also like the date/time and room location, and course name listed at the
top of the page.
o Include report design notes in the Requirements Document. Be sure to update the Data
Dictionary if more fields are created
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Microsoft Access: Database Administration
Instructions: In class activity or homework. Students work through the following videos, articles, and online
training and then apply the concepts to the O.U.R Hospital scenario.
"Compact and Repair a Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Archive Access Data." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Protect Your Data with Backup and Restore Processes." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr.
2013. Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Page 26
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Access Database – Database Administration
Instructions: Determine answers for the administration of the database and add to the Requirements Document.
Based on the O.U.R. Hospital Training Database scenario, develop an administration plan for our database.
What is the backup plan and schedule?
Who is responsible?
Who is responsible for recovery if needed?
Who is responsible and when will the backup/recovery process be tested?
What determines or when will the database be compacted/repaired?
Activity: Microsoft Access Best Practices
A good practice before working with any new software is to do an internet search of best practices for that
product so many “poor lessons learned” are avoided.
Students will do an internet search on Access Best Practices and discuss the concept of best practices and how to
learn from others in the field. Using “Best Practices for Microsoft Access” below as a starting point, students will
research a best practice to update one of his topics or find others to add to this chart.
Toews, Tony. "Best Practices for Microsoft Access." Best Practices for Microsoft Access. Granite Consulting, 27
Sept. 2010. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Scott, Brad. "Microsoft Access Developer Best Practices." Microsoft AccessPros. N.p. (n.d.). Web. 25 May 2013.
Retrieved from:
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Access Database - Using Templates.
Students will review the video and articles before completing the activity:
"Video: Get Started Using Templates in Access 2010." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr.
2013. Retrieved from:
"Search Results for Access - Templates -" Search Results for Access - Templates -
Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Introduction to the Access 2010 Templates." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Video: Modify the Access 2010 Templates." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Microsoft Access: Templates
Page 27
Instructions: Review online Microsoft Access templates for ideas that could enhance O.U.R Hospital Employee
Training Database. List and reference five templates along with descriptions of functionality that you believe
would enhance your database. If you had started with a template first, which template would you have chosen
and why? How would that have helped you? How would starting with a template have hindered your database
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Microsoft Access: Programming and Macros
Instructions: In class activity or homework. Students work through the following videos, articles, and online
training and then apply the concepts to the O.U.R Hospital scenario.
"Create a Data Macro." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Video: Create a User Interface (UI) Macro." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Video: Introduction to the Macro Builder." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Introduction to Access Programming." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
"Access 2010 Development." Office Dev Center 2013. Microsoft. (n.d.). 26 Apr. 2013 Retrieved from:
"Get Help for Built-in Functions, Properties, Macro Actions, and SQL Keywords." - Access. Microsoft Corporation.
(n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Access Database – Navigation Forms
Instructions: Individual work; students will create Access database to accompany this project
Create a Navigation Form for ease of use by the Training department utilizing forms and macros.
Training Management wants to be able to quickly find and print the reports showing employee training is
progressing as required.
Training Instructors want to find their class rosters, dates/times and room locations.
Training administrative assistants want to get to their forms for enrolling the employees, or to look up
information when an employee calls with questions.
Page 28
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: Microsoft Access: SQL
Instructions: Students will chose a custom query they created for O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database.
The student will create a print screen of the Design View for that query and paste into a Word document then
select “Design, View, SQL View”, the student will copy the SQL code to the Word document below the print
screen. The student will then compare the SQL code against the design view to see the correlation between the
two options. This can be a class discussion, small group discussion, or a written homework assignment.
"Introduction to Access SQL." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Access SQL: Basic Concepts, Vocabulary, and Syntax." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Comparison of Microsoft Access SQL and ANSI SQL." Office Dev Center 2013. Microsoft. (n.d.). 26 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Microsoft Access SQL Reference." Office Dev Center 2013. Microsoft. (n.d.). 26 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Optional Resources
"Learn the structure of an Access database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Access 2007 Reserved Words and Symbols." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Access 2010 Specifications." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Access Glossary." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Video: Ten Quick Tips to Help Work More Efficiently in Access 2010." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.).
Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Create Dynamic Reports in Access Using Linked Tables." - Support. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr.
2013. Retrieved from: [Note to instructor: this is a previous version of Access but the content is still
Page 29
"Import or Link to Data in an Excel Workbook." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Split an Access Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Ways to Share an Access Database." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Video: Create a Navigation Form." - Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
"Access 2010 Custom Themes." Access Blog -. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Access 2010: Database Tasks." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from: [Note to instructor: this is an overview of many of the Access
features. Could be for introduction, or better for overall review.]
"Add or Change a Lookup Column." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Build an Access Database to Share on the Web." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Demonstrate an understanding of ethics and security issues surrounding data and databases
Activity: Microsoft Access: Security
Instructions: In class activity or homework. Students work through the following videos, articles, and online
training and then apply the concepts to the O.U.R Hospital scenario.
"Introduction to Access 2010 Security." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved
"Create Strong Passwords." Password Generator & Checker. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Retrieved from:
"Use Sandbox Mode in Access 2010." - Access. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Security and Compliance." Oracle Database Security. (June 2008). Web. 27 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Page 30
Harkins, Susan. "10 Tips for Securing a Microsoft Access Database." TechRepublic. Microsoft Corporation (26 Feb
2009). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Access Database Best Practices." Best Practices for Deploying Your Access Database. OpenGate Software Inc.
(2013). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
"Database Security Best Practices for the Vigilant Database Administrator and Developer." Database Security Best
Practices. Microsoft Corporation. (n.d.). Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Access Database – Security Plan
Instructions: Individual work; students will add results to their O.U.R Hospital Training Requirements
Based on the O.U.R. Hospital Training Database scenario, develop a security plan for our database.
Who gets access to the database? Who approves their access? Who sets up their access?
Where does the database reside?
Will a password be required or will the location be password protected? How frequently will the
password change?
Have class or teams discuss a security plan for the Hospital Employee Training Access database. Review the
following list from NWCET Database Curriculum. Which ones will be needed for this assignment? Be sure those
identified are included in the student security plan. What would be the security requirements for this assignment
if deployed in a “real” setting?
Key Competencies from Security module, NWCET Database Curriculum
Identify database security procedures and implementation plans
Gather and document security requirements
Identify user’s access requirements
Differentiate methods of security
Identify and understand customer’s need for security
Identify potential security conflicts
Gather information based on technical security requirements
Communicate security tradeoffs and risks
Evaluate risks based on impact on the whole system
Evaluate maintenance plan for regular integrity checks
Prepare contingency plan and create alternatives
Understand security system tools available
Implement user access privileges
Implement appropriate methods of security
Page 31
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Test the integrity of the database design. Analyze, design, and create relational databases to
meet industry and customer needs using current relational database management system
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database - Test Plan
Instructions: Individual work; students will add results to their O.U.R Hospital Training Requirements
Based on the O.U.R. Hospital Training Database scenario, create a test plan to confirm all parts are working as
Students should include the following information in the Test Plan section of their Requirements document:
Who should determine the test requirements?
Who should manage the test plan?
Who should perform the tests?
Who signs off that the tests were successful?
What are the tests to be performed? What is the intent of each test? How will the tester know whether
the test worked or not?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Activity: O.U.R Hospital Employee Training Database - Training Plan
Instructions: Individual work; students will add results to their O.U.R Hospital Training Requirements
Based on the O.U.R. Hospital Training Database scenario, create a training plan for the Access users. Remind the
students that the IT developers aren’t the Training department.
Why is a Training Plan needed?
What should be included?
Is a training/user’s manual needed?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Discuss database management systems and database administration
Page 32
Discussion Question: Ethical and Legal Boundaries of Databases
Have students read and discuss the following news article by Stephanie Simon, that talks about the release of a
new educational database that “already holds files on millions of children identified by name, address and
sometimes social security number. Learning disabilities are documented, test scores recorded, attendance noted.
In some cases, the database tracks student hobbies, career goals, attitudes toward school - even homework
Simon, Stephanie. (2013). K-12 Student Database Jazzes Tech Startups, Spooks Parents. Retrieved from:
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Use appropriate business analysis techniques to communicate and manage scope and
stakeholder requirements.
Discussion Question: Give an example of a personal project you undertook without clearly defining the
requirements. How did it turn out? What were the impacts? What was the scope creep?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objective:
Review historical performance of large scale systems development projects.
Discussion Questions:
Why is information a critical organization resource?
What level of detail is needed by users at different levels in an organization?
Why is it important to use multiple methods activities to gather data when acquiring the needed
background to perform system analysis activities?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify and describe alternatives to the traditional “waterfall” SDLC. Identify and describe
components of system implementation.
Discussion Questions:
What conditions might it be appropriate to use a traditional waterfall method of systems development?
How would you document the process specification for calendaring/scheduling issue involving the
availability of rooms, doctors, and patients?
What is the best way to implement a new or improved system?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Page 33
Learning Objective:
Explain Gantt charts and PERT diagrams and their relationship to critical path.
Discussion Questions:
What other types of projects could project management tools and techniques be used and could project
management software like Microsoft Project be appropriate?
If a task runs longer than expected, and since it is on the critical path results in a projected delay and
missed deadline, what steps can you take as a project manager to bring the project back to its scheduled
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify critical knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) in the areas of databases and programming
needed for effective management.
Discussion Questions:
Why is it important for you to be cognizant of the general parameters or aspects of effective
management and leadership for an organization?
Why is it important for IT managers to be technically competent or experienced in the areas of
information technology that the “organization” they manage or lead works (e.g. server hardware, or
databases, or networking, etc.)?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Discuss database management systems and database administration. Analyze, design, and create
relational databases to meet industry and customer needs using current relational database
management system software.
Discussion Questions:
What limitations/restrictions/regulations do you think should exist to you being included on a
“database”? How do you get on one and how do you get off? (Activity: 2)
How is the VistA database different than the Access templates or Microsoft Northwind sample database?
What are some similarities? (ONC Comp4/Unit6 Lecture D)
Why is reducing data redundancy important? Why could it be critical in a healthcare environment? (ONC
Comp4/Unit6 Lecture A)
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Page 34
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss database management systems and database administration.
2. Analyze, design, and create relational databases to meet industry and customer needs using
current relational database management system software.
Discussion Questions:
From ONC Component 4, Unit6, Lecture D, what is “administered”, what kinds of policies and procedures
might be needed, and how would governance be used? Why are these important?
[Note to instructor: this content will be developed over several courses. Keep it simple for now – get the
students to realize that these topics must be evaluated for any database development.]
What Laws and Regulations do you as a student know that could impact data governance? What impact
do you think they might have?
[If the students need an idea to get started, name some students will be familiar with such as HIPAA and
FERPA.] (Laws and regulations will be discussed in more detail in BTECH257 and CIS280.)
Which career path in the database field interests you based on your research? Why?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Identify the business rules and customer requirements to be included in the data model.
Discussion Question: Discuss building a relationship with Stakeholders. Read “Advice for IT Support in working
with End Users”,, 04/08/13. Remember
your experiences as a customer needing service/support from a business (doesn’t need to be an IT experience),
what do you think is missing from this list?
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Test the integrity of the database design.
Discussion Question: Should we create a PatientID for the Patient table or use something that exists already such
as SSN for Patient?
[Note to instructor: Use this as an opening for discussion of confidentiality]. Should SSN be used for PatientID?
Also some things aren’t as unique as we think. Could we use home phone number for PatientID – (No, other
family members use the same phone number, phone numbers change, etc.)
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Page 35
Learning Objective:
Explain the roles, responsibilities and tools of a business analyst
Question: The ____________ ensures the technology meets the business needs.
Technical writer
*Business analyst
Feedback: Feedback: Correct answer C. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 1
Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: The Business Analyst
a. *Is any person who performs business analysis activities, no matter what their job title or organizational
role may be.
b. Is a profession requiring the CBAP® certification
c. Is a professional having completed 7,500 hours of hands-on BA experience
d. The same as a systems analyst
Feedback: Correct answer A. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 1 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: The BABOK® is
*Generally accepted business analysis practices
The professional institute for BA’s
The certification for BA’s
A tool/technique for mapping stakeholder requirements
Feedback: Correct answer A. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 1 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objective:
Identify stakeholders needed to complete the required deliverables.
Question: A __________ is outside the boundary of a given organization or organizational unit. They make use of
products or services produced by the organization and may have contractual or moral rights that the organization
is obliged to meet.
a. *Customer
b. Subject matter expert
c. Sponsor
Page 36
d. Stakeholder
Feedback: Correct answer A. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 1 Lecture 2.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: A ________ is any individual with in-depth knowledge of a topic relevant to the business need or
solution scope.
*Subject matter expert
Feedback: Correct answer B. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 1 Lecture 2.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: A _______ is a means to elicit ideas and attitudes about a specific product, service or opportunity in an
interactive group environment. The participants share their impressions, preferences and needs, guided by a
*Focus group
RACI matrix
Stakeholder map
Feedback: Correct answer A. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 1 Lecture 2.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objective:
Utilize Business Analysis best practices, tools, techniques and methodologies for planning
processes and activities to meet stakeholder needs.
Question: A process improvement technique used to learn about and improve on a process or project. The team
explores what worked and what didn’t work from the just-completed iteration, and how to adapt processes and
techniques before continuing or starting anew.
Process Map
*Lessons Learned Process
Decision Analysis
Problem Tracking
Feedback: Correct answer B. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 2 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: A business model that shows a business process in terms of the steps and input and output flows
across multiple functions, organizations, or job roles.
a. *Process Map
Page 37
b. Lessons Learned Process
c. Decision Analysis
d. Problem Tracking
Feedback: Correct answer A. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 2 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: An approach that examines and models the possible consequences of different choices and assists in
making an optimal choice under conditions of uncertainty.
Process Map
Lessons Learned Process
*Decision Analysis
Problem Tracking
Feedback: Correct answer C. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 2 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: A process improvement technique used to learn about and improve on a process or project. The team
explores what worked and what didn’t work from the just-completed iteration, and how to adapt processes and
techniques before continuing or starting anew.
Process Map
*Lessons Learned Process
Decision Analysis
Problem Tracking
Feedback: The correct answer is b. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 2 Lecture
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: A business model that shows a business process in terms of the steps and input and output flows
across multiple functions, organizations, or job roles.
*Process Map
Lessons Learned Process
Decision Analysis
Problem Tracking
Feedback: The correct answer is a. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 2 Lecture
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: An approach that examines and models the possible consequences of different choices and assists in
making an optimal choice under conditions of uncertainty.
a. Process Map
b. Lessons Learned Process
Page 38
c. *Decision Analysis
d. Problem Tracking
Feedback: The correct answer is c. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 2 Lecture
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objective:
Use appropriate business analysis techniques to elicit stakeholder requirements.
Question: A(n) ________ identifies a specific numerical measurement that indicates progress toward achieving an
impact, output, activity or input.
Business rule(s)
Non-functional requirement(s)
Feedback: Correct answer D. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 3 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: A list and definition of the business terms and concepts relevant to the solution being built or enhanced is a ____.
Data Dictionary
Risk analysis
Feedback: Correct answer B. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 3 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objective:
Discuss how business analysis best practices, tools, techniques and methodologies are used to
ensure solutions meet stakeholder needs.
Question: An analysis model that illustrates processes that occur, along with the flows of data to and from those
*Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
Data Model
User Story
Feedback: Correct answer A. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 4 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Page 39
Question: A type of diagram that shows objects participating in interactions and the messages exchanged
between them.
State Diagram
*Sequence Diagram
User Story
Feedback: Correct answer B. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 4 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Question: A high-level, informal, short description of a solution capability that provides value to a stakeholder. It
provides the minimum information necessary to allow a developer to estimate the work required to implement it.
*User Story
State Diagram
Feedback: Correct answer A. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 4 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design: Business Analysis (CIS210)
Learning Objective:
Review historical performance of large scale systems development projects.
Question: The systems development life cycle is a systematic process for change including investigation, analysis,
__________, implementation, and ____________.
Design, Revision
*Design, Operation
Revision, Operation
Revision, Design
None of the above
Feedback: Correct answer: b. Information on this topic can be found in slide 19.
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Explain the importance of organizational information, management, and the SDLC
Question: A good systems analyst needs technical skills as well as interpersonal, verbal, written, and
___________________ communication skills.
A and C
Page 40
e. None of the above
Feedback: Correct answer: b. Information on this topic can be found in slide 23.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Question: True or False? Data and information an analyst collects during the investigative phase at the beginning
of a systems analysis may be both quantitative and qualitative.
a. *True
b. False
Feedback: Correct answer: True. Information on this topic can be found in slide 26.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Question: True or False? The 2 types of questions you may use on a questionnaire are open-ended and essay.
a. True
b. *False
Feedback: Correct answer: False. Information on this topic can be found in slide 35.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Explain the importance of organizational information, management, and the SDLC
Question: No matter how the waterfall phases are labelled, which of the following is in the correct order for an
*Analysis, design, implementation
Design, analysis, implementation
Implementation, analysis, design
Design, implementation, analysis
Design, implementation, analysis, design
Feedback: Correct answer: a. Information on this topic can be found in slides 41-43.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify and describe alternatives to the traditional “waterfall” SDLC.
Question: Alternatives to traditional “waterfall” system development include:
Data Flow Diagrams
*b and c
None of the above
Page 41
Feedback: Correct answer: d. Information on this topic can be found in slides 44, 45.
Information on this topic can be found in slides 44, 45.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Question: Prototyping is an appropriate development approach when the problem is:
*Novel, complex, unstructured or uncertain.
Straightforward, structured, predictable
Solvable with existing technology
a and b
None of the above
Feedback: Correct answer a. Information on this topic can be found in slides 48-54.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify and describe 2 methodologies for modeling systems.
Question: Depending on the nature of the system and the requirements, appropriate system modeling
tools/techniques include:
*Entity-Relationship diagrams
Decision Tables
Structured English
b and c
None of the above
Feedback: Correct answer a. Information on this topic can be found in slides 66-86.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify and describe the uses for the 3 methods of defining process specifications.
Question: True or False? Structured English (pseudo code) is the best method to portray transforming processes.
Feedback: Correct answer is: False. Information on this topic can be found in slides 93-98.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify and describe the different conversion options and methods for evaluating system
Question: True or False? The direct method of conversion from old to new system is best when the new system
has significant changes as this will minimize user confusion.
Page 42
Feedback: Correct answer is: False. Information on this topic can be found in slides 134-138.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Associate analysis and design activities to resources and time.
Question: Project management encompasses the careful stewardship of a project resources and time from
initiation through completion and involves the following:
Determining feasibility
Training vendors
Task scheduling
*A and C
None of the above
Feedback: Correct answer is: d. Feedback information on this topic can be found in slides 141, 142.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Explain Gantt charts and PERT diagrams and their relationship to critical path.
Question: A Gantt chart provides a visual depiction of a project by listing in sequence the necessary _________,
assigning estimated __________, and showing the ______________ between tasks.
Relationships, tasks, duration
Costs, tasks, duration
*Tasks, duration, relationships
None of the above
Feedback: Correct answer is c. Information on this topic can be found in slides 143, 144.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Use Microsoft Project to create a phased system development project including Gantt charts and
project budget reports
Question: True or False? Project management applications, like Microsoft Project, are highly sophisticated
database management systems optimized to track and manage virtually aspects of any type of project involving
tasks over time, resources, and deadlines.
Feedback: Correct answer is: True. Information on this topic can be found in slides 144-146.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Question: True or False? Project management software, like Microsoft Project, provides the ability to track
changes in the project’s task completions, and their impact on time and budget, after a baseline is set.
Page 43
Feedback: Correct answer is: True. Information on this topic can be found in slides 145-146.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Differentiate the 5 general management functional areas.
Question: In general, management can be divided into the following functional areas:
Public, private, controlling, planning, ordering
*Planning, staffing, organizing, controlling, directing
Leading, directing, planning, organizing, staffing
All of the above
None of the above
Feedback: Correct answer is b. Information on this topic can be found in slides 145-146.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Question: Selecting people for projects is an example of the ____________ function of management.
All of the above
None of the above
Feedback: Correct answer is c. Information on this topic is associated with slide 152.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Identify critical soft skills needed for effective communications.
Question: Effective managers need critical “soft” skills if they are going to be successful. These soft skills include:
Interpersonal communications
*All of the above
None of the above
Feedback: Correct answer is d. Information on this topic is associated with slide 153.
Course: Pierce College: Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis
Page 44
Learning Objective:
Identify critical knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) in the areas of databases and programming
needed for effective management.
Question: True or False? Managers of technicians or technical activities/operations do not need more than
cursory understanding in order to be effective. Information on this topic is associated with slide 153.
Feedback: Correct answer is: False.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Question: True or False? Highly skilled and specialized technical people always make the best managers for
complex technical projects.
Feedback: Correct answer is: False. Information on this topic is associated with slides 153, 154.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Systems Analysis (CIS280)
Learning Objective:
Discuss database management systems and database administration.
Question: How is a database different from a DBMS?
A database is smaller than a DBMS.
A DBMS doesn’t include tools for administration or maintenance, a database does.
A database is relational, a DBMS is not.
*A database doesn’t include tools for administration and maintenance, a DBMS does.
Feedback: Correct answer D. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 1 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Question: Databases management systems provide varied structures and design, including:
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS)
Object Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS)
*All of the above
Feedback: Correct answer is: D. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 1 Lecture 1.
Course: Pierce College: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management
Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Discuss database management systems and database administration.
Question: Database Administration includes:
Page 45
Establish and maintain sound backup and recovery policies and procedures.
Implement and maintain database security
Setup and maintain documentation and standards.
*All of the above
Feedback: Correct answer D. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 2, Lecture 1.
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Analyze, design, and create relational databases to meet industry and customer needs using
current relational database management system software.
Question: Rules or methods addressing day to day operations are detailed in which manual?
a. Governance
b. Policies
c. *Procedures
Feedback: Correct answer C. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 2, Lecture 2.
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: True or False? Database administrator is a potential career path for an individual completing the HIT
degree program.
Feedback: The correct answer is: True. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 2
Lecture 3.
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Discuss database management systems and database administration.
Question: In order for an organization to have successful business continuity and effective data recovery, their
business and IT managers need to be able to succinctly answer the question:
How would your customers be served through the HIT system?
*What is the value of your organization’s data?
How does your organization utilize information?
What are your organization’s procedures to secure data?
Feedback: Correct answer is b. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Discuss ethics and security issues and regulations surrounding data and databases.
Page 46
Question: Data Governance is an approach public and private entities can use to organize one or more aspects of
their data management efforts, including:
*Business Intelligence (BI)
Data collection procedures (DCP)
Revision management (RM)
Total quality management (TQM)
Feedback: Correct answer is a. Information on this topic can be here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Validate, import, convert, and export data from one application to another.
Question: True or False? Normalization is the process of ensuring data entered falls within accepted boundaries
of the application collecting the data.
Correct answer: False
Feedback: Information on this topic can be found here
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Identify the business rules and customer requirements to be included in the data model.
Question: The data dictionary is useful for several reasons, including:
Limit liability for disaster recovery (LA/DR)
*For systems optimization
To eliminate the need for authoritative sourcing
To maintain the disparate elements of data
Feedback: Correct answer is b. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Identify the business rules and customer requirements to be included in the data model.
Question: When developing your business functional and technical requirements for a database, important
stakeholders who need to be part of the process include:
People needed to implement the product*
Sales representatives from competing DBMS companies
Textbook publishers
All of the above
Page 47
Feedback: Correct answer A. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 4 Lecture 1.
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Differentiate and create conceptual data models, logical data models and physical data models.
Question: The _______________ model follows formal database design rules documenting the comprehensive
business information requirements in a consistent and accurate format.
Conceptual Model
*Logical Model
Physical Model
Procedural Model
Feedback: Correct answer is b. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: In documenting relationships, you show how one piece of data interacts with another piece of data by
drawing a line and labeling the line with a ________ to describe the relationship.
Feedback: Correct answer is d. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 5 Lecture 2.
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Use modeling/diagramming software to model data.
Question: True or False? Microsoft VISIO is a proprietary diagramming software package providing the user the
ability to create an Entity Relationship database model.
Feedback: The correct answer is: True. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Normalize relationships in tables.
Question: One of the rules for Second Normal Form (2NF) is:
Page 48
Create additional fields in records for sets of values applying to multiple tables
Create multiple keys in a record for relating to multiple records
*Create separate tables for sets of values applicable to multiple records
Relate tables with their Primary Keys (PK).
Feedback: Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: True or False? Databases designed for Third Normal Form (3NF), i.e. fully normalized, also optimize
Feedback: The correct answer is: False. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: When a record in one table relates to multiple records in a second table, and a record in the second
table relates to multiple records in the first table, the relationship requires a third table, called
Tertiary table
Composite table
Construction table
*Junction table
Feedback: Correct answer is d. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Use database design patterns in data modeling.
Question: True or False? Universal patterns for data modeling are reusable guides providing data modeling
templates for very prevalent or universal themes occurring in data modeling.
Feedback: The correct answer is: True. Information on this topic can be found here: The Data Model Resource
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Analyze, design, and create relational databases to meet industry and customer needs using
current relational database management system software.
Question: Microsoft Access is a:
a. Flat file manager
Page 49
b. Network file manager
c. *Relational Database Management System
d. Hierarchical Database Management System
Feedback: Correct answer is c. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: True or False? When you create a new database, Access opens an empty table (named Table1) in
design view.
Feedback: The correct answer is: False. Information on this topic can be here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: You can help keep your data organized by periodically archiving old or inactive records. You can
Feedback: Correct answer is d. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Validate, import, convert, and export data from one application to another.
Question: When you create relationships between tables, you relate the _________ in one table to the ________
in the second table.
Foreign Key, Secondary Key
*Primary Key, Foreign Key
Primary Key, Replacement Key
Replacement Key, Foreign Key
Feedback: The correct answer is b. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Create data queries that sort, filter, manipulate and calculate data.
Page 50
Question: Access provides two primary methods to create select queries, the Query Designer and the Query
Wizard. Regardless of the tool you use, you use the following steps:
Select sorting/filtering; select fields, choose a record source, run query
Select fields, choose a record source, run query, select sorting/filtering
Run query, select sorting/filtering, choose a record source, select fields
*Choose a record source, select fields, select sorting/filtering, run query
Feedback: The correct answer is d. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Learning Objective:
Develop effective queries, forms, reports and custom user interfaces for databases.
Question: When you use the Form Wizard to create a form:
You may only use one table or query for the form.
*You may define how the data is grouped and sorted.
You may precisely place where each field displays on the form.
Start by clicking on the Database Tools tab on the ribbon.
Feedback: The correct answer is b. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: True or False? If Access finds a table with a one-to-many relationship with the table or query that you
used to create the form, you must manually add a Subdatasheet to the form.
Feedback: The correct answer is: False. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: To facilitate understanding, Access provides the ability to group and sort information. One of the
easiest ways to group and sort information in a report is to create the new report using the:
Report Tool
Report Design Tool
*Report Wizard
Report Grouper
Feedback: The correct answer is c. Information on this topic can be found here:
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: You can use Access 2010 and Access Services to build web database applications that will help you:
Page 51
Secure and manage access to your data
Share data throughout an organization
Share data over the Internet
*All of the above.
Feedback: The correct answer is d. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 6 Lecture
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: Like a sentence, a SQL statement has clauses. Some common SQL reserved words that make up a
clause are:
Feedback: The correct answer is a. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 6
Lecture 9,
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Question: True or False? Microsoft Access SQL and ANSI SQL utilize the same reserved words and data types.
Feedback: The correct answer is: False. Information on this topic can be found in presentation slides Module 6
Lecture 9,
Course: Certificate in Healthcare Database Management and Design Database Management Systems (CIS260)
Articles, Videos, Etc.
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) curriculum materials, These materials formed the basis for the Open Learning Initiative (OLI)
Health Information Technology Foundations course,
"A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide)." International Institute of Business
Analysis. (n.d.). Web. 06 May 2013.
NOTE: Available as online book from Google Books (non-downloadable, non-printable). Can be purchased as PDF
from, or as textbook from All referenced page numbers will be from the online PDF.
Bellevue College, Life Science Informatics Center, & Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society.
(2013). CAHIMS Exam Preparation Course. Retrieved from
Page 52
Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Harry J. Rosenblatt; Systems Analysis and Design, 6th Ed; Thomson Course
Technology, Boston, MA 02210, 2006.
Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall; Systems Analysis and Design, 3rd Ed.; Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
07632, 1995
Marvin Gore, John W. Stubbe; Elements of Systems Analysis, 4th Ed., Wm. C. Brown, Dubuque, IA 52001, 1988.
Panchadsaram, P. (May 27 2013) TedMed talk: Empowering patients through information design. Retrieved July
9, 2013 from
Scott, Samuel T. “Systems Analysis Lectures.” Health Information Technology. Pierce College, Puyallup. 08 Dec.
2013. [Insert URL once Bellevue College uploads materials]
Led by Bellevue College, the Health eWorkforce Consortium was formed to elevate Health Information Technology
workforce development locally and nationally and provide career paths into this promising field for veterans and
others. The nine-college consortium includes Bellevue College, Bellingham Technical College, Clark College, Clover
Park Technical College, Northern Virginia Community College, Pierce College, Renton Technical College, Spokane
Community College, and Whatcom Community College. The Health Information and Management Systems Society
(HIMSS) is also a primary partner.
This workforce solution was 100% funded by an $11.7m grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor's
Employment and Training Administration, Grant #TC-23745-12-60-A-53. The solution was created by the grantee
and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor
makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information,
including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its
completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability or ownership.
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed by Bellevue College
( under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License – Any ONC materials included in this work are licensed under a more
restrictive CC BY-NC-SA license –
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