Download Structure and Function of Cells: State Objective 3.b. Outline #1

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Structure and Function of Cells: State Objective 3.b.
Outline #1
Name: ___________________________________________
What are Cells?
o The cell _______________ states the following:
o All _______________ things are composed of ____________________.
o Cells are the ________________ units of ____________________ and ________________ in
living things.
o All cells are _______________________ from other cells.
Two Types of Cells:
o 1. ________________________ cells lack membrane-bound internal structures.
 Ex. _____________________
o 2. ________________________ cells contain membrane-bound structures
 Ex. _____________________ cells (plant and animal cells)
Tour of Eukaryotic Cells:
o ______________________ - Rigid layer that _________________________ the cells of
______________________ and some other organisms(_______________________)
 It helps _________________________ and __________________________.
 Made of strong material called _____________________________.
o ______________________ - ________________________ the contents of the cell and helps
control the materials that _________________ and ____________________.
 Allows _________________ and ___________________________ into the cell and
_______________________________ out of the cell.
 Moving Material into & out of Cells:
 Cell membranes are _________________________________________.
 Two types:
1. __________________________ Transport allows materials to
pass through the cell membrane ___________________ using
2. __________________________ Transport ________________
the cell to use ________________________ by using transport
proteins to move materials across the cell membrane.
o _________________________ - A thick, clear, gel-like __________________ that
________________ the regions between the cell membrane and the organelles of Eukaryotic
o _________________________ - are tiny cell structures that carry out specific functions with-in
the cell.
o _________________________ - The nucleus is the cell’s _________________________ center,
directing all of the cell’s activities.
 Contains ______________________
 ______________________________ makes _______________________ which are
small grain-shaped organelles that make ____________________________.
o ________________________ - Known as the “_____________________________” of the cell
because they convert ___________________ in food molecules to energy the cell can use to
carry out its functions
o ______________________________________ - The ER ____________________________
proteins and other materials throughout the cell.
 spots on this organelle are ____________________________, which produce proteins
 Similar to the system of _______________________________ in a building.
o ____________________________________ - Receive ________________________ and other
newly formed materials from the ER, __________________________ them, and
_____________________________ them to other parts of the cell.
o ____________________________ - Break down large food particles into
__________________________________ ones
 ______________________________ down old cell parts so they can be reused (like the
______________________________ center)
o _____________________________________ - Green structures typically found in
___________________________ cell to make food by ________________________________.
 _________________________________ Energy from sun-light and changes it to
energy the cell needs to make _______________________________.
o ____________________________ - Type of sac that _______________________ water,
food, and other materials needed by the cell.
 Vacuoles in ____________________________ cell are
_______________________________ than those in animal cells.
Comparing Plant and Animal Cells:
o Plant cells have a ___________________________________________ for more storage.
o Plants have ____________________________________ for carrying out photosynthesis.
o Plants have _____________________________________________ for shape & support.
Compare a cell to a school. For each organelle, describe something in the school that would perform
that same function. Include nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes,
vacuole, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall
Cells Outline #2
Types of Cells:
o Not all cells are the _______________________________
o Cells with different ________________________ perform different ______________________.
o Both plants and animals have specialized cells that perform specific functions.
Organization of Life:
o _____________________- smallest basic unit of life
o _____________________- a group of cells that perform a function
o _____________________- a group of tissues
o _____________________- a group of organs
o Organism
Types of Tissues:
o ________________________
o ________________________
o ________________________
o ________________________
Epithelial Tissue:
o Tissue that covers _____________________________________________________________
of an animal’s body
o They may consist of _______________________ or _____________________________ layers.
o Cells are packed ____________________________ together with little space between.
o Classified by _____________________ and __________________________.
o Examples: _____________________________________________________________________
o Draw a picture:
Connective Tissue:
o _________________________ and ___________________________ other tissues.
o Cells are often spaced ________________________ apart.
o Examples ___________________________________________________________________
o Draw a picture:
o Tissue that carries __________________________, _____________________, removes
_________________, and fights __________________________
o Made of ____________________ blood cells, ____________________ blood cells, and
o Red blood cells contain a protein called _________________________________ that attaches
to oxygen molecules.
Red Blood Cells:
o Shaped like ____________________________________________.
o Do ___________________ contain nuclei.
o Most _________________________ cell in the body.
o Draw a picture.
White Blood Cells:
o White blood cells can move in and out of blood vessels to fight infection.
o ____________________ but _________________ in number than red blood cells.
o Body can ___________________________ production when an infection occurs.
o Draw a picture.
o Platelets are tiny, oval-shaped cells that help blood ______________________________.
o Stick together when blood vessels ________________________.
o Are ____________________________________ being replaced.
o Draw a picture.
o A _____________________ connective tissue made mostly of ______________________.
o Provides ___________________ and _____________________, ______________________,
and allow the body to move.
o ______________________ bone- hard, strong outer covering.
o ______________________ bone- mesh-like center of bones that contains _________________.
o Draw a picture.
Adipose Tissue:
o A loose connective tissue also called ________________.
o Stores __________________, cushions and _______________________ the body.
o Found beneath the skin and _____________________________________________.
o Draw a picture.
Other Connective Tissues:
o ____________________________ is a tough, flexible tissue that covers the ends of bones.
o ______________________ are fibrous, slightly stretching tissues that connect bones at a joint.
o _____________________________________ connect muscles to bones and allow movement.
Muscle Tissue:
o Tissues that ___________________ and ________________ to allow the body to move.
o Three types: _________________________, __________________, ____________________
 Skeletal attaches to ___________________.
 Skeletal muscle is __________________ and _________________ (striped).
 Smooth is found in ____________________________.
 Cardiac is found in the _________________________.
o Draw a picture.
Nervous Tissue:
o _________________________ (nerve cells) are the basic unit of the nervous system.
o Form the brain, spinal cord, and other nerves.
o _______________________ the body and responds to _________________________.
Parts of a Neuron:
o ________________________________________________- contains nucleus
o _________________________- carries messages from the cell
o ________________________________________- receives messages from other cells.
o Draw a picture.