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Practice Test Questions
1. In Japan, the Meiji Restoration resulted in the
A. division of the nation between the European powers
B. modernization of the nation’s military
C. abolition of the position of emperor
D. government being controlled by the samurai
2. An immediate result of Commodore Matthew Perry’s visit to Japan in 1853 was
A. an alliance between Japan and Russia
B. the development of trade between Japan and the West
C. a war between Japan and the United States
D. the continued isolation of Japan
3. The arrival of Comm. Matthew Perry in Japan in 1853 signaled the end of
A. Japanese cultural contacts with the West
B. Japanese policies of isolationism
C. Japanese militarism in SE Asia
D. trade relations with the US
4. Which statement best describes events in Japan during the Meiji Restoration?
A. Japan sought to isolate itself from world affairs.
B. Rapid industrialization and economic growth occurred.
C. Local lords increased their power over the Japanese emperor.
D. Agriculture was taken over by the government.
5. Which is an accurate statement about the partitioning of Africa by European imperialist nations
during the 1800’s?
A. new nations were based on old tribal boundaries
B. the cultural and ethnic diversity of the African people was disregarded
C. the continent was divided equally among the colonial powers
D. African unity was encouraged
6. After 1880, European nations sought colonies in Africa primarily because
A. Europeans were in need of land for their surplus populations
B. Europeans were competing of raw materials and markets
C. Europeans were determined to bring Christianity to the Muslim world
D. Europeans were interested in completing their geographic knowledge of the world
7. The 19th century term “White Man’s Burden” reflects the idea that
A. Asians and Africans were equal to Europeans
B. Asians and Africans would be grateful for European help
C. imperialism was opposed by most Europeans
D. Europeans had a responsibility to improve the lives of the colonial peoples
8. The Sepoy Mutiny and the Boxer Rebellion were similar in that they
A. restored power to the hereditary monarchies
B. attempted to reject the traditional cultures in these countries
C. resisted foreign influence in these countries
D. reestablished the power of religious leaders
9. The borders established for Africa during the late 1800’s were based on
A. natural geographic barriers B. easy access to natural resources
C. territorial claims of old empires
D. cultural differences between ethnic groups
10. Which statement best explains the 19th-century European imperialist motives?
A. Living space was needed for the excess population in western Europe.
B. European leaders believed imperialism was an effective method of reducing the number of wars.
C. European nations would benefit from some aspects of the conquered nation’s culture.
D. Imperialism would benefit the economies of the colonial powers.
11. In 1917, Bolshevik leaders in Russia sought peace with Germany because the new Russian
A. decided to join forces with Germany and the Central Powers
B. needed to concentrate its troops and resources on its war with Turkey
C. wanted to retain power and avoid German occupation
D. needed to control the Baltic Sea and wanted a warm water port
12. In Eastern Europe after WWI, the greatest obstacle to national unity was the
A. great ethnic diversity found in the region
B. economic dependence of Eastern Europe on Japan
C. acceptance of democratic traditions by most Eastern Europeans
D. expansion of United States influence in the region
13. Which statement best describes the relationship between World War I and the Russian Revolution?
A. World War I created conditions within Russia that helped trigger a revolution
B. World War I postponed the Russian Revolution by restoring confidence in the Czar
C. the Russian Revolution inspired the Russian people to win World War I
D World War I gave the Czar’s army the needed experience to suppress the Russian Revolution
14. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy and the Ottoman Empire were all part of which WWI alliance?
A. Triple Entente
B. Axis Powers C. Allied PowersD. Central Powers
15. A major cause of World War I was
A. a decline in the policy of imperialism
B. the existence of opposing alliances
C. increasing acts of aggression by England
D. the spread of communism throughout Europe
16. Why was the Balkans labeled “Europe’s Powder Keg” prior to WWI?
A. The aggression of the Ottoman Empire was disrupting the balance of power.
B. Yugoslavia was invading its neighboring countries.
C. Nationalistic and imperialistic rivalries were increasing.
D. The area was the leading supplier of military equipment to the rest of the world.
17. The major impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany was that the treaty led
A. to an era of peace and international good will in Germany
B. to a stable Germany that was both democratic and strong
C. to an increase in Germany’s desire to regain its power and prestige
D. to a leadership position for Germany in the League of Nations
18. “Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated!” and “Germany Declares War on Russia and France!” were
headlines from which war?
A. Franco-Prussian War
B. Crimean War
C. World War I
D. World War II
19. Which is generally a characteristic of a communist economy?
A. investment is encouraged by the promise of large profits
B. the role of government in the economy is restricted by law
C. government agencies are involved in production planning
D. entrepreneurs sell shares in their companies to the government
20. A major cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was the
A. defeat of Germany in the Russian campaign
B. marriage of Czar Nicholas II to a German princess
C. existence of sharp economic differences between social classes
D. appeal of Marxism to the Russian nobility
21. Which is an accurate statement about the Soviet economy under Joseph Stalin?
A. a large selection of consumer goods became available
B. the Soviet Union increased its industrial output by developing heavy industry
C. private farmers were encouraged to sell their surplus produce in an open market
D. the government reduced its role in planning industrial production
22. A major effect of Stalin’s policy of Collectivization on Soviet agriculture was
A. a widespread food shortage throughout the nation
B. an increase in the export of agricultural products
C. a surplus of agricultural goods
D. the immediate creation of many small private farms
23. One action taken by both Lenin and Stalin was
A. attempting to bring democracy to Russia
B. jailing or murdering potential opponents
C. supporting the Russian Orthodox Church
D. providing economic aid to Japan after World War I and World War II
24. The Russian peasants supported the Bolsheviks in the 1917 Revolutions mainly because the
Bolsheviks promised to
A. establish collective farms
B. maintain agricultural price-support system
C. bring modern technology to Russian farms
D. redistribute the land owned by the nobility
25. Under Josef Stalin, the Soviet Union emphasized centralized economic planning and Five-Year Plans
primarily to
A. produce more consumer goods
B. expand exports
C. create a demand for high-quality imports
D. develop heavy industry
26. The Operation of the Berlin Airlift and the Organization of the Warsaw Pact are events of the Cold
War which are examples of
A. efforts to prevent military conflict between the superpowers
B. situations that increased tensions between communist and democratic nations in Europe
C. attempts to weaken the Soviet Union’s control of its Eastern European allies
D. policies of peaceful coexistence and détente
27. Which of the following post-WWI treaties promised no war between the countries who signed the
pact and reduction of military armaments?
A. Treaty of Locarno
B. Treaty of Versailles
C. Kellogg-Briand Pact
D. Manila Pact
28. Though Israel wasn’t created until after WWII, what British document first put forth the idea of a
Jewish state following WWI?
A. Lloyd George Declaration
B. London Declaration
B. King’s Decree
D. Balfour Declaration
29. Which conference outlined the German plans for the extermination of the Jews?
A. Berlin
B. Wannsee
C. Munich
D. Frankfurt
30. Which of the following was NOT a condition imposed upon Germany by the Treaty of Versailles?
A. Lost 13% of its territory and 10% of population
B. $33 billion in war reparations
C. Article 231 “War Guilt Clause” which blamed Germany for starting WWI
D. All of the above were conditions imposed upon Germany