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Timeline Project
A Battle during the Revolution
Directions: You are going to create a timeline of early American history from 1763 to
1783. Provided for you are descriptions of events in early American history that you will
have to research to find their names and the date in which they occurred (use pages 80107 in your text). You will then place the name of the events, their dates, and (referring
to the back side of this paper) write the letter of a description of how these events
impacted future events in the chart provided for you. Once you have completed your
chart you are to list the names, dates, and letter of it impacted future events of each
event in chronological sequence on a timeline by using every ½ inch of a ruler as a year.
You may create illustration of each event on your timeline to help explain each event.
How it Impacted Future Events:
From the passage of these Acts the colonists began to question if Britain
should rule them if they have no direct representation in Parliament. This
created the idea in the colonies of no taxation (on imported goods, such as
glass, etc.) without representation.
As a result of this event the Continental army was able to defeat a mercenary
army, raise the morale of the whole Continental army, and embarrass the
British, who then decided to strike by invading New York.
As a result of this event the British lost their second army in the Revolutionary
War and gave up their hopes of keeping the colonies in the Empire.
As a result of this event the Patriots inflicted major casualties on the British
army and British General Howe retreated from the city of Boston and would
be unwilling to risk the lives of his men in future battles.
From the passage of this act it caused the formation of the Sons of Liberty that
attacked and frightened tax collectors and had Patrick Henry present a series
of resolutions to the House of Burgesses of Virginia. This made the colonist
begin to boycott British goods as a way of protest.
As a result of this document America was granted their independence by
Britain and it allowed diplomatic relations and trade to be resumed between
the two countries.
From this document Americans officially declared their independence and
described unalienable rights that are given to every American that influenced
the writing of the Articles of Confederation and Constitution.
From this document Britain gained an enormous amount of territory in North
America that proved to be too vast for the small island nation of Britain to
As a result of this event the Continental Army showed that it could endure
hardships and became a well-trained professional army that could defeat the
British at the Battle of Yorktown.
From this document settlers grew angry over not being able to settle in
western territory. They then in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 demanded lands
East of the Mississippi to be added to the U.S.
The result of this event ignited the open warfare between the colonists and the
British and made many Americans respond with shock and anger toward
As a result of this event the colonists strengthened their determination in
boycotting British goods and the Son’s of Liberty used propaganda from the
event to raise tensions between the colonists and the British.
The passage of these acts caused great resentment in the colonies as they saw
their rights being taken away by the Crown in Massachusetts. This caused
Samuel Adams, John Adams, and other New England leaders to advocate
boycotting British goods and the bringing together of leaders of every colony
to respond to Britain’s abuses.
As a result of this event it forced King George III to issue the Proclamation of
1763 to try and prevent conflicts between colonists and Indians.
This event is referred to as the turning point in the war that allowed
Americans to believe they were capable of winning. It allowed foreign aid in
France to come to the Patriots as they saw that they could defeat their enemy
in Britain.
As a result of this event the British decided to pass the Coercive Acts to
punish Massachusetts.
Rubric for the Chart and Timeline
The surrender at Yorktown
Focus Area
Possible Points
Your Score
3. The chart has the correct
letter of the impact of the
event in the correct row.
1. The timeline accurately
places the 16 events in
chronological sequence.
2. The chart has the correct
names and dates of the 16
events in the correct row as
its’ descriptions.
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