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Meeting on Infection, Immunity, Brain and Cognition
Sponsored by the Stanley Medical Research Institute (SMRI)
Room 531, Alumni Hall, 4227 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
April 21, 2016
8.00 am –
8.30 am –
8:45 am
8.45 am –
9:00 am
David A. Lewis, MD
Thomas Detre Professor and Chair
Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh
Julius Friese
Tribute to Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Stanley Medical Research Institute
Pre-clinical studies/in vitro models. Moderator: Maree Webster, PhD, Executive Director, SMRI
9.00 am –
Robert H. Yolken, MD
Infections, antibiotic use and psychiatric disorders
9:20 am
Theodore and Vada Stanley Distinguished Professor
of Neurovirology in Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins Univ.
9.20 am –
9:40 am
Vernon B. Carruthers, PhD
9.40 am –
10:00 am
Jon Boyle, PhD
10.00 am –
10:20 am
Mikhail Pletnikov, MD, PhD
10.20 am 10.40 am
10.40 am –
11:00 am
11.00 am –
11:30 am
11.30 am –
11:50 am
Efficacy of novel bumped kinase inhibitors for
treating experimental chronic Toxoplasma gondii
Using comparative parasite models to understand
the mechanisms of Toxoplasma virulence and
potentially manipulation of host behavior
Toxoplasma, dopamine and behavioral alterations
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Michigan
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University
Fred L. Homa, PhD
Associate Professor of Microbiology & Molecular
Genetics, University of Pittsburgh
Sabine Bahn, PhD
Nuclear events in the assembly of alpha herpes
Microglial activation following exposure to serum
from schizophrenia patients
Professor of Chemical Engineering and
Biotechnology, Cambridge University, UK
Immunology. Moderator: Maree Webster, PhD
Lisa Ann Borghesi, PhD
Murine and human hematopoietic stem cells in
Associate Professor of Immunology,
University of Pittsburgh
11.50 am –
12:10 pm
Paolo Piazza, PhD
Research Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases
and Microbiology, University of Pittsburgh
12.10 pm-1.20 pm.
Effective targeting of the persistent HIV-1 during
antiretroviral therapy requires priming of naive CD8+
T cells
LUNCH (provided)
Meeting on Infection, Immunity, Brain and Cognition
April 21, 2016 (continued)
Clinical studies. Moderator: Caterina Rosano, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
1.20 pm 1.40 pm
Ernesto T. A. Marques, Jr., MD, PhD
1.40 pm 2.00 pm
Faith Dickerson, PhD, MPH
2.00 pm 2.20 pm
Phillip Nielsen, MSc
2.20 pm 2.40 pm
Muhammad Ayub, MBBS, MRCPsych, MSc, MD
2.40 pm 3.00 pm
Ibtihal Ibrahim
Zika virus: An emerging threat
Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases and
Microbiology, University of Pittsburgh
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
University of Maryland & Sheppard Pratt Hospital.
Doctoral Fellow, Aarhus University
Clinical trials at the Sheppard Pratt Stanley Research
Neonatal inflammatory markers as risk factors for
psychiatric disorders
Schizophrenia genetic studies in Pakistan
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Queens University, Kingston, Canada
Lecturer in Psychiatry, Mansoura University, Egypt
3.00 pm 3.20 pm
Pilot studies for treatment of Toxoplasma Gondii
infection and cognitive dysfunction in Egypt
iPSC-based models and antiviral drug discovery. Moderator: Sabine Bahn, PhD, Cambridge University
3.20 pmKip Kinchington, PhD
iPSC based models for varicella zoster virus
3.40 pm
Professor of Ophthalmology, Molecular Genetics
and Biochemistry, University of Pittsburgh
3.40 pm 4.00 pm
Lora McClain, PhD
4.00 pm 4.20 pm
Jim McNulty, MSc, PhD
4.20 pm 4.40 pm
Mark Schurdak, PhD
4.40 pm 5.00 pm
Dino D’Aiuto, PhD
Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Pittsburgh
Professor of Chemistry,
McMaster University, Canada
Visiting Research Associate Professor of
Computational and Systems Biology
University of Pittsburgh
Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, University of
HSV-1 latency models using human iPSC-derived
Discovery and development of new antiviral and
anti-toxoplasmosis agents
Moderate throughput platform for drug discovery
using iPSC-derived neurons.
Analysis of novel compounds for HSV-1 infections in
multiple cells
Meeting on Infection, Immunity, Brain and Cognition
April 22, 2016
7.30 am –
8.00 am
Breakfast (on location)
Epidemiologic and add on studies. Moderator: Vern Carruthers, PhD, University of Michigan
8.00 am 8.30 am
Mary Ganguli, MD, PhD
8.30 am 8.50 am
Lori Jones-Brando, PhD
8.50 am 9.10 am
9.10 am9.30 am
9.30 am9.50 am
9.50 am10.10 am
Professor of Psychiatry, Epidemiology and
Neurology, University of Pittsburgh
Epidemiological studies in the MonongahelaYoughiogheny (Mon-Yough) valley
Antigen-specific responses to HCMV and cognitive
decline: Is there a correlation?
Johns Hopkins University
Clinical studies at Pittsburgh. Moderator: Vern Carruthers, PhD, University of Michigan
Daniel J. Buysse, MD
Sleep health
UPMC Professor of Sleep Medicine
Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical and
Translational Science
University of Pittsburgh
Anne Germain, PhD
Sleep: A pillar of resilience
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, and
Clinical and Translational Science
University of Pittsburgh
Martica Hall, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Clinical and
Translational Science
University of Pittsburgh
Deepinder K. Dhaliwal, MD, L.Ac
Professor of Ophthalmology
University of Pittsburgh
10.10 am 10.30 am
Sleep, Inflammation and Infection: Opportunities for
Translational Science
Herpes infection of the eye
Novel techniques to facilitate biomedical research. Moderator: Vern Carruthers, PhD, University of Michigan
Aaron Smith, PhD
Raman Spectroscopy in cell culture methods
10.30 am 10.50 am
10.50 am 11.10 am
11.10- am
12.00 noon
Biomedical Scientist
ChemImage Corporation
Madhavi Ganapathiraju, PhD
Department of Biomedical Informatics
University of Pittsburgh
Novel protein-protein interactions that connect
mental disorders, cilia and immunity
Closing remarks and Discussion
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