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World History
With Mr. Evans
Course Description
In this class, the students will research and explore the history of the world around them. We will go from the earliest
civilizations to modern day civilization and look at the achievements and circumstances that made it all happen. After taking this class
students will know more about the events of the world that shaped who we are today.
Course Goals and Objectives
On a daily basis, students will:
 Comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of texts.
 Express ideas in written modes and verbal discussions for a variety of purposes and audiences.
 Appreciate the historical advancements that got us where we are today.
1st Semester August 13th – December 18th 2015
Unit #1: A Global View of Early Civilization to Enlightenment and American Revolution
 Get an idea of how early culture laid the foundation to the great ideas of enlightenment.
Unit #2: The French Revolution to Growth of Western Democracies
 In this unit we will see how governments began to be great.
2nd Semester January 4th – May 18th 2016
Unit #3: The New Imperialism to WWII and its aftermath
 In this section we see the effects that war can have on the entire world.
Unit #4: The Cold War to The World Today
 Here we see how fast societies can advance.
Semester Tests
A semester test will be given at the end of the 2nd semester. All students in ALL grades 7-12 will have to take it
if they do not meet the exemption requirements. Semester tests will be worth 20% of total grade.
Required Supplies:
1. Pencil
2. Paper
3. Folder
Classroom Expectations
1. Be PRESENT- You have to be here physically and mentally. Eyes should be on the board or your work, not your phones.
2. Be PREPARED- Bring your supplies, homework, and expect to do an activity every day.
3. Be PRODUCTIVE- Use your class time wisely. If there is class time to do an assignment, I expect you to work on it in class.
4. Be POLITE- This means that you should always be considerate of your classmates and your teachers. I do not tolerate negativity,
bullying, or bad attitudes. And especially, there will be no use of profanity!
Discipline Procedures
 Lunch Detention
 Teacher-student conference
 Parental Notification
 Office referral
Note—there is no “strikes” system in this classroom. The procedures above may not always come in this order; the
consequences will be determined based on the infraction.
Tardy Procedures
Students must be in seats ready to go when tardy bell rings to not be counted tardy
2nd-3 days Lunch Detention
3rd-5 days Lunch Detention
4th-Principals Office
If you miss more than 10 minutes of class you will have morning make up detention.
Skipping any detention will result in office visit.
Tobacco/Drugs/Alcohol (aka Loopy Juice)
Not allowed in class or any where on school grounds.
Cell Phones & Food/Drinks
 When and if a cell phone disrupts you or others in the class, it will be stored away from you until class is dismissed.
 No food or snacks are allowed unless provided by myself. Water in a bottle or container with non-spill lid is accepted.
Grading System
Bellwork will be 20 pts per week
Daily Activities/Homework will range from 10-50 pts
Tests are 100-200 pts
Final drafts of essays are 100 pts
 These components combined will make up the other 80% of your overall grade.
Absent/Late Procedure
If you miss a class period, you will need to come in before or after school/class to get your work. There is a designated folder
with daily assignments in it which you can consult for this. Any work missed is due the day after you return to school. I will accept
late daily work no later than the Friday of the following week or day before semester testing. I reserve the right to deduct points for
work that is turned in over a week late (up to 15%). Late assignments will not receive full credit under any circumstances.
If you miss a test, it is YOUR responsibility to come in and take it.
Things That Really Grind My Gears
Not Picking Up Trash
Being Rude
Not Having A Pencil or Paper
Please detach and return the bottom portion of this form to Mr. Evans for 10 pts by Tuesday August 18, 2015.
I have read and understand Mr. Evans syllabus in its entirety.
Student signature X_____________________________________
Parent signature X___________________________________
Parent/guardian contact information:
Name ____________________________________
Phone no.
Parents: Email is the easiest way for Mr. Evans to contact you.
Email address _____________________________________________