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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher
“Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A.Stolypin”
Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology
Department of Foreign languages and applied linguistics
“World Agriculture”
Author: Simonov Daniil,103 gr.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Supervisor: Koroleva I. V.
World agriculture: Composition, Features of development in
different countries, influence on the environment.
Agriculture is the second leading industry in manufacturing goods, with
approximately 1,1 billion participants. At least there are 50 different
types of agriculture that are being divided into two groups: manufactury
Agriculture production includes intensive plant and animal husbandry,
gardening and horticulture, as well as extensive farming of steaming and
depositing types and pasture animal husbandry as well.
Consumer agriculture includes Primitive farming, pasturing such as
nomadic, as well as gathering, hunting and fishing.
In developed countries highly agricultural manufactury deeply
specialized agriculture prevails. It have reached a relatively possible
level of mechanization and chemicalization. Average crop yield in such
countries varies between 35-50 per c/h. Agro-industrial complex
achieved a form of agro-business, that gives the whole sphere an
industrial character.
In just developing countries, the traditional consumer agriculture
prevails, with average crop yield 15- 20 per c/h and lower. Consumer
sector consists of minor holds, that grows consumer cultures; standing
along, highly agriculture, consisting of major and well-organized
plantations (ex. Banana plantations in the Central America and coffee in
Animal Husbandry
The biggest part of livestock manufacturing takes place in countries with
a moderate climate conditions.
There are three leading industries being pointed out in animal
husbandry: cattle, swine-breeding and sheep-breeding.
Cattle creates the biggest amount of production. The biggest livestocks
are Asia and Latin America.
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