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Local Government and
Participatory Governance
Commonwealth Foundation
16 May 2013
Presentation Contents
• Foundation’s Strategic Framework: 2012-16
• Why Participatory Governance
• Developmental Local Government and Participatory
• CSO Legitimacy and Development Effectiveness
• Civil Society and the Post 2015 Development
Commonwealth Foundation
Strategic Framework
CF Strategic Framework: 2012-16
1965 Established as a charity
1982 Reconstituted as an intergovernmental organisation
1999 Research on participatory governance and good
development outcomes - CHOGM in Durban
2011 CHOGM Perth
EPG recommended support to civil society
Mandate to re-launch in 2012
Re-launched on 1 November 2012
CF Strategic Framework: 2012-16
Ultimate Goal
More effective, responsive and
accountable governance with
Civil Society participation
Why Participatory
Participatory Governance
Central concept in programming to fulfil the
Foundation’s mandate to strengthen and mobilize
Civil Society in the Commonwealth
Integral to the vision, mission and goal
Foundational piece to achieving development
Participatory Governance
Independent non-market and non-state
to pursue shared interests in the public domain
cover a wide range- includes membership-based
CSOs, cause-based CSOs and service-oriented
Participatory Governance
Participatory governance is about how state, the
market and Civil Society collaborate to effect change
 inclusion of Civil Society in decision making processes
 enabling citizens to exercise voice and vote
 engaging in policy formation among others.
Participatory Governance
Civil society and the demand side for effective,
responsive and accountable governance
Meeting community needs, achieving sustainable
results, promoting genuine democracy
Dialogue - cornerstone of participatory governance
Developmental Local
Government and
Participatory Governance
Developmental Local Government and
Participatory Governance
• Professionalising and transforming local government to be
developmental must include enabling citizen participation
• Governance and Development are a shared responsibility
• Inclusive governance = Government and citizens partnering.
Not replacing government in delivering services
• Results experienced and owned by citizens
Developmental Local Government and
Participatory Governance
Enabling environment for inclusive, participatory
governance is imperative
 Policy support for collaboration
 Opportunities and spaces for legitimate civil society
 Support to and counterpart by civil society
Developmental Local Government and
Participatory Governance
Demand side and accountable governance
 Genuine Public Consultation and Dialogue
 Third party monitoring
 Mechanisms for more transparent and
accountable government
Developmental Local Government and
Participatory Governance
Demand side and accountable governance – at different
levels, various methods
 Village assemblies, traditional leaders, elders councils
 Municipal / city development planning committees,
working groups, procurement bodies, watch dogs
Developmental Local Government and
Participatory Governance
Demand side and accountable governance – at different
levels, various methods
 National/representation of civil society in ministries
 Citizen report cards, participatory budgeting, social audits,
citizen charters, media for development
Developmental Local Government
and Participatory Governance
CSO Development Effectiveness
CSO Development Effectiveness
Istanbul CSO Development Effectiveness Principles:
 Busan Partnership for Effective Development
 Raise levels of CSO accountability and impact
CSO Development Effectiveness
Istanbul CSO Development Effectiveness Principles:
 Establishes standards for government to foster enabling
environment for CSOs to reach full potential
 Challenges government, CSO and other actors to re-
imagine development
CSO Development Effectiveness
Istanbul CSO Development Effectiveness Principles:
 Justice not charity
 Address root causes and symptoms of poverty
 People as subjects of their own development
CSO Development Effectiveness
Istanbul CSO Development Effectiveness Principles (Cont)
 Culture of Learning
South to south learning
Knowledge Sharing
Replication of good and fit practices
Developmental Local Government
and Participatory Governance
Civil Society and the Post 2015
Development Agenda
Civil Society and the Post 2015 Development
Commonwealth Foundation and UN Millennium
Campaign partnership
National research and consultations: 18
Commonwealth and two non Commonwealth countries
Civil Society perspective on MDG attainment and Post
2015 Development Agenda
Civil Society and the Post 2015 Development
Key Findings:
 Need for adaptable, localised goals
 Vagueness of MDG8
 Need to improve data
 Quality beyond numbers
 Enabling conditions for civil society underpins
development effectiveness
Civil Society and the Post 2015 Development
Emerging Commonwealth Post 2015 Development
 Gender empowerment
 Youth and employment
 Small States and Vulnerabilities
 Non-communicable diseases
 Education
Civil Society and the Post 2015 Development
Ways Forward for Commonwealth Foundation
 National to regional consultations
 Regional Post 2015 Development Agenda
 Policy Briefs
 Advocacy: National Governments, UN, CHOGM,
G20, MDG-SDG process, Regional Bodies, World
Economic Forum