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ΠΡΑΓΑ, 10-11-2012
Thank you Mr. Chairman.
Dear Colleagues.
In addition to all these very interesting, that Mr. Chairman said in
his presentation about the Euro crisis,
I would like to inform the Members of our Committee about the facts
and developments regarding the Greek Economy. About the crisis
and the necessary measures. Given the financial problems that
Greece faces in a higher degree, comparing with other members of
the Euro zone. Especially, the high public expenditure and dept and even more its sustainability - the budget deficit, the recession,
the low competitiveness, the high unemployment, the low level of
During this week the Greek Parliament approved the “Medium Term
Strategy 2013 – 2016” with the necessary emergency and very
painful fiscal measures.
The second necessary step, before Greece can get the provided
bailout funds, is the Sunday’s – that is tomorrow – vote on the 2013
The austerity bill sets out reforms and fiscal measures worth 13,5
billion euros, over the next two years, in order to achieve primary
general government surplus of 4,5% of GDP in 2016, with gradually
decreasing borrowing.
The Fiscal Consolidation contains:
Improvement in Competitiveness and Structural Reforms, such
as in pension, in Labor Market, for strengthening fiscal
management, Tax reforms, in Public and Local Administration,
Judicial reforms and in Health Sector.
The new Program abolishes all extra bonuses to pensions
and civil servants , introducing new pension and special payrolls
cuts of up to 25 pct, as well as the immediate redundancy of
2.000 civil servants and the abolition of state – allocated social
Setting a 1.900 euro ceiling for wages of all employees in
agencies and organizations in the general government, and
Raising of the retirement age by two years, as well as
abolition of extra pension bonuses to public sector pensioners.
The austerity package, also foresees measures to fully
liberalise certain professions and service markets. And, most
important, reduce Public Sector, Privatizations, fight against Tax
Fraud, as well as Tax and Contribution evasion. In order to obtain
recovery and stability and consequently to achieve our economic
development with investments and growth.
As the Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said after the last
Wednesday vote “Greece has made a big decisive, optimistic step,
a step towards recovery”.
As a result of this policy and implementation of measures, the
Greek economy will be able to enter as soon as possible to the
virtuous circle of financial stability and development within the Euro
zone and will be able to meet medium term conditions that lead to
dignity and prosperity for all Greek citizens. And at the end to the
common European and Euro zone benefit.