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(using 2010 released test questions at www.questaplus)
 FACTS ABOUT ELECTRICITY (Topic 1) #1, 9, 11
• electricity is the flow of electrons.
• Electricity occurs in 2 ways: 1) Electrical currents: this is electricity that can run things (like
flashlights, toys, lights, motors), and 2) Unbalanced charges: static electricity (where the
unbalanced electrical charges don’t move –like rubbing a balloon on your hair) or electrical
discharges like lightning. In electrical discharges the electricity builds up so we get such unbalanced
charges they move to discharge the electrical imbalance.
 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS (Topic 2) - Series vs Parallel Circuits #4,7, 9, 10, 14, 15
• Parallel- set up like railroad tracks so set up at least 3 tracks, all light bulbs in the circuit are the
same brightness because the same amount of current goes in each “track”, and if one bulb
breaks the others still light. Series – as you add light bulbs they dim because they have to share
the current, and if one light bulb breaks none of the others will work because the circuit is now
• Bulbs light because of resistance (friction) to electron movement in the wires:
• 4 parts to a circuit – conductors, switch, power source (battery or generator), load
• Voltage (V) = potential difference,
measured with voltmeter.
• Current (I) = electron flow, measured
with ammeter
 Electricity Calculations (Topic 3, 7)
E = Pt
#8, 17, 20 NR 1, NR 2
E = energy in Joules (J) P = Power in watts (w)
R = resistance in ohms (Ω)
V = voltage in volts
t = time in seconds
I = current in amps
What reduces resistance in an electric circuit? Increasing diameter of wires, use a wire that is a
better conductor, decreasing the wire length
Energy Conversions: 1KJ = 1 kilojoule = 1000 J or 1.0 x 103 J
1 MJ = 1 megajoule = 1000000 J 0r 1.0 x 106 J
Efficiency =
x 100
EO = energy output
EI = energy input
(heat energy to electricity) , piezoelectric effect (motion to electricity), batteries
(chemical energy to electricity), solar (light to electricity)
 Electrochemical Cells (batteries) (Topic 5) #6, 12
Battery is made of 2 electrodes of 2
different metals, electrolyte (charged
particles – ions, acids, bases) in middle. Also
called wet and dry cells
 Electromagnets, generators, motors (Topic 6) #19
How do you increase the strength of an electromagnet? Put more electricity running around
magnet by adding more wire coils or increasing the current running through the wire, use a wire
with less resistance which increases current running through wire, use a larger iron core (more
iron to magnetize). #3
 How is electricity generated for the world: (Topic 8) #5, #16
• renewable (biomass, wind, hydro)/nonrenewable (fossil fuels) electrical energy source