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To learn more about the Global LEAD Alliance please contact:
Rev. Jon Byler
LEAD Director
315 W. James St. #202
Lancaster, PA. 17603
++ 1-717-371-3713
Email: [email protected]
Around the world, Global LEAD Alliance is a catalyst and a resource to launch locally-owned and
sustained leadership development programs. The Alliance empowers local church leaders to use their
own resources to develop Christ-like leaders. These transformed servant leaders influence their world
and train others. Rapid multiplication of well-trained, Christ-like leaders is the result.
Our approach is unique both in what we do, and in what we do not do:
We do not….
Fund or own local programs
Export a “one size fits all” approach
Develop programs that require outside funding to continue
Travel repeatedly to an area for training
Invest in physical structures
We do….
Empower the local church to train her own leaders
Train those who will train others
Provide models and materials that can be locally contextualized
Focus on all Christian leaders, not just clergy
Encourage development of Christian leadership in all spheres of society
Target those unreached with the Gospel by building Great Commission leaders
Use non-traditional forms of education
Develop an alliance committed to cooperation and collaboration
Connect and mentor developing programs
Work inter-denominationally
Serve as a catalyst to initiate local programs that are:
o Based on character, knowledge and skill
o Mission-focused
o Contextualized
o Reproducible
o Self-sustainable
Global LEAD Alliance
Character • Knowledge • Skills
Leadership development is a process, not an event. Events are useful in this process but cannot
replace a lifelong journey of growth as a leader. We choose to use the word “development” rather
than “training” to reflect this distinction.
The fulfillment of the mission our Lord Jesus has given us will require believers who are
capable, Christ-like leaders serving in the global body of Christ and in all spheres of society.
Leaders will determine the church’s health, growth and effectiveness in mission. Yet, around the
world there is a leadership vacuum.
Leadership development has a purpose: to speed the fulfillment of the mission of Jesus. Strong
leadership is needed in the church if we will reach the billions who are still waiting to hear the
Good News we possess.
In many parts of the world, the body of Christ is growing faster than leaders are being
developed. Many pastors have little or no training for the work they are doing. Bible colleges and
seminaries are working hard to fill the need for theological training and are doing a commendable
job. The Global Leadership Equipping and Development (LEAD) Alliance seeks to complement
this training with models that are producing effective leaders, integrating the Biblically-based but
often overlooked components of character formation and leadership skills along with Biblical
Leadership development has a specific focus: helping persons lead more effectively. Much
training being done is called “leadership training.” Indeed, many current and future leaders
experience various kinds of academic or technical training. However, they are not necessarily
being trained in character, the skills of leadership, or how to influence others to enthusiastically
work towards a common goal. Our observation is that in many parts of the world, Biblical
knowledge or technical information has been the primary focus with the assumption that this
qualifies a person to lead.
Within the community of believers are many who are in positions of influence in their
professions and who desire to spread the influence of the Kingdom in their own spheres of society.
Christ-like leadership principles and skills are equally important for these persons in business,
education, government and other realms of society.
We believe Christian leadership development
includes life transformation encompassing all three
essential areas: character, knowledge, and leadership
skills. We represent this as a three-legged stool with
Christ at the center.
Our Philosophy of Leadership Development
Global LEAD Alliance sees Christian leadership development as a specific and deliberate
process of equipping disciples of Jesus Christ to be effective change agents in their spheres of
influence. Leaders are
ultimately servants,
“I am convinced that the cause of focused Christian leadfirst of all serving
ership development took a huge leap forward on December
God and then serving
2, 2005, when seven training programs formed the Global
His people in the
LEAD Alliance. Having been involved in leadership training
world. Leadership
in many cultures for twenty-five years I became convinced
development flows
that the churches and institutions were not doing an adequate
out of discipleship, the
job of raising up new leaders and nurturing those already in
process of becoming
leadership. I felt there is a compelling need for better thoughtChrist-like in heart,
through, longer-term training programs which are high quality,
motivation, character
stand-alone programs geared specifically to the development
and relationships.
of servant Christ-empowered leaders for all aspects of commuLeaders are disciples
nity life. This is precisely the vision of the Global LEAD Alliwho develop
themselves and are
called to a higher
- Dr. Don Jacobs, anthropologist, author and leaderlevel of influence
ship trainer
than others. Jesus’
commission was to
make disciples; however, His disciple-making process developed effective leaders that changed
the world. We are called to do the same.
Global LEAD Alliance
Christ-like leaders demonstrate a lifestyle
of consistent integrity. Character and integrity are
foundational in the life of a credible leader. Character
is the sum total of the moral qualities that define a person’s life and
foundational to leadership. Character sustains leadership by providing credibility and trust.
When a leader demonstrates a lifestyle of consistent integrity, people follow more enthusiastically.
Credible leadership begins on the inside and flows outward. Character thus shapes the motives
and call of a leader in profound ways that greatly determine effectiveness.
Effective leaders develop Christ-like character as they grow in five key areas:
• Intimacy with Jesus – Developing a deep, personal relationship with Christ
• Leading with the heart of Jesus – Incorporating Jesus’ model of servant leadership into everyday practice
• Family life – Establishing a strong foundation for leading others
• Attitude – Creating the environment from which a leader influences
• Integrity – Building character and trust
Character • Knowledge • Skills
The Priority of Leadership Development
Global LEAD Alliance
Character • Knowledge • Skills
Vision and Mission of Global LEAD Alliance
We envision leadership programs around the world producing effective Christ-like leaders
in all spheres of society who will serve, live, lead and relate in ways that give everyone the
opportunity to choose Christ.
Our mission is to develop a global alliance of effective locally-owned leadership development
programs that are cooperative efforts of groups of congregations working in a strategic alliance to
strengthen and multiply similar programs around the world.
How Global LEAD Alliance Fulfills Its Vision
Our strategy is to assist groups of churches to launch their own leadership development
programs and to bring them together in an alliance. These local programs typically meet one
evening per week or one day a month for practical training in character development, knowledge,
and skills of effective leadership.
Global LEAD Alliance expects leadership development programs to:
• be locally-owned and sustained,
• develop material relevant for their context and
• provide instruction on each of fifteen core concepts. A minimum of one lesson must be
taught for each concept. The core curriculum is designed to meet this requirement.
Christ-like leaders have the ability to influence others to enthusiastically work towards a
common goal. These skills are based on Biblical principles but are distinct from the knowledge
mentioned above. Leadership skills are applicable in a broad range of vocations and complement
vocational training. For example, a teacher must possess a basic understanding of the subject
matter and know how to teach.
However, this does not make the
teacher an effective leader. The
same is true for a church leader
who has Biblical knowledge and
good theological training. This does
not ensure that he/she will be an
effective leader in the church.
The Alliance serves as a catalyst to make this happen by providing training, resourcing,
connecting and mentoring resulting in multiplying leaders and programs.
Global LEAD Alliance uses two primary training events to fulfill its vision: Leadership
Consultations and Training of Trainers workshops.
The skills of leadership include
a wide range of learned abilities in
areas such as:
• Leading self – Building the
foundation from which leading
others flows
• Relating to others – Allowing the leader to build relationships
• Leading change – Enabling the leader to accomplish God’s vision
• Equipping others – Allowing the leader to multiply him/herself
• Building effective teams – Increasing the leader’s ability to accomplish the goal
Leadership Consultations
These one to three-day events provide leadership training to local leaders in character
development, Biblical knowledge, and leadership skills. In addition, they serve as an introduction
to the model of Global LEAD
Alliance and challenge local
“I learned the critical importance of contextualizing the
leaders to be intentional about
program and how to set up curriculum. The conference was a
leadership development.
totally new experience for me. I was given a sense of vision,
Trainers for these Consultations motivation and encouragement.”
include a cross-cultural team
–from a TOT participant in India
from Global LEAD Alliance.
Our belief is, therefore, that leadership development is an ongoing process of equipping
disciples to become Christ-like, having a healthy balance of character, knowledge, and skills with
the goal of building the church and reaching those who have never heard the Good News of Jesus.
Global LEAD Alliance
Training of Trainers (TOT)
This core event of Global LEAD Alliance is four days of intensive training for those who
want to design their own locally-owned leadership development programs. Participants learn
Character • Knowledge • Skills
Christ-like leaders possess knowledge that enables them to serve as influencers in all walks of
life. This knowledge encompasses several areas:
• Scripture – Providing a foundational and growing understanding of the Bible and ability to
correctly interpret and apply the scriptures
• Self – Empowering the leader to embrace his/her own strengths and weaknesses and affirm
the gifts of others
• Vocation – Equipping the leader to recognize his/her work as the call of God and to do it
with excellence
• Leadership principles – Allowing the leader to develop as an influencer instead of
protecting a position
• The impact of leadership in fulfilling the Great Commission – Enabling the leader to
understand the critical role of leaders in carrying out the Great Commission
Global LEAD Alliance
Character • Knowledge • Skills
Core Concepts
Core Curriculum
The TOT provides participants with extensive notes of all sessions, models of existing programs,
sample lessons from the core curriculum and reference material helpful for launching new programs. In addition, participants receive electronic copies of Global LEAD Alliance’s resource CD.
• Intimacy with Jesus (The recognition that all of Christian leadership flows from an intimate connection with Jesus fostered
through spiritual disciplines.)
1. The Leader and Intimacy with Jesus
• The Heart of Christian Leadership (Integration of Jesus’ model
of servant leadership, humility, self-discipline, and brokenness
into daily life.)
2. The Heart of Christian Leadership
3. Brokenness
• Family life (Acknowledgement that a strong family life is foun- 4. The Leader and Family
dational to leadership.)
• Attitude (A call to develop a Christ-like attitude and an understanding of the power of the leaders’ attitude.)
5. The Leader and Attitude
• Integrity (A recognition that character flows from integrity and 6. The Leader and Forgiveness
is based on consistency in practical areas of the leader’s life
such as speech, submission, honesty, transparency, etc.)
• Scripture (A basic understanding of biblical interpretation and
skill for lifelong study.)
7. Bible Study Skills for Leaders
• Self (The awareness of personal potential, personality,
strengths/weaknesses, and leadership style.)
8. Potential, See It
9. Potential, Shape It
• Vocation (An understanding that professions are a calling from 10. The Leader and Vocation
God and that believers should work with exellence in their
spheres of influence.)
Global LEAD Alliance seeks funding for the TOT event to assist the participants to attend and
produce the necessary materials for the training. After the TOT is completed the participants develop their own programs using locally generated funds.
• The Impact of Leadership in Fulfilling the Great Commission
(The relationship of the Great Commission and leadership.)
14. Leadership and the Great Commission
• Leading self (The ability to manage time, set and accomplish 15. Goals
personal goals, make wise decisions, establish and live by pri- 16. Time Management
orities, and a commitment to personal and vocational growth.)
In addition to the philosophical framework taught in the TOT, Global LEAD Alliance provides
fifteen core concepts which form the basis of curriculum development. An optional core curriculum of twenty-one ready-to-teach lessons is provided as an additional resource. These one-hour
lessons have been tested internationally and include teachers’ notes, student handouts, and learning assignments focused on application and life change. These resources enable a program to
begin quickly while encouraging further contextualization as the program develops. The translation of these materials into local languages provides an effective way for thousands of church and
marketplace leaders to be trained.
11. Lead On
12. Leadership and Ministry
13. The Basics of Christian Leadership
One TOT event normally assists in launching between five to ten programs within one year.
Each of these programs trains between ten and forty persons per year on an ongoing basis and
often multiply themselves and begin other programs in nearby regions.
Global LEAD Alliance
• Leadership Principles (Knowledge of what leadership is, the
difference between leading from position and leading from
influence, and the distinction between leadership and vocational competence.)
• Relating to others (The ability to relate well with others, communicate, understand differences and resolve conflict.)
17. People Skills
• Leading Change (The ability to identify where change is
needed, seek improvement, envision the future, get buy-in
from others to share the vision, create strategic plans, implement and assess the change.)
18. The Value of Vision
• Equipping others (The ability to recognize leadership potential in others and provide the needed training, mentoring and
motivation to develop them as leaders.)
19. The Leader and Equipping
20. Choosing Leaders
• Building effective teams (The ability to effectively select, delegate, empower, and oversee subordinates, and accomplishing goals through an effective team.) 21. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Character • Knowledge • Skills
Core Concepts and Core Curriculum
the philosophy of leadership development, look closely at desired outcomes, grapple with the
complex question of how leaders are formed, and think about how to contextualize leadership
development in their own setting. In addition, they learn practical skills for designing their own
program and how to create assignments that transform lives. At the completion of the training
they produce an action plan with the steps they will take to develop a local program. The diagram below illustrates the entire process.
Global LEAD Alliance
Character • Knowledge • Skills
All Global LEAD Alliance programs share the following core commitments in leadership development.
• Christ-likeness. Jesus is our model for life and His leadership is the standard for all Christian
leaders. We continually look at His life as the highest model of leadership.
• Service. The nature of true leadership is serving and empowering others.
• Character. Development of character is the essential component that creates and sustains
trust, integrity and Christ-like relationships in the life of the leader.
• Knowledge. Biblical knowledge forms
the framework for Christ-like leadership development.
• Skills. Leadership skills are needed
to complement character and knowledge.
• Life transformation. All leadership
development should focus on life
change and should always include
assignments and learning experiences
designed for application of the principles learned.
• Relationships. All leadership takes
place in the context of relationships.
We seek to cultivate and develop
healthy relationships. This includes
student/teacher relationships, family relationships, church relationships, relationship of the
program to authority, relationships within the Alliance, etc.
• Release. All leadership development is designed to empower others and release workers into
effective Christ-like leadership.
• Cooperation. We cooperate locally and globally believing that this brings the highest good
and fulfills the prayer of Christ (John 17). Therefore, we will generously share people, resources, ideas or dreams for the blessing of others.
• Excellence. In all we do we strive to reflect the highest standards of quality.
• Relevance. We strive to make all our leadership development Biblically sound, culturally appropriate and sensitive to the local context.
• Great Commission focus. Our goal in leadership development is to see every person given
the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel.
• Interdisciplinary. Leadership development is needed in all spheres of society: church, business, political, etc.
• The Church. The church is God’s plan for making disciples of all nations/peoples and teaching them to obey all Jesus taught. We work together as congregations or local expressions of
the global body of Christ to see Christ-like leaders developed.
• Prayer. Intercession and prayer are foundational to this Alliance. We believe that all we do
should be conceived, birthed and carried out in prayer.
Global LEAD Alliance was formed in December 2005 by seven leadership development programs that came together in order to accomplish a common vision. This alliance is more than
a network for learning; it is a strategic alliance whose purpose is to see leadership programs
launched, strengthened and reproduced. Working together strengthens the quality of existing
leadership development programs and accelerates the creation of new programs through the
sharing of ideas and resources on a global scale. The Alliance assists the body of Christ in every
nation to do their part in raising up more effective Christ-like leaders for the expansion of the
We have joined together to:
• Speed the process of leadership development
• Provide mutual counsel and support
• Allow sharing of resources (human and material)
• Provide program evaluation
• Facilitate the Training of Trainers
• Enable cross-cultural reflection
• Produce global connections
• Enhance research capabilities
• Encourage interdependency
• Support one another in prayer
As new programs are launched we invite them to join the Global LEAD Alliance which connects
them with similar programs around the world. These programs pray for each other, share lessons
without copyright restrictions, and meet together annually for continued training.
Global LEAD Alliance
“Since I was born, this is the first time I saw a white
[man] washing the feet of a black. When I saw this, I knew it
was God.”
– A Chief in Africa
Character • Knowledge • Skills
The needs for leadership around the world demand not only new models of leadership development but also new patterns of working together. Each part of the body of Christ around the
world has something significant to contribute to leadership development and something to learn
from others committed to the same task. It is not accurate, therefore, to assume that a model
developed in one location will be universally applicable. It is time to work together in a way that
allows learning from each other and growing together.
Global LEAD Alliance
Character • Knowledge • Skills
Character • Knowledge • Skills
Criteria for Membership
To be a member of the Alliance a local program should fulfill the following:
1. Embrace the Alliance vision, mission, philosophy of leadership development, core concepts
and core commitments.
2. Be a cooperative effort by people from a cluster of congregations.
3. Be locally-owned and sustained.
4. Be an ongoing program providing a minimum of forty hours of formal instruction per year.
5. Include some form of accountability for life transformation. (This could be a mentoring process, exams, etc.)
6. Complete the required application process.
7. Contribute a minimum of 2% of the program’s total budget to the Alliance.
8. Attend Global LEAD Alliance meetings.
The Alliance recognizes the need to provide guidance to programs as they begin training leaders. To facilitate this process they are linked with a member program leader in a mentoring relationship for a period of at least one year, or until they meet the quality standards of the Alliance.
The end result of our strategy is multiplication of leaders and programs. Each program is expected to continually develop more leaders. This strengthens the local church and equips workers to
move out to areas the church has not yet reached.
Additionally, the programs naturally produce other programs. As leaders move out beyond the
area of the initial training, they are encouraged to begin a program in a new location. Because
the programs are locally sustained, this can be done without further assistance from the Alliance.
New program leaders are encouraged to attend a TOT to understand the philosophy behind the
training. This multiplication greatly expands the impact of our initial TOT event.
(See diagram on page 11 to view the typical sequence of events.)
Global LEAD Alliance
Global LEAD Alliance
“We have been enriched. This vision you’ve given us is 100% Biblical. This attracted me
and I’m convinced that when Jesus works in our character we can bear fruit that will last.
I ask, ‘what will I do with what I received?’ God has given us gifts and talents through this
group – we need to be accountable.”
— Participant in Paraguay TOT 2009
“We have often been told to live with integrity, but the
lessons in the school helped us see what integrity looks
like in our daily lives.”
— from a graduate
Patrick attended a LEAD program in Kenya and
shared: “I always had a passion for training leaders
and after attending this leadership training program
got a clear direction on where to take the people
I was training. I started with training elders in my
church. Later I talked to pastors in my area and
started leadership training in my church for the
leaders in those different churches. I also began a
training class in Mwingi with 30 students that includes church leaders, school teachers and 2 chiefs. I have another class of 40 leaders in
another town in Kenya. God expanded my boundaries and I now have classes going on in
two places in Tanzania as well.”
“After the lesson on authority, I realized that I had rebelled against my pastor and needed to ask his forgiveness. I tried twice to get an appointment but failed. I
almost gave up but felt that I needed to pursue him and
finally was able to sit with the pastor and his wife and ask
for forgiveness.”
— from a presenter in a member program
A testimony from a graduate in a program in India in April
2009 says, “Before attending this program I had a low self esteem and I always had a negative attitude, but after attending
this program, I have come to know that My God has invested
a lot of potential in me, which was not being utilized. Now
after attending this Program my attitude is completely changed
and I have decided to use the potential I have totally to the
Lord’s ministry.”
“This thing is changing my life…I will transfer it to my church.”
— A text message from Kenya
“The lessons have transformed my life. I now have peace
at home. In my working place non-Christians used to scoff
at our testimony; now they see my life is changed and they
come to ask for prayer.”
— a graduating student from India
“As I joined the course
it’s like a pipe where
the water tap opened
and we received the
— from Sumatra, Indonesia
October 2008