Download Mt. Fuji Western Ghats

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Physical Features of Asia
SSWG5 The student will describe the interaction of
physical and human systems that have shaped
contemporary South Asia, Southeastern Asia, and Eastern
a. Describe the location of major physical features and their
impact on the regions of Asia.
• Major features: Himalayas, Mt. Everest,, Tian
Shan, Kunlun Mts. Eastern Ghats, Western
Ghats, Mt. Fuji
• Himalayas highest in the world & create
border for Indian sub-continent
• Everest tallest mountain in the world
• Frequent earthquakes & low population
• Mt. Fuji has sacred meaning to Buddhists
Mt. Everest
Mt. Fuji
Mt. Fuji
Western Ghats
• Major features: Deccan Plateau, Plateau of
• Deccan Plateau is triangular area in Central
• High population density & fertile soil
• Area of Tibet is disputed & linked to religion
(Dalai Lama)
Deccan Plateau
Plateau of Tibet
• Major Features: Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra,
Xi, Huang He, Yangtze, Mekong
• Indus = area of ancient civilization, is shared
and causes conflict
• Brahmaputra = used for transport
• Huang He = yellow silt, called “China’s Sorrow”
because of flooding
• Ganges = sacred to Hindus, extremely
polluted, high population density
Huang He River
Ganges River
• Major features: Celebes Sea, Java Sea, Sea of
Japan, South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow
• Yellow Sea is called that because of the yellow
colored silt
• Celebes & Java Seas are in Indonesia
Yellow Sea
Celebes Sea
Additional Water Features
• Major features: Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean,
Bay of Bengal
• Bay of Bengal is part of the Indian Ocean
• Ganges & Brahmaputra flow into it
• Cyclones often strike in this area
Additional Water Features
Bay of Bengal
Major features: Gobi & Taklimakan
Taklimakan is sandy in places and rocky in others.
Oases are only found on edges
Used to be part of the Silk Road
Gobi is a “cold” desert in winter with temps
falling to -40F
• Great Wall of China runs across its southern
• Oil found in eastern Gobi
Gobi Desert
Taklimakan Desert
Additional Land Features
• Major feature: Korean Peninsula
• Includes North & South Korea
• Great difference between the two Koreas
Additional Land Features
Korean Peninsula
“Korea at Night”
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