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Chapter 3 “The Growth Illusion”
A principal assumption of macroeconomics is that growth in GDP is highly desirable, and a principal goal
of macroeconomics is to recommend how growth in GDP can be obtained. Nevertheless, economists
typically understand that growth is not the “Holy Grail.” Read C&G’s discussion of this point in their
“Welfare Considerations of Income Accounting” on pages 60-1. In light of “The Growth Illusion” do the
typical disclaimers (as written by C&G) satisfy you? Specifically:
According to Korten, what is the “growth illusion”?
Do economists appear to be under the illusion?
Chapter Four: “The Rise of Corporate Power in America”
List three of the constraints on corporations in the early years of the United States.
How did corporate power grow? To answer, describe three of the important moments or steps or
milestones in the history, and include when the change occurred.
Chapter Five: “Assault of the Corporate Libertarians”
Libertarian = One who believes in freedom of action and thought, and free will
WTO = World Trade Organization
Please answer the questions in order.
On page 76, number the “bullets” from 1 to 9. Simple indicate (by number) which, if any, you recognize
from your previous economics classes. That is, they were taught to you, seemed implied by what you
were taught, or are consistent with what you were taught.
Then indicate, again by simple number, which have been challenged or countered in previous classes.
How has Smith been betrayed?
How has Ricardo been betrayed?
From the section “Economic Demagoguery” indicate one example of an assumption made by
Provide one example of how, by Korten’s thinking, injustice is morally justified.
Chapter Six: “Decline of Democratic Pluralism”
What does Korten mean by “democratic pluralism”?
What was its importance in the post-WWII period in the US?
Where has it declined?
Is this chapter more akin to the basic Solow growth model, or the growth models that came after it?
Chapter Eight: Dreaming of Global Empires
Draw from throughout the chapter to answer:
If Korten’s presentation is correct, what are the implications for “nations” (or “nationhood” or “national
sovereignty” or “national economies”)? (“Implication for” means “what’s going to happen to?”)
In addition, if you want to comment, I am interested in what thoughts, concerns, or doubts the reading
prompts for you.
Chapter Ten: Buying Out Democracy
What is the purpose of the corporate “citizen” organizations?
Relate the activities of public-relations firms to the functioning of our democracy. (Korten doesn’t
spell this out, but based on how he describes their activities, what conclusions do you draw?)
He makes some direct references to Republicans and Democrats. Does his presentation favor one
party over the other? Explain your interpretation.
Chapter 22: “The Living Democracy Movement”
Provide four examples of aspects of (or specific actions of) the “living democracy movement.” Pick
examples that you particularly admire or that you have particularly strong negative feelings about.
In you view, what are their most significant bases for hope?
Chapter 22: “The Living Democracy Movement”
Provide four examples of aspects of (or specific actions of) the “living democracy movement.” Pick
examples that you particularly admire or that you have particularly strong negative feelings about.
In you view, what are their most significant bases for hope?
Chapter 22: “The Living Democracy Movement”
Provide four examples of aspects of (or specific actions of) the “living democracy movement.” Pick
examples that you particularly admire or that you have particularly strong negative feelings about.
In you view, what are their most significant bases for hope?
Chapter 22: “The Living Democracy Movement”
Provide four examples of aspects of (or specific actions of) the “living democracy movement.” Pick
examples that you particularly admire or that you have particularly strong negative feelings about.
In you view, what are their most significant bases for hope?
Chapter 22: “The Living Democracy Movement”
Provide four examples of aspects of (or specific actions of) the “living democracy movement.” Pick
examples that you particularly admire or that you have particularly strong negative feelings about.
In you view, what are their most significant bases for hope?
Chapter 22: “The Living Democracy Movement”
Provide four examples of aspects of (or specific actions of) the “living democracy movement.” Pick
examples that you particularly admire or that you have particularly strong negative feelings about.
In you view, what are their most significant bases for hope?
Chapter 22: “The Living Democracy Movement”
Provide four examples of aspects of (or specific actions of) the “living democracy movement.” Pick
examples that you particularly admire or that you have particularly strong negative feelings about.
In you view, what are their most significant bases for hope?
Chapter 22: “The Living Democracy Movement”
Provide four examples of aspects of (or specific actions of) the “living democracy movement.” Pick
examples that you particularly admire or that you have particularly strong negative feelings about.
In you view, what are their most significant bases for hope?
Chapter 22: “The Living Democracy Movement”
Provide four examples of aspects of (or specific actions of) the “living democracy movement.” Pick
examples that you particularly admire or that you have particularly strong negative feelings about.
In you view, what are their most significant bases for hope?
Chapter 15: Corporate Cannibalism
Summarize the chapter organized around, what (if anything) seems unjust, and what (if anything) you
What role(s) if any, do stockholders play?
Chapter Eleven: Marketing to the World
The chapter describes two major institutions that are the marketing vehicles used by corporations. Briefly
highlight how each is used.
Are there any assertions in the chapter that you simply do not believe? Comment.
Are there any depictions that you believe do occur, but that you consider to be inappropriate, immoral, or
somehow wrong? Explain your position.
Chapter Twelve: Eliminating the Public Interest
Which (three or four or five) criticisms of the international organizations, if accurate and
fair, are of greatest concern to you?
Chapter Twelve: Eliminating the Public Interest
Which (three or four or five) criticisms of the international organizations, if accurate and
fair, are of greatest concern to you?
Chapter Twelve: Eliminating the Public Interest
Which (three or four or five) criticisms of the international organizations, if accurate and
fair, are of greatest concern to you?
Chapter Twelve: Eliminating the Public Interest
Which (three or four or five) criticisms of the international organizations, if accurate and
fair, are of greatest concern to you?
Chapter Twelve: Eliminating the Public Interest
Which (three or four or five) criticisms of the international organizations, if accurate and
fair, are of greatest concern to you?
Chapter Twelve: Eliminating the Public Interest
Which (three or four or five) criticisms of the international organizations, if accurate and
fair, are of greatest concern to you?
Chapter Twelve: Eliminating the Public Interest
Which (three or four or five) criticisms of the international organizations, if accurate and
fair, are of greatest concern to you?
Chapter Twelve: Eliminating the Public Interest
Which (three or four or five) criticisms of the international organizations, if accurate and
fair, are of greatest concern to you?
Chapter Twelve: Eliminating the Public Interest
Which (three or four or five) criticisms of the international organizations, if accurate and
fair, are of greatest concern to you?
Chapter Ten: Buying Out Democracy
What is the purpose of the corporate “citizen” organizations?
Relate the activities of public-relations firms to the functioning of our democracy. (Korten doesn’t
spell this out, but based on how he describes their activities, what conclusions do you draw?)
He makes some direct references to Republicans and Democrats. Does his presentation favor one
party over the other? Explain your interpretation.
Chapter Ten: Buying Out Democracy
What is the purpose of the corporate “citizen” organizations?
Relate the activities of public-relations firms to the functioning of our democracy. (Korten doesn’t
spell this out, but based on how he describes their activities, what conclusions do you draw?)
He makes some direct references to Republicans and Democrats. Does his presentation favor one
party over the other? Explain your interpretation.
Chapter Ten: Buying Out Democracy
What is the purpose of the corporate “citizen” organizations?
Relate the activities of public-relations firms to the functioning of our democracy. (Korten doesn’t
spell this out, but based on how he describes their activities, what conclusions do you draw?)
He makes some direct references to Republicans and Democrats. Does his presentation favor one
party over the other? Explain your interpretation.
Chapter Ten: Buying Out Democracy
What is the purpose of the corporate “citizen” organizations?
Relate the activities of public-relations firms to the functioning of our democracy. (Korten doesn’t
spell this out, but based on how he describes their activities, what conclusions do you draw?)
He makes some direct references to Republicans and Democrats. Does his presentation favor one
party over the other? Explain your interpretation.
Chapter Nine: Building Elite Consensus
In at least a full paragraph, how was elite consensus built?
To what extent does this history sound accurate to you? That is, do you “buy” the history he has
told? Explain or comment.
hegemony = predominance
hubris = arrogance
Chapter Eight: Dreaming of Global Empires
Draw from throughout the chapter to answer:
If Korten’s presentation is correct, what are the implications for “nations” (or “nationhood” or “national
sovereignty” or “national economies”)? (“Implication for” means “what’s going to happen to?”)
If you want to comment, I am interested in what thoughts, concerns, or doubts the reading prompts for you.
Chapter Six: “Decline of Democratic Pluralism”
What does Korten mean by “democratic pluralism”?
What was its importance in the post-WWII period in the US?
Where has it declined?
Chapter Six: “Decline of Democratic Pluralism”
What does Korten mean by “democratic pluralism”?
What was its importance in the post-WWII period in the US?
Where has it declined?
Chapter Six: “Decline of Democratic Pluralism”
What does Korten mean by “democratic pluralism”?
What was its importance in the post-WWII period in the US?
Where has it declined?
Chapter Six: “Decline of Democratic Pluralism”
What does Korten mean by “democratic pluralism”?
What was its importance in the post-WWII period in the US?
Where has it declined?
Chapter Six: “Decline of Democratic Pluralism”
What does Korten mean by “democratic pluralism”?
What was its importance in the post-WWII period in the US?
Where has it declined?
Chapter Six: “Decline of Democratic Pluralism”
What does Korten mean by “democratic pluralism”?
What was its importance in the post-WWII period in the US?
Where has it declined?
Chapter Six: “Decline of Democratic Pluralism”
What does Korten mean by “democratic pluralism”?
What was its importance in the post-WWII period in the US?
Where has it declined?
Chapter Five: “Assault of the Corporate Libertarians:
Libertarian = One who believes in freedom of action and thought, and free will
WTO = World Trade Organization
Please answer the questions in order.
On page 76, number the “bullets” from 1 to 9. Simple indicate (by number) which, if any, you recognize
from your previous economics classes. That is, they were taught to you, seemed implied by what you
were taught, or are consistent with what you were taught.
8. Then indicate, again by simple number, which have been challenged or countered in previous classes.
9. How has Smith been betrayed?
10. How has Ricardo been betrayed?
11. From the section “Economic Demagoguery” indicate one example of an assumption made by
12. Provide one example of how, by Korten’s thinking, injustice is morally justified.
Chapter 6:
Explain C&G’s three reasons to go beyond the Solow growth model, including evidence.
Growth accounting formula: what it is, how it was derived, its purpose, how to interpret, Solow residual, our empirical
findings based on it.
Chapter Four: “The Rise of Corporate Power in America”
List three of the constraints on corporations in the early years of the United States.
How did corporate power grow? To answer, describe three of the important moments or steps or
milestones in the history, and include when the change occurred.
Chapter Three: “The Growth Illusion”
Compare and contrast this chapter with the Solow growth model, including the ultimate goals of Solow and
Korten so far as they have been revealed to us. Are they after the same thing(s), or not? Also, include
consideration of the “social economies,” and any other distinctions or similarities you can mine.
Chapter Three: “The Growth Illusion”
Compare and contrast this chapter with the Solow growth model, including the ultimate goals of Solow and
Korten so far as they have been revealed to us. Are they after the same thing(s), or not? Also, include
consideration of the “social economies,” and any other distinctions or similarities you can mine.
Chapter Three: “The Growth Illusion”
Compare and contrast this chapter with the Solow growth model, including the ultimate goals of Solow and
Korten so far as they have been revealed to us. Are they after the same thing(s), or not? Also, include
consideration of the “social economies,” and any other distinctions or similarities you can mine.
Chapter Three: “The Growth Illusion”
Compare and contrast this chapter with the Solow growth model, including the ultimate goals of Solow and
Korten so far as they have been revealed to us. Are they after the same thing(s), or not? Also, include
consideration of the “social economies,” and any other distinctions or similarities you can mine.
Chapter Three: “The Growth Illusion”
Compare and contrast this chapter with the Solow growth model, including the ultimate goals of Solow and
Korten so far as they have been revealed to us. Are they after the same thing(s), or not? Also, include
consideration of the “social economies,” and any other distinctions or similarities you can mine.
Chapter Two: “End of the Open Frontier”
What does Korten mean by the “end of the open frontier”?
Present his strongest evidence that this has occurred.
Why does it matter that the open frontier is gone?
Please comment. Should you disagree with his perspective, or find some weaknesses in his
argument, these would be welcome.
Chapter Two: “End of the Open Frontier”
What does Korten mean by the “end of the open frontier”?
Present his strongest evidence that this has occurred.
Why does it matter that the open frontier is gone?
Please comment. Should you disagree with his perspective, or find some weaknesses in his
argument, these would be welcome.
Chapter Two: “End of the Open Frontier”
What does Korten mean by the “end of the open frontier”?
Present his strongest evidence that this has occurred.
Why does it matter that the open frontier is gone?
Please comment. Should you disagree with his perspective, or find some weaknesses in his
argument, these would be welcome.
Chapter Two: “End of the Open Frontier”
What does Korten mean by the “end of the open frontier”?
Present his strongest evidence that this has occurred.
Why does it matter that the open frontier is gone?
Please comment. Should you disagree with his perspective, or find some weaknesses in his
argument, these would be welcome.
Chapter Two: “End of the Open Frontier”
What does Korten mean by the “end of the open frontier”?
Present his strongest evidence that this has occurred.
Why does it matter that the open frontier is gone?
Please comment. Should you disagree with his perspective, or find some weaknesses in his
argument, these would be welcome.
Chapter One: “From Hope to Crisis”
What were the bases for hope?
Name and illustrate each of the three elements of crisis.
In a word, what typed of solution is needed? L _ _ _ _
Chapter One: “From Hope to Crisis”
What were the bases for hope?
Name and illustrate each of the three elements of crisis.
In a word, what typed of solution is needed? L _ _ _ _
Chapter One: “From Hope to Crisis”
What were the bases for hope?
Name and illustrate each of the three elements of crisis.
In a word, what typed of solution is needed? L _ _ _ _
Chapter One: “From Hope to Crisis”
What were the bases for hope?
Name and illustrate each of the three elements of crisis.
In a word, what typed of solution is needed? L _ _ _ _
Chapter One: “From Hope to Crisis”
What were the bases for hope?
Name and illustrate each of the three elements of crisis.
In a word, what typed of solution is needed? L _ _ _ _
Chapter One: “From Hope to Crisis”
What were the bases for hope?
Name and illustrate each of the three elements of crisis.
In a word, what typed of solution is needed? L _ _ _ _
Chapter One: “From Hope to Crisis”
What were the bases for hope?
Name and illustrate each of the three elements of crisis.
In a word, what typed of solution is needed? L _ _ _ _
Chapter One: “From Hope to Crisis”
What were the bases for hope?
Name and illustrate each of the three elements of crisis.
In a word, what typed of solution is needed? L _ _ _ _
Chapter One: “From Hope to Crisis”
What were the bases for hope?
Name and illustrate each of the three elements of crisis.
In a word, what typed of solution is needed? L _ _ _ _
Chapter Two: “End of the Open Frontier”
What does Korten mean by the “end of the open frontier”?
Present his strongest evidence that this has occurred.
Why does it matter that the open frontier is gone?
Please comment. Should you disagree with his perspective, or find some weaknesses in his
argument, these would be welcome.
Chapter 3 “The Growth Illusion”
A principal assumption of macroeconomics is that growth in GDP is highly desirable, and a principal goal
of macroeconomics is to recommend how growth in GDP can be obtained. Nevertheless, economists
typically understand that growth is not the “Holy Grail.” Read C&G’s discussion of this point in their
“Welfare Considerations of Income Accounting” on pages 60-1. In light of “The Growth Illusion” do the
typical disclaimers (as written by C&G) satisfy you? Specifically:
According to Korten, what is the “growth illusion”?
Do economists appear to be under the illusion?
Chapter Four: “The Rise of Corporate Power in America”
List three of the constraints on corporations in the early years of the United States.
How did corporate power grow? To answer, describe three of the important moments or steps or
milestones in the history, and include when the change occurred.
When Corporations Rule the World is an alternative to the presentation in your text by Colander and Gamber. As we work through
both, think about how they differ. Are there any similarities?
From your syllabus:
SHORT PAPERS: Most of your short papers will be in response to chapters in When Corporations Rule the World, and altogether
the short papers will count 30 percent of your grade. Descriptions for specific assignments will vary.
 Unless otherwise indicated the short papers are not to exceed one page. Consequently, I will be looking for careful and concise
thinking. Again, you may take liberties with font size and spacing.
 On the back of the page indicate the reading (e.g., WCRW, chapter 2), identify yourself, write your honor code and the date you
submit the paper.
 Hard copies of the papers are due promptly at the beginning of class. Do not e-mail papers. Submissions that I find at my office
after class are considered late. Late papers will be accepted no later than the subsequent class period and will be penalized one
letter grade.
 If you miss a class and it is unexcused, your paper is still due at the beginning of class. You may send it along by a classmate.
Honor code for short papers: I encourage you to discuss the readings with one another! However I also expect you to
complete the reading assignment and to write your paper independently. So, signing the honor code indicates that you
discussed the material only if you read it yourself, and that you wrote your paper on your own.
Chapter One: “From Hope to Crisis”
What were the bases for hope?
Name and illustrate each of the three elements of crisis.
In a word, what typed of solution is needed? L _ _ _ _
When Corporations Rule the World is an alternative to the presentation in your text by Colander and Gamber. As we work through
both, think about how they differ. Are there any similarities?
From your syllabus:
SHORT PAPERS: Most of your short papers will be in response to chapters in When Corporations Rule the World, and altogether
the short papers will count 30 percent of your grade. Descriptions for specific assignments will vary.
 Unless otherwise indicated the short papers are not to exceed one page. Consequently, I will be looking for careful and concise
thinking. Again, you may take liberties with font size and spacing.
 On the back of the page indicate the reading (e.g., WCRW, chapter 2), identify yourself, write your honor code and the date you
submit the paper.
 Hard copies of the papers are due promptly at the beginning of class. Do not e-mail papers. Submissions that I find at my office
after class are considered late. Late papers will be accepted no later than the subsequent class period and will be penalized one
letter grade.
 If you miss a class and it is unexcused, your paper is still due at the beginning of class. You may send it along by a classmate.
 Honor code for short papers: I encourage you to discuss the readings with one another! However I also expect you to complete
the reading assignment and to write your paper independently. So, signing the honor code indicates that you discussed the
material only if you read it yourself, and that you wrote your paper on your own.
First short paper assignment: This paper may extend to one-and-one-half pages.
Due at the beginning of class on Monday
WCRW: “Introduction”
What are Korten’s concerns?
What is he FOR?
What, if anything, about his personal experiences legitimize him to you as the author of this book?
What, if anything, makes you suspect or gives you concern?
When Corporations Rule the World is an alternative to the presentation in your text by Colander and Gamber. As we work through
both, think about how they differ. Are there any similarities?
From your syllabus:
SHORT PAPERS: Most of your short papers will be in response to chapters in When Corporations Rule the World, and altogether
the short papers will count 30 percent of your grade. Descriptions for specific assignments will vary.
 Unless otherwise indicated the short papers are not to exceed one page. Consequently, I will be looking for careful and concise
thinking. Again, you may take liberties with font size and spacing.
 On the back of the page indicate the reading (e.g., WCRW, chapter 2), identify yourself, write your honor code and the date you
submit the paper.
 Hard copies of the papers are due promptly at the beginning of class. Do not e-mail papers. Submissions that I find at my office
after class are considered late. Late papers will be accepted no later than the subsequent class period and will be penalized one
letter grade.
 If you miss a class and it is unexcused, your paper is still due at the beginning of class. You may send it along by a classmate.
 Honor code for short papers: I encourage you to discuss the readings with one another! However I also expect you to complete
the reading assignment and to write your paper independently. So, signing the honor code indicates that you discussed the
material only if you read it yourself, and that you wrote your paper on your own.
First short paper assignment: This paper may extend to one-and-one-half pages.
Due at the beginning of class on Monday
WCRW: “Introduction”
What are Korten’s concerns?
What is he FOR?
What, if anything, about his personal experiences legitimize him to you as the author of this book?
What, if anything, makes you suspect or gives you concern?