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Participation in Government
Public Policy Project
One of the final assignments for the Participation in Government course will
be to research and present on a specific public policy. This entire assignment
will make up half of your 4th quarter average. All students must also submit a
physical copy of their slides three per page using the handout option under
the print menu.
All students are expected to be able to present their public policy on
Monday 5/18/15. The in class presentation is expect to be approximately 10
minutes. Presentations outside of those limits will be penalized. All
unprepared students will be penalized 5pt. per school day the assignment is
Select an issue from the attached list or suggest an alternative. All
alternative suggestions must be approved. There is not a set amount of
slides for presentation. Each presentation must include a final slide citation
*Important*All assignments must be submitted to by the due
date to be considered for a grade. Plagiarism will be dealt on case by case
basis and may result in a loss of credit. Check the course website for link
and password information.
1. Background
Describe the issue. Who, what, when, where, why, etc.
Explain why this issue is a matter of public concern. Describe how the
needs of society are involved.
Explain how individual rights are involved.
What level of government does your law pertain to.
2. Interest Groups/Opposing Sides
Identify those organized interest groups which have taken opposing
sides on the issue.
Clearly present the arguments of the opposing sides.
Describe the potential consequences of implementing each side's
3. The Judiciary
Describe how the federal/state courts have dealt with this issue in
recent years. Cite cases, dates and decisions.
If you are unable to locate a judiciary component you must generate
an equivalent substitute and have it approved prior to presentation.
4. Your Plan of Action
Propose a plan for addressing the issue or solving the problem. Clearly
state why your solution is better than the alternatives. Your plan
needs to be a viable option that is constitutionally permitted.
5. Participation in Government:
Students will submit a formal signed letter that will be sent out to a
law maker or other person that can influence your suggested public
policy. Your letter should include facts from the research and the
proposed change along with rationale. This letter must be accompanied
with a stamped envelope ready for mail unsealed.
Contemporary Public Issues
1. burning the American flag be prohibited by a constitutional amendment?
2. there be a constitutional amendment forcing the government to have a
balanced budget?
3. presidential campaign contributions be strictly limited and/or publicly
4. smoking be banned in ALL public places?
5. there be term limits for members of Congress?
6. a constitutional amendment be passed to deny automatic citizenship to the
children of illegal aliens?
7. English be made the official language of the United States?
8. pornography be censored on the Internet?
9. public schools conduct organized school prayers?
10. there be deeper cuts in defense spending?
11. New York state legalize full blown Vegas-style gambling?
12. assisted suicide for the terminally ill be legalized?
13. all those requesting a marriage license be tested for AIDS?
14. the Help America Vote Act be repealed.?
15. those who lose civil suits be forced to pay for the cost of the trial?
16. there be a death penalty?
17. drug testing be performed routinely on high school athletes?
18. those sentenced to state and federal prisons be required to perform
more hard labor and be restricted in access to cable television, exercise
facilities, the Internet, libraries, etc.
19. texting while driving be illegal?
20. there be a nationally sponsored health care program?
21. schools be prohibited from religious displays?
22. employers be able to test all employees randomly for drug use.
23. women be allowed to perform combat roles in the military?
24. adoption record be remain sealed regardless of the wishes or needs of
the adopted child?
25. teacher tenure be reformed?
26. the construction/maintenance of sports stadiums be funded by tax
27. industrial polluters be forced to pay for toxic waste cleanups?
28. the US act to reduce global warming?
29. the US raise trade barriers to help protect American jobs?
30. the Fairness Doctrine be reinstated?
31. the moratorium hydrofracking be lifted in New York?
32. the federal tax code be rewritten?
33. drivers resubmit to driving test as they age?
34. maternity laws that provide disability be adjusted to mirror European
35. terrorist suspects be tried by military courts?
36. welfare recipients be drug tested in order to receive benefits?
37. successful completion of regents exams be necessary for high school
38. the minimum wage be raised?
39. the federal government regulate school lunches?
40. test scores used as a large portion of teacher evaluations?
41. two-year college degrees be financed by tax payers?
42. public use of drones be regulated?
43. foods with genetic modifications require labels indicating such?
44. restaurants be required to post calories for food items on menus?
45. funding that colleges receive be based on graduation rates?
46. law enforcement officers be mandated to have video recording
It is expected that all papers/presentations will be of a quality befitting
that of students in their senior year. A proper work cited slide must
conclude the presentation. All projects will be turned in both physically and
electronically through no later than 5/18/15. Failure to do will
make assignment late.