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 Green Job Corps
Want a work study job that makes a difference on campus? Join the Green Job Corps and promote
sustainability on campus everyday!
The Green Job Corps aims to improve the triple
bottom line at GMC: to enhance the social, economic
and environmental impact of sustainability initiatives
on campus and beyond. We reach out across
departments and collaborate on projects that enhance
campus sustainability in a holistic manner.
As part of the Green Job Corps, you also receive extra help developing and marketing your workrelated skills. Through special training sessions, GJC students set sustainability goals for their
departments and receive mentorship on how to incorporate achievements into their resumes.
Positions within the Green Job Corps include Farmhands, Tour Guides, Resident Assistants,
GreenMAP employees, Coffee House workers, Natural Areas Crew, Tutors, Recyclers and
Composters. Special management positions are available in some departments to student workers who
want to improve their leadership and management skills.
Past accomplishments include the following:
Researching and pricing options to create a certified composting facility to accept food scraps
from the Town
Calculating a cost-benefit analysis of installing three-bin waste stations across campus
Designing and implementing vermiculture system in the residence halls to process food waste
Carrying-out floor activities for annual energy-reduction challenge, Do it in the Dark
Decreasing paperwork & utilizing electronic mailings
Hosting Wild & Scenic Film Festival
Improving Farm Chore system to increase productivity and improve efficiency
Raising awareness about waste reduction through outreach efforts