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The Normal Distribution
Normally Distributed Variables
• Density curves—the curve that represents the
– A density curve is always above or on the horizontal
axis (can’t have a negative frequency)
– The TOTAL area under the density curve is 1
• *The percentage of all possible observations of
the variable that lie within a specific range
equals (approximately) the corresponding area
under the density curve, expressed as a
The Normal Curve (Bell Curve)
• Lots of things are “approximately” normal
(follow the general normal curve).
• A normal curve is completely determined by
the mean and standard deviation (known as
• Pg 297 figure 6.21 and 6.22
• We standardize or normalize to get an even
ground for comparison…when standardized:
 1
 0
• When we standardize a variable, we get the
standard normal curve (not just a normal curve)
• Standardize by finding z-scores for the variable
(a z-score is an expression of how many standard deviations
the value is away from the mean)
Normal Compared to Standard Normal
• Standard normal curves are normal curves that
have been shifted so the mean is at 0 and the
standard deviation is 1 (a non standard normal
curve can have any value for a mean and
standard deviation).
• We can use standard normal curves to find the
percentages of ANY normal distribution that lie
between two values.
• We can use standard normal curves to compare
different normal distributions
Area Under the Standard Normal
• Standard Normal Curve Properties (z-curve)
– Total area under is 1
– Extends indefinitely in both directions
– Symmetric about 0 (mean) has a standard
deviation of 1
– Almost all the area under the standard normal
curve lies between -3 and 3 (this would be the
three standard deviation rule)
Table C
• Standard normal curve is so important that it
has its own table…
Corresponding area
to the LEFT of the
Pg 304 ex 6.29
Pg 304 ex 6.30
Pg 305 ex 6.31
Pg 307 ex 6.34
Pg 308 ex 6.35
Pg 309 ex 6.36
– If the area we need is not exactly in table C, then we
pick the closest area in the table and use that z-score.
If the desired area is exactly in the middle of two
areas in table C, we take the mean of the two
corresponding z-scores and use that value.
68.26—95.44—99.74 Emperical Rule
• Similar to the 3-standard deviation rule, but this
is specific for a normal distribution
• Pg 298 figure 6.24
• Procedure for finding an observed value for a
specific percentage
Sketch normal curve
Shade region of interest
Use table C to determine desired z-score(s)
Find the x-values (using z-score formula) for desired zscores
This notation is used to denote the z-score
that has an area of α to the RIGHT (this
notation is used in a later formula)
Find z0.3:
So z0.3 is wanting to know the z-score that
has an area of 0.3 to the right
Working With Normally Distributed
• General guidelines
– 1. sketch the normal curve
– 2. shade the area of interest and mark its x-values
– 3. find the corresponding z-scores
– 4. Use table C to find the desired area
• Pg 314 ex6.39