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Modern U.S.
Chapter 12 Study Guide (Part II)
Lesson 3:
1. Why was FDR anxious to get American troops involved in the war in Europe? Who convinced FDR to wait, and
what alternate strategy did he suggest? Define periphery. Where did FDR order an invasion of first?
2. Identify 2 reasons why FDR decided to invade North Africa first. Why was the Suez Canal important for
Britain’s war effort?
3. Who was Erwin Rommel? What was his nickname, and why? Describe the Battle of El Alamein. Where did
American troops first fight against German troops? What happened at the Battle of Kasserine Pass? How did
Eisenhower react to the Americans’ loss? Who did Eisenhower replace the general of the North African forces
with? How did things change under Patton’s command?
4. Describe the problem German submarines were causing to American cargo vessels. How did East Coast cities try
to help the situation? What was the convoy system? What new technologies did American ships use to help
defend against German submarine attacks?
5. What did Hitler believe was key to defeating the Soviet Union? How did Hitler intend on accomplishing this?
Explain the importance of the city of Stalingrad. How did the Soviets try and defend Stalingrad? What problem
occurred for the Germans? Describe the events and results of the Battle of Stalingrad.
6. What did the Allies learn from their invasion into North Africa? What did Roosevelt and Churchill decide at the
Casablanca Conference? What did the Allies hope to achieve by stepping up the bombings on Germany? What
target did the Allies decide to invade next? Describe Churchill’s opinion of Italy.
7. Briefly describe the extent of the Allies’ bombing campaigns against Germany. What did the Allies’ bombing of
Germany accomplish, and what did it not accomplish? Explain how Germany’s air force was affected, and how
did this help the Allies'
8. Who commanded the Allies’ invasion of Sicily? Name the 2 subordinate generals who carried out the
commanders’ orders. How did the Allies carry-out the coastal invasion of Sicily? Describe the results of the
Allies’ invasion of Sicily.
9. How was the Italian government affected by the Allies’ invasion of Sicily? How did King Victor Emmanuel
respond to Mussolini? What happened to Mussolini, and what did the Italian government decide to do?
10. How did the Germans respond to Mussolini’s arrest and Italy’s surrender? Describe the Germans’ fortifications at
Cassino. Where did the Allies launch an invasion into northern Italy? Briefly describe the fighting at Cassino
and Anzio.
11. Why did FDR want to meet with Stalin? Where did this meeting take place, and who else attended? Outline and
describe the agreements made between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin at the Tehran Conference.
12. What was the goal of FDR & Churchill’s planned invasion of France? What major decision had to be made about
the invasion of France? What was the code name for the invasion of France? Whom did Roosevelt select to
command the operation?
13. What did Hitler expect the Allies to do? What did Hitler still not know about the Allies’ invasion into France?
Where did Hitler “think” the Allies would invade, and why there? Describe how the Allies “tricked” Hitler.
Where was the “real” target of the Allies’ invasion?
14. What were the 2 most important aspects of the Normandy invasion? Identify the geographic features the Allies
needed to make the invasion successful. What factor was most important to the success of the invasion?
15. Briefly describe the preparations the Allies made to prepare for the invasion. Also, identify the conditions needed
to make the Allies’ invasion successful. What date did the Allies and Eisenhower decide to begin the invasion?
Why is the Normandy invasion known as D-Day?
16. How many troops and how much equipment did the Allies put into motion to start the invasion? Name the five
code names of the beaches the Allies intended to invade. How did the invasions go at most of the beachheads?
Why was the invasion landing at Omaha Beach different than the others? Describe the Germans’ defenses at
Omaha Beach. Who was General Omar Bradley? How many American troops were lost at Omaha Beach?
How many Allied troops successfully landed at Normandy? Was D-Day successful?
Lesson 4:
1. What were the hedgerows, and how did they pose a problem for the Allies? How did the Allied troops finally
overcome the hedgerows? How did the French Resistance help the Allied invasion in Paris?
2. How did Hitler respond to the successful invasion at Normandy? What was the goal of Hitler’s desperate
offensive? How and why did Hitler’s offensive succeed at first? Why is this last offensive by Hitler known as the
Battle of the Bulge?
3. Whom did Eisenhower order help the Allies defenses in Belgium? Was Patton’s troops successful? How did the
weather’s clearing help the Allies? What did the Allied aircraft target? How were the Germans affected by the
bombings? Who won the Battle of the Bulge, and why was the battle given this name? Explain how the
Germans’ defeat at the Battle of the Bulge left Germany vulnerable?
4. How did the Soviet Union assist the Allies’ liberation of France? What progress had the Soviets made against
Hitler by February 1945? Why was Berlin so important to the Germans?
5. Where was Germany’s last major line of defense? What progress had the Allies made in the west? What progress
had the Soviets made in the east? Describe Hitler’s actions as the Allies closed in on Berlin. What happened to
Hitler? When did Germany made an unconditional surrender? What is V-E Day?
6. What happened on April 12, 1945? Who became the new U.S. president? Describe the decisions Truman had to
make within the first 6 months of his presidency.
7. Identify some of the problems the U.S. faced with their bombing raids of Japan. What was the strategic benefit of
Iwo Jima? What were some of the obstacles facing American troops invading Iwo Jima? Briefly describe the
force used to capture Iwo Jima and the techniques used by troops to defeat the Japanese defense. How many
troops did the U.S. lose in taking the island? How did Admiral Nimitz describe the effort of U.S. troops in the
Battle of Iwo Jima?
8. Who was Curtis LeMay, and what changes did he implement in the bombing strategy? Define napalm. What
dual-benefit did the use of napalm provide for the U.S. attack? Why was firebombing controversial? Describe
the firebombing raids of Tokyo, and describe the results of the attacks. How many Japanese cities were
firebombed by U.S. planes?
9. What did many American officials believe it would take to force Japan to surrender? Why did the U.S. need an
island-base closer to Japan than Iwo Jima? What island did the U.S. target? Describe the Japanese defense of
Okinawa. What were the results of the Battle of Okinawa?
10. Describe Emperor Hirohito’s thoughts on Japan’s surrender. Which of the U.S.’ demands was difficult for Japan
to accept? What was the most important issue for the Japanese concerning their possible surrender? How did
most Americans feel about Emperor Hirohito? What new potential weapon did Truman believe would force
Japan’s surrender?
11. Who was Leo Szilard? What did he know about German scientists, and why did this concern him? Who was
Albert Einstein, and what did Szilard convince him to do? What new program did American scientists convince
President Roosevelt to begin?
12. What was the code-name of the new secret American program? Who was Leslie R. Groves? Who was Enrico
Fermi, and what did he and Szilard accomplish? Where did the U.S. program to build an atomic bomb take
place? Who was Robert J. Oppenheimer? What happened on July 16, 1945?
13. Who was Admiral William Leahy, and how did he want the atomic bomb to be used? Who was Henry
Stimson, and how did he want to use the atomic bomb? Who was James Byrnes, and how did he want to use the
atomic bomb? What were President Truman’s true thoughts on use of the atomic bomb?
14. What happened on August 6, 1945? Name the B-29 used to drop the bomb. What was the bomb’s codename?
Describe the destruction caused by the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. What 2 important events occurred on
August 9, 1945? What was the codename of the bomb dropped on this date, and where was the target? Describe
the destruction caused by the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. What decision did Japan make on August 15, 1945?
What is this date known as?
15. What did the U.S., Great Britain, France, & the Soviet Union create in August 1945? Where were the IMT trials
to be held? How was this location “ironic”? Identify and describe the results of the Nuremberg Trials. Where
were IMT trials held in the East? Identify and describe the results of the Tokyo Trials. What else did the trials
accomplish besides punishing war criminals? Who was Robert Jackson?