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Russian Revolution Webquest
I. Questions
1. Before the Russian Revolution what form of government was the head of Russia?
2. What happened with the Czars (Tsars) to make the Russian people unhappy?
3. Explain what happened in the Decembrist Revolt?
4. Who Abolished serfdom in 1861?
5. Who became Czar in 1894?
6. Why was Czar Nicholas II not a great Czar?
7. What Problems did Czar Nicholas II face with Japan?
8. In 1912 the Social Democrats split into 2 groups. List the two groups and describe them:
9. In February 1917 why did riots break out in St. Petersburg?
10. After Nicholas II gave up the throne who ran the Russian Government?
11. On October 25th who stormed the winter palace to take over the government?
12. Three years later, in 1920 the Russian Government was finally controlled by what group?
II. Timeline:
Place the following events in chronological order with #1 being the earliest event.
_____ The Bolsheviks accept the dictated peace of Brest-Litovsk.
_____ The Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional government.
_____ First All-Russia Congress of Workers and Soldiers Soviets opens.
_____ Tsarist troops open fire on a peaceful demonstration of workers in St Petersburg.
_____ General Strike sweeps Russia which ends when the Tsar promises a constitution.
_____ Lenin dies and Trotsky is defeated by a triumvirate of Stalin, Kamenev and Zinoviev.
_____ A new wave of workers unrest ends with the outbreak of the First World War.
_____ The Tsar abdicates when he hears that Moscow too has joined the Revolution.
_____ Moscow headquarters of the anarchists surrounded and attacked by Bolshevik troops.
_____ White Armies attack the Bolsheviks from all directions but the Red Army is finally victorious.
_____ Congress of Socialist Revolutionaries results in victory for the left under Chernov.
_____ Trotsky denounces the German Peace Terms as unacceptable and walks out of the peace
negotiations at Brest- Litovsk.
_____ Gorky’s Novaia Zhizn, the last opposition paper, banned.
III. Describe each of the following individuals and list two ways they were involved in the Russian
Alexander Kerensky
Vladimir Lenin
Leon Trotsky
Josef Stalin