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Exam: 08.10 Segment Two Exam
195 of 265 points
Answer Key
Question 1 (Worth 5 points)
(08.04 MC)
© 2012 Francis Bourgouin Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
The image above is best represents Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of
coup d'état
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 2 (Worth 5 points)
(07.01 MC)
How did other European nations respond to German imperialism and militarism before World War I?
They ignored Germany's militarism and imperialism in an effort to avoid war.
They launched a massive attacks on Germany's naval fleet to limit its naval force.
They built up their supply of arms and made agreements to support each other in the event of
They focused on nationalist movements in their own nations and rejected military alliances with
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 3 (Worth 5 points)
(06.01 MC)
Why were Creoles in Latin America motivated to revolt against Spain and Portugal?
They were European-born nobles who wanted to control their own land.
They wanted to gain the power to participate in government.
They had no social or economic rights in Latin America.
They were at the very bottom of the social class system.
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 4 (Worth 5 points)
(08.05 MC)
A direct effect of the Six-Days War in the Middle East was
the establishment of a Jewish homeland known as Israel
Israel settling large tracts of land in the West Bank
the Palestinian recognition of the State of Israel
the signing of the Camp David Accords
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 5 (Worth 5 points)
(07.04 LC)
What was the outcome of the Munich Conference?
Chamberlain appeased Hitler by agreeing to a Nazi takeover of parts of Czechoslovakia.
Chamberlain rejected Hitler's requests and refused to negotiate with him.
Hitler rejected Chamberlain's attempts to negotiate and declared war on Czechoslovakia.
Hitler appeased Chamberlain by dropping his claims to Czech lands.
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 6 (Worth 5 points)
(08.06 MC)
What is the primary goal of NAFTA?
to eliminate barriers to trade and investment between Canada, Mexico and the U.S.
to ensure maximum tax revenue for Canada, Mexico and the U.S.
to prevent cultural diffusion across national lines in North America
to replace national currencies with a North American version of the Euro
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 7 (Worth 5 points)
(07.06 LC)
Who was the target of Hitler's "Final Solution" policy?
Nazi soldiers
Allied forces
Jews in German-occupied territories
German-speaking peoples in France
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 8 (Worth 5 points)
(08.05 MC)
Why was Mahatma Gandhi's Salt March so significant in the struggle for India's independence?
It set the stage for a united India with Muslims and Hindus living together peacefully.
It united Indians under a common struggle against the British.
It influenced Great Britain to reject the Indian independence movement.
It allowed India to gain quick control of salt production and trade.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 9 (Worth 5 points)
(08.03 MC)
Use the map of Korea below to answer the following question:
© 2012 Visviva Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
The white line politically dividing Korea represents
the Iron Curtain
the Berlin War
the 38th parallel
the Demarcation Line of 1954
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 10 (Worth 5 points)
(06.06 MC)
The passage below is an excerpt from the speech made by Nelson Mandela, leader of the African
National Congress in South Africa, upon being released from prison in 1990. Use the passage to
answer the following question:
Today, the majority of South Africans, black and white, recognize that apartheid has no future. It has
to be ended by our own decisive mass action in order to build peace and security.
There must be an end to white monopoly on political power and a fundamental restructuring of our
political and economic systems to ensure that the inequalities of apartheid are addressed, and our
society thoroughly democratized.—Nelson Mandela, Speech on Release from Prison (1990)
Which event demonstrated that white citizens as well as black citizens recognized "no future" for
President F. W. de Klerk set up talks between the ANC and the government.
In a national referendum, a majority of both races voted against racial separation.
The United Nations passed a resolution against racial separation and imposed sanctions.
The ANC publically protested segregation through boycotts, demonstrations, and strikes.
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 11 (Worth 5 points)
(06.06 MC)
How did F.W. de Klerk influence democratic reforms in South Africa?
He restricted political rights to the white minority.
He set up talks between the government and the ANC.
He encouraged the government to outlaw the ANC.
He worked to ensure apartheid survived any civil war.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 12 (Worth 5 points)
(06.06 MC)
During the rash of protests in Arab nations that occurred in the spring of 2012, what factor aided the
rebels that was unavailable in previous decades?
rebellion by military personnel
support from other Arab countries
air support from NATO
public access to social media
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 13 (Worth 5 points)
(06.06 MC)
Which of these sparked labor reform and a more democratic government in Jamaica?
dissatisfaction with British rule and the Great Depression
loss of the parliamentary system and higher tariffs on imports
abolition of slavery and higher prices for domestic sugarcane
women's suffrage and lack of support for the war effort
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 14 (Worth 5 points)
(07.06 MC)
Use the poster below to answer the question below. The German text translates to, "This is what this
person suffering from hereditary defects costs the Community of Germans during his lifetime. Fellow
Citizen, that is your money, too."
Public Domain
Which of the following ideas is supported by this propaganda poster?
The government must sponsor more programs for those with special needs.
Under Nazi rule, those with special needs will be provided greater care.
It costs too much money to provide for those with special needs.
The number of special needs care providers in Germany must increase.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 15 (Worth 5 points)
(08.02 MC)
Which of the following resulted from the leadership of Mao Zedong?
China was led into greater isolation.
China began to lead in international trade.
The Soviet Union provided support to China.
Religious freedoms were restored to citizens.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 16 (Worth 5 points)
(08.05 MC)
How did the rule of Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier impact Haiti?
Haiti became a more stable nation.
Many Haitians left the country to escape abuses and poor economic conditions.
Haiti became a more democratic nation.
Successful economic and political reforms attracted many immigrants to Haiti.
Haiti became a more economically successful nation.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 17 (Worth 5 points)
(05.01 MC)
Use the map below showing the religions of Europe about 1600 to answer the following question:
© 2012 The Exploration Company
How does this map reflect the causes of the Thirty Years' War?
Muslims dominated Europe, leading to conflicts with followers of other religions.
Roman Catholics and Anglicans fought for control of Ireland.
Lutherans from Northern Europe waged war to bring their religion to the south.
Germany was largely Roman Catholic, causing Protestants in the region to revolt.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 18 (Worth 5 points)
(07.06 MC)
The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia was primarily a result of
an extreme political ideology
a religious war
a swift shift from an agricultural to industrial economy
an ethnic conflict
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 19 (Worth 5 points)
(07.04 LC)
How did the Soviet forces respond to Operation Barbarossa?
They focused on battles in France, allowing the German army to capture Moscow.
They surrounded the German army and defeated them at Stalingrad.
They ignored German advancements, focusing instead on the Italian invasion.
They launched air raids on Moscow to prevent the German army from taking the arms stored
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 20 (Worth 5 points)
(08.07 LC)
The PATRIOT Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in 2002 in response to
the Oklahoma City bombing
the September 11 terrorist attacks
the London Underground bombing
concerns over anthrax attacks and bioterrorism
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 21 (Worth 5 points)
(08.01 LC)
During the Cold War the Soviet Union supported government control of production while the United
States supported
private investment
communal farms
labor unions
arms building
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 22 (Worth 5 points)
(06.03 MC)
The passage below is an excerpt from Robert Owen's A New View of Society (1813—1816). Use the
passage to answer the following question:
Proceed systematically on principles of…kindness, yet retaining and using, with the least possible
severity, the means of restraining crime from immediately injuring society, and by degrees even the
crimes now existing in the adults will also gradually disappear.—Public Domain
Which theory, described in this passage, was rejected by Karl Marx?
laissez-faire economics
classical liberalism
utopian socialism
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 23 (Worth 5 points)
(06.02 MC)
How did the invention of the cotton gin contribute to the Industrial Revolution?
It allowed multiple cotton threads to be spun at the same time, increasing the quality of cotton
It made it possible for two people to operate a loom, decreasing the number of factory workers
It produced more durable cotton thread that was not mixed with linen, making it less expensive
to produce.
It simplified the process of removing seeds from cotton fibers, increasing in the production of
raw cotton.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 24 (Worth 5 points)
(05.01 MC)
Use the map below that shows the populations of European countries to answer the following
© 2012 Roke
Creative Commons, Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
Which of the following conclusions is supported by the map?
Eastern European countries are more populated than western European countries.
The least populous European countries have a population below one million.
Countries that are surrounded by bodies of water are the most populous.
Most European countries have a population over 80 million.
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 25 (Worth 5 points)
(08.01 LC)
Why did President Eisenhower create the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)?
to compete with the Soviet space program
to keep the homeland safe from foreign attack
to create a more powerful weapon than an atomic bomb
to prevent nuclear arms building
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 26 (Worth 5 points)
(05.06 LC)
What historical event changed Napoleon's identity from that of a conqueror to that of a failure?
the Battle of Borodino
the Battle of Waterloo
the Concert of Europe
the Coup of Brumaire
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 27 (Worth 5 points)
(07.03 MC)
Economic conditions after World War I led to
an increased interest in overseas imperialism by European nations
a rise in authoritarian governments and fascism in Europe
the successful implementation of The Treaty of Versailles
a sense of isolationism amongst the nations of Europe
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 28 (Worth 5 points)
(06.02 MC)
The following lines are from English poet William Blake's well-known hymn "Jerusalem." The phrase
"the countenance divine" means "the face of God." Use the lines to answer the following question:
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark Satanic mills?
Why does Blake refer to the mills as "dark Satanic"?
He believed that they increased reliance on foreign trade.
He believed that they were causing social and environmental harm.
He believed that they curbed the growth of agricultural spaces in big cities.
He believed that they conflicted with democratic values.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 29 (Worth 5 points)
(07.05 MC)
Japan surrendered within days after
Emperor Hirohito was dethroned
Germany's total surrender
an atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki
the Soviets entered the war in the Pacific
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 30 (Worth 5 points)
(07.02 MC)
Why did Germany strongly oppose the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
The terms outlined severe economic consequences for Germany.
The United Nations had not gained the support of its member nations for this treaty.
Objection stemmed from the fact that the United States would not ratify the treaty.
Germany denied its use of submarine warfare during World War I.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 31 (Worth 5 points)
(05.03 LC)
Who wrote The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and discovered the force of gravity?
René Descartes
Isaac Newton
Tycho Brahe
Nicholas Copernicus
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 32 (Worth 5 points)
(07.03 MC)
A common trait in the rise to power of Hitler and Mussolini was that they both
ended unemployment universally
eliminated all other political parties
supported freedom of the press
encouraged labor unions
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 33 (Worth 5 points)
(05.05 LC)
What did Enlightenment philosopher Montesquieu argue in his book The Spirit of the Laws?
governments should be divided into three branches
governments should control individual rights
governments should limit public education
governments should pass laws to protect slavery
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 34 (Worth 5 points)
(08.01 MC)
Use the map below to answer the following question:
© 2012 Mosedschurte Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
From this map, you can determine that
Soviet influences spread across Eastern Europe sharply during and after World War II
the number of Soviet satellite states decreased significantly right after World War II
after World War II the territories of Germany were controlled by the Soviet Union
Germany and the Soviet Union shared territories across Europe after World War II
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 35 (Worth 5 points)
(05.05/6 HC)
How did Baron de Montesquieu's beliefs influence the development of the United States
The importance of establishing a social contract between the people and the government
influenced the framing of the United States Constitution.
The importance of ensuring no one person or branch in government held all the power
influenced the framing of the United States Constitution.
The importance of limiting the natural self-interest of human beings influenced the framing of
the United States Constitution.
The importance of reasserting the divine right of the monarchy to rule influenced the framing of
theUnited States Constitution.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 36 (Worth 5 points)
(05.05 LC)
How did the Reformation contribute to the birth of the Enlightenment?
it challenged the traditional authority of the Church
it encouraged observation, hypothesis, and experimentation
it rejected claims of corruption in the Church
it promoted Biblical text as the only source of knowledge
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 37 (Worth 5 points)
(06.04 HC)
How is the lasting negative impact of imperialism most evident in the 21st century?
Former British colonies now belong to the British Commonwealth.
Many former colonies refuse to industrialize.
Borders created by imperialist nations have led to modern ethnic tensions.
Many national leaders in formerly colonized nations embrace democracy.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 38 (Worth 5 points)
(06.06 MC)
How were the independence movements in Vietnam and Kenya similar?
Both nations achieved independence from British rule.
Both movements involved violent conflicts.
Both nations were abandoned during the war.
Both movements were unsuccessful due to civil wars.
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 39 (Worth 5 points)
(08.06 MC)
Why did suburbs in the United States grow in the period after World War II?
lack of jobs in urban areas due to economic recession sent Americans looking for work in the
lack of housing in cities due to lingering war damage led Americans to abandon urban homes
government programs forced families from cities to settle rural areas
growing families moved out of crowded urban areas to seek more space
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 40 (Worth 5 points)
(07.02 MC)
How did gas warfare change the face of combat during World War I?
Soldiers had to wear special masks to protect themselves.
It replaced the use of air raids and machine guns in battle.
It led to mass military desertions on the battlefields.
Chemicals such as mustard gas replaced trench warfare.
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 41 (Worth 5 points)
(08.06 MC)
Which of the following is an example of cultural diffusion?
women in North Africa wearing jeans and blazers
women in India wearing native dress or saris
children in Ecuador helping with family business
children in America singing the national anthem
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 42 (Worth 5 points)
(06.04 LC)
What caused the First Opium War?
Chinese confiscation and destruction of British opium
Chinese support for the Boxer Rebellion
British efforts to increase opium prices
British attempts to force China to accept opium as payment
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 43 (Worth 5 points)
(06.05 MC)
Which of the following was an effect following German unification?
The European balance of power broke down.
Austria became part of Germany.
Germans had no need for diplomacy.
Cavour took over as German Chancellor.
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 44 (Worth 5 points)
(08.07 LC)
What is the primary goal of religious fundamentalism?
to force the widespread practice of a religion in a particular region
to bring the religion back to its core values and teachings
to spread religious beliefs and views through acts of violence
to ensure the practice of religious tolerance in a particular region
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 45 (Worth 5 points)
(05.04 LC)
Early computers took up entire rooms. Which of these dramatically reduced the size of computers?
compact discs
digital-video discs
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 46 (Worth 5 points)
(05.02 MC)
What role did religion play in absolute and constitutional monarchies?
Priests led the movement for constitutional monarchy because absolute monarchs limited the
Church's power.
Constitutional monarchs were all Catholic, while absolute monarchs had many religions.
Absolute monarchy went against Protestant beliefs, causing people to support constitutional
Absolute monarchs believed in the divine right to rule, while constitutional monarchies gave
more religious freedom.
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 47 (Worth 5 points)
(05.03 MC)
In what way did Descartes' philosophy of science challenge medieval views?
Descartes said that God could be found and analyzed in the same way that a machine could be.
Descartes emphasized the role of doubt, while medieval thinkers emphasized the role of faith.
Descartes rejected religious belief and said that the visible world is the only world that exists.
Descartes believed faith was the only path to truth, while medieval thinkers rejected the Bible.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 48 (Worth 5 points)
(08.06 MC)
How are developed nations and developing nations similar?
Both participate in in multinational groups.
Both experience high death rates.
Both experience high birth rates.
Both have large industrial bases.
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 49 (Worth 5 points)
(05.06 MC)
Which economic factor was a chief cause of the French Revolution?
France did not have a middle class.
The First and Second Estates were less wealthy than the Third Estate.
King Louis XVI refused to share tax revenue with nobles.
The burden of taxes in France fell primarily on the Third Estate.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 50 (Worth 5 points)
(05.03 MC)
How did Renaissance humanism prepare the way for the Scientific Revolution?
Essay Submission
(your name)
The scientific revolution paved the way to the enlightenment by breaking the
dependence of research on the church, and introducing the scientific method as a way of
discovering truth through experimentation rather than divine revelation.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 51 (Worth 5 points)
(05.05 HC)
How did Enlightenment ideas influence modern beliefs about the importance of education? Support
your answer with specific examples and evidence from the lessons.
Essay Submission
(your name)
Enlightenment influenced modern education by going away from divine explanations to
empirical explanations. In Science, no longer did people look toward god, but they
looked toward math and data to explain the world around them.
Points earned on this question: 5
Question 52 (Worth 10 points)
(07.07 MC)
Why was NATO formed following World War II?
Essay Submission
(your name)
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 by the United States,
Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the
Soviet Union. NATO was the first peacetime military alliance the United States entered
into outside of the Western Hemisphere.
Points earned on this question: 10