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Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
(e.g., Division, Region, Department)
Director, Client Finance and Administrative
Client Finance and Administrative Services
(e.g., Branch, Area, District)
Strategic Leadership (SL)
Public Guardian and Trustee
The Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia is a corporation sole, created under the Public Guardian and
Trustee Act which operates independently under provincial legislation to protect the legal and financial interests of minors;
manage the legal, financial, health and personal care interests of adults under mental disability; and administer the
estates of deceased and missing persons. As a result of obligations created by statute, the Public Guardian and Trustee
exercises quasi-judicial authority in specified situations. In addition, the Public Guardian and Trustee is called upon to
provide independent comments to the Court when the legal or financial interests of minors, adults under mental disability
or estates are at risk. The Public Guardian and Trustee is independent of government in its case-related decision making
The Public Guardian and Trustee strives to promote family involvement in securing appropriate protection for individuals
or their estates. The Public Guardian and Trustee must observe prudent business practices, is bound by fiduciary
principles and is ultimately accountable to the Court. The Services of the Public Guardian and Trustee extend to clients
resident throughout the province and, less frequently, in other provinces and countries throughout the world.
Reporting to the PGT, the Director, Client Finance and Administrative Services (accountable as Chief Financial Officer)
works with independence and exerts significant influence across the organization by providing strategic direction and
advice to the PGT and Executive Committee on all matters related to corporate financial policies, expenditures, revenue,
investment portfolio strategy, and information technology. The Director, Client Finance and Administrative Services is
responsible for the financial viability of the organization in terms of appropriate balancing of earnings and expenditures
over the short and long term to ensure sustained self-funding of the corporation. The position is fully accountable for a
diverse range of corporate services including financial management, budget development and implementation,
investment management services, investigative services, information technology, client asset management, human
resource management, and corporate administrative services including facilities and safety and security. Acting as the
Chief Financial Officer, the incumbent is accountable to the PGT for the financial integrity of all financial decisions and
transactions covering approximately $914 million in Estates and Trusts Administered and $163 million in disbursements,
ensuring effective internal controls, standards, and reporting are in place and that the organization operates within its
revenue targets and approved budgets.
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The Director, Client Finance and Administrative Services provides leadership and direction in the delivery of a broad range of
corporate services that support the 3 Year Service Delivery Plan of the PGT. The incumbent works closely with senior
Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Finance officials, Treasury Board Staff, Auditor General, Comptroller General, Corporate
Security, financial banking officials, investment dealers, senior legal counsel, external audit firms, tax service accounting
firms, insurance brokers, property managers and government officials. Key contacts include:
PGT EXECUTIVE – provides corporate and financial advice and strategic planning direction on short and long term
business initiatives, revenue and expenditure projections, investment issues, information and technology issues,
related policy matters, the enterprise risk management framework and internal controls;
CENTRAL AGENCIES OF GOVERNMENT – executive contact with Treasury Board Staff, Comptroller General, Auditor
General, and Public Service Agency, Corporate Security and Shared Services;
BANKS, FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT ADVISORS – executive contact with senior banking, financial, investment and
portfolio fund managers;
GOVERNMENT MINISTRIES AND AGENCIES – represents the PGT with Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Finance senior
staff, Service BC, Public Service Agency and other government ministry officials, and executive contact with the BC
Investment Management Corporation.
External Advisory Committees – attends all Audit Advisory Committee meetings and all Investment Advisory
Committee meetings.
Within the mandate and corporate philosophy of the PGT, the Director exercises independent judgment in all areas and
directs the work of professional staff who perform six major functions:
Client Financial Services is responsible for the day to day management of client financial services within the
Estates and Trusts Administered entity. Computerized financial systems process cash receipts, produce payments
on behalf of clients, distribute investment income, record real property sales, and other financial transactions. The
department also maintains the security and integrity of the assets of clients, valued at $914 million, as well as
liabilities totaling $36 million and develops annual audited financial statements.
Corporate Financial Services is responsible for operating and capital budgeting, forecasting, reporting, payment
processing and corporate contract and revenue management for the Operating Account entity. The department
develops financial models, projects revenues and operating expenses, sets out multi-year business plans, prepares
Treasury Board submissions, produces monthly financial management reports of revenue and expenditures, and
develops annual audited financial statements. Solutions are provided to senior management regarding financial
issues affecting the viability of the PGT.
Investment Services is responsible for establishing and managing effective investment plans on behalf of clients
and for overseeing the overall investment management process. This includes the day to day management and
evaluation of the Investment Portfolio, providing advice for existing client investments, performance measurement,
supporting the Investment Advisory Committee and developing policies and procedures.
Facilities and Administrative Services is responsible for the delivery of corporate administrative services, the
corporate administrative services section is accountable for effective delivery of internal administrative services such
as records and archiving, mail services, telephone systems, purchasing goods and services, safety and security, the
provision of office equipment and all facilities including the Vancouver headquarters, warehouse and regional offices
in Kelowna and Victoria.
Field Services is responsible for client investigative services, and warehouse management of client physical assets.
Information and Technology Services is responsible for providing all technology, network, hardware, software,
disaster recovery capabilities and support services independent of all government central agencies. The suite of
systems applications performs complex online banking functions, trust fund accounting, full enterprise-wide case
management, portal, web site, personal computer and other business applications.
The Director participates as a member of the Public Guardian and Trustee’s Executive Committee in developing the
corporate vision and defining short and long term strategic and operational plans, monitoring the external environment,
responding to broad policy issues and the continual evaluation of service programs and communications initiatives. The
Director provides management, financial, administrative and technology solutions to the PGT and Executive. The Director
provides human resource coordination as the primary strategic and operational contact between the PGT and the Public
Service Agency of the government of British Columbia. The Director manages a number of strategic projects staffed by
external contractors. As CFO, the Director is responsible for overall risk for the organization.
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Accountable as the Chief Financial Officer to provide transformational leadership in the delivery of corporate best
practices, including the management of professional investigations and asset security; revenue and collection; prudent
investment; financial accounting, tax, insurance, property management and banking services; reporting and internal
To advise and inform the PGT on the development and implementation of long term strategic objectives and short term
operating goals to identify and protect the needs and assets of clients including the proactive identification and
resolution of strategic and policy issues impacting PGT clients.
To provide, as Chief Financial Officer, overall policy direction to management and staff in the administration of the
financial affairs of clients that enable PGT staff to be part of clients’ personal support networks to contribute to the
client decision making process.
To lead the investment strategy for the PGT Estates and Trusts Administered by setting out an appropriate investment
portfolio mix that takes into account financial policies under applicable legislation and regulations, investment
performance objectives, performance measures, and the overall investment strategy while maintaining the security and
safety of the capital.
To ensure the Operating Account is sufficient to sustain the self-financing requirements of the PGT by maintaining an
effective balance between revenue, expenditures and contingencies, undertaking financial projects based on current
and future needs, and identifying potential revenue sources and cost cutting initiatives.
To lead the development of the annual budgeting process, undertaking multi-year budget planning initiatives, and
monitoring budget spending and other financial commitments to ensure expenditures and reporting requirements are in
accordance with the annual corporate business plan, the Public Guardian and Trustee Act, the Financial
Administration Act and the method of accounting under which the PGT Operating Account financial statements and the
Estates and Trusts Administered financial statements are prepared.
To ensure appropriate policies, investigative and security measures are undertaken to identify, protect and secure the
assets of approximately 32,000 clients with a value of approximately $914 million.
To ensure enterprise-wide risk management policies, procedures and standards are in place in accordance with
international risk management standards. Establishes parameters for minimizing risk and liability to the corporation
and its employees, implements appropriate insurance provisions, and incorporates a risk-based approach to the
development of service delivery plans and internal audit plans;
To provide leadership in the strategic planning, development and delivery of benchmark information technology service
initiatives, including the transition from paper based client records and procedures to electronic records and document
management, case management, electronic forms, best practice payment systems, enterprise-wide portal services,
seamlessly integrated support systems and the revitalization to best practice standards of core client financial systems.
To lead the planning and implementation of the organization’s human resource requirements and HR services and
ensure effective performance planning and career development programs are in place to address short and long term
corporate and individual needs.
To provide progressive leadership and direction to staff responsible for the day to day operation of the Client Finance
and Administrative Services Division and to create a work environment which encourages and motivates staff and
provides opportunities for career development and succession planning.
To maintain positive working relationships and formal and informal communication and liaison channels with related
government Ministries and private sector financial, audit, tax, insurance, property management, technology and
investment services providers.
Public Guardian and Trustee FTEs:
CFAS Division FTEs:
Operating Budget - Expenditures:
Operating Budget - Revenues and Vote:
Trust Assets under Administration:
Trust Receipts:
Trusts Disbursements:
64 (plus contractors 10 -20)
$25 million
$26 million
$914 million
$197 million
$163 million
DIRECT SUPERVISION (i.e., responsibility for signing the employee appraisal form)
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Directly supervises staff
Supervises staff through subordinate supervisors
# of Regular FTE’s
# of Auxiliary FTE’s
64 (plus 10 – 20
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CLR 11
AO 14
See Chart
See Chart
See Chart
See Chart
See Chart
CLR 11
CLR 11
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Education and/or Occupational Certification
 Professional accounting designation (CGA, CA or CMA).
 Post graduate degree in a relevant discipline an advantage.
Experience and/or Achievements
 Ten years executive experience in finance, administration and systems.
 Organizational finance, corporate planning and budgeting
 Human resources (classification, labour relations, recruitment, training, payroll)
 Personal financial planning and investments
 Investment strategies
 Trust fund accounting and reporting
 Information systems and technology
 Internal controls and audit requirements
 Administrative processes
 Contract management
 Financial organizations and service providers
 Public sector finance and administration, structure, core policy and procedures and Treasury Board processes
 Governance and organizational structures
 Performance management and service delivery planning
 Risk management
 Facilities management
 Corporate security
 Business continuity, disaster recovery planning
Skills and Abilities
 Strategic planning and development
 Operational planning
 Performance measurement
 Analytical and decision making
 Policy analysis and development
 Conflict resolution and negotiations
 Initiative, judgment and discretion
 Oral, written communication and presentation
 Team development and supervision of senior employees and contract staff
 Leadership and mentorship
 Political acumen
 Occasional travel is required
Leadership Competencies
1. Organizational Leadership
 Effective leader of government organizations and other public sector organizations of similar size and
complexity to the PGT.
 Strategic thinker with a strong sense of vision.
 Can describe the future of the PGT to internal and external stakeholders in compelling terms, promoting
enthusiasm and commitment in others.
 Effective at ensuring the vision and strategies are translated into action.
 Fosters strong organizational values.
 Establishes organization structures and manages financial and human resources to achieve significant
results, even in times of ongoing fiscal restraint.
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2. Results Management
 Has a proven track record in accomplishing objectives.
 Action oriented, able to anticipate the short and long-term consequences of strategies and develop backup
strategies to deal with potential negative outcomes.
 Able to instigate and promote substantial change positively.
 Able to deal with serious, time sensitive issues; can manage a number of crises simultaneously while
remaining focused.
 Achieves organizational objectives despite budget fluctuations or constraints.
3. Organizational Awareness
 Understands the inner workings of government, the public service, and PGT in terms of structure, processes
and key players.
 Actively develops this awareness in order to effectively position the organization to achieve strategic
 Recognizes organization limitation and utilizes partnerships and collaboration, when possible, to achieve
common goals.
4. Change Leadership
 Can design and implement significant change within large complex organizations.
 Can adjust to the demands of the changing work environment in order to remain productive through periods
of transition, ambiguity or uncertainty.
 Responds quickly to emerging opportunities and risks.
 Able to work effectively with a broad range of situations, business and technical specialties, people and
 At ease with ambiguity and risk in knowing that some decisions must be taken before all the facts are
available. Has the courage to propose courses of action that others may hesitate to suggest.
 Ensures identification, implementation and continuity of best practices in spite of organization demands.
Interpersonal relations competencies
5. Interpersonal Relations/ Teamwork/ Partnering
 Interacts effectively with public and private sector individuals in order to advance the work of the PGT,
maintains relationships and produces “win-win” results. Through persuasion and assertiveness gains support
for ideas and issues, influences peers and superiors and effectively represents the organization’s interests to
other groups.
 Able to empower and coach team members and deal with performance and challenging situations in a
productive manner.
 Contributes actively with other PGT executives, which includes working effectively with peers towards
strategic, operational and practical solutions.
 Negotiates mutually acceptable solutions by trying to understand the positions, thoughts, concerns and
feelings of others. Recognizes that diversity of experience and knowledge enhances the quality of the PGT’s
 Shares common goals, solves problems, and works hand in hand for the common good of clients and the
staff of the PGT.
6. Communication
 Adapts communication to ensure that different audiences understand the key messages. Uses a variety of
communication vehicles to foster open communication within the PGT and across the broad spectrum of
 Appreciates the importance of being a good listener, providing opportunities for others to have input, listening
for underlying nuances and messages, and conveying an understanding of the key points being
Personal competencies
7. Cognitive Capacity / Creativity
 Possesses the cognitive capacity to understand and respond strategically to the complexities inherent in
trust and fiduciary services.
 Possesses strong business acumen and takes good decisions using sound judgment.
 Able to understand complex and diverse client service delivery issues and to interpret key trends in
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demographics and alternative service models, and develop viable policy and business options that are
acceptable from multiple points of view.
Responds to challenges with innovative solutions and policies. Demonstrates a willingness to question
conventional means of service delivery.
8. Ethics and Values
 Demonstrates the highest ethical and professional behaviour.
 Treats people fairly, with dignity and consistent with organizational culture and values.
 Honours commitment and consistently strives to act in the best interest of clients by ensuring that fiduciary
and trust responsibilities are not violated.
 Protects fairness, avoids conflict of interest and maintains political and interpersonal neutrality. Known for
doing the right thing for the right reason: ensures that actions are aligned with principles.
9. Personality/Stamina/Stress Resistance
 Possesses the ability to set challenging goals and the tenacity to pursue them over the long term. Has the
maturity and self control to maintain focus and composure in the midst of complex logical problems
emanating from stressful interactions.
 Able to resist the stress and remain energized in the face of difficult demands and prolonged exposure to
Technical Competencies
10. Senior Financial and Administrative Expertise
 Senior executive expertise in financial management and administration including financial and budget
management and control, risk management theory, e-services, computer and information technology theory
and practice, facilities management, experience representing organizations to key external partners, project
management, experience developing, evaluating strategic policy, particularly related to financial and
corporate services; and experience in managing complex organizations with a focus on effective and efficient
client and corporate services.
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