Download Qualification test 3 (The Soviet period) QUESTIONS: Currents of

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Qualification test 3 (The Soviet period)
1) Currents of thought in 19th century:
a) The socialist movement
 Populism
 Marxism
 What were differences between Populism and Marxism?
b) What socialist and liberal parties of the beginning of 20th century do you know?
Describe them and tell differences between them.
2) Revolutionary events of 20th century:
 Tell about three Russian revolutions, their causes and results.
 What was an attitude of socialist parties to the Provisional Government? Why?
 What was an attitude of Vladimir Lenin to the Provisional Government? What do
you know about the Vladimir Lenin's views of Socialist Revolution in Russia?
3) The beginning of the Soviet State:
 Tell about the establishment of the Bolshevik government, headed by V. Lenin.
 Tell about the international policy of the Soviet government in 1917-1920-s years.
 What do you know about the Civil War in Russia?
 Tell about the economic policy of the Soviet government at the period of 19191941yeras.
4) The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 years:
 What policy did the Soviet Union initiated against the Nazy Germany and what
was the reaction of European countries to this initiative? What do you know about
the Munich Agreement?
 What was a result of negotiations between the USSR and Poland on the eve of
World War II? What were the actions of the Soviet Union after the beginning of
World War II?
 Tell about the Treaties between the Soviet Union the Nazy Germany which were
concluded on August and September in 1939.
 Tell about the transfer of state border westward.
 When did the Great Patriotic War broke out? How did events of the first days of
war developed for the soviet troops? What mistakes were made by the Soviet
government that days?
 Tell about the major battles of the Great Patriotic War. What was their importance
for the course of the World War II as a whole?
 When was the end of the Great Patriotic War?