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Position paper for the delegation of China
Represented by the committee of OZANAM
Delegates : RENNUIT Brieuc ; CLIQUENOIS Julien
Topic : UN Women
In 1979, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women was
adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and has been ratified by 189 states. The
education for girls was also defended by Malala Yousafzai’s speeches. But today, women are
again disadvantaged in some field and countries. In China, the equality between men and
women was advocated since the foundation of the popular republic of China, “Women support
half of the sky” has say Mao Zedong. The government employed legislatives, administrative
and educational modes to delete discriminations of women and to defend their rights. The
Republic of China has ratified in 2007 the CEDAW. Today, Chinese women have an equality
that China never didn’t know during her history.
Women’s access to education :
Inequality between men and women persist in education access : in 1990, the average time of
education for men is 6,6 years whereas 4,7 for women, and in 2010, 8,8 years of education for
men and 9,1 years for women. There are also inequality between urban and rural women : 3,5 %
of women are uneducated in urban zones to 6,6 % in rural zones.
China improved in the 1980s the access to education, and from 1999, Out of 1 million admitted
candidates, 700,000 were women. Today, NGOs like Chinese Human Right’s Defense are
created to protect and denounce inequalities and abuses.
Equality in the workplace :
Historically, the popular republic of China is one of countries that most allowed women to
access to labor market. But, there are today inequality, in 2011, the NGO China Labor Watch
denounce the work conditions of women in factory : wages unequaled, compulsory overtime,
privation of day off. Moreover Beijing’s university raised that one woman of four was denied
a job because of her gender. The average annual salary for men is 6756 yuans and for women
is 5739 yuans. Today, the World Economic Forum says China ranks 69th in terms of gender
In 1978, the Republic of China instituted reforms in the agricultural domain, this reforms
allowed a significant re-emergence of the economic role of women. From 1992, the creations
of special economic zone leaded by Deng Xiaoping offered to women new employment. The
Chinese constitution of 1982 reaffirmed the equality between men and women in all domain of
everyday life, in particular, assured to women the same right to obtain employment which men.