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What do you think the letters EAC stand for?
Why do you think the EAC was created?
Why did it collapse?
What was the positioning of Tanzania during the Cold War?
-The trade agreements between Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
facilitated the 1967 Treaty for East African Cooperation, which
included the formation of the East African Community (EAC).
- But it lasted for ten years, the economic philosophies
disagreements between Nyerere and the president of Kenya led to a
split between the two leaders. Kenya preferred a modified capitalist
model, whereas Tanzania was pushing forward with self-reliance.
- As neither country could agree on the amount that each country
should contribute financially to the EAC.
- Nyerere closed the border between the countries, the tourist
industry fell, the revenue decreased. The border remained closed
until 1982.
-Nyerere supported the liberation struggles in southern Africa.
- Nyerere targeted what he saw as racist regimes in Mozambique,
Southern Rhodesia and South Africa.
-An alliance of Front Line States (FLS) was later formed between
Tanzania, Zambia and Bostwana with the objective of supporting
southern liberation movements.
- The freeing of Mozambique and Angola, and the independence of
Zimbabwe showed the success of this alliance.
- Nyerere allowed political refugees to enter Tanzania and also
permitted independence-supporting groups such as the Pan-African
Congress, Front for the Liberation of Mozambique and others set
offices there.
- This support for groups from socialist nations caused friction with
Western aid donors such as Britain and USA, but Nyerere was firm
with the support.
-Tanzania traditionally kept a non-aligned position, preferring not to
be linked to any ideological bloc.
- Up until the end of 1963, Tanganyika aligned itself with Britain,
partly as a result of the development aid Britain was supplying.
- Following the creation of Tanzania in April 1964, Nyerere was
forced to rethink the direction of his foreign policy.
- Tanzania began to explore the idea of moving closer to other
socialist states, while still remaining non-aligned.
- Nyerere was determined to reduce dependence on West Germany
and Britain.
- When Tanzania broke relations with Britain over the situation in
Rhodesia, China offered Tanzania $400 million of aid.
- By 1967, Tanzania was globally recognized as non-aligned and was
receiving support from a large number of countries, including the
-In the meantime, relations between Uganda and Tanzania had been
deteriorating since 1971, when Idi Amin Dada overthrew a longtime
friend of Nyerere Milton Obote in a coup d’état.
-The disputes between Nyerere and Amin gradually escalated,
culminating in a war in 1978, when Ugandan soldiers attacked the
province of Kagera.
- Nyerere appealed the Organization for African Unity (OAU) to
impose economic sanctions, but the OAU did not take any direct
action and just suggested both parties to stop fighting.
- Nyerere ordered the Tanzanian army to attack Uganda, which
resulted in the occupation of Kampala and the end of Amin’s
government in April 1979.
-Nyerere imposed himself as the de facto leader, removing any
potential Amin’s successors from power.
- The cost of this war was big, estimated at almost $500 million, and
a tremendous impact on the economic situation.
-After becoming independent, Nyerere identified three main issues:
poverty, disease and ignorance.
- Three sectors of Tanganyikan society would be targeted to receive
priority financing: agriculture, communication and education.
- Nyerere introduced a series of Five Year Plans (1964-69, 1969-74,
1976-81, 1981-86), following the Stalinist and Maoist models.
- Despite the financial support given to business and industry by the
government during the First Five Year Plan, the economic growth
was disappointing and the population increased.